Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1532 Moon War (44)

After Mother Onomi woke up from the medical cabin, she immediately obtained all the information from the top military commander. However, the information left her with a lump in her throat, and the double pain of both mental and physical pain kept hammering her brain. She was not wearing a tiara. In fact, she was wearing nothing but simple fabric. She didn't even have time to comb the mane on her head. She just sat on the sofa in the command center and looked at the data pad.

On the one hand, she was surprised that the situation in Attilan had changed so drastically during the time when she was attacked by the invaders and was seriously injured and comatose. On the other hand, she was worried about losing the suppression of the Kimilian clan's military power. The dispute has nothing to do with exploring the truth of outer dimensions." The wizard group staying in the settlement will once again re-enact the chaos of the past - the military commander of the Kimilian clan had the same idea, so when resisting the invaders, Oonomi had to be The Mistress carried out a secret transfer, and at the same time claimed that it was Mistress Onomi who commanded the troop mobilization. After re-accepting the command of the clan's army, Mistress Onomi immediately wanted to lead the army back to the settlement and build a defense line there, instead of A waste of time on this fourth line that is in disarray right now.

"Where are our reinforcements?"

"There are no reinforcements." The Kimilian clan general said helplessly, "We have sent our reserves to the battlefield, and now these soldiers are our only remaining armed forces..." He waved his hands repeatedly, "...the invaders are too powerful. Yes, Mistress, those humans also have wizards. The wizards with the army cannot resist the micro-fusion core bullets, flames and plasma, while resisting the magic of humans, and the wizards with the army also revealed a message. The clan wizards recognized the magic of those human wizards Skills, they claim that previous generations of clan wizards had conflicts with those human wizards on the white sands of the moon."

The wizards belonging to the clan royal court have always been one of the battlefields in the political struggle between the Kimillian clan and the clan wizards.

The wizards of the clan royal court include former members of the wizardry who were expelled from the wizarding society, potential candidates selected from civilians, etc. Compared with the independent status of the clan wizardry beyond the political system, the wizards of the clan royal court completely obey Honor. According to the orders of Mistress Mi, and only accept supplies from the clan royal court, those who followed Mistress Onomi to participate in the battle were the army wizards. Therefore, the wizards accompanying the army are almost all wizards of the royal court rather than a wizard group that accepts the inheritance of the Kree Empire. Different stances lead to the fact that even though these clan royal court wizards received education from the wizarding group, they were unable to learn much particularly advanced arcane knowledge and could only rely on the clan royal court to complete all arcane education.

As the Kimilian clan moved to Attilan Star Castle, time passed, and wisdom was lost. Many mysterious languages ​​and formulas have become undecipherable or have been distorted and tampered with, completely losing their power. The energy brought by the waves of outer dimensions has also become less and less. The power of both the wizard group and the clan royal court wizards has been greatly weakened. The gaze that could originally twist steel can now only bend metal straws. The legendary power to move mountains and reclaim seas, summon and drive messengers from other worlds has long disappeared, and the Kimilian clan, which was once the most valued, has also gradually declined. This is also the reason why the Clan Royal Court is unwilling to eliminate the wizards. After all, psychic power is the most powerful force of the Kimilian clan. The Clan Royal Court and the Wizards are at odds with each other. Without psychic power, all Gene Councils will be lost. The right to speak may not even be able to protect the unique mutation methods and knowledge in the end.

"As the monarch of the Kimilian clan, I know nothing about this?" Hearing Mother Onomi ask this question, the general of the Kimilian clan lowered his head and stopped talking. She went on to ask aggressively, "What's going on with the white room? Can we take back control of the white room?"

"We have tried, Mistress."

The skin on the Kimilian clan general's face was tight, and the wounds on his face that had been cut by shrapnel were bleeding again. But Mistress Onomi did not cast any pity on him, because she had already seen the battle damage. The Kimilian clan suffered the heaviest battle losses of any clan, and even though it was just a security force and not an army, they were still trained professionals. "Three times, each time there were heavy casualties. The last time we were close to success, but we found that it was a trap. Only one survivor escaped, and he was a prisoner deliberately released by the enemy." The Kimilian clan general said in frustration. He can't forget the scene he saw when he looked at the battlefield from a distance on the upper deck - the Kimilian clan warriors who planned to take back the white room were armed to the teeth and formed a dense queue to quickly pass through a blast door. When they went deep into the front line, the human warriors who invaded Attilan rushed out from both sides in armored vehicles - he saw hundreds of Kimilian clan warriors who had been transformed by carbohydrate crystal strains in a biochemical farm. Many soldiers fell down, and many soldiers didn't even have a chance to shoot, and were beaten into pieces by a storm of lasers and bullets.

“We can’t take back the white room.”

"When I first attacked the white room, there were only ten intruders there, and there were only twenty of us. Even so, we killed three of them." Mother Onomi suppressed her body Pain in his body, he said slowly, "Now you have a thousand warriors, but you only killed fifty invaders, and that's an estimate? Do you know what the white room means? That was when we left Ati The only way to Lanxing Castle! The thing I regret most in my life is to hand over the command of the army to you, my blood relative!"

After a brief breather, Mother Onomi closed her eyes and listened to the noisy and painful roars outside the command headquarters. It seems that he remembered that this blood relative made the right judgment and did not leave his healing cabin in the settlement, and that the Kimilian clan itself is a professional psychic force of the Kree Empire, with armored vehicles, individual armor and Weapons and other equipment were minimal, and Mistress Onomi had to suppress her temper and not use her telekinesis to crush the heads of her blood relatives into mud.

"Open the call channel of Mistress Evo of the Ghost Clan." She said, "If all the clans are going to stay here, then I must figure out why we are staying in this garbage dump! In addition, send a team back to Cornir (The name of the settlement) requires all wizards to come to the front line to participate in the battle. I will give the envoy my personal mark. If the wizard group refuses, then I need you to lead the army back to Cornir to arrest all wizards."

The Kimilian clan general lowered his head deeply.

No matter what kind of dispute there is between the clan royal court and the wizarding group, if the wizarding group cannot stand on the side of the clan's continuation at this moment of life and death, then Matron Onomi will not mind giving the wizarding group the harshest blow.

"You have to remind the wizarding group, cousin." Mother Onomi said, "If the wizarding group is not the wizarding group of the Kimilian clan, then I don't mind destroying them completely."

"Intelligence has been intercepted. Kimilian clan reinforcements have been observed and the route has been determined."

"Received. A strike force has been dispatched to intercept. The artillery is ready... The artillery fire has been approved by Zhu Yuan and the strike has begun."

As we all know, the Ghost Clan is a clan that is proficient in combat, not a clan responsible for scientific research. Although the scientific research power within the clan is quite strong, there is still a gap compared with other clans. Although the subordinates were confused, they still followed Mother Evo's instructions and moved the captured trophies into Mother Evo's private residence. No one knows the purpose of those human equipment, but Matron Evo thinks she can solve this problem, so no one says anything about it - Matron Evo is in a bad mood, it is said that it is because of the weakness of other clans - if Evo Mother Wo can figure out the enemy's movements through those human devices, and maybe she can achieve results that other clans can never achieve!

The subordinates were thinking this as they continued to move equipment to Mistress Evo's residence.

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