Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1528 Moon War (40)

The anger stings like a thousand steel needles jumping under the skull. The foul and smelly air makes people breathless. The stench of fresh blood and internal organs exposed in the air is even more unbearable. Derrick moved so quickly that the other mutants had not yet reacted to the death of their companions. The sudden muffled sound and violent tremors simultaneously lifted all the creatures in the room up. The Praetorian Guard maintained his balance with supernatural agility. He supported the ground with the handle of his spear, and with his other hand drew the spare weapon Oath Dagger from his waist - it is said to be a dagger but to ordinary people it is more like a sword - - Swinging towards the group of mutants who were full of flaws. His movements were so fast that in the visual feedback the mutants seemed to be moving in slow motion. Derrick first clearly saw the frightened expressions on the faces of the mutants. However, a sound wave visible to the naked eye hit his wrist and body, forcefully pushing the edge of the oath dagger away, and at the same time pushing him and his powered armor several meters away.

These mutants, who were obviously warrior castes, fell to the ground in a mess.

A soft white light lit up from behind this group of mutants. This glimmer of light bloomed from a tuning fork embedded in the forehead. The man wearing a black tights with white stripes covered the upper half of his face in a mask made of some type of flexible material. The eyes exposed in the two holes looked at Mr. Derrick with angry eyes. Both sides recognized each other and were wary of each other, but Derrick first thought that Black Bolt was not as detailed as he knew because the other party had never seen the Guards before - Derrick stopped moving first , also staring closely at Black Bolt. He was conducting an assessment, and at the same time, the detection system also summarized the identified enemy information - he didn't know whether the assassin had completed part of the task. If so, then the Attilan mutant command structure must have been paralyzed. Why? Black Bolt was not affected by the death of Medusa? Does this enemy's psychological endurance exceed expectations? If so, how can decapitation and psychological tactics be modified to achieve maximum effect?

"What happened...oh, no..."

"Shut up!" Another Ghost Clan warrior stared at the Imperial Guards and scolded the electromechanical expert who fell into grief after seeing the corpse of his companion. It is not troubled by the death of its kind. The ghost clan has a different view on death. It is much better to die at the hands of the enemy than to die in humiliation in the court or on the bed. It slowly stood up, its muzzle always aimed at the golden glimmer and gemstone fire flashing in the shadows. Even though the latter became turbid due to dirty blood and minced flesh, it still exuded a glorious and moving brilliance. "Kill the intruder first... Your Majesty, what should we do?"

Black Bolt knelt down and made a gesture, meaning to ask about his tactical intentions. He stared at the Ghost Clan warrior on the ground who was cut in half. The powerful body function made it struggle for a while before dying. During this time, he kept holding the warrior's hand. In this case, the meaning of the gesture can be vaguely understood.

"Well, I hope this intruder is not a robot. It looks like a statue." The Ghost Clan warrior looked at the Guards, "Who are you, the intruder? Where do you come from, what do you want to do, and why do you do this? Here? Why do you want to kill His Majesty’s people?”

Derrick took a stance first and pointed the hot muzzle and blade tip at the group of mutants.

He realized the current situation. As long as other mutants were still alive, Black Bolt would not dare to use all his strength to release psychic sound waves. That would cause the spire to collapse, Attilan to fall, and all Attilan aliens to die. Although doing so would be detrimental to honor, Mr. Derrick did not think this was a difficult choice. Mutants should die, especially those who have undergone alien genetic engineering. They are not only a stain on the genetic purity of the human race, but also a complete contamination of genes by extradimensional energy. He has no weapons against Soundwave, but he believes that the power armor's protective capabilities can sustain him until he cuts off Black Bolt's head. The power armor's identification friend or foe system and multispectral vision entered Black Bolt's detailed information into the system, and then sent it to the outside through the signal adapter installed by the genetically modified warriors.

Derrick first wanted the emperor to know that he had met Black Bolt.

