Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1509 Chapter 1505 Moon War (21)

The Alpha Hominid appears to have reached the end of its designed lifespan, with obvious signs of aging in its appearance.

Even so, the artificial creature remains strong. As a labor caste separated from the command of the community, it is quite strange to cooperate with an Inhuman. It is certain that the Alpha primitives will never be able to remember the characteristics of any customer, so that noseless people will always dominate the business. right. But no one here wants to explore how this alpha-original team-up with the Inhumans would work.

In the eyes of this Alpha Primitive, who has a name instead of a number, the guest is indeed only Gronov Rutuv, and the shadows pouring into the pipe behind Gronov Rutov are nothing - Alpha Primitive Unable to understand such a thing, and not curious about the identity of Gronov Rutov. Being tall and wearing power armor is not that special in Attilan, especially to No Nose and this stupid big guy. It is something that belongs to the upper class. They have never seen it before and it is normal - but no nose. It was a little surprised that its always keen sense of smell didn't work, but that was all. Even if its amblyopic eyes had not been dug out, it could not see the scene of the pipe being filled to the brim with five giants.

Nose gripped the pipe grate firmly and with the help of the hinges re-sealed the pipe with a loud bang. Except for the deliberate footsteps of Gronov Rutov, the other genetically modified warriors all quietly stepped on the rusty iron walls of the pipes and dirty water, without making any sound, and they had no noses to listen to the footsteps. As the sound gradually faded away, I gradually felt relieved. Under the observation of the monitor left outside by the team, Nose, who closed the pipe, wiped the rust on his pants, and then resumed his idle and idle state, moving a lot of construction debris and discarded furniture Something blocked the exit, leaving only a viewing hole.

Gronov Rutov thought he needed to push the Alpha Guide to hurry up, lest the low-IQ idiot be distracted by stains on the pipes again, but the Alpha was a pro. Not only did it not inquire about the origin of Gronov Rutov (perhaps because its intelligence level did not allow it), nor did it look back, nor was it attracted by anything, it just kept moving forward, skillfully moving forward. It keeps moving forward through the intricate pipeline, executing only single-threaded commands as it was originally designed.

Gronov Lutov did not have a good impression of this creature, because the Alpha Primitives were created by the Attilan Inhumans to play with human genes. The best outcome for these Alpha Primitives is to become the last generation of Alpha Primitives after the war. , sacrificing everything to transform Attilan. The worse ones will have to go to Mars or asteroid mines to mine industrial raw materials, and the worse ones may even become raw materials for servitor biomass.

Regardless of whether the war is won or not, this disgusting creature will never appear again in the future.

This boring journey lasted for more than an hour, so long that the olfactory organs of the genetically modified soldiers began to become numb to the lingering stench in the pipes of this row house. Through the Sky Eagle mark left in the pipeline, Gronov Rutov confirmed that the Alpha primitive had not taken the wrong path, but he could not imagine a taller than a genetically modified warrior, wearing a star-like golden armor. The scene of the Royal Guards shuttling through such pipes with sewage flowing across it.

In the short-range communication channel, other team members also had the same imagination. The bright blood-red uniforms of the Imperial Guards would definitely not look good if stained, and the reliefs and gems on the golden power armor would not be as glorious either-- The Guards took the lead in this mission, representing the Emperor's determination that the mission was too difficult and that the reconnaissance team needed enough help, enough firepower, and enough bombs - Gronov Lutov's magnetic belt buckle He carries three melta grenades, which can be used as engineering explosives, and other powerful weapons such as plasma weapons are also carried by other warriors, which are enough to deal with a battle that can make mortals despair. Gronov Rutov couldn't imagine how much help a Janissary could provide unless that Janissary brought an entire magazine or brought a main battle tank.

"It's exploding." The Alpha primitive finally said something. It took out a dirty helmet from the debris piled in the pipe, "The gap is huge, you can't breathe." After saying that, it put on the helmet on its own, as if the reminder just now was watching the oxygen gradually disappear. The thin present and forced routine seem to be some kind of competitive advantage in the service industry.

This is not impossible. Nose is definitely not the only snakehead in the civilian clan who can sneak into the territory of other clans. Nose's usual business was taken away by those mutants with connections, but the smugglers who made money responded to the royal family's call and went to the shelter. Only low-level pariahs like Nose continued their original jobs because they could not leave. This mutant knows very well that his business may not be able to continue after the crisis. He must have an advantage over other low-level stowaways who are also unable to leave and seize this opportunity that will never appear again to make a fortune.

Therefore, this reminder from Alpha Primitive Man is most likely the result of rigorous training.

Gronov Rutov, who left the pipeline, had no such sense of humor. After leaving the pipe, he immediately led his team to jump onto an aerial steel beam. The noseless smuggling service ended here. After throwing the bag of narcotic powder to the Alpha primitive, the genetically modified warrior left without looking back. The simple-minded slave did not worry too much about not seeing the guest. This matter, he took the reward and left in silence. Compared with the bottom of the civilian clan, the environment of the Kimilian clan is obviously much better, but as a slave settlement, it is not much better. Gronov Lutov led a team across the garbage dump and got into Another pipe with the golden eagle mark.

After leaving this pipeline, even the genetically modified warriors noticed anomalies. Something huge and invisible rolled over the residential area, then stretched out tentacles from the shadows of the pipes below. The power armor seemed unable to resist the scrutiny of the invisible thing. This was an indescribable feeling, as if the memories in everyone's brain had been dug out, crushed and kneaded, and special emotions were forcibly aroused. There is something unknown and terrifying going on here, a feeling the Gronov Rutov team is all too familiar with, as one of their first missions was to confront this irresistible thing.

"Witchcraft is everywhere in the air." The adjutant gently opened a nearby shed made of metal and plastic, and the stench of death poured out from the open door. Gronov Rutov saw a group of people wearing civilian clothes lying on the ground. Judging from their size and number, they should be a family. There is no obvious mutation but they are wearing the costumes of the Kimilian clan, indicating that this family is a clan slave, an exception and unspoken rule of the so-called equality declaration of the Attilan gene royal family. "There is no obvious trauma. The cause of death may be brain damage. Their internal organs were taken away." The adjutant took the rapid diagnostic instrument from a team member. This was originally used for wounded genetically modified soldiers for rapid medical treatment. . The adjutant raised his head and looked into the distance. From their feet to the alley submerged by irregular buildings in the distance, the dead air became the only master here. "If we open every door here, it is very likely that we will see the same thing." scene. Why are these mutants doing this?”

"Don't think about the logic of witchcraft, Adjutant. Superstition has no reason." Gronov Rutov said, "Come on, I'm beginning to believe that a Praetorian Guard is really needed here."

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