Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1519 Moon War (31)

Mr. Derrick's eyes did not focus on the place where the light came out of the shadow of the corridor.

But thousands of combat training sessions, blindfolded close-quarters combat, and instilled combat experience have given the Praetorian Guards the ability to target without sight. When the miserable green light that penetrated the air still illuminated the dark space filled with ash, the explosive bomb had already rotated out of the gun chamber driven by the deflagration air. The micro rocket thruster immediately ignited, the gyroscope stabilized the trajectory, and the explosion The bullet dragged the tail flame straight into the darkness - it was not until the explosion fire in the distance of the corridor lit up that Mr. Derrick took stock of the surrounding environment and at the same time remained vigilant - he looked at the picture captured from the corner of his eye. There was a vague figure in the middle of the explosion, which indicated that the enemy had been directly hit by the explosive bomb. The bomb warhead has detonated, and no organic creature that does not grow an organic carapace exoskeleton can withstand the instantaneous temperature of that fusion core. Even steel will evaporate and melt.

It's not like he didn't notice the special golden light that appeared in front of the power armor hit by the sorcery.

Derrick was not surprised by this. It was not the first time he had witnessed this situation. The genetic alchemy that the Emperor gave to each Praetorian Guard was not just physical genetic engineering. Witchcraft will be inexplicably weakened in front of the Guards, and the deadly energy and warheads fired by energy weapons and live ammunition weapons will be inexplicably deflected. If viewed from a realistic level, it can be reflected that each Guardsman has abilities far beyond ordinary people. Due to luck and opportunity, some talented people can also see the bright golden light surrounding the Praetorian Guards. The Praetorian Guards were unable to explain how the Emperor affected the material plane, and it would take an entire library of Karma Taj's esoteric treatises on the soul to be fully understood.

If it can be explained in language, it can be explained that the emperor's power is repelling the energy of the outer dimension. However, every Imperial Guard knows that this kind of poor vocabulary that can be understood and described by ordinary people's brains cannot explain the truth. Just like they can't describe the colors of the sky and ocean to a born blind person, or explain how beautiful the colors are in Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" and "Starry Night".

Derrick first maintained his original pace and moved forward slowly, pointing the edge of the garrison spear downwards.

A few seconds later, he raised the blade from below at a thunderstorm speed, and the tip of the flashing electric light cut through a thick gray shadow. The gray shadow of the dog that was attacked barked beyond the hearing range of ordinary humans. The cut body healed immediately, and then it immediately rushed towards Derrick. The Imperial Guard pulled out the melta pistol from his waist and pulled the trigger. The bright and dazzling heat light illuminated the space he was in, completely melting the canine gray shadow's body in the real plane. The boundaries of the body shape of this creature, which is as tall as a person, are very blurry. Even in the electronic eyes of the Imperial Guards, the body of this creature blends with the surrounding air, and its translucent body emits smoke.

He wasted no time and rushed towards the established road. More canine gray shadows jumped out from the invisible and beyond-three-dimensional shadows, chasing Derrick's footsteps and running forward. Frost spread under the silent footsteps - it only appeared in the stories told by those old ladies. The fairy tale nightmare hiding under the dark bed of every frightened child opens its fangs full of illusory fangs, as if the dead eyes are staring greedily at the material universe composed of microscopic particles, full of hope for the living. To satisfy his thirst, Derrick ran forward and pulled the trigger behind him. He had heard of this strange creature caught between the dimensions of illusion and reality, and had witnessed the dissection and taming of this creature by the Emperor's psychic scholars. Some important locations in the Eternal City were also guarded by this creature.

Extreme light and heat are the common weaknesses of creatures in the material universe and creatures from extra dimensions. Separating matter from the atomic or even quark level will completely disintegrate the material basis across the outer dimensions and the real plane. Just like burning flesh and blood and crops, flame burning also symbolically represents sacrifice, and the molten flame burns the shadows. The Hound is performing a reverse sacrifice from the real dimension to the outer dimension.