"No," he said, "no reason."

"Did you kill those civilians of the Kimilian clan?"

The Ghost Clan warrior grinned in a threatening expression. It knew what Black Bolt wanted to ask, because the same doubts plagued everyone present. Not every room they walked through was empty, and sometimes they encountered some Kimilian clan wizards—but those wizards were all crazy. Some dug out their eyes, some sewed their mouths shut, some peeled off their skin with knives... They all talked about some past events or false things. The situation of some wizards is even worse, and can even be called weird. After all, no one here has ever seen a madman who shares his flesh, blood and brains with others. Blood is flowing all over the ground. Everyone keeps a crazy expression and talks to himself. Screaming incomprehensibly. They seemed to be driven crazy by some kind of sound, which was also lingering in their ears. Even Black Bolt himself admitted that he fell into hallucinations more than once. This place was so weird that the Ghost Clan warriors couldn't wait to leave.

"Is it related to those wizards? What is that monster you are fighting? Where are we now?"

Black Bolt has already realized this, they are not entirely in real space.

Scientists from the Kree Empire have a theory that claims that there is an extra-dimensional space outside the material universe. The mythical superior race Celestials may have used the technology and energy there to create the Kree people. This statement was once considered nonsense, but with more and more historical evidence and scientific discoveries, this statement has become the mainstream theory of the Kree Empire, and the substance Terrigen is used to carry out Psychic experiments, and the genetic engineering of the Inhumans are the application of certain psionic technologies.

He pressed the beacon on his belt unobtrusively.

Perhaps because of fear, or perhaps because of the constant tremors of explosions coming from the ground, the lock-toothed dog lay on the ground trembling, with its loose dog skin dangling. It had a premonition of danger, but the surrounding fires, the impact of the explosion, and the collapsed deck all made it afraid. There is also the air that is getting thinner and colder. The education it has received since childhood tells it that holes in the dome are dangerous. Without correct measures, everyone here will die from lack of oxygen and hypothermia. What's worse is that it can no longer track the locator carried by the owner, and all signals have disappeared. It lay on the ground and whimpered, holding its huge, round head with its two hands, its tail between its legs, and its round black eyes filled with tears.

It couldn't help but scream a few times out of fear, and then it crushed the screams in its throat.

It saw a group of huge humanoid black figures passing silently through the shadows. The terrifying weapons in their hands exuded the smell of hot metal and ash, and the black steel covering their bodies also had the lingering smell of blood. The lock-toothed dog knew that this was an intruder, and its sister, who was smart enough to work in a genetic laboratory, told it that if it encounters an intruder, it is best to bite it because its bite is very powerful and its teeth are very sharp— —The lock-toothed dog has never known what "bite force" is. It only knows that it can crush bones in one bite. It does not need to leave any bones behind every time it eats, and it will also lick the plate clean. Every time it did this, it received praise - but the lock-toothed dog didn't do it. It held its head and trembled. It intuitively told it that doing so would only lead to death, because those humans were tall, big, strong, and fast. Soon, it saw them using their fists to attack walls and people's heads.

Maybe they'll even eat the Inhumans' heads, like breaking the seal off a soft package of dog food!

Suddenly it received a weak signal, which excited it. It immediately jumped towards that coordinate without any doubt. Then it seemed to hit an invisible wall, and an invisible force knocked it back. When it opened its eyes again, it found that it was still in the same place, with its front paw sprained by its reckless jumping.

Frustration brought fear back, and it couldn't help but let out a sad whimper.

This is too embarrassing, it is just a dog, even if it is a product of genetic engineering, it is still a dog. This kind of thing is too difficult for a dog. It just wants to curl up in its own nest and sleep. After waking up, it chases the drone everywhere, and then stays in every corner of the Gene Parliament and the settlement as if no one else is around. Make your own scent mark, just like the old days. Locktooth took a breath. The fire burned countless things, and it smelled the smell of burnt flesh, the smell of molten metal, the cold smell of vacuum and the indifference of the white sand of the moon. Fear bred determination, and the lock-toothed dog howled in pain, closed its eyes tightly, and jumped forward again.

