Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1556 Moon War (sixty-eight)

The order of Commander Malcolm's Corps was so correct that the Emperor did not question it.

This is a battle that combines security warfare and annihilation warfare. Under the special environment of Star Castle and the strategic requirements of the headquarters, air support has lost most of its war functions. Even long-range artillery support cannot play its full role. Only short-range Only artillery can achieve results. With artillery support, this army uses fire cover to slowly compress the enemy's range of activities and advance slowly. Although it is the most clumsy tactic, it is also the most reliable tactic.

The infantry battle cases of the NATO army provide a lot of experience. Every piece of collapsed building ruins will be hit by at least one cloud burst bomb. Every ruined building destroyed by assault tank artillery, main battle tank artillery, and armored personnel carrier cannon was immediately covered with mines, barbed wire, and machine gun towers. Breakthrough teams holding shields would also come in groups to cover the Eternal City. Technicians nailed the atomic nails of the prefabricated bunker firmly to the ground, accepting the occasional artillery impact from the mutant army.

Frontline battle reports are continuously fed back to the command department.

Master Hamil faced the holographic projection of the chain of command, and then clicked on the number of a breakthrough soldier on the chain of command. The holographic projection command table immediately displayed the war environment, organization number, and team that the genetically modified soldier faced. serial number, physical condition, ammunition reserves, timeline movement trajectories, and combat videos recorded by the electronic eyes of the helmet. Master Hamil watched "with his own eyes" as the soldier was hit by a precise electromagnetic gun in the electronic eye of his helmet. Then, despite the pain that would make ordinary humans faint, he still maintained a steady advance in formation until the sniper's movements were eliminated. Scope into the rubble, then blast it to pieces with your bolter.

The perseverance and professionalism displayed by this genetically modified warrior are amazing.

Although Master Hamil did not participate in the unification war of Latvinia and the Yugoslav Federation, because he had been stationed at Kama Taj for a long time, the genetically modified soldiers he had come into contact with were limited to the Imperial Guards, but he also knew that the emperor relied on this kind of only Thousands of terrifying armies completed the mission of conquest and established the foundation for future endeavors. He even saw that in the power armor's Identification Friend or Foe system, the algorithm for calculating weaknesses through visual inspection of the enemy's appearance had been iterated to a quite advanced level. This level of software could already be called artificial intelligence on Earth. It's just that the Emperor has other explanations for the term artificial intelligence. Even Jarvis and Friday of the Stark Group are not artificial intelligence, only Ultron is barely considered.


"There are no prisoners, at least not yet, because they are still holding weapons." Constantine said, "Only a small number of surrendered mutants can be screened. However, the number of anti-psionic devices we currently have is seriously insufficient, so the number of prisoners is limited. , we can only select valuable prisoners to keep.”

"How to choose?"

"Professional knowledge, Master Hamil." Constantine said calmly, "The most important technologies of Attilan Star Castle are sub-light engines, super-light engines and genetic engineering technology. Relevant talents with this knowledge must pass a simple test. After that, you can become a prisoner without passing genetic testing." The guard commander pointed to the rear of the fortifications, where the Martian technicians and immortals squatted in front of a group of Attilan mutants with a slightly lower genetic mutation and communicated in complex digital language. The city's technical staff said, "Although humans and Attilans do not understand each other's language, mathematics is the universal language of this universe."

The guard commander pointed to an armored vehicle not far away.

"It's time for you to board, Master Hamil. Please put on your space suit as required. Your working location is outside Attilan Star Fortress. External artillery attacks have now ceased, and most of the self-propelled artillery units are evacuating as required. , no need to worry about being attacked by artillery from the rear."

Constantine pulled out a psychic beacon made of brass and iron. Although it is a beacon, due to the manufacturing process and the technology used, the appearance of this beacon looks no different from an ordinary globe, except that it is small enough to be held with one hand - this is a Karma Taj's magic weapon has a history of thousands of years and is said to have been made by the earliest disciple of Agamotto. Although it can only be used to transmit information, on the scale of the observable universe, just transmitting information is already beyond the scope of a single individual. human power.

"This is the authority given to our Lord by the Supreme Mage. I believe you will use this beacon to summon them. Before summoning the dimensional gap veterans, please remember to ask them to prepare environmental protection spells." Constantine said, "I don't I hope those veterans of the interdimensional gap die due to the lack of oxygen in the lunar environment.”

Maximus continued to trek in the darkness, and the stinky sludge that should have entered the sewers flowed into the streets of the slums due to factors such as the pipes being in disrepair and war damage. There were more than one figure behind him, shadowy in the dim lighting, walking silently with him through the low tunnel, which was full of mud and building debris and could barely accommodate one person and was only one person tall. The team behind him was much larger than half an hour ago, because he found a shelter formed by several deserters based on the memories of those deserters. The deserter team he first encountered gathered around him after passing through the passage, setting up a protective formation, and the unusually burly leader of the team blocked him with his body to prevent anyone from trying to face him from the front. Attack Maximus.

He has distorted the perceptions of these deserters.

In the hearts of those armed civilians, protecting him is more important than protecting the shelter, and the hearts of all civilians controlled by him are full of courage. This courage will not be lost due to any factors, even pain, disease, and hunger cannot shake their will that has been firmly locked. They are unable to recognize their current situation, and they will not express any objection to it, nor will they even have a question.

This was one of the reasons why many of the Attilan royal family opposed Maximus' ascension to the throne.

His ability to manipulate minds is so powerful that even members of the royal family with other powerful psychic powers will be affected unless they receive professional psychic protection training. Therefore, some people suspect that the Kree Empire scout ship was actually influenced by Maximus. He wanted to use those Kree people to kill Black Bolt - Maximus actually did not lack royal supporters. However, after seeing him lose power, those people immediately claimed that their minds had been manipulated. Although there was no evidence of conviction, in order to express their stance, those former supporters deliberately showed that they would kill him and then quickly kill him on many subsequent occasions. He continued to demand his death during the subsequent trial.

Every time, Maximus could think of those people's sinister looks.

But when he looked at those people, the eyes of the originally arrogant royal family members were full of fear, and they immediately retaliated more violently. Maximus knew that those people were afraid of retaliating against them after he was freed, so they would find ways to let himself die. Now that he has escaped from prison, the security forces will definitely send out all their forces to hunt him down. Even if the war is close at hand, those short-sighted people will do nothing but escape.

Maximus had already made his decision.

He will take revenge on all the traitorous subjects, he will lead the Attilan people to fight against the invaders, and he will replace his weak brother and become the right choice for the Attilan alien race.

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