Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1541 Moon War (53)

"Crime not only needs to be destroyed, but everyone must see the fate of the perpetrators."

Captain Gronov Rutov lowered his head and had no objection to the emperor's sentence.

As the exploration progresses, the many crimes of the Kimilian clan are unabashedly displayed in front of the emperor and genetically modified warriors. As a source of psychic power that protects the entire wizard spire and violates the rules of physics to build a space beyond the real universe, the wizards of the Kimilian clan creatively combine the power of many psychics and use psychic energy wires and neural cables to integrate psychic energy. Yes, as the source of psychic energy, those psykers do not voluntarily soak in dormant chambers and undergo surgical procedures to install neural cable interfaces and automated injectors.

What is even more chilling is that the genetic characteristics of some psykers seem to be exactly the same. Subsequent sampling and rapid testing have also proved this. This kind of secret genetic crime and private breeding of mutant psykers are the most intolerable of the New Order. crimes, the proliferation of disordered psykers could easily endanger the physical universe through their unbridled exploration of outer dimensions. These collected psykers were not all members of the Kimilian clan or other Attilan mutants, but as before, there were also humans from Earth who had not undergone any artificial mutations.

No one would believe that the Kimilian Clan Court had no knowledge of the Wizarding Order's experiments.

Attilan Starfort cannot manufacture a large number of advanced industrial products on its own. It is impossible for so many precision equipment and advanced materials to appear out of thin air. It is impossible to accumulate them through petty theft. Captain Gronov Rutov has hundreds of thousands of products in front of him. A large laboratory with human bodies. It can only be the remnants of the Kree Empire, laboratory products, and trade products with other clans. This will definitely require the support of some internal forces in Attilan. Although the documents found so far cannot prove the source of its materials, Attilan It is a fact that the Inhumans are unrestrained in their pursuit of ultimate psychic genetic mutation.

The Emperor's sentence represents an escalation in the war against Attilan's Inhumans, with disciplinary tactics that had been kept in storage being added to the action list. Captain Gronov Rutov knows very well what punishment tactics are. Genetically modified soldiers are no strangers to this tactic. This kind of brutal tactics of intimidation, massacre, and terrorist attacks are often used to destroy the will of certain groups. , Captain Gronov Rutov personally participated in operations against religious armed groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

When this psychological tactic called punishment is allowed to be used, it often brings horrific consequences.

Although there is no scene of destruction like scorched earth tactics, it is even more terrifying, and the targets are no longer limited to military facilities, energy equipment, propaganda agencies and government agencies. Emotional creatures can easily empathize with creatures with similar bodies. However, few people can remain normal after being beheaded, heartbroken, lunged, and swined in front of them. will, let alone resistance. This tactic can achieve the tactical goal of subduing the enemy with the least troops, the least resources, and the fastest speed. Although it is rarely used, it can achieve good results every time. Captain Gronov Rutov is not Mind getting your hands dirty to get the job done.

"Burn it all, Captain Gronov Rutov."

The emperor took one last look at the dense array of human bodies.

Countless cables connect the psykers' heads to the central large-scale quantum computer array. Drug-induced chemical dreams keep these psykers permanently immersed in sleep, and their emaciated bodies can only receive intravenous injections and artificial metabolism. These psykers have no future and no past. Artificial breeding and hormone ripening allow them to grow rapidly while shortening their lifespan. Their brains, which are completely controlled by a large number of neural cables, will not have autonomous consciousness. Compared to the previous Terrigen chemical mutation experiments and psychic mutations that distorted the human form, this latest move by the Kimillian clan seems to be even more unbearable for the emperor.

This is not because of the necromancy and other black magic studied by the Kimilian clan wizards (techniques including soul manipulation), but because the integration of such dense psychic power is very easy to cause accidents. Presumably, the material universe in the wizard tower above The integration with the outer dimension relies on these human arrays to provide energy, and causes slow and irreversible spiritual corruption of the outer dimension to the Kimillian clan and even the entire Inhuman race. He finally led Hammurabi through the passage used to maintain the psionic human body array for the last time, and at the same time carefully inspected the spirit of each psyker, and finally shook his head helplessly.

"Let these psykers die under induced anesthesia. This is their last dream."

"As you command, my lord. I will bring fear to these mutants."

"Quick! Quick! Don't let those humans catch up with us!"

Olariel, the former top military commander of the Kimilian clan and cousin of Matron Onomi, shouted, urging his soldiers to quickly hide behind the bunker. When he finally buried his head behind the thick concrete rock and alloy bunker, the terrifying bomb storm immediately swept over his head, roaring and shattering everything nearby, and at the same time, this lonely face The bunker was shaking, and Olariel could even feel the rumble of the armored vehicles of human genetically modified warriors running over the deck.

"Close the airtight door!" He pushed a Kimilian clan warrior beside him, "Go and pull the switch!"

As the rusty gears turned with difficulty, the thick airtight door finally groaned and closed, blocking the terrifying loud noise from outside. "Go now, this door won't hold up for long." When he saw a red and hot red spot as big as two human heads appeared on the airtight door, he immediately understood that those humans had used laser cannons. "We must go back as soon as possible to pull those wizards out of their lair! Now, everyone who is still alive, follow me, let's go to the maintenance tunnel!"

"Yes, sir!"

Due to the interruption of communication, Olariel still does not know what kind of news he has brought with the messengers of the genetic parliament guards and the clan coalition soldiers who came to replace him as the supreme military commander. Even if he knew, he would not accept it if he did not know that Mother Onomi had surrendered. At this moment, the hundred-man team he led did not take the main road leading to the settlement from the fourth line of defense. Now it was being devastated by direct fire from the human army. The Attilan Inhumans also took out heavy weapons that were difficult to move and began to attack humans. Armored units of the army attack - except civilian clans. The military technology of civilian clans is not developed. Since the Kree Empire regards civilian clans as research samples rather than military forces, it does not equip civilian clans with many high-tech weapons. Therefore, the most powerful combat force of civilian clans is their own ability. ——However, in the open area, the terrifying firepower and solid armor of the human army also made it difficult for the civilian clans to exert their various combat capabilities. The firepower attack with almost no blind spots forced the civilian clans to hide behind bunkers again.

Olariel wanted to laugh at the warriors of the civilian clan, but he didn't have much time at the moment. When the vanguard had just passed through the narrow maintenance passage that could only allow one person to pass through, what came into view was the wizard tower that was on fire and illuminated by countless lights. A black shuttle that was obviously a creation of human technology was caught in the flames. The corners were reflected, while the civilians of the Kimilian clan cried, fled, and prayed in panic and darkness. Before Olariel, who had emerged from the maintenance tunnel, could digest the sight before him, the armored car cannon of a human genetically modified warrior began to spray bullets into the steel dome, once again tearing apart the hardened foam that had just been repaired.

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