Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1568 Moon War (80)

The millennium-long transformation has made the structure of the lower production and reserve deck quite complicated, and most of the public infrastructure has been damaged. The Attilan royal family and the Genetic Council also tend to let their freedom go, refusing to waste their wealth on only the Alpha primitives and the abandoned people who have lost their genetic glory. On the people. Compared with the war on the upper deck, the human army is more inclined to clean up the lower production deck. The same is because the lower deck has a complex structure. For places other than occupied areas, production facilities, and heavy anti-gravity freight elevators, it is all because it does not have The strategic significance was not attacked.

Black Bolt didn't know that at this moment, the long-lost aliens of the Inhumans on the upper deck were surrounding his blood relatives and the statues of gods covered by rusted steel and industrial waste, loudly singing praises to the gods who should have been forgotten. And the blood shed because of the war. After Priestess Periel returned, the ceremony became even more noisy. The temple priest sped up the action of slitting the devotees' throats and sprinkling the entrails and blood onto the crowd; the extreme enthusiasm distorted the air, and the crowd stained with blood drops were immediately infected by this emotion, and the air that should have become fishy smelled It smells of aphrodisiacal musk.

The increasingly harsh harmonies tore through the remaining sanity of the believers. The almost crazy crowd raised daggers made from scrap iron pieces to express their celebration by hurting themselves and others. The believers cut open their own or each other's skin, muscles and even injured organs. In the end, they even began to dismember each other to satisfy their ever-expanding perverted desires. At the same time, the fanatical believers had sex with those around them and shouted the names of Maximus and Peril, as if some collective consciousness controlled them.

The priestess took the dagger from the temple priest and handed it to Maximus.

Maximus felt that every look in Periel's beautiful dark purple eyes after resurrection was hard to escape, and her whole body exuded supernatural sexual attraction. When she begged Maximus to hurt herself with a dagger, Maximus found himself unable to refuse any of Beryl's requests.

"You and I will complete the holy marriage ceremony." Peril said, "Only in this way can you dedicate yourself to the gods."

Holy marriage is called εργμο in ancient Greek, hieros (ερ) meaning "holy" and gamos (γάμο) meaning "marriage". This ceremony usually symbolizes the sacred marriage between male gods and female gods in the period when it first appeared. The Museum of Archeology and Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania contains an artifact unearthed from the Mesopotamia. Because of its discovery and translation Its name is known as Barton's column. This artifact dates back to 2500 BC or even the Old Babylonian period, but the cuneiform script used on the column comes from before Ur III of the Akkadian Dynasty, so this artifact is called "Understanding the Neo-Sumerian Era" A copy of a previous, older story" - After translation by many scholars, people discovered that the myth described in this cultural relic contains the story of the mating between male gods and female gods and the birth of seven gods.

Scholars in the 20th century generally believe that a sacred marriage ceremony was held between the king of Sumer in the ancient Near East and the high priestess of Inanna, the Sumerian goddess of sex, fertility, and war, in which the king would marry The union of the priestesses represented the union of Dumuzd and Inanna, symbolizing the recognition of the king's right to rule by the gods.

In the ancient Near East, there were rituals extending from the holy marriage ceremony that often took place between commoners and other low-level priestesses, including the Temple of Ishtar in the Sumerian civilization, the Temple of Aphrodite in ancient Babylon, and the Hittite civilization. A similar situation existed with the Phoenician civilization. Although some scholars in the 21st century (mostly Protestant scholars) believe that temple prostitution is just an academic error, it is certain that there were slaves in the temple of Aphrodite in ancient Greece who became temple prostitutes. The women of the Hellenistic world included the Temple of Aphrodite in Cyprus, the Temple of Venus in Ancient Rome, and even the pre-Hellenistic temples of India and the pre-Kamakura period miko in Japan.

