Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1546 Moon War (58)

Although both are products of human genetic engineering by the Kree Empire, the physiological differences between different clans are vastly different. The physiological differences between two different clans are far greater than the differences between humans and whales, both of which are mammals. Be big. Since different clans have different mutant substances, this difference may be even more exaggerated - which leads to a very bad result, that is, medicines between different clans are not interoperable - some medicines can be effective for a certain clan , but triggers fatal symptoms for another clan. However, due to the principle of confidentiality and the initial respect for the independent rights of each clan by the King of Attilan, different clans will not exchange research results on mutant substances and genetic engineering of the clan, including medical data and other information, even if it is The medical department of the Attilan royal family also did not fully understand the contraindications for medication.

Black Bolt cast disapproving glances many times, but Crystal didn't notice and instead talked about his plan excitedly.

He couldn't openly object to Crystal's proposal. After all, this was something that was beneficial to all the Inhumans, except the Attilan royal family. This is not because he has selfish motives, but because he knows that the civilian clan settlement cannot accommodate the sudden increase of thousands of wounded people. The administrative system is already overwhelmed when the war turns to frontal confrontation. Crystal's doing this means that she must work day and night. Treat the wounded. This was a heavy burden for herself. The special battle suit could only help her isolate herself from outside pollution for a few hours. Even the locktooth dog who heard the plan worriedly held his head with his front paws.

After a period of induced sleep, the Shar-Pei, which is as heavy and as big as a hippopotamus, finally regained consciousness.

If Crystal hadn't been busy treating the wounded forty minutes ago, he would have brought Crystal in for communication, or simply disqualified her from speaking. Black Bolt knew that Crystal was a kind-hearted girl who could not bear to see the suffering in the world. No one had ever told her about the living conditions of the lower-level civilian clans, nor about the Alpha primitives. If the war had not come, she would have been a The girl who thinks products will grow off the shelves is stupid, kind, and powerful. This time, the medical system of the Attilan royal family has been impacted. Although some laboratories can continue to produce medicines, the quantity is definitely not enough for all the wounded, let alone the wounded from other clans.

Many drugs cannot be used easily without clear contraindications.

The only ones pushed by the chaotic and crowded clan alliance to the civilian clan settlement were the ghost clan matron and the villain clan matron. The two were inseparable. The clan matrons of the Kimilian clan and the Centaur clan were missing. At this moment, Crystal suddenly jumped out and claimed that he was willing to form a team to solve the problem, which undoubtedly bumped into the guns of other clans. More importantly, Crystal actually claims that it can pass through the blockade. Although this is not an important secret, all clan matrons know that Locktooth Dog has the ability to teleport, but the relevant data such as teleportation distance, teleportation range, and carrying weight have always been Attilan royal secrets. No intelligent creature with normal intelligence would be happy to see the Attilan royal family continue to hide their strength, let alone the Attilan royal family who may have the ability to teleport.

"How many people can the Locktooth Dog take away, Your Majesty?" Matron Evo of the Ghost Clan asked, "Does it have the ability to lead an elite force to teleport?"

Black Bolt waved his hand and typed something on the data pad.

"He helped me and my warriors escape from the human king, so it is very tired now. Even if we can teleport, we don't know the location of the human king and can't carry out the beheading operation." He said, "I have faced that person , he can even eliminate my abilities. He now makes the rules of war, and he wants to completely destroy the Inhumans."

He looked back at the Crystal Princess in the center of the Gene Council Hall.

At first, he did not expect that after he sent out the soldiers to gather power, the clan army on the fourth line of defense would still be in such chaos. However, Black Bolt himself has also figured out that even if he is determined to reform Attilan's system, the capabilities of the clan army will not undergo earth-shaking changes in just a few hours. Just the third-party exchange of communication equipment data is almost exhausted. Many technical personnel were killed, and the unified command, dispatch, and coordinated operations that had never been practiced before were things that could only happen in dreams. He forgave the saddened warriors and retained their power. The ghost clan and the mistress of the villain clan still could not get back the command of their own armies. Today's chaotic organization is the real unification of the army and unified command. good chance.

"Try your best, Crystal, but right now Tetanus doesn't have the power to grant your wish."


Black Bolt waved his hand again.

Crystal is a good child, there are some things she is destined not to know.

"Take good care of Tetanus, it was seriously injured." Black Bolt didn't care how clumsy the lie was, nor what Tetanus himself thought, nor even the eyes of the other two clan royal court leaders. Although the Ghost Clan and the Villain Clan Matron have been deprived of military command and the power to appoint the highest military commander, they are still the undisputed kings of their respective clans. "Take the dog to your medical facility to rest, where it can receive more treatment. Before that, go see Medusa, she is your sister."

Crystal lowered her head in dissatisfaction, then nodded guiltily.

Emergency medical assistance on the battlefield made her adrenaline surge wildly. After experiencing horrific wounds and corpses that made her bile vomit out, she rested for a long time before returning to the Gene Parliament. It wasn't until Black Bolt mentioned it that she remembered that she had never seen her sister in the medical cabin since she put on the palace robe. Instead, she was busy with the work of the Gene Council and the medical department. This was irrefutable to her. Even Crystal thought he had made a mistake.

"Tick, tick, tick."

The assassin in a black leotard was now behind her, throwing a bomb that glowed with plasma arcs. Medusa desperately wanted to turn back, but she couldn't control her body. She couldn't help but fall forward, and at the same time she felt several bodies falling on her back. Immediately afterwards, her mind went blank, until a burning pain came from her back, and then went straight through her internal organs, and she fainted from the pain again. She opened her eyes, and the light green repair solution sank into her eye sockets, slightly relieving the burning pain.

It was pitch black and she couldn't see anything.

"Tick, tick, tick."

The assassin in a black leotard was now behind her, throwing a bomb that glowed with plasma arcs. Medusa desperately tried to turn around, but she heard the frightened shouts of the Gene Council guards beside her. Medusa took a step forward, but then several bodies fell on her back, forcing her to the ground. Immediately afterwards, her mind went blank, until a burning pain came from her back, and then went straight through her internal organs, and she fainted from the pain again. She opened her eyes, and the light green repair solution sank into her eye sockets. The clear feeling made her very comfortable, but the constant itching of her eyeballs was unbearable.

All she could see was a blur of gray.

"Tick, tick, tick."

The assassin in a black leotard was now behind her, throwing a bomb that glowed with plasma arcs. Medusa desperately wanted to turn back. She took a step forward, turned around, and heard the frightened shouts of the Gene Council guards beside her. She saw that the assassin's face was devoid of any features. Then several bodies fell on her back, forcing her to the ground. Immediately afterwards, her mind went blank, until a burning pain came from her back, and then went straight through her internal organs, and she fainted from the pain again.

"Mother Medusa has woken up several times." The medical staff looked at the medical cabin covered with black sediment with a sad face. "Her mental state is not stable, Princess Crystal."

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