Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1543 Moon War (55)

Captain Gronov Rutov did not know where the emperor had gone.

He and Hammurabi left after the emperor ordered his team to eliminate the experimental products of the Kimilian clan wizards. After this, Captain Gronov Lutov and his squad did not see a single Praetorian here - the crimes of the Kimilian clan were serious enough to warrant personal investigation by the Emperor. As far as he knew, after the Kimilian clan's shield was broken, all the Praetorian Guards except Constantine participated in the battle beside the emperor, but during the two hours the emperor left, he did not see any A Praetorian Guard.

The Emperor is not here, Captain Gronov Rutov's instinct said.

When He was working in the office of the Royal City Castle, even if they did not see Him in person or see any news broadcast about the Emperor's schedule, all civilians would feel that the Emperor was in that castle, and sometimes even the weather would be affected. This is an indescribable and unexplainable intuition. The emperor's presence is so strong that even civilians without talent can feel it, let alone genetically modified warriors. Captain Gronov Rutov even felt that the question he had asked the emperor before was too rude, but the soldiers did not care about such trivial matters. The ability shown by the emperor proved that he was not just someone who wanted votes. bureaucracy. In fact, Captain Gronov Rutov was also in a trance now - his unshakable memory began to lose details. He could not remember the emperor's face and tone of voice, nor could he remember the too small engraved on the power armor. symbols, but he could still clearly remember the core ideas expressed by the emperor - until now, he was still surprised that the emperor would provide him with advice so humbly and solve his doubts.

Captain Gronov Rutov pulled the trigger again.

The bomb passed through the masonry and accurately hit the Kimilian clan mutant holding a weapon behind the remaining wall. The explosion of the warhead and the shattered body tissue instantly caused other Kimilian clan mutants to scream in surprise, but nearby The genetically modified warriors responsible for the assault of the tactical support team controlling the killing zone did not follow the standard tactical regulations and immediately charged towards the place where the terrified screams were heard and beheaded them. The support team armed with heavy bomb cannons also did not pour firepower towards that place.

They allowed the civilians armed with weapons to scream and flee in panic, knowing that there were others nearby the Kimillian Clan mutants. Whether it is civilians or military personnel, it makes no difference to the genetically modified warriors, they are inflicting fear. Captain Gronov Rutov fired another shot, hitting a mutant who was trying to escape outside the killing zone, then put on the optical camouflage cloak presented by the emperor and disappeared into the darkness again. At the same time, other members of the tactical team also began sniping to control the escape route of this group of Kimilian clan mutants within a reasonable range so that they would not cross the killing zone.

Fear can be used as bait, which is a psychological tactic.

During the 1,425-day siege of Sarajevo, the longest siege in modern human history, the famous "Sniper Alley" provided an excellent example of using snipers to exert psychological pressure. The role of snipers in street fighting is not just as simple as controlling a few streets, but also to inflict fear on the enemy at the psychological level, causing them to autonomously shrink the scope and time of action. Captain Gronov Rutov advocated giving priority to sniping. Kill the Kimilian clan mutants who are trying to stop the resistance, crush the leaders who have the ability to organize the resistance, and then snipe the secondary targets, such as resource collectors, medical workers, and literary and artistic workers. It is least recommended. Snipe and kill the young intelligent creatures. Except for egoists, most intelligent creatures have an instinct to protect their cubs, and killing cubs is most likely to arouse rebellious thoughts.

If Attilan Star Fortress was a city on Earth, the tactics chosen by Captain Gronov Rutov would not have yielded results in a short period of time - but this is Attilan Star Fortress on the dark side of the moon. , is the Kimilian clan settlement on the top fifth of the star fort. The multi-layer deck structure was dismantled and made into building materials. Most of the original star fort’s functions have been eliminated. In such a relatively small and dark place In this environment, the fear brought by eternal darkness is far more terrifying and swift than imagined.

Panic spread like a rising tide.

Just like the cold sea water gradually submerged the mouth and nose of every Kimillian clan mutant, slowly but surely controlling their breathing, ruthlessly and tenderly touching the temperature on their skin. Every gunshot is like the edge of a sharp shell buried in the shallows of the sea. Just relying on the bonfires lit on the beach, the Kimilian clan mutants cannot tell what kind of danger is hidden under the dark water that submerges their mouths and noses. When they When they find dead shells scratching the skin of their paws, they can't even feel the pain for the first time. It is not until you return to the beach, break away from the buoyancy of the sea water, and drag out a long trail of blood on the gravel that is reflected by the bonfire. The salt that seeps into the wound will hit the nerves with unprecedented pain, making you dizzy and losing your mind.

The huge corpse decomposed in a very short period of time, emitting a steaming stench that even the respiratory filtration system could not completely remove. Derrick first leaned on the garrison spear and tried his best to straighten his spine. The gorgeous golden armor was covered with deep scratches that could be seen on the bones, and blood and smoke seeped into almost every small relief on the armor. Amon and Hannibal were not much better. The scarred shields were now scrapped. The generator set used to generate the force field was flashing with sparks. The muzzle of the sentry sword carried on the shoulder armor was full of carbon marks from propellant. .

Their location is no longer the location of the ceremony.

Although the power of the extradimensional spiritual entity is gradually weakening with the decline of the power of the outer dimension, the Praetorian Guards cannot always anchor the extradimensional beast in the real plane. Therefore, this is a long hunt, gradually accumulated from the advantages formed by battles. Every time it is fatally injured, the monster will always be teleported to other locations in the wizard tower and enjoy the food offered by the wizards of the Kimilian clan. Ritual sacrifices, the three Janissaries worked tirelessly to ambush and hunt the ritual wherever it appeared. Until two hours ago, a sudden psychic shock spread from the underground, completely anchoring the Kimilian Wizard Tower in the material universe.

The psychic explosion caused a brief energy vacuum, losing the support of extradimensional power, and the flesh and blood constructed in violation of the laws of the material universe could no longer support its body. The hundreds of eyes that are constantly growing all over the body have lost the support of the nervous system and are unable to observe the guards' movements that are too fast to be seen. The flesh and blood promoted by supernatural forces cannot match the blood vessels, nerves, and joints. It was paralyzed in the blink of an eye... In just a short moment, the Imperial Guards seized the opportunity to pin it in place. The three Praetorian Guards emptied all their magazines and poured all their firepower into its desecrated flesh, this time causing great damage to it with their weapons.

"It is not completely dead, you just banished it." The emperor said to Derrick Xian, "It is not an immortal thing, but it has never gained life."

"I will face it again, my lord." Derrick felt the sweat dripping from his helmet and said calmly, "We will kill it countless times until it becomes fearful of the human race."

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