Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1558 Moon War (70)

The emperor once discussed the distribution of religious beliefs with Master Hamil. Even in the United States, which was founded by the Puritans, there would be differences in religious beliefs between cities and villages. On the surface, there are Catholics who follow the teachings of the Church of Rome, Orthodox churches believed by Eastern European immigrants, and mainstream Protestant denominations with Calvinist and Baptist backgrounds. Due to the unique concepts of Protestantism, there are Methodists, Lutherans, and Anglicans. Sects, Quakers and even non-denominational evangelical sects expanded the Christian landscape so much that one in every four Christians was an evangelical - a rigorous social survey that the emperor ruled out as a plutocrat. He then obtained relevant data from various polling agencies and think tanks in the United States and used it as an argument to persuade Master Hamil. He claimed that if we ignore the sectarian conflicts caused by racial differences - such as the white evangelicals prevalent in the Rust Belt and the black evangelicals in the urban slums who believe that God is black - it will lead to extremes such as white evangelicals with Christian nationalism as the core. The reasons for the emergence of anti-intellectual sects are nothing more than the extreme gap between rich and poor, class gaps, and class barriers deliberately maintained by the ruling class.

Such believers are often poorly educated and do not have enough wisdom to explain the phenomena in life. They can only interpret them with conspiracy theories and the Bible that they can explain. This concept can be extended outward, that is, the poorer and less educated the working people are, the more prevalent religious superstition is. The local class with a lot of wealth will work hard to maintain the existence of religious beliefs, such as the famous 1926 Dutton City In the monkey lawsuit case, a young professor who taught the theory of evolution was sentenced to a fine by the court. There is no correct ideological guidance in these places. Only when the ruling class makes religion a spiritual drug and threatens it with doomsday theories and heaven and hell will the working people endure the exploitation of this world and believe in the world after death. The best example is Hinduism. and the Indian subcontinent, where the caste system prevails.

The emperor told Master Hamil that since there is an extreme gap between rich and poor among the aliens in Attilan, cults must be prevalent. Even if the ruler does not deliberately implement it, after the Attilan Clan Royal Court monopolizes most of the social resources, the common people who cannot resist because of the absolute force controlled by the Clan Royal Court can only comfort themselves in another way - Attilan This is the reason why the upper class of each Lan clan monopolizes mutant materials. To a certain extent, the distribution of mutant materials among the Attilan Inhumans is related to social status, wealth gap and education level - genetically modified warriors on the front line claim , while his team was advancing, they discovered a hand-made statue of the Kree alien. The appearance was rough, but it could be seen that it had been made for a long time.

"This is the religion of the Kree Empire." Master Hamil sighed longly.

He really couldn't find any reason to persuade the emperor not to carry out a massacre of the Attilan aliens.

As a determinable artificial species, the Kree have stopped evolving at the genetic level. Even if they have the "supreme intelligence" of a quantum psychic computer that can control society, they still cannot get rid of the worship of gods, such as " The worship of the "Supreme Intelligence", the worship of becoming the "ether" in the afterlife, the worship of the higher intelligence "Progenitors" who genetically engineered the Kree, etc.

What's worse is that every Kree is the product of ancient genetic engineering, and they all possess psychic potential. Any apprentice of Karma Taj who wants to pass the test must understand what this means. No matter what these Inhumans believe in, their psychic potential belongs to the Aether Sea.

"It means cults are prevalent and the beings behind the curtain are going to set their sights on the world."

Maximus had heard of certain folk sects when he was still a prince.

Compared to Black Bolt, who has lived in an isolation room for a hundred years, Maximus understands the civilian clan better, even after Black Bolt ascends the throne, because people sitting on the throne can only see members of the royal family What they want him to see. Maximus knew that most of the civilians in the slums who had not experienced much Terrigen Mist mutation worshiped the Kree and their creators, the Progenitors (ancestor race). In some so-called holy books, the Progenitors (ancestors) were race) is described as the god who created the Kree, who were the gods who created the Inhumans, who possess the blood of gods. Maximus found the hidden locations and rituals of those sects from the memories of the deserters around him. Most of the people around him had participated in this Kree sect's rituals, and some even regarded it as a daily behavior. .

It was in those memories that Maximus found what he wanted.

He deliberately brought these armed men because he was worried that the believers of those sects would not be so easy to talk to. After all, he was going to take away the miracles of these sects. It was a gorgeous giant sword that was said to be older than Attilan. The silver sword kept flashing under the light of the fire. Maximus' intuition told him that this was the weapon that could allow him to move towards his ideal. . What is surprising is that when Maximus was guided by armed men to this so-called temple hidden deep in the slums and only accessible through the sewers, he was only wearing a dark blue robe and was covered in unknown liquid. The priestess who was drawing intricate patterns was already standing at the door. When she saw his arrival, she immediately knelt down and crawled at his feet. In this filthy environment, both the temple and the priests here maintained a considerable degree of cleanliness. Any insects, mold, or even stench that grew in the darkness disappeared the moment they stepped into the temple grounds. What is even more surprising is that the runes that Maximus drew for his followers based on his intuition are almost identical to the patterns on the chest and abdomen of the priestess.

Maximus felt his skin getting colder, but the person standing next to him felt that his body temperature was so high that he was about to have a fever. He felt that he was still awake, silently accepting the worship of the priestess. He didn't care what the sect worshiped, he just wanted to get the giant sword. However, the armed men around him did not think so. They were all extremely excited, especially seeing Maximus being worshiped by the priests.

"You will get what you want." The priestess raised her head and looked humbly at Maximus's eyes with her bright eyes. "This is your eternal power, and I will guide you to obtain it." Until then, Only then did Maximus realize that the priestess's face and body, which were covered by a large number of body-painting runes, were astonishingly beautiful. She had a pair of clear dark purple eyes, and her long dark black hair was dipped in oil and tied up. , revealing her slender and beautiful neck, Maximus could hardly imagine that such a beautiful woman could be born in this filthy land. The priestess slowly stood up, her loose dark blue robe fluttering in the breeze that came from nowhere.

"Please follow me, King of Attilan." She stretched out her hand and gently held Maximus' arm. "You still have a ceremony to participate in. Only in this way can you officially ascend the throne."

"What I want is the throne of Attilan, not the throne in the temple." Maximus did not break away, "Who are you?"

"I am the high priest of this temple, your holy bride Peril." The priestess pulled Maximus and said with a smile surrounded by several priests, "The throne of Attilan, the throne of the temple, The throne, no matter which throne it is, is destined to belong to you, so is there any difference?"

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