Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1516 Moon War (28)

Black Bolt has no idea what's going on in the Genetic Council.

With the help of Tetanus, he and the Centaur clan warrior were busy starting the transportation backup generator set. Those generator sets were placed in places such as soldier dormitories, ammunition warehouses, and armories that may have once been the Attilan Star Fortress. After many years of renovation, the former purpose of those rooms has been unrecognizable, but they are still used by the Kree Empire. information systems and electromechanical systems. The Inhumans can only modify and modify this basis, trying to prevent the knowledge they once gained as slaves from passing away and being lost over time. However, this effort did not have much effect - although as the King of Attilan, But the Genetic Council does not participate in many public affairs - not to mention how surprised Black Bolt was when he saw the rusty touch panel at the door of the backup generator unit. He always thought that he had taken care of Attilan in order.

The Centaur clan warrior was not so fussy. He skillfully grabbed the edge of the touch panel with his claws and removed the entire panel casing. "I always wait until it breaks before repairing it. What's more, this is a backup generator set, which is usually not used." The Centaur clan warriors seemed not to be surprised by this kind of thing. After all, his background within the clan is not very noble, and can even be called low, otherwise he would not have left the clan and come to the clan alliance under the command of Black Bolt King. "Okay, turn on the power. Now just enter the password. It can be opened. Oh...Master key?"

Black Bolt nodded and handed a chip to the clan warrior.

As the victors of the civil war, the ancestors of the Attilan royal family gained control of all electronic systems in the Star Fortress. This chip is the highest-authority copy of the Star Fortress and is used by other members of the royal family. After inserting the key, the hydraulic explosion-proof door slowly opened with an ear-piercing scream. To be precise, it opened halfway. The lower part of the explosion-proof door was completely rusted with the moving track due to lack of maintenance. Then the tuning fork on Black Bolt's head shimmered white, and he hit the lower half of the explosion-proof air-tight door with his fist. It was like throwing a bomb inside, and a mixed cloud of rust powder and dust spurted out instantly, making him choke. The clan warrior kept coughing.

Black Bolt didn't fare much better, but he had received training and did not inhale dust. After all, no one wanted to see the consequences of him coughing or sneezing. The Centaur clan warrior rubbed his red and swollen eyes and coughed a few more times. He didn't have time to close the nictitating membrane that all amphibians have, and now he could only look around with eyes filled with tears. The console and floor in the room were covered with dust, and the electrostatic ventilation and filtering equipment had long since stopped functioning due to the loss of external power. "Okay, now it's time to start the equipment." He touched the big head of Tetanus. "I promise, it only takes ten minutes."

Derrick disappeared into the darkness first, watching the genetically modified warriors silently walking through the corridor.

He wasn't telling the truth, not at all. He had already conducted advance reconnaissance on this spire before the genetically modified warriors arrived, so he was very clear about his target. Although it was also necessary to carry out a beheading operation against the Kimilian Clan Wizards, he wanted more than just the lives of the mutant wizards, but a certain book in the Kimilian Clan Wizards Library - this was an instruction given to him by the Emperor. , the priority is second only to shutting down the independent shield system of the Kimilian clan - that book not only records the extremely dangerous dirty witchcraft of the Kree Empire, but also the legend about the birth of the Kree Empire thousands of years ago. , he must ensure that the book can be included in the library of the Guards to prepare for the future face of the Kree Empire.

Perhaps for ordinary people, this was a completely unnecessary thing, but Derrick first believed in the emperor's foresight. A long life brings a long-term perspective. For ordinary people, a plan of several decades is already quite a long time, but for the emperor and the imperial guards, it is still some kind of short-term plan. The time to destroy the Kree Empire will only come in the future, but preparations need to be made now - the Praetorian Guards quietly follow the genetically modified warriors along a path that was once crowded with Kimilian Clan mutants and is now just one. The terrifying corridor of corpses moved forward quietly. The mutant wizard I met before had a very high status, otherwise he would not have been chosen to carry out such a terrifying mission.

Nowadays, the low-level mutant wizards encountered by the genetically modified warriors can only perform the work of guiding the mutant crowd. They are completely unable to avoid the bombs and plasma balls shot from the shadows, and cannot delay their progress. Derrick jumped off the beam first and landed as lightly as a cat. He walked up to a mutant who was still lingering, squatted down and pinched its long lower jaw with his fingers, staring at its eyes that were blinded by his own blood and the blood of others. The tear glands secreted the last of the body fluids, trying to wash away the blood stained on the eyeballs. The eyelids opened and closed in vain, trying to restore clear vision, but no matter what it did, it was in vain.

"Who are you? Help me, please."

Derrick first used the translator to understand what the mutant said. Its limbs were shattered by explosives, its back was burned by the heat released by the warhead, and its consciousness gradually became blurred due to a large amount of blood loss. Without first aid and hemostasis, it would not survive for long, and Derrick had no idea of ​​saving it. He didn't even give any response, he just pinched its lower jaw mercilessly and made the eyes on the side of its cheek look at him.

"Video Record No. 162: The specimen was injured and freed from mind control, but the external stimulus threshold cannot be determined."

He loosened his fingers and dropped the mutant, unfazed by the calls for help from the Kimillian clan mutants. Derrick walked to the next sample first. This mutant specimen was the most seriously injured, for it was a wizard, also robed but not as gorgeous as the one encountered in the hall. Due to the danger of the target, the Gronov Rutov team immediately overkilled the wizard. When strict allocation of ammunition was required, they gave the mutant wizard three explosive bombs, destroying its bones. The body and internal organs were all blown out of the body, and the rest was burned to coke by the micro-fusion warhead. Derrick first lifted the mutant wizard's skull and used the power armor's detection system to quickly measure the mutant wizard's brain capacity.

"Video Record No. 163: The wizard sample has a brain capacity that is 0.03% greater than that of civilians. We do not rule out its abnormality." He dropped the skull and walked towards the next target, "Video Record No. 164: Wizard The brain volume of this sample is 0.01% higher than that of sample No. 162, but there is no clear status relationship between the two and cannot be used as an example for sociological research on mutants. Rapid genetic testing: Gene standard deviation score 321.3 %, total extermination is recommended.”

Mutant No. 162 gently tapped Derrick Xian’s boots with his fingers covered in sticky pus and blood.

"Yes, it's me, I'm not dead yet." It pretended to be relaxed and said in a gradually slower tone, "If I can't survive, can you let me die quickly? I'm very cold now, if you click A pot of fire will do, my friend." Derrick tilted his head and looked at this courageous mutant curiously. Perhaps accepting his doomed death, the mutant who was on the verge of losing too much blood began to become a little nagging, "I have no idea why I am here, I am still wearing pajamas. Oh, I can't tell now, This outfit looks great."

"What do you want?" Derrick asked first using a translator.

"Ah, you're not a robot." The mutant grinned, with no expression on the blood-stained deformed face. "I'm going to die, aren't I? I just want to find someone to talk to. I'm a doctor, I know. There's no way medical assistance would be possible in this situation, is there? Where are you from, a commoner clan?"

Derrick nodded first and swung his garrison spear downwards to cut off the mutant's head.

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