Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1570 Moon War (82)

This time, she could barely see what the world looked like.

All the physical laws that have been determined by humans and even intelligent creatures in the universe are meaningless here. Far and near, front and back, up and down, left and right are completely chaotic. Objects that exceed the common sense of three-dimensional biogeometry are everywhere. These geometric objects transcend the framework of mathematical dimensions. Nothing here is eternal, and there are no rules for the movement of objects. She saw several planet-sized spheres moving slowly in the ether wave. Those planets were being continuously eroded by the ether energy, climate change, the earth cracked, and the atmosphere could become an ocean in the next second, and then returned to its original state. . Causality does not hold true in this world, which means that time in this world is not linear. There is no color in this world. She understands that the colors she sees are just imaginations that her self-awareness can accept. The indescribable and eternal unknown is a horror that she will never be able to understand in this life.

No one can describe the colors of the sky, flowers, and rivers to a person who was born blind, and no one can describe the horror of the outer dimension to someone who has not witnessed this hell with their own eyes, even if all human writers use the most brilliant pen and ink in their lives. If the world is described on parchment, the words will only appear barren, and cannot even accurately summarize the scene of the world. The word "accurate" has nothing to do with this dimension, because there is nothing in this dimension that can be called "accurate". Everything here is beyond the wildest imagination of humans on earth. This universe seems to be concocted by the crazy imagination of mental patients and drug addicts who have overdosed on hallucinogens and burned out their serotonin receptors to reach the fifth plateau. Even the most crazy Dada artist cannot depict any landscape of this world, any fantasy. Humans exploring this world are as ridiculous as the two-dimensional creatures exploring bullet holes in the shooter hypothesis.

Only ignorance is the most powerful protection when facing this world. Just after Jiaying came into contact with a little bit of the mysteries of the deep space, she felt a splitting headache and her spirit almost collapsed. But the arrival of the star changed everything. Stable and orderly floating islands extended outward from her feet, and white marble squares were formed and assembled out of thin air under her feet. The chaotic etheric energy was still eroding the land of the floating island, but the rare order was still reassuring. Jiaying saw the emperor using his own power to build a magnificent golden palace, with tall spiers towering upright. The wave of ether that submerged above the head dispersed the whispers with roaring thunder, like a god standing in the violent storm.

"This is a temporary measure."

Jiaying didn't see the emperor speak, she heard the emperor's voice in her brain. In fact, she didn't know where the emperor was at this moment. She only knew that there was a huge star hanging high above her head, and every beam of light seemed to be the incarnation of the emperor. All spiritual energy entities formed in this dimension would be burned into pieces once they came close. The purest spiritual energy completely disappeared. In this world, the shape of the physical universe does not matter.

"You do not have the ability and wisdom to explore the mysteries of this world with me, but you must know the real threats we face, and at the same time, you can also watch the dilemma faced by Attilan from this dimension."

Jiaying said nothing. Her newly stable spirit and will did not support her doing so.

She agreed with the emperor. If she could, she wouldn't want to stay here for even a second. She knew that some people would rather take a look at the sky and die than lower their heads forever. This idea can be summed up as "you can die if you hear the truth in the morning and in the evening." However, at this moment, she just wants to tell those people that it is better not to know some things. . She saw that the aircraft that escaped from the planets that were dragged into this dimension spent thousands of years in just a few seconds, becoming rotten, and limbs and organs grew on the smooth steel.

This is absolutely not normal.

The distance in the endless space—perhaps above your head, perhaps in front of you. Jiaying was not sure. Her only frame of reference was the star and the magnificent buildings. But in this terrible world, even the majestic palace that far surpasses all the buildings on the earth seems small - the huge vortex is slowly turning, and the dirty and disgusting light in the center of the vortex is very dazzling. At the center of a deep vortex of some huge, semi-illusory existence, its ever-changing, erratic body is elongated like lumps of paint falling into running water. This existence is surrounded by countless small, noisy spiritual entities. .

