Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1574 Chapter 1570 Moon War (86)

Like a hyena, the long and narrow snout bit into the rapidly decaying flesh on the ground, and then a precise bomb hit the monster's head, adding a touch of terror to the dark and bloody place between the ruins of the building. This is one of Attilan's transportation thoroughfares, where the most intense conflicts broke out between genetically modified warriors, mortal armies, and Inhuman armies. The once wide streets were used to transport royal supplies, but now they are now occupied by gorgeous buildings on both sides. The ruins of the building are covered with mosaic murals.

The Attilan Inhumans sent the most professional, powerful, and well-coordinated army to stop the genetically modified warriors. The human army responded with heavy bolter cannons, flamethrowers, individual missiles, and artillery bombardments. The debris of the collapsed building, together with the debris left here, gradually turned into a carpet of steel, flesh, cables and concrete rocks in the explosions. The most bloody and cruel battles attracted residents from another dimension to pass through the fog of war. They came here spontaneously, unable to restrain their desire to devour flesh and blood, and began to feast on survivors and dead bodies. These mindless beasts are the weakest enemies. They do not have enough intelligence and rely solely on their bloodthirsty instincts to hunt down lone survivors, most of whom are fleeing Inhumans. Even mere mortals in the human army can rely on strict military discipline, long-term training of skills and various weapons to temporarily fend off the beasts crawling out of the shadows.

Until the master of these beasts arrives.

Those terrifying creatures with humanoid limbs wielding black swords burning with cursed flames were surrounded by hordes of crazy mutants and rushed towards the encirclement. Those severely mutated humans rushed toward barbed wire and mines feverishly, and the entire front line instantly fell into a series of explosions. Those nightmarish creatures broke through the sea of ​​fire, jumped into the mortal army's lines with dense lasers and bombs, and slaughtered with vicious weapons in their hands. , every wound they leave on a mortal body is equivalent to the most terrifying black magic.

They discovered that the flames on the Vicious Sword were not as expected, causing those humans to suffer eternal pain. The cursed black flames, which were like entities, could not penetrate the human body at all, and their power and speed were not as strong as imagined. The powerful, injured humans even had the courage to take up weapons and fight back. One of the human soldiers wearing black armor even stabbed an enemy from the Nightmare Realm to death with a dagger. "Your master cannot protect you forever! You are just humble and blind creatures, unable to recognize the truth!" A creature that was far taller than other spiritual entities said loudly. The weak golden flame burned scorch marks on its body, but no one noticed it. "When you die in pain, your souls will belong to us!"

The enraged unborn let out ear-piercing howls, and more demons rushed into the battlefield.

When Apalixia came to the encirclement network, the human army had already begun to build a second line of defense. He did not think about what those soldiers who were deeply trapped in the Inhuman city would face, because the main force of heavy armored vehicles and main battle tanks had already entered the city. He believed that those assault teams were capable of carving a bloody path. Aparisha saw the group of crazy creatures holding up the dismembered corpses of Inhumans and mortal soldiers impaled on steel, wearing cloaks made of human skin and bones, and causing wanton chaos and massacre.

Without saying a word, Aparisha held the Executioner's battle ax and charged into the enemy's formation with the escort with cold murderous intent. The azure electric current enveloped the battle ax. He used his shoulder armor to knock aside the corpses of mortal soldiers, and swung his battle ax to chop the spiritual entity in front of him vertically into two pieces. The crazy creature let out a final howl, and its fallen body turned into a puddle of ashes and pus. Aparisha could barely restrain his anger. He charged at the enemy arrogantly, and the escort's explosive bombs roared beside him. In less than a minute, the dense shield formation and the roar of the explosive bombs were like a dam, destroying the enemy. The enemy in front of the defense net was pushed back forcefully.

This is just one of dozens of defensive fronts. On each front, at least one genetically modified squad is fighting bravely to kill the enemy. The highly mobile troops that were originally placed in the rear to prevent the enemy from teleporting sneak attacks have also bypassed it at this moment. They broke into the fortifications, rushed into the enemy's rear like ancient cavalry, and attacked the enemy's charge formation. Moreover, the terminal air defense system originally placed in the defensive position also gave up its original role at this moment, and in the blink of an eye, countless machine gun shells were thrown at those fish that had not been attacked by the genetically modified warriors.

"Get away!"

The furious Black Bolt roared, and the sound waves filled with psychic power instantly shattered the skin, muscles and bones of the inanimate beings in the fan-shaped area in front of him, just like a violent wind sweeping the square, rushing towards the super-dimensional spirit The entity was blown to pieces. However, this did not buy much time. The captain of the royal guard was still leading the army to support himself. The task force that had been sent out to attack the rear of the human army was also brought back by the lock-tooth dog. After Gordon completed the task, he was unknown. Traces - these relatively combat-effective troops built a line of defense on the steps to deal with the continuous stream of monsters trying to attack the Gene Council Hall.

No one knows where these monsters come from, and no one knows who created these terrifying creatures. They are far stronger and more agile than the Inhumans. Even the best warriors of the royal family cannot face them alone, even the black ones. Bat King is also unable to kill all intruders without harming his own kind. Even though he hated the invaders in his heart, even the captain of the royal guard had to admit that these never-seen invaders were definitely not from humans.

The human army has strict order and absolute calmness. These creatures only have chaos and desire. The battle report received by the captain of the royal guard shows that the human army seems to have also engaged in a firefight with this weird creature, and the battle situation is even more tragic. Atty The Lan royal family faced only a small part - he vaguely remembered that the traditional military education he had received mentioned similar enemies. However, due to the loss of information over the years, even the Inhuman battle reports collected by the Attilan royal family were Unable to provide much information - "This may be a witchcraft entity, Your Majesty," the captain of the royal guard said to Black Bolt. He never imagined that the square in front of the Gene Council Hall would be so chaotic, with bloody massacres and wails covering every stone brick. "I have learned in family education courses that our Inhuman ancestors may have faced similar enemies."

Black Bolt glanced at him.

At this time, the lock-tooth dog opened its big mouth and bit off the leg of a spiritual entity, and the smelly black blood spattered everywhere.

"We can fight against this creature with our own abilities." said the captain of the royal guard. "Every Inhuman is a potential psyker, and our ability is the manifestation of directed psionic energy."

Black Bolt opened his mouth again and uttered a word, forcing the approaching extra-dimensional spiritual entity back.

"Cover the wounded to evacuate, I'll buy you time." He expressed his meaning with hand gestures, and his forehead was covered with dense sweat. He had an intuition that he understood the mind of a human king. "I give you all rights, and you can contact the human army if necessary. We need to face the same enemies and survive, and the human king will let many of us survive, even if it means forgetting the past, even if it means I will give my life.”

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