Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1548 Moon War (60)

"You should respond to His Majesty Black Bolt, Crystal."

Richard pushed up his glasses worriedly. Mind reading is an extremely dangerous thing, especially for mentally strong people. The scorched black body in the medical cabin at this moment once had strong spiritual power and was good at using it. For a person with immature skills like Crystal, Medusa's spiritual world is like a maze with no exit. "Although other mind readers are not as capable as you, they have received professional training to keep themselves and Mother Medusa safe."

"So how long will it take for my sister to recover?"

"I don't know, months or even years." Richard sighed. "It will take months to rebuild the skin and muscles, but surgery to repair the brain requires the use of gene therapy and cloning therapy. Even if brain trauma can be repaired, , it also requires the help of a mind reader to rediscover the memory, and the memory will also help repair brain trauma to a certain extent. After all, this is a psychic technology, and pure physiology cannot achieve perfect repair."

Richard paused. "What's more, you also need to manage other medical departments. His Majesty Black Bolt has transferred a lot of medical supplies from the royal medical department to the front line. You definitely don't have the energy and attention to focus on the treatment of Matron Medusa. This is very important to a It is very dangerous for mind readers, and it is likely to cause loss of consciousness and personality replacement. At that time, you may think that you are Mattress Medusa."

"In addition to me, the royal family has a powerful mind reader who is far more experienced."

"You mean... don't say this again, Your Highness Crystal. That rebel can never leave the cage. This is Black Bolt's order. No one will forgive the killing of King Argonne and Linda." Queen’s Maximus.”

"Tick, tick, tick."

Medusa opened her eyes and let the light fall into them.

She stood in the center of the rotunda in the clan lounge of the Gene Council. The white lamps installed around the ceiling emitted soft light. The cold marble floor was covered with a pure white fiber carpet. Several high-back chairs were placed face to face on the carpet. , facing a long silver table with exquisite relief in the middle. She sat down in one of the high-backed chairs as naturally as she should. She crossed her legs, tensing the beautiful muscle lines under the slits of her long skirt, tapping her fingers on her knees, and tensing her toes nervously. "Will they find out?" she thought anxiously, "What happened to Maximus? What does he want to do? Will they find out?"

She exhaled a long breath, trying to calm her nerves, like a prisoner awaiting sentence.

"This is out of character," she thought. However, Medusa could not help but remember the feeling of her lover's warm breath on her neck. Maximus, the second son of King Argonne and Queen Linda, a handsome prince. She relaxed her toes, took a deep breath, lowered her crossed legs, put her hands on the armrests, and assumed a relaxed posture. But she knew that this could not hide the nervousness deep inside her. "This is out of character and they're going to know. They already know, what do I do?"

"Tick, tick, tick."

She didn't know where the annoying sound came from.

She raised her head and looked around the hall, but couldn't find the source of the sound. But when she focused her gaze on the center of the hall again, she found that there were suddenly several figures there, which startled her. Those people were wearing the uniforms of the Gene Council guards and holding standard weapons. At first she thought these people had brought her judgment, but then she realized that the Gene Council guards were like little bugs solidified in amber, and their flamboyant body movements were frozen. In the air, motionless. She saw people surrounded by Gene Council guards. That person had the same red hair as her, but his eyes and appearance looked more mature. At the same time, an oval-shaped device in mid-air kept flashing with a faint blue light.

A woman in black tights stood at the door of the lounge hall, with her back turned to her, and her face could not be seen clearly.

Before she knew she was the one being protected, the shell of the device began to crack.

The stagnant time and space seemed to start to move, and even began to accelerate. Dazzling plasma surged out instantly, and high temperature immediately swept through the entire parliament hall. Medusa tried to subconsciously raise her arms to protect herself, and at the same time mobilized her long hair to wrap around her body, but her movements were completely unable to keep up with the expansion speed of the plasma ball. She felt the star-like high temperature burning away her skin, muscles and bones bit by bit. Her beautiful long hair, which she was proud of and could twist steel, was as fragile as paper in the face of such high temperature.

The entire world disappeared after a miniature star exploded.

"Tick, tick, tick."

Medusa opened her eyes and let the light fall into them.

She didn't know where the annoying sound came from.

The sudden movement of the body in the medical cabin made Crystal couldn't help but take a look.

"This is a common thing. Mother Medusa's mental state remains active." Richard noticed the joy on Crystal's face. He had to suppress his sadness and expose her beautiful fantasy with facts. The turbid solution flow in the medical cabin gradually subsided, the body fell into calm again, and the data on the brainwave monitoring returned to normal again. "You can understand it as a conditioned reflex. She is unable to realize what is happening, so we must chemically induce anesthesia on her to avoid placing too much burden on her spirit. Your Highness, please do not mention Maximus under any circumstances , that rebel will only hinder our war to defend our homeland."

"In other words, if you want your sister to recover quickly, I am the only one who can help?"

Richard closed his mouth and stopped talking.

He could see that Crystal wanted Mother Medusa to heal as quickly as possible no matter what. He understands this feeling, but some things are not always satisfactory for a willful girl. If he continues, maybe Crystal will go to the Gene Council Hall and ask Maximus to participate in the Medusa Matron. Treatment - As a noble with a blood relationship with the royal family, Richard was very aware of the rumors before Black Bolt ascended to the throne - at that time, Black Bolt had not yet come out of the isolation room, and both the Genetic Council and King Agon believed that Black Bolt still cannot fully control his abilities and poses a threat to everyone, including Attilan. The heir to the throne at that time was Maximus. Medusa, as the queen born after political compromise, grew up and played with Maximus. Until one day, King Agung's eldest son walked out of the isolation room, and King Agung re-announced the heir to the throne.

Driven by jealousy, Maximus committed an irreparable mistake.

After this, members of the royal family kept silent, and Medusa seemed to disappear completely for a few years until Black Bolt officially ascended the throne. Richard knew that it was impossible for him to tell Crystal clearly about the entanglement between Matron Medusa and Maximus. He was even sure that if Black Bolt knew that Maximus could help Matron Medusa recover, then The kind king will definitely do this. This was absolutely unacceptable, and no one could tolerate that rebel being free again, even for a brief moment.

"You should return to the Gene Parliament." Richard deliberately said in a serious tone, "Please don't disturb our work, Your Highness Crystal, we are all busy." The blond girl nodded with apologetic expressions, and Richard looked at Seeing her expression, I almost couldn't control myself from telling the truth. But he still held back. "Please tell your majesty that we have the ability to cure Mother Medusa, but we just need time."

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