Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1565 Moon War (Seventy-seven)

Jiaying's face was hidden behind the oval-shaped transparent helmet of her spacesuit until she learned to turn on the small searchlight hidden in the full-coverage visor. She heard Constantine mention interstellar missiles and Terrigen compound warheads, and her face remained calm, because she did not know what interstellar missiles were, nor did she know what Terrigen compound warheads were, and her level of education was not sufficient. In order to let her understand the properties of the compound Terrigen and the bioconcentration effect of the biological chain.

This means that animals and plants around the world will be polluted, causing incalculable impacts. As the human race at the top of the food chain, even if there is no alien gene code that can combine with Terrigen compound, it will inevitably suffer serious consequences from Terrigen compound pollution. Gene mutations, the global incidence of cancer will increase significantly, and there will even be many diseases that have never appeared in the past - the emperor calmly told Jiaying in a short language the plans of the Inhuman Gene Council of Attilan , including the impact those Terrigen warheads would have, but the latter didn't care at all, and even showed a satisfied smile.

"Let me communicate with you using morpheme text. This language has a larger amount of information and can effectively shorten our communication time. You often complain about humans persecuting aliens, but you have never realized that many tragedies in your life are related to The enemies are all created by your own hands. The same is true for the Inhumans. No one wants the meat they eat today to come from a chicken with eight legs."

"So what?" Jiaying stared at the ground. She dared not look directly at the emperor, because those glowing eyes could pierce her soul and dig out the deepest hidden memories in her brain. Every day and night she spent in the prison of the Eternal City, she suffered such pain at the hands of the interrogator. Just for the moment when she looked into the emperor's eyes, the pain she suffered far exceeded all the pain she had endured since she was imprisoned. More torture.

"Do you want to persuade me to change my mind?"

"You have a reason to choose to remember hatred, a reason to abandon your faith in the human race and choose revenge, because you have experienced the most tragic fate in the world. As an immortal, I know the pain, no matter what you do There are reasons for all choices, and I will not ask everyone to forget the hurt they suffered." That noble voice sounded in her ears. Jiaying saw the crimson cloak inlaid with gold threads on the ground covering the emperor's calf armor, as if the gems and exquisite sculptures on the armor had attracted all her attention.

Accompanied by the rumble of tracks running across the deck in the distance, a group of soldiers wearing black void combat armor, wearing bulletproof breathing masks, holding laser weapons, plasma weapons and individual missiles followed the armored vehicle as they passed by. The appearance of this soldier diverted Jiaying's attention, so that her spirit would not be completely overwhelmed by the emperor's spiritual power. However, the emperor himself had no idea of ​​​​condensing his spiritual power, as if he was doing it with great fanfare. declare his own existence.

That heavy, warm, and magnificent sense of existence affects everyone in this star fort all the time.

"This is the first war for the human race to enter the galaxy. Out of respect for the Eternals, I am willing to give up part of the carrying mass to let you witness this war with your own eyes. I want you to watch the Inhumans go to destruction. moment. Perhaps this battle will not be recorded in human history books in the future, or part of the truth may be concealed, but it is undeniable that the steps built by the corpses of the Inhumans will pave the way for the human race to move towards the galaxy."

Even though Jiaying kept telling herself that this was just an illusion caused by visual fatigue and space travel, she had to admit that the light level in Attilan Star Castle was getting lower and lower. Even though there was extra light in the headquarters camp, she still felt as if the lights were restricted by some invisible force in the air, and then sank into darkness. Corresponding to this is the emperor who is getting brighter and brighter. The golden radiance is like hot metal, driving away the invisible miasma in the air.

"The other thing has to do with your daughter Daisy Johnson."

When she heard her daughter's name, Jiaying's eyes flashed and became uncertain.

"I guarantee you that she will live out her life in peace and quiet. But she will not have any descendants."

