Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1530 Moon War (42)

Why do the Inhumans encounter such disasters?

This question has been plaguing Black Bolt, stealing all his attention.

He didn’t have much clue. He didn’t know where the inhumane Golden King came from. He didn’t know why that person issued a judgment to the Inhumans. Whether the judgment he said about the Inhumans was correct? He didn’t even know that Whether a person is qualified to do so. He admitted that Attilan had prepared for the arrival of the Dark Order, but mutant material warheads were one of the last resorts. He was even prepared to deal with the legendary dark tyrant, and decided to step forward to protect Attilan and even the earth. ——But he couldn’t convince himself, couldn’t deny that the human king’s idea was wrong. If even he failed, then the Gene Parliament would definitely launch mutant material warheads to the earth. This was an undeniable method. After all, this This kind of proposal is put forward every time and has entered a routine process.

"This is not a bad thing." Black Bolt thought this way. He didn't even figure out why the human king knew such a confidential proposal. "If the human race is the target, then let some people on Earth become Inhumans, no? Is it also to enhance the strength of the human race? We have to face the same enemies after all, why should we kill each other?"

Although he does not regard the human race as an inferior species like other Inhumans, he also forgets that the reason why civilian clans set up security forces specifically to deal with teenagers is because the Inhumans have so many problems when they cannot control their own abilities. Danger. Even if he thinks about it, he can still convince himself that humans have ways to solve this problem. After all, the earth is so big, and Attilan does not have the space for the Inhumans to grow freely.

"The human race is gradually eliminating the Kree mutant genes." The golden human king said. He seemed to see through Black Bolt's thoughts. "A hundred years later, the Inhumans will completely cease to exist, and the former war slaves of the Kree Empire will completely disappear into the dust of the universe. Tens of millions of years later, when humans create a more glorious civilization, the existence of the Inhumans will It will become a page in the history book, recording the evidence of the Kree Empire’s atrocities against human genes, forever reminding the human race of the darkness and cruelty of the universe, and allowing the human race to move toward the stars farther away with vigilance.”

"What qualifications do you have to do this!" Black Card Burt just shouted with a dry throat, "What qualifications do you have to be the judge of the Inhumans! The Inhumans have sacrificed their lives in exchange for freedom, and the Inhumans are no longer Kree. Slaves. Our ancestors gained freedom with their hands, but you always regard us as slaves of alien aliens! Tell me, human king, is it aliens or humans who are prejudiced?"

The human king looked down into the eyes of Blackcard Burtgon, who sensed his emotions. It is a kind of sadness that is difficult to resolve, and an indescribable guilt. Black Bolt does not understand this sentiment. He has never studied the empiricist philosophy written by many dynasties and philosophers on the earth. He has never understood that the war against Attilan is a political act and a way to establish the future human race's attitude towards the wisdom of the universe. The case of biological attitudes. The Inhumans themselves are atrocities committed by alien aliens against the human race. In order to solve this historical problem, one of the humans and the Inhumans must pay the price.

There are many kinds of costs, and the emperor chose the one with the least bloodshed, which was to launch a war.

"Because I failed to stop the Kree, because the Kree Empire created biological weapons that can control all Inhumans, and because the ancestors of the Inhumans never really gained freedom." The human king paused, as if he was about to say The Kree Empire created the hive. The reason why the Kree Empire gave up the Inhumans project was because the war was coming to an end. The investment in experiments on the Inhumans suffered huge losses but they did not crack the genetic engineering of the Celestials. The ancestors of the Inhumans were regarded as liabilities. Assets abandon such heart-wrenching words.

He affirmed the resistance of the ancestors of the Inhumans, so he did not intend to inform Black Bolt of the cruel facts. Even if he claimed that all Inhumans were always slaves, the war would not stop there. Although he could not understand the meaning of this sentence, Blackcard Burt suddenly felt a similar state of mind. He did not know that this was due to the influence of the Emperor's psychic powers.