Regardless of whether this kind of holy marriage ceremony actually existed in ancient times, it has gradually lost its original meaning over time. The ultimate purpose of the sacred union ceremony has changed from praying for a good harvest, praying for prophecies, and praying for blessings to jingling money. By the 19th century, occult scholars including the notorious Pascal Beverly Randolph and Aleister Crowley were advocating sexual magic. Regardless of the mythological theories followed by the sects established by these mystics, all maintain that the moment of climax is the most intense and powerful experience in a person's life, when the soul suddenly opens into the divine realm and is infused with the divine. breath.

This is the holy marriage ceremony that Periel requested.

She asked Maximus to sacrifice his soul to the gods through her.

She told Maximus that this was the oracle she heard from the gods before returning from the spirit world, and that only through her could Maximus receive the power of the gods. The fanatical crowd surrounded Maximus and the priestess Peril. The almost coagulated plasma covered the ground. The blood and body fluids from the believers were still flowing continuously, but no one set foot on the ritual ring. It was as if there was someone. What invisible force prevented them from approaching - Maximus found that he could not refuse any request of the priestess at all. His only self-control and mind manipulation ability kept exploring his own heart, checking every moment that passed by. Even the unformed thoughts, it was finally confirmed that his thoughts came entirely from himself and were not manipulated in any way - he watched Peril tear open the crimson dress made of blood solidified from the shoulders, and pull off the tall, slender, An extremely attractive female body was revealed in front of him. Maximus took a deep breath of the air that smelled of musk and sweat, held Peril's slender waist and slowly placed her into the ritual blood pool, and started the final ritual according to Peril's guidance.

The expression on the Centaur clan psyker's face changed rapidly, as if some hard object was scratching his brain with sharp edges. The brief but intense pain caused his eyes to twitch and blink uncontrollably. 【Do you need some rest? ] Black Bolt showed a concerned expression. Ignoring the objections of the Centaur Clan psykers, he waved to the military medical officer who came to the side, "I'm sorry for making you suffer so hard." But we need enemy intelligence now, and you are the only one who can provide this information at the moment. 】

"That's not the case, Your Majesty." said the Centauri clan psyker, "I suspect that the other party also has similar abilities."

【I know. Our enemy, the King of Mankind, is a psyker. 】

"No, you don't understand what I mean, Your Majesty." The Centaur clan psyker pointed to the distant battle line wrapped in collapsed buildings and fire. Fighting on the Gene Parliament building, the explosion's fire and the blue ionization trajectory of the plasma ball rapidly passing through were clearly visible. "The human king is there, and I can feel my brain burning just by looking at it. I can feel the solemn order and unparalleled splendor. But what I felt just now was another emotion, a kind of chaos, madness, The frenzied emotion, as if something was painfully born from the womb. I could hear the cry... the sound almost tore me apart!"

"Your Majesty, let us lock up this wizard. It will not benefit anyone if he continues to be so crazy." The captain of the royal guard said without hesitation, "We have achieved our strategic goal. The enemy's artillery support has been reduced a lot. Those genes The reformed warriors are also blocked by us. We are heading towards victory, and the enemy's supplies will never be able to sustain a long war."

Black Bolt gave him a cold look.

The captain of the royal guard sighed and stopped talking.

Frontline battle reports cannot deceive anyone. Many armed members of the Royal Guards who were sent out encountered different difficulties. At first, the refugees affected by the war welcomed the leadership of the Royal Guards, and even more brave residents took up arms to resist the invaders with the Royal Guards. But as the news spread, the vehicles transporting weapons of the Royal Guards were sometimes robbed. In order to expand the size of the organization, the Royal Guards often acted alone. They were confident that civilians without weapons would not do anything drastic, but they did not expect that someone would do so. He used the banner of resisting the invaders to gain trust, killed the Royal Guards soldiers at close range, stole weapons and food, and then hid in the lower deck and was never seen again.

Even the fortifications organized by the royal guards could not completely stop the invaders.