"Why do you mention her to me? Do you think I will value her more than the Inhumans?" This short woman can't even reach the emperor's chest, but at this moment she is as fierce as a female bear, " Do you think you can use her to threaten me?"

"Maybe, I don't know. Maybe some people think that I am very powerful, but I am not omniscient and omnipotent, and the things I do are just plans based on planning. Threat? No, I don't understand your feelings towards Daisy... Johnson's feelings, I don't want to use her to change your position, let alone use her to threaten you. You have no usable residual value to me, Jiaying, I have already obtained it from your brain and the library of the afterlife. I have enough information. You are standing here just because of my promise to you, and also to let you witness the impact of the destruction of the afterlife. You already know the purpose of establishing the afterlife, but you have never known the piles of old papers. I don’t think anyone would be bored enough to read what kind of secrets are recorded in those moth-covered papers written in Kree script. For the Inhumans who first established the afterlife, Attilan is their second home."

"Are you really hypocritical enough to call yourself the king of mankind?" Jiaying wrinkled her nose and tried to change the subject.

Due to long-term injections of nutrients, her physical condition is very healthy, and her immortal body has regained its function under the influence of sufficient nutrients, making Jiaying look younger than before she was imprisoned. She has always been a beautiful woman, but the abuse she once suffered completely destroyed her body. When her husband Kevin Zebo turned her out of the trash can, he used needles and threads to sew up her internal organs little by little. After getting up, this woman completely lost her former soul and appearance.

To this day, Jiaying still has no internal organs in her body, and even she can't explain how she came back alive. There seems to be something filling under her chest and abdomen that does not exist in the material universe, replacing the lost internal organs. Her level of knowledge was insufficient to explain the situation, but a psychic interrogator educated by Karma Taj knew what it meant. This represents the awakening of Jiaying's spiritual energy due to the extreme pain when she suffered vivisection, and she instinctively filled her body with non-material dimensional energy. If her husband, Kevin Zebo, doesn't sew her back up, maybe after a while, Jiaying will be reborn from her discarded remains.

It could be argued that Daniel Whitehall's vivisection and Kevin Zerbo's suturing of remains are in some ways similar to the act of mummification. From a witchcraft perspective, this ritual act bound Jiaying's soul to her original body, and even though she had never learned arcane magic, her psychic powers were combined with Kevin Zebo's wishes, This caused her psychic power to unconsciously maintain the operation of her body. Even though it is just a conjecture about sympathetic magic rituals, research papers on Jiaying's current situation are widely circulated among the top management of Kama Taj, especially since the paper was written by the emperor.

"You and I are the same kind, why do you want to help humans? Can't you see that humans won't make any progress? Even if you help them, they won't have any thanks to you, they will just want you to die, That’s all.”

The emperor just smiled and did not respond.

Constantine stepped forward and held Jiaying's breathing helmet in his huge palm. Just when Jiaying thought her life was about to end and these golden-armored giants were about to crush her head, she discovered that the Imperial Guards were just checking whether the neck seal of her one-piece spacesuit was strong enough. The same inspection process occurs on almost all armed soldiers. Even human soldiers fighting on the front line will find opportunities to perform this inspection, especially soldiers wearing black void combat uniforms. These soldiers from the Eternal City possess proud military skills. They were personally trained by the Praetorian Guards and appointed by the Emperor, and participated in the battle as the vanguard of the mortal army in this war.

"There is a third party involved in this war." The emperor explained patiently. "Besides humans and aliens, there is another force trying to provoke greater massacre."

"You are already causing a massacre." Jiaying said sarcastically, "Look at your genetically modified monsters. You call us mutants, but you created another kind of mutant. Your creation has no Sympathy, without any emotion." She glanced at the golden Praetorian Guards. At this moment, the remaining Praetorian Guards have been re-equipped. They slowly drove the armored tracked vehicles dedicated to the Praetorian Order towards the emperor's headquarters. Amon, Derrick Xian, Hammurabi and Hannibal quickly took over. His original position did not require any communication at all.

