Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1562 Moon War (Seventy-four)

The genetically modified warrior, who was like a steel colossus, was knocked out by an invisible force and smashed into the ruins of a building made of twisted steel. The sound waves pinned them to the ruins, and the milky white shock waves visible to the naked eye in the air compressed the ceramic alloy armor little by little, so that dense cracks appeared in the power armor of the genetically modified warriors, and even the indestructible armored vehicles were thrown away. Going out is like a stone thrown by a slingshot in the hands of a naughty boy.

One of the genetically modified warriors could barely move his fingers under the heavy pressure. He raised the arm holding the bolter and pulled the trigger under the heavy pressure. The gunfire interrupted the sound wave, and in the shadow of the ruins of the building, the giant steel beast collapsed. The life support and medical systems injected painkillers and combat medicines in time. The genetically modified warrior, whose bones were cracked by the pressure of the sound waves, stood up staggeringly with the help of the power armor. The medicine didn't take effect so quickly, and their movements weren't as agile as before. Even so, their guns were still pointed forward.

"Put down your arms," ​​said a voice with a strange Latin accent. "Put down your arms and you will live."

Although the terrifying shock wave failed to completely damage the power armor, and the power armor was known to be strong and durable, it was still the original model after all, and the production of many parts was not fully automated. There may be problems with some chip solder joints. Under the impact of the shock wave, the image in the holographic display screen of the tactical team leader's helmet immediately began to flicker and finally went out.

The tactical team leader took off his helmet without hesitation and pulled the trigger towards the source of the sound. He endured the pain and stepped forward quickly. He didn't pull out the chain sword from his waist until he emptied one magazine. He activated the power and rushed into the unknown area under the cover of fire from the team battle. They have encountered many special situations, and sudden sonic attacks are not difficult for them to deal with.

"The C-87 area is under enemy attack, requesting fire support."

"H2 Command has received it, and the shooting elements have been calibrated. Artillery support is in place and strikes can begin at any time."

"Hey, mutant!" The genetically modified warrior waved his chain sword and cut all the mutants in front of him into two pieces, including humans and guns. "Come here and meet your death!"

A Centaur Clan Inhuman wanted to say something, but was startled by the genetically modified warrior who jumped in front of it. It is a psychic, but its ability is a kind of speech spirit. Its function is to understand all the words in the world and understand their meaning, without any aggression. For some reason, the Centauri clan has kept it hidden until now. When the blade of the genetically modified warrior's sword was less than a finger's length away from its neck, a milky white shock wave crashed into the genetically modified warrior. The plasma clusters and explosives in mid-air were blown away by the sudden shock wave, and no one knew where it would land. where.

This centaur clan alien wanted to say something, but another thin figure emerged from the side. The genetically modified warriors did not detect his presence. Although their power armor detection system provided relevant data, they subconsciously ignored it. This kind of psychic power is not as powerful as igniting fire or generating lightning out of thin air, but it works silently. The modified brain of the nervous genetically modified warrior actually ignores the information that should be noticed.

"Your Majesty." The Centaur clan psyker bowed his head humbly, "I have tried my best to persuade."

"I know, you are not wrong." Black Bolt expressed his emotions with gestures. The helmet he was wearing covered the upper half of his face, while the lower half of his face was exposed to the cold air of the Star Castle, and white condensation rushed out like a steam engine. Using that kind of power is a kind of harm to Black Bolt itself. It is difficult for him to control the range of sound waves and he can only try to avoid harming friendly forces. "It's the barbaric invaders who don't understand our kindness. They don't have any beautiful emotions in the world in their brains. They are just beasts, beasts born for war. There is no sympathy in their eyes." He firmly said to the nearby aliens A human warrior, in the fire caused by the collapse of the building debris in the settlement, he opened his arms, and the cloak behind his combat uniform made him look like a huge creature walking out of the fire. "Kill them, kill the beasts attacking our homeland by any means, and drive the invaders out of our homeland!"

The shells roared in, but Black Bolt opened his mouth and forced the sound out of his throat.

Little does Black Bolt know that his every move is being watched.

Some people who were cheering one second were sneaking away from the shadows the next while others were not paying attention.

A certain piece of news about Black Bolt's dynamics passed through damaged sewer pipes, carried by unknowing people in the logistics force, and conspired by spies from certain sects, and was delivered to dozens of decks in the settlement in just half an hour. . Maximus watched the video recorded by the sect members with a disdainful smile on his face - he had long known that his brother would deliver a mobilization speech, and he also expected that the speech scene would be very deserted, but he did not expect Black Bolt The king is actually willing to use his own abilities in battle - if there is anyone in the world who knows Black Bolt best, then apart from the deceased King Agon and Queen Linda, and the now seriously injured Medusa, then only Maximus. He had participated in the test of Black Bolt's abilities and knew that the scene seen in the video represented Black Bolt's most powerful control. If he allowed himself to use his abilities, those genetically modified human warriors would definitely not survive. All Inhumans in that area will also be killed by the sound wave.

He sneered at his brother's soft-heartedness.

"Those civilians should feel honored to have sacrificed themselves." He said to the priest beside him. "If they can exchange their lives for the death of a human team, then their lives will have achieved a value that they could not have originally. This is a Such an honor, but my weak brother refused to grant it to those commoners, as if the lives of other people were worthless. I am different, I will give you the honor." He stretched out his hand and clad in robes in groups The believers lowered their heads of different shapes in front of him. "You deserve to be blessed. This is your right. Today I will return this right to you."

"Long live the King of Attilan."

I don’t know who shouted it first, and then the slogans sounded one after another. Maximus smiled and nodded, then pressed the button in his hand. The violent explosion instantly filled the darkness in the distance, and the sound of metal twisting sounded like a lament for the fall of the world. The upper deck fell with a terrifying roar, and the faint screams in the smoke sent chills throughout the body.

"The road ahead of assembly point D has collapsed?" Apalixia looked suspicious, "How did these mutants do it? Didn't the technicians assure me that the road ahead can support our heavy machinery?"

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