The result was still the same. It felt frustrated again, and it didn't even have the strength to clamp its tail.

It needs to be stroked on the head, scratched on the chin, and preferably on the belly.

"Do it again, Lockteeth. You are the bravest dog!"

It took a breath, as if it heard its sister say this.

Its sister is very small, short and thin, but very smart and wears a pair of big round glasses.

"I'm brave. I won't be afraid."

It says this to itself and tries again.

A few seconds after the signal was sent, all the Praetorian Guards who were originally scattered in different places to surround the assembly point ran towards the armored command vehicle, and even Constantine came over. The mortal officer who had just finished the meeting with the emperor noticed that the emperor, who was wearing a well-fitting gray and black military coat a few seconds ago, had stood up and was wearing a pair of black power armor, but the gold decoration occupied more area than the black one. Much more. Constantine and several Martian technicians carried and pushed several pieces of equipment over on trolleys. The mortal officers saw a gorgeous golden giant spear, a bolt rifle inlaid with a huge oval ruby, and a A fine dagger and several magazines and magazines, while the emperor's famous holy sword remained in the scabbard at his waist.

Although they were mortals and only mid-level officers, they also knew the emperor's capabilities.

Somehow, they felt that the emperor at this moment was much more inaccessible than during the previous impromptu staff meeting. This is definitely not because His eyes, face and the back of his head are obscured by light, but because of some completely different feeling, as hot and unbearable as falling into a star. The wise mortal officers had stayed away, some realizing that the Emperor was no longer the man with the great sense of humor he had been a few minutes ago.

"Constantine, stay here," He said. "Hammurabi, Ammon, and Hannibal, come with me."

"My lord, Mr. Derrick is facing the enemy leader. The information he sent back shows that Black Bolt is extremely dangerous. As your bodyguard, I cannot stand here and watch you fight."

"Don't worry, Black Bolt can't hurt me. I have two opportunities to face him face to face, and this is only the first time." He said, "The enemy should not die inexplicably, he should know why he was punished. I Give him the honor of facing me, give him the honor of being beheaded by me, and he should die like a king, even if he is just a king of mutants."

"Is this your idea of ​​conquest?"

"Whether the opponent is a human, a mutant, or an alien alien, everyone should know the reason why we launched the war, and everyone should know that human beings are the destiny of the universe. The butcher knife of aliens can no longer harm the survival of the human race. Everything we have done It’s all about making sure that future will come.”

The emperor's tone was very calm, but the emotion in it was obvious. You can call it confidence or arrogance, whatever. His wisdom and force are enough to support this belief. Constantine noticed that the emperor was not only talking to him, but the officers were also listening to him. This is normal. Even if He does not speak, He will be the focus of collective attention. No one will not respect Him. However, after speaking, how to instill one's ideas into others is a great test of personal ability. Constantine has seen the speeches of many politicians in the world, but no one can be as inflammatory as the emperor's speech. He is a natural ruler, and his words can even make a stone bow its head, even the imperial guards. Jun’s eternal heart will also be ignited with passion by His words.

"Black Bolt will die because he blocks the nearest path to the rise of the human race. I will not hypocritically call him a despicable enemy, nor will I ignore his kindness and nobility, nor will I deny this The casualties and pain caused by this war. So I will give him a chance for revenge, give him a chance to kill me or be killed by me. I am a king, not a tyrant or a politician. My philosophy of action It is completely different from the latter two. Without harming the overall interests, this is a respect for him and all the Kree Empire war slaves in Attilan, even if they once helped the Kree to kill their own compatriots, even if they did not use their own Treat them as humans and still be superior to others, and I will give them a dignified death."

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