Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1576 Moon War (eighty-eight)

The Praetorian Guard is a mystical combination of the Emperor's science, technology, and power.

If it weren't for the current shortage of manpower in the Praetorian Order, Constantine, as the only one who has mastered all genetic alchemy processes and equipment, would definitely be eager to let the Praetorian Order settle in the Dimensional Gap Watchtower. The Emperor also knew that the Praetorian Order wanted to scout for information through dimensional gaps and gain knowledge about alien races in the galaxy before the grand plan was implemented.

As a main branch of the World Tree system, there are many alien wizards from different places and civilizations in the galaxy, exchanging psychic materials and knowledge. These alien wizards are relatively gentle, and most of them are not so-called psychic races or aliens that rely entirely on extradimensional survival. They can be used by the emperor's future plans and are alien races that can make them affiliated with the human race. However, these alien races are small in scale, and most planetary governments do not have the ability to control psykers, or simply allow the existence of psykers without controlling them, and some are not even able to explore planetary orbits.

There are more ferocious alien interstellar empires in the galaxy with powerful technology and large populations. Those alien empires will be an obstacle to human civilization, and the emperor will inevitably exterminate them. What Constantine wants to know is that part of the knowledge. It is true that the Emperor once brought back a lot of information from the Milky Way, but the Milky Way is so vast that even the civilizations contacted by the interstellar pirates wandering in the Milky Way cannot know information about all races in the Milky Way. Even the Emperor himself is just an explorer stumbling forward on a thorny road full of mist. He does not believe that he has the ability to know everything that is happening in the galaxy. Therefore, from a pragmatic perspective, it is particularly important to collect intelligence. .

Constantine planned to send the Praetorian Guards, who besides himself were the most adept at covert operations and espionage missions among the Praetorian Order. It's just that Amon is still taking on another responsibility, and he can't get away from it for the time being. The Praetorian Guards with relevant talents and wisdom have not yet been produced, so it will take a long time to wait for the Praetorian Guards Order's plan to be implemented. , gradually replacing the veterans in the dimensional gap, allowing the latter to free up time and energy to help the emperor complete the establishment of another important organization.

"Have you made a decision, Ms. Jiaying?" Amon asked.

"I want to see my daughter before making a decision." Jiaying looked at the emperor who had walked away. He was walking side by side with another giant in golden armor, dazzling among the mortal soldiers. "Can you do this? What’s the decision?”

"I can, because all my Lord's decisions are my decisions." Amon said, "When the battle is over, you will be sent back to Earth to meet Daisy Johnson. She is currently on a mission with SHIELD. I will arrange a suitable time for you, an environment where no one will disturb you."

Black Bolt took the electromagnetic rifle from the back of the wounded royal guard and started shooting downwards.

Each invisible steel needle will accurately pierce the bodies of extradimensional creatures, and then roll out from their bodies to form a huge gap. But except for a few unlucky ones, most of them will The dimensional creatures were not interrupted by this small steel needle. The huge wounds healed quickly, as