"You should leave now, Blackkard Burtgun. You and the Inhumans deserve praise for their courage. Inform the Genetic Council of my decision. Civilians with genetic mutations within the permissible range can survive, but the Kree committed The atrocities must be completely destroyed. Do not try to pollute the earth's ecosystem, otherwise the Inhumans will feel my wrath."

"My lord?"

"Sorry, Sir Derrick. I let your prey go."

The human king looked at the bruised but erect guards.

All the organic derivatives in the room that were caused by extradimensional energy and grew in the shadows were turned into smoke under the golden light. The annoying whispers had disappeared, and even the wounds on Derrick's body were growing faster than before. Heals at usual speed. The eyes of the human king were not focused on reality. He saw the terrifying existence behind the curtain. He moved the chess pieces and abandoned the testing soldiers. According to the rules of chess, the soldier chess pieces can be promoted to their own side after moving to the opponent's bottom line. Any chess piece except the king and pawn. The first thing that entered Attilan was just a soldier chess piece. This chess piece has been transformed, trying to swallow up the emperor's guards. The reason why he allowed Tetanus to leave with Black Bolt, along with those who were lucky enough to not be there. The Inhuman warrior who was killed by Derrick was not only because he needed more messengers to deliver messages, just like Emperor Basil II of the Macedonian Dynasty did to the Bulgarian soldiers, but also because he needed to let the Inhumans like him Highly psychic psionic races are immune to corruption, especially Black Bolt. He needs the Gene Council to make the right choice, rather than being corrupted and making choices based on the existence behind the curtain.

Black Bolt had no intention of resisting and left with the soldiers obediently.

The emperor forcibly strangled the idea of ​​resistance as soon as it was born. After all, the etheric sea is a reflection of emotions. The witchcraft of manipulating emotions and thoughts is essentially to modify the newly born and unformed ideas in the etheric sea. This is very important for a person. It's not difficult for someone who can manipulate extradimensional energy. Those alien warriors couldn't even raise their heads to look at him, let alone have any idea of ​​resistance. He doesn't do this kind of thing often, but this time is different. He must let Black Bolt return to the Gene Council intact. Only in this way can he continue the game with the gods.

"My pride has not been hurt, my lord." Derrick straightened his body first. The standard military posture of the Praetorian Guards. Although he had doubts about the emperor's mission, he vowed to resolutely obey the emperor's orders and decisions. "Do you have any other tasks to perform?"

"Black Bolt King Blackkard Burt is still useful, and you will still have the opportunity to kill the enemy chief for me."

He inserted the spear in his hand into the ground, and the strange spire that was originally swinging between the reality and the illusory dimension stabilized instantly. He could hear a strange scream that did not sound like a human voice coming from somewhere in the dark. Mr. Derrick had never seen this spear before. Although the shape was similar to the garrison spear of the Guards, it was much more gorgeous and the blade was wider. "Now we have another mission. We still have a monster that needs to be hunted. It can't escape anymore." He first looked at the other three guards, and finally looked at Derrick, "If you don't mind If so, this mission will be carried out by you. The 19th type of genetically modified warrior needs your help."

Derrick hammered his chest with his fist, swearing that he would complete the hunt.

"I will offer you the head and blood of that beast."

Tetanus made the jump again.

It brought the confused Black Bolt back to the genetic council hall of the civilian clan, as well as the clan warriors. No one could comment on what they just saw and heard. They were too shocked to react emotionally to the tragic death of their companions. The chain-toothed dog tetanus took them back to the Gene Parliament several times longer than before. , but did not notice the unusual thing that he was not harmed. Tetanus only focused on whining, and did not notice at all that the terrifying creatures that might hurt him when he was teleporting all hid far away, and he did not dare to do so. near.

"Where are the people?" The villain clan warrior looked around.

This is the hall of the Gene Council, which can lead to the lounges and conference rooms of each clan. Even if it is a war, this place should be crowded with officials from each clan and members of the royal family. But at this moment, there was no soldier on duty in the rotunda with smooth marble floors. The main lights on the ceiling of the hall were turned off, and only a few emergency lights in the corridor were still on.