"Who do you want to kill with them?"

"The Inhumans are a harder enemy to kill." Constantine responded. Jiaying turned to look at his expressionless face, not knowing how to answer for a moment. Because she could feel that Constantine was telling the truth, and all the words she prepared were to deal with insults and retorts

"My Lord, the phosphorus fire weapon is ready." Amon raised the data pad in front of the emperor. "The engineering team is ready to pour phosphorus fire into the cracks in the deck. According to the technician's inference, no matter what is hidden in those deck cracks , as long as we have enough phosphorus fire, we can burn them to death."

The technician's proposal is very interesting.

Weapons of mass destruction such as phosphorus fire weapons can indeed play a role. At the same time, they can also achieve the emperor's purpose. They can strangle the third-party participating forces in the cracks in the deck, illuminate the darkness where they hide, and ablate their flesh and blood. Melt their bones. Technicians also discovered that the Attilan Inhumans' industrial production line could also produce simple Fenian phosphorus fire. Some people proposed pouring Fenian fire into the cracks of the deck with high-pressure gas, creating a large sea of ​​​​fire that swept through the lower deck, and at the same time captured the fire. Walk up to the oxygen reserve on the upper deck. The same weapon can also be used on the upper deck, where the Inhumans live, to kill all the Inhumans faster.

The Praetorian Order issued a tactical feasibility study report.

As for the battle that takes place in this kind of void aircraft, no human being has any military experience so far, and all tactics need to be demonstrated. The Battle of Attilan has become the best experimental ground for demonstrating tactics. The results of this experimental observation will be studied by the combat research and judgment department on Earth. Within a few minutes, Jiaying saw bright fireworks blooming under the steel dome of the Attilan residential area, like thousands of burning stars slowly falling. The genetically modified warriors wearing power armor completely ignored the damage of this weapon, but to the Inhuman army without heat insulation protection, the red-hot phosphorus fire was like the flames from hell-these flames floated in the air, and appeared at any time. It sticks tightly to the human body due to the flow of air, and cannot be shaken off no matter what, until it burns through the skin and bones. Sometimes even breathing attracts the phosphorus fire that is like a living thing. Anyone who is attacked by such a weapon will face extremely terrible pain, but those erratic phosphorus fires fall on the power armor of the genetically modified warriors, and in the end they can only burn out a black carbon mark that can be easily erased.

The genetically modified warriors walked on the streets in the white light of phosphorus fire, and saw tiny white flames burrowing into the ruins of buildings like snakes. After a while, violent struggles and screams would be heard, and finally there would be another It disappeared, leaving only billowing white smoke and fire piercing the darkness. The genetically modified warriors calmly raised their guns and killed the Inhumans who tried to break out of the encirclement. They quietly waited for the next round of phosphorus-fire incendiary bombs to bloom and the hellfire to fall.

Not that there was no organized resistance.

When the phosphorus fire flowers fell near certain buildings, they stayed in the air until they burned up. Some phosphorus fires seemed to have been blown by strong winds, and they were all concentrated in the open space, unable to ignite anything. There are also some weirder situations. No one has ever seen the phosphorus fire that fell on the ground actually freeze the sewage on the ground into ice. Whenever a similar situation occurs, genetically modified warriors will be dispatched in small teams to find the mutants who caused these phenomena and kill them - mechanically modified soldiers led by Martian technicians will follow closely - due to the emperor's permission , the biological research institute on Mars was allowed to share some of the Inhuman corpses for research. Compared with the research methods of Mars, the pain Daniel Whitehall inflicted on Jiaying can be regarded as sunbathing on Miami Beach. Some of the undead Inhumans thought they were out of pain after being captured by Martian mechanical soldiers, because these machines The modified person would spray some kind of gel on the burning parts to extinguish the flames and calm the pain, but he never expected that he would only face an even more terrifying future.

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