They waved their deformed limbs, howled wildly, and desperately grabbed the animals emerging from the whirlpool.

At first Jiaying couldn't see clearly what it was, but as her attempts to see clearly became clearer, the distance between her and the vortex began to shrink. Jiaying didn't notice how long it took her to get close. It could be a second, an instant, or even a hundred years. These questions could be ignored when she saw clearly what was emerging from the whirlpool. She saw translucent objects with human and inhuman faces being grabbed by the horrific monsters near the vortex, who grabbed them, tore them into pieces and then swallowed them whole. They swallowed, and the largest monster in the center of the vortex became more twisted, and the other monsters became noisier - this scene reminded Jiaying of the time he spent with Carl Johnson. Although Carl Johnson was not superstitious, his birth environment determined that he believed in Protestantism, so he often told Jiaying stories from the Bible.

Jiaying believed that the scene she saw was the description in the Bible, and those things were the human soul.

She didn't notice that there was only one human soul guarded by the monsters that was not attacked.

"My Praetorian Guards once hunted down a projection of that monster in the material universe, which happened in Attilan. Now it will truly come to the material universe, bringing horrific carnage and bloodshed. I really want to To prevent all this, there is no time or cause and effect in this dimension. When we make observations now, it has already arrived in the material universe, because only when it does so can we observe its changes, just like Schrödinger's cat, and even Said that it had already descended into the material universe before doing so. It is the real enemy in the battle of Attilan, and the Inhumans are just an appetizer. The lives lost in the war will help that monster be born in the material plane."

Jiaying didn't know what Schrödinger's cat was, so the emperor sent her a memory and his own understanding. This knowledge does not involve the observer effect of quantum mechanics. Jiaying, who has basic logical thinking ability, can quickly understand the relationship between half-life and cats.

"This is the trap set for me, but the Battle of Attilan must begin. Now I can choose the battlefield instead of letting this happen on Earth, seizing some of the initiative and minimizing the harm, even if this It means that hundreds of thousands of lives will be lost as a result, which is better than being forced to kill millions of humans. This is the reality I face, and the basic principles for making decisions are helplessness."

“The lesser of two evils.”


The grand palace door hundreds of meters high slowly opened, and the emperor walked out holding a gun and sword.

The distance was a bit far before, so Jiaying couldn't notice much was wrong, but as the emperor walked towards her, she found that the emperor's height was constantly expanding, just like when she met the Iron Giant before. Jiaying recalled the emperor's teachings, but she couldn't do whatever she wanted no matter what she did in her dream. The emperor stood beside Jiaying, overlooking the whirlpool in the distance - Jiaying found that she was not as tall as the emperor's boots - and then the giant in golden armor raised the golden spear, like a solidified thunderbolt. He threw the spear forcefully, and the golden lightning instantly hit the giant monster in the center of the vortex. The emitted electric current violently destroyed the surrounding spiritual entities, releasing his monstrous rage.

He strode toward the dark vortex, the white marble square stretching out beneath him.

"The box hasn't been opened yet and I can make an intervention."

These were the last words Jiaying heard before she woke up.

When Maximus opened his eyes again, he discovered a whole new world.

Priestess Peril knelt on the ground quietly and looked at him with reverence, and all the believers knelt on the ground to worship him. Maximus had no recollection of how he had stood on this high platform, wearing this ugly crown, with supernatural flames burning above his head. But that didn't matter at the moment, he had never felt better. He felt that his mind could scan everyone in front of him, including the civilians and enemies on the upper deck. He felt that his body was full of power, as if he could crush steel as long as he stretched out his fingers. At this moment, he only had to stretch out his hand. He could touch the deck that was originally located high up - he saw himself reflected in the eyes of Priestess Peril - several bone spurs rose from his skull to form a burning crown, and powerful muscles spread all over his body. The deep purple eyes exude a deep light. He grinned, squeezing out the hot steam from his sharpened teeth, then bent down and used the bone spurs that pierced the skin to fuse with the nails to form claws, and cut a wound in the chest of Priestess Peril.