Black Bolt blinked hard, looked at the only overturned vases and collection shelves left in the hall, and smelled a very familiar smell. He wasn't sure whether it was the smell molecules lingering in his nasal cavity or something happening here, so he made a hasty gesture and asked the soldiers around him to turn up the lighting in the hall and turn on all the lights - urgently Then they saw a heart-wrenching sight, and everyone gasped - the damage caused by live ammunition weapons and energy weapons spread from the ground to the ceiling, and several uniformed corpses fell in the halls, corridors and open spaces. in the clan lounge.

When the villain clan warrior saw this scene, he was so angry that his whole body trembled and his hair exploded. The expressions of other clan warriors are also the same. It seems that the emotions that were artificially suppressed before have resurfaced, or the mental stimulation caused by witnessing the sacrifice of comrades many times. Now the clan warriors around Black Bolt have very unstable emotions. The anger deep in their hearts was completely ignited.

"Your Majesty, this was definitely done by the invaders! They sent assassins to attack the Gene Parliament! Don't care about what the Gene Parliament thinks. The invaders want to completely destroy us, and we must also completely crush them!" the villain clan warrior shouted. , "Give every Inhuman a weapon and call on all clans to unite to defend Attilan, because this is the only home they can survive in the universe. We will not allow anyone to destroy Attilan, Your Majesty..."

Black Bolt seemed to have not heard his words and ran forward as hard as he could.

The ominous premonition swallowed up his reason in an instant, like lead-black industrial smoke that obscured the brilliance of a star. He looked past the corpses of people he was familiar with in daily life, without even thinking of lowering his head to look at them. He manipulated the energy to speed up his pace, so fast that he almost broke the corridor door and broke directly into the Attilan royal family's lounge. He saw more corpses and traces of battle here. There was a huge black scorch mark in the center of the rotunda of the lounge. Many corpses turned into charcoal and ashes surrounded the scorch mark. Some corpses were hit by live ammunition. The huge wound reminded him of the corpses of civilians and wizards he had seen in the Kimilian clan settlement, and the wound was exactly the same as what he saw now.

He has not yet witnessed the frontline battlefield, but at this moment he has already experienced the mood of other Inhumans.

He had countless questions but no one could answer them.

A large number of armed soldiers pushed open another door and broke in. They were so nervous that they raised their guns before they could see clearly who was in the lounge. A blond girl followed behind the soldier with a look of sorrow and anger, her palms shining with energy. When they saw who it was, they all dropped their plans to attack, and the blond girl immediately put aside her anger.

"His Majesty!"

Black Bolt, Black Bolt, just nodded towards the blonde girl.

He gestured for an explanation of the situation. The blonde girl blinked and opened her mouth again, as if she didn't know where to start. "Assassins... the invaders sent assassins, and all representatives of the Clan Gene Council were attacked." Crystal frowned and looked around, "Many people died... Ah, you want to ask about your sister's situation?" Black Bat Wang nodded, barely controlling his emotions and preventing himself from speaking to everyone. "She was seriously injured, Your Majesty. We sent her to a dormant chamber, but the bomb burned her limbs and long hair, which cannot be restored through cloning technology for the time being. We kept her in drug-induced sleep to prevent her from suffering."

Blackcade Burt had just closed his eyes.

He felt his joints were stiff, his head was dizzy, and his thoughts were confused. Then he felt a pair of hands supporting him behind him. When he opened his eyes, he saw a face full of concern. He was staring at the ceiling of the lounge hall, as if the whole world was sliding under his feet. Ten degrees. But he didn't recognize this person. To be precise, his brain couldn't identify this familiar figure at the moment. He seemed to be looking at the world through a thick layer of glass. All visual, auditory, olfactory and visual information was like the cold rain falling on the other side of the glass, condensing into tiny droplets on this side.


The rain of blood and screams pierced the glass, and the smelly warm liquid covering his body made him wake up instantly. The stone bricks smashed from the ceiling of the lounge hall also made him taste pain on the tip of his tongue. At this moment, Black Bolt, Black Bolt, just realized that he failed to control himself, and the training in the century-old isolation room was out of control at this moment.

He killed someone, someone he knew.

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