Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1536 Moon War (48)

The current advancement speed is definitely not slow. Ferocious beasts and terrifying claws came in like a tide, and then were chopped into pieces by explosive bombs and sharp blades that cut through the air. The tactical team that was supposed to bear huge pressure seemed a little helpless. Things to do. With the Emperor and the Praetorian Guards joining him, Gronov Lutov still had room to think about things other than battle even during the battle - the Emperor was very supportive of his warriors thinking about their shared ideals. "The Truth of Unification" discusses the necessity of the unification of the human race from a historical perspective. That book is also a teaching material for genetically modified warriors. However, their reading scope is definitely not that narrow - the materialist dialectical methodology can be applied to other books. , Gronov Rutov has read a lot of books during training breaks and has his own opinions.

"There are many writers who have objections to your "Unified Truth," Your Majesty." Captain Gronov Rutov said while changing the magazine. "I think the biggest reason is because of your opposition to those universities. Interference in literature courses. They feel you are interfering with their literary freedom, and publishing control policies.”

"Literati, they just kneel down and wave their fists." The emperor said in a relaxed tone, which could even be said to be a bit cheerful. "In the eyes of those people, real freedom belongs only to themselves. They can discuss meaningless philosophical topics while drinking ice-cold champagne, and look at the workers on the roadside who are returning home after hard work through the clean windows. Sympathy, but the butts won't move from the soft couch. Now I've overturned their couch and their butts are getting cold on the floor, and the pile of paper full of mean words isn't warming their butts. , the waiters who served them champagne also pursued opportunities they had never had before.”

The emperor paused, as if he wanted to let the genetically modified warriors understand his thoughts.

"That's the deadliest thing, Captain Gronov Rutov, I've destroyed wealth, social status, and more importantly - the sanctity of literature - so those literary people keep complaining about it. They don't They like that workers don’t build new sofas for them, and waiters learn cultural lessons that they regard as treasures and should be passed down from generation to generation. Even if they usually talk about equality and freedom, they don’t like anyone to be as equal as them. , freedom. Now that they can still write books and criticize, it means that they are still sitting on the marble floor, not in the mud. No wonder their buttocks are cold."

Hammurabi glanced at Captain Gronov Rutov, wondering why he would ask such a question.

A crude metaphor about couches and butts elicits blood-curdling laughter from the genetically modified warriors.

Under normal circumstances, a country's leader will use an official tone to encourage each other when meeting with members of the military. What's more, the emperor himself is one of the creators of these genetically modified warriors. Strictly speaking, they are the emperor's technological products. Some scene words can handle it. But he made vulgar but sophisticated jokes without any scruples. He had no airs of a bureaucrat or leader at all, but he would not appear too close to the point of losing his status, and would not make people think that his shining power armor, The mysterious holy sword at the waist and the light emanating from the whole body are decorations - in fact, as long as they leave this place, the genetically modified warriors' memory of the emperor will become blurred. They would not remember every detail of the conversation with the emperor, only the general direction of the conversation. If they recalled it in depth, it would be difficult for their brains to bear it - if they did not look at the blood splashing around, the continuous explosions, and those experiments With the roar of monsters and the horrible smell like sewer that is so strong that it can make your stomach knot, this battle is no different from an outdoor outing.

The light blooming around the emperor made the originally dark passage appear extremely bright. Any enemy who tried to hide in the shadows for a sneak attack would be immediately caught and killed, so much so that Captain Gronov Rutov had to wonder if they were He walked into the enemy's trap, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why the difficulty of this battle is so low. It wasn't until they saw hundreds of cultivation chambers placed side by side in a spacious room that Captain Gronov Rutov felt relieved. This showed that this was not a trap, but the enemy's struggle.

They saw a Kimilian clan wizard hurriedly releasing the creatures that were still in the cultivation cabin. The further they looked back, the more deformed the things in the cultivation cabin became. They quickly eliminated the monster in the laboratory and the Kimilian clan wizard who tried to release the monster. The latter originally wanted to cast a few witchcraft to resist or escape, but it was obviously an academic wizard-when several tall figures , when the genetically modified warrior wearing iron armor rushed over at the speed of a high-speed train, it even forgot how to recite the incantation. The name of the mutant wizard was obviously not worth remembering. On the contrary, the cultivation chambers in the laboratory attracted more attention. Even the emperor slowed down to look at the equipment.

Captain Gronov Lutov discovered that the emperor's exquisite conversation and lively and interesting sense of humor completely disappeared after seeing the things in those cultivation chambers. The solemn and serious temperament often seen on TV Dominant again, inaccessible. The Praetorian Guard Hammurabi promptly solved the doubts of the genetically modified warriors. "Those things are all humans, Captain Gronov Rutov." Hammurabi held up a palm-sized genetic testing instrument. He had been collecting samples from the beginning, and compared the blood samples of the monsters with Analyze the results. However, his words made all the smiles behind the visors of the genetically modified warriors disappear. "Including the monsters we encountered before, they are all humans." He said, "Psychic mutation and hybridization, these mutants are modifying human genes. This behavior is a blasphemy to the human race."

Hammurabi glanced at the emperor. The latter nodded slightly, and then he showed a translated document to Captain Gronov Rutov and his team members. "There is evidence that the Attilan Inhumans sometimes sneak to Earth to capture humans. The research institutions of each clan do this secretly, and the King of Attilan may not be unaware."

Captain Gronov Rutov showed no surprise or even any change of emotion. He said in a cold voice, "This is just one more reason to kill them." Before he could express his disgust for the experiments of Attilan's alien wizards in other ways, everyone present, including the emperor, was wearing a helmet. A message was heard on the communication system. "The tactical support team is engaging the enemy, Your Majesty." Captain Gronov Rutov repeated it again. After all, he was the commander of this battle, and he had the authority to view the life status of all team members. Because the royal guards and the emperor have too high authority, they need to find the corresponding squad list in the long chain of command to view relevant information. Therefore, even with higher authority, the battlefield response speed is faster than that of Captain Gronov Rutov. Slow down for at least five seconds.

This is why the Emperor insists on reducing the chain of command; he trusts the judgment of frontline commanders.

"The enemy number exceeds a hundred, Your Majesty," Captain Gronov Rutov said. "The front line has observed the return of the Kimilian clan for reinforcements. This team may be just an advance team. The tactical support team can only destroy these enemies and cannot deal with more."

"I will let Assembly Point A speed up the offensive and prevent the Kimilian clan from having the opportunity to mobilize reinforcements."

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