Rail trains shook the city, including this giant tower of steel and rock.

The entire passage was illuminated by the light emitted by Derrick's melted weapon. Never before had such high local heat dried out the slightly moist walls and ceiling in an instant. Insects, small mammals and other emaciated creatures parasitic in the corners of the spire were previously enjoying the soft blood food falling from the sky, but the continuous turbulence caused these creatures to flee from their original place of residence in a hurry. The sudden heat radiation and the dazzling white heat flow across the mid-air instantly They were baked dry and then completely buried by the melting mass of steel and rock.

The unspeakable stench and toxic gases from burning substances made the environment even worse. Derrick strode into what was once a copper and iron wall. All he saw was an obscure cold light. Even the brass and steel doors that were melted by hot melt and exposed to the heat of distorted air could not warm up the cold atmosphere around him. , a thin layer of light gray opaque frost formed on the relief of the golden power armor, but the power armor system did not feel the low temperature from the outside world, as if the frost did not exist at all.

Derrick felt the cold first. The frosty coldness seemed to come from the depths of his soul. Even if he didn't believe in this concept, he could still understand the coldness that ignored matter. Several missiles flashing with bright light passed through the bookshelf and rushed towards him. He tried to dodge and even attack with his garrison spear, but those flashing missiles still hit him like a heavy hammer. The huge force instantly knocked him away. Derrick turned his body at the last moment and used his shoulder armor to meet the biggest impact, and then reflected a bomb towards a corner. Even when he was knocked away, he He still remained awake, and his vision was not blurred or his brain stopped due to violent shaking like ordinary people.

The explosive bomb was detonated, and Derrick found the target first through the blurry figure reflected in the firelight at the moment of explosion.

When he landed and rolled to his feet, before the next attack came, he endured the soul-shaking coldness, as well as the impact pain on his shoulders that almost caused the joints and servo motors to separate. He immediately fell from the huge He jumped out from between the bookshelves and headed towards a corner of the giant library - the relatively short mutant wizard of the Kimilian clan was hiding under the obstruction of a blurry color block, calmly waiting for the guards to arrive. arrival. It looked at Sir Derrick, its long and narrow face, which looked like a mixture of an anteater and a horse, was filled with expressions that were difficult for humans to understand. Even though the sharp edge of Derrick's garrison spear pierced the air in front of it, The distance was so close that one could smell the smell of ozone, and the alien wizard still had a mocking look on his face.

It stretched out a finger and accurately blocked the path of the garrison's spear blade. An invisible barrier loomed under its recitation, and the blade stayed in mid-air in vain after hitting it. It seemed to want to say something in the language of the Kree Empire, but Derrick just held the guard spear handle with one hand, pointed the muzzle downward and fired a shot at the wizard's feet. Taking advantage of the opportunity when the wizard was startled, distracted, or even injured by the hot shrapnel, he pulled out his melta pistol and pulled the trigger on the wizard.

Black Bolt nodded and stroked the big dog Tetanus' head. Since coming to the settlement of the Kimilian clan, the shield opened here has made Tetanus very uncomfortable. It instinctively sensed that this place cannot be teleported at will, and teleporting inside and outside the shield is very dangerous. Although he couldn't speak, Tetanus still tried his best to make Black Bolt understand his thoughts. He had to remind the Attilan clan coalition forces gathered at the front of the train not to try to teleport from the settlement to the outside or vice versa.

"We know, tetanus. In fact, we are smarter than you. To be precise, I am smarter than you." The electromechanical expert of the Centaur clan said. It turned to look at the Kimilian clan mutant beside it. "What happened to your settlement?" He glanced at Black Bolt, who motioned for him to continue asking, "That tower is still on, do we need to go there and take a look? I suggest we do this, that tower The suspicion is too great, we have to put it in the interrogation room."

"That's the Wizard Tower. Every Kimmerian mother will warn her children to stay away from that tower." The Kimmerian mutant said with a stern face, "There are rumors that the Wizard Tower will come from all over Attilan." The clan takes away the children. I don't rule out that this is some kind of fairy tale to scare children, but some of the information I have come across indicates that many people are missing in the wizard's tower, but the clan royal family cannot find relevant evidence anyway. Onomi Mistress..."

Black Bolt waved his hand, indicating that he would not pursue Mother Onomi's escape behavior at the beginning of the war. Now it seems that Mother Onomi may have noticed that a certain force within the clan has other agendas, and activating the ancient starship may not be to escape the invaders.

"The power has been cut off in the settlement, but only the lights are on there. Let me tell you, the suspicion of those wizards is very high now. This is definitely not an order from the clan royal family, is it?"

The electromechanical expert touched the skin-draped neck of the tetanus, and the nictitating membrane in its eyes blinked rapidly. In fact, its own modified communication equipment received some vague messages that seemed to be related to Mother Medusa. The electromechanical expert judged from the man's anxious tone that it was bad news, but instead of speeding up Black Bolt, he pretended not to hear it. Any Inhumans who can join this team uphold the concept of "I am an Attilan", not a certain clan, and they will sacrifice everything for Attilan if necessary. It did this just to prevent Black Bolt from being distracted by this matter, and it was too late to wait until the Kimilian clan's problem was solved to learn more about other problems.

"Your Majesty, we may need your ability." said the electromechanical expert. "If necessary, only you have the ability to deal with those wizards. Have you ever seen witchcraft?"

Black Bolt nodded.

After leaving the station and passing through layers of lifeless gray-white residential buildings that looked like huge pale corpses, this clan special team relied on a guide to reach their destination. They conducted careful reconnaissance along the way, but could not find any trace of the residents.

The minaret in the center of the Kimilian clan settlement was the only building with lighting here. It was impossible for them to get lost. However, the situation in front of this minaret surprised them. Here they found the missing Inhumans. Many Kimilian clan mutants gathered here one after another, scurrying around like headless flies. The gate in front of the tower was burnt black, and a large number of broken limbs and corpses like juice packaging bags were scattered everywhere. There are many Kimilian clan mutants who are desperately squeezing into the tower, and more Kimilian clan mutants are holding their injured places and wandering hesitantly in the square in front of the gate, accepting the help of others. help.

There were many more calls for help coming from the crowd's feet, and they were getting fainter. Black Bolt made a gesture without hesitation, asking his soldiers to start maintaining order, even though that was not their expertise. The tuning fork above Black Bolt's head emits soft sound waves, causing the panicked crowd to gradually relax or even lose consciousness, preventing them from hurting themselves again due to panic and pain, and also allowing the victims of the stampede to receive timely assistance.

"What's going on here?"

The Kimilian clan mutants in the clan alliance immediately grabbed the least injured member of their clan and asked. However, the mutant's answer was not satisfactory. They could not explain why they appeared in front of this formidable spire, nor did they know how they and others were injured, nor could they understand what happened in the settlement. Everything is as if they are experiencing a strange dream that they cannot fully wake up to even now.

But the current situation caused the clan alliance to immediately target them. No one except the wizard could do this. As for why the wizard did this, Black Bolt didn't understand, but he believed he could find the answer.

Black Bolt made a few gestures, and the Centauri clan's electromechanical expert immediately asked another question.

"How's the situation inside?"

I don't know, no one knows what happened inside the steeple. Since the first batch of conscious mutants of the Kimilian clan escaped from the spire, no one has continued inside. The survivors' words are all strange, and it is impossible to form a unified answer. Some say that wizards are inside. Evil rituals were held, some said that the wizards were fighting the shadows, some were full of resentment for everything that happened now, and some remained grateful to the wizards, believing that the wizards were protecting civilians.

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