At this moment, she still had no clothes on, and the filth from intercourse was still slipping away.

The joy was soon replaced by glory. The pure blood passed down through generations of the Forgotten Sect played its due role at this moment. Priestess Peril endured the pain like a brand on her chest with a martyr's expression. Since she had self-awareness, the only education she has received apart from ancient books and texts is the sect's goal, which is to become the saint of the savior of the Forgotten Sect. If you marry someone, guide him to convert to the power of the outer dimension. She clearly saw that she was not having sex with Maximus, but with a powerful angel from another dimension. The angel had sent an oracle to bless Maximus, the savior of the Forgotten Cult. Maximus, born in the royal family of Attilan, has now become one with the angels and one with the gods, and Maximus's will is the will of the gods.

Now the coat of arms on her chest is the mark given by the power of the outer dimension. It is the supreme glory that the sect has been craving for countless years and has planned thousands of conspiracies but has failed to obtain. Priestess Peril feels in her heart for those fools who have abandoned their faith. Pity, but also hatred for the pagans who rejected the glory of the gods and worshiped the Kree myths instead.

After doing this, a burst of anger appeared out of nowhere.

Maximus suddenly grabbed the priestess and threw her aside. He stared at the crowd of believers below with angry eyes. None of them knew what was going on. Except for some insane fools, most people were silent, even Priestess Peril and the stupid Alpha primitive. Same thing. "Drink this blood." Maximus was completely unaware of the inexplicable change in his voice at this moment. "You will gain strength that you never had before. Yes, don't waste a drop of blood... You will become healthy and strong... …”

Black Bolt, who was urgently recalled again, looked sadly at the Centauri Clan psykers.

Nearly all the psykers in the colony, regardless of their ability, suffered from the same symptoms. They screamed, they sang, they gibbered about the legend of something about to be born, they yelled and begged for death. . The sedatives lost their effect, and the medical staff could only restrain the sick psykers tightly and transfer them from the temporary medical department in the Genetic Council Hall - the royal guards took it upon themselves to arrange these psykers to the prison - Black Bolt I really wanted to stop him, but the captain of the royal guard claimed that the condition of these psykers was not good. It was very likely that these people had gone crazy and would cause a lot of trouble to the medical staff. Now just send some soldiers to take care of the psykers and let the medics treat the wounded.

"What exactly is going on?"

Black Bolt looked around and found that no one could answer his question.

The Centaur clan matron shook her head. The villain clan and the ghost clan matron also had no answer.

"This is no coincidence, Your Majesty." The captain of the royal guard hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to tell Black Bolt what he had been hiding. Including but not limited to the rampant sects in the lower production deck, as well as the strange psychic wizard leader he encountered when he led a team to eliminate them during the era of King Agung. "We all know the horror of witchcraft." The captain of the royal guard glanced at the Centaur clan matron. In addition to the Kimilian clan and the civilian clan, the Centauri clan has the largest number of psykers. "If those wizards say the same thing together, then this thing can be called a prophecy."

Black Bolt was shocked by his naivety. He had never thought about the situation of the lower-level production class A before. He had never been there, never seen the Alphas at work, and had no idea that there was a need to suppress the rebellion. Since he took power, no one had told him the true situation on the lower deck. It was as if everyone tacitly hid it from him and wanted him to sit on the throne and issue orders. He turned his attention to those royal members and almost Everyone refused to look at him - at this moment, Black Bolt wanted to sigh. He feels angry, sad, and miserable because the people he once thought he could trust seem to be untrustworthy, and everyone joins forces to steal power from him.

"It's not that I don't want to report to you, Your Majesty."

Black Bolt nodded to the captain of the royal guard.

Regardless of whether he was telling the truth or not, the captain of the royal guard was on his side at this moment.

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