Ordinary residents who have not received training are almost vulnerable to professionally trained invaders. Even if the royal guards dig out ancient street fighting experience summaries and distribute them to every soldier, those soldiers cannot teach the residents in such a short time. How do we use these tactics correctly? Even if these tactics can be used, enemies wearing power armor will not stupidly walk into the ambush. Their huge bodies flexibly shuttle among the ruins, dismantling the siege network that was finally established one by one.

The casualties reported in the battle report that was finally sent back to the royal family were shocking. The wounded were constantly being sent to the Gene Council Hall, which was used as a temporary hospital. None of the wounded had ever seen the enemy. On the contrary, burns and bruises were more common. Those who resisted against the genetically modified warriors had few survivors. The Royal Guards are very worried that prisoners will reveal information such as the location of Black Bolt to the enemy, but currently he has not heard from the wounded about the situation of the Royal Guards soldiers being captured. On the one hand, he is saddened by the deaths of those soldiers, and on the other hand, he is saddened by the deaths of those soldiers. On the other hand, they are proud of their sacrifice.

【go on. ] King Black Bolt gestured to the Centauri clan psyker, [What exactly happened? 】

"Is this the end?" Jiaying looked down at the earth, the atmosphere shimmering in the solar radiation. "That Iron Giant, is everything you want to show me?" she asked urgently, "Is it just because the human race has psychic potential that the Kree Empire selects humans as experimental subjects?"

"That was the first arrival. This planet has experienced three arrivals in total, and you only saw the first one." The black-haired man responded calmly. Stars slowly move behind them, casting shadows on Earth. This feeling is amazing, as if I have become a part of the celestial system of the universe. "The ancestors of the Cree and the ancestors of humans have also undergone genetic engineering, but this does not mean that we have to worship the so-called creator. Human civilization was born from itself, and the amino acids in the hot sea combined with each other to form the most primitive genes. All of this It’s all a miracle of life rather than some deliberate act.”

“What about the Second Coming and the Third Coming?”

"That's a long story. If you are willing to help me, you will have a chance to learn about those ancient secrets."

"Is this your purpose?" Jiaying rolled her eyes, "You want to recruit me and let me work for you?"

"The way humans look at the present is determined by history. The way immortals look at history is different from the short-lived ordinary people, so they will naturally have different views on the present." The emperor did not answer directly, "It's just a matter of decades. Cultural and economic penetration can completely change the values ​​​​of a society formed by ordinary people. Faced with immortals who have a longer concept of time, ordinary people will only regard them as madmen. You have experienced the most painful war-torn society, and then you are lucky Living in an era led by great men, tell me, before you discovered that your life span was unusually long, would you have been influenced by the outside world?"

"So you need a helper who also has a long life?"

"I created the Praetorian Guards. They have eternal lifespan but are not immortals. They cannot return from death because they must obey the laws of physics. You can, Jiaying. You came back on that rainy night and violated all the laws of physics. , I believe you must have doubts about your resurrection from the dead." The emperor said softly. He didn't pay attention to Jiaying's childish behavior of wagging her fingers, trying to adjust the shadows shining on the earth. Even though her mind has been filled with hatred, after experiencing that horrific scene, cracks are appearing in her originally frozen mind. "I can tell you that you will survive even if you are not stitched up, but not so quickly. The miracle of genetic engineering and genetics of the Kree happened to create you, a born immortal. If you hadn't The psychic power is used to maintain the operation of your body, and you must have begun to learn the use of psychic powers at this time."

"Don't you have any other helpers?"

"Yes, but I hope to unite all the forces that can be united. My ideal will take a long time to complete, but if there are no people with strong will and long life to adhere to my ideal, then even the greatest ideal will be corrupted Degeneration. This is the disadvantage of human lifespan. However, a lifespan of more than a hundred years can easily make humans too short-sighted. This is somewhat limiting, but you have also experienced the demise of the Soviet Union, so you can understand what I mean."

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