Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 16 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are Professionals! (Please invest!)

After Coulson found Salomon's address, he planned to visit alone, but even though he was kind, he was still a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and a professional.

In the face of a target that may lose control at any time, he has notified the action team to stand by. Coulson took another deep breath, filling his lungs with icy cold air, increasing the oxygen content in his blood and energizing his nerves. For this operation, he must be prepared for the opponent to lose control. If necessary, he must draw the gun and kill the opponent as quickly as possible, even if it is a child.

"A small museum, there's no need to be so serious," Agent Sitwell said into the headset, "Maybe the goal is to put that ring in a museum, and make up a good story to attract tourists, so as to save it Horrible visitor flow. Do you know what I saw? This museum has almost zero visitor flow! Even from a distance, we didn’t see many people coming in and out. Colson, this kind of private museum in London Ride Yes, there are some in the attic, maybe you can see an old lady lying on an easy chair as soon as you open the door. Are you sure you don't need to act with me?"

"Sitwell, this is the first time I know that you like to joke so much. Don't worry, I have experienced this kind of mission many times, and you all know that we are all level-6 authorities." Coulson replied with a smile. He knew his colleagues wanted to put him at ease, because this time the target's abilities were dangerous and there was a risk of losing control.

But Coulson still planned to visit alone, he said, "I also know how bad the operation of this museum is, so I didn't conduct a pre-investigation. I am worried that the target's mood will be unstable, and many strangers will suddenly come together. Visiting can lead to a stress response on the other side. If it can be resolved peacefully, I still don't want to use violence."

"Well, if you insist." Sitwell gave up persuading, "But remember, be careful of the old lady, the old lady is the final boss in horror games."

"I will remember." After finishing speaking, Coulson showed a good-natured smile, even though he was wearing a pair of dark black sunglasses, it still couldn't stop his innate affinity. But an agent cannot be unguarded. He gestured behind him, indicating that the action team members were ready, and then carefully pushed open the door of the old museum.

The museum is not big, it is empty, there are no booths, no exhibits, no figures, and no traces of life. The only suspicious thing is that the brown wooden floor is extremely smooth, as if it was just waxed not long ago. Now Coulson can be sure that this building has a certain age, even if the floor is well maintained, some signs of aging It is also inevitable. He walked lightly on the ground, the sound of his leather shoes colliding with the floor was absorbed by the special heels, and the entire building was filled with eerie silence.

Coulson looked around, put a hand into his suit jacket, and quietly put his hand on the pistol.

He was quite sure that his target, Salomon Damonette, lived here, because according to the London adoption agency, Salomon was adopted here. But the current situation made him have an even worse guess—that is, there is an organization here that is consciously collecting mutant children and cultivating them as their own money-making tools! They even mastered the technology to find mutants before they awakened, and this museum might just be a place where they meet temporarily!

This kind of speculation shocked Coulson even more, because according to the British government's information, Salomon Damonette had been adopted, but the adopter's information was vacant.

This shows what? This shows that this organization also has certain power within the British government!

snort! The decaying empire on which the sun never sets exudes the stench of the old landlord class everywhere! Coulson felt that it was necessary for him to check whether the British Children's Rights Protection Agency cooperated with those unknown organizations to persecute more innocent children!

At that moment, Coulson's heart was filled with a sense of mission. He was determined to follow this organization for a long time. For the sake of those mutant children who have been persecuted and those who have not yet been persecuted, he must continue to handle this case!

He thought of someone.

Saving the mutant children might give Melinda a sense of atonement and help her recover from what happened in Bahrain. In a short moment, Coulson thought a lot. He relaxed his vigilance slightly. Although he still did not let go of the gun in his hand, he still pressed his other hand on the earphone.

"Let the action team search, there is no one here."

Of course, Coulson couldn't find Salomon. Now Salomon is wandering the streets of Hong Kong. He has no idea that because of him, someone has already recognized Karma Taj as a den of thieves.

The street near the Hong Kong Temple is one of the most lively places he could find, and the food sold here is quite to his taste, so it is obvious why he didn't go to London or New York. Of course it's because there's nothing good to eat there! Where can you eat bamboo noodles in London and New York, as well as refreshments such as shrimp dumplings, siu mai, etc. How do foreigners know about these. Of course, the more important reason is that Wu Guiyue, the guardian of the Hong Kong Temple, heard that Salomon was attacked by a black wizard. Just order chicken soup to replenish your body.

"How can ghosts know how to stew chicken soup? They all use pressure cookers!" Wu Guiyue was very excited when he mentioned this, "To make soup, soup, you must use a casserole! Oh, Auntie is not talking about you, what does ghost mean?" You don't need to understand."


For a moment, Salomon didn't know where to complain. He could only gently pinch the small face of Wu Guiyue's daughter, Alice Gulliver, and Alice looked at him helplessly. As a dead house, he knew that this was the pinnacle of his life.

Speaking of Coulson, the museum he discovered was actually Karma Taj’s London temple.

As for the reason why he couldn't see anyone, it was also very simple. When he opened the door, he had already walked into a mirrored space. Karma Taj's space control magic is the best in the universe. When non-Kama Taj members open the door, they will automatically enter a mirror space that has been generated, and this mirror space can be revoked at any time. Generated, the purpose of this is to prevent unrelated people from breaking into the London Temple.

It was the equivalent of two doors to the London Temple, and Coulson just pushed the wrong one.

As for why Salomon's status is "adopted" in the information of the Children's Rights and Interests Protection Agency, it is even simpler. A simple enchantment spell can make people from the child rights protection agency fill in the information on the form. Even if it is false, as long as they don't go back and check it carefully, they will never find anything suspicious on the form.

So Coulson's attempt to track down the organization that he guessed was collecting mutant children is doomed to failure, because such an organization does not exist at all. Most of those who left the museum were apprentices of Karma Taj, and they were accompanied by official mages when they left the temple. They only needed to open a portal to return to Karma Taj.

S.H.I.E.L.D. can't catch Karma Taj's tail.

ps: Well, understand, please invest and recommend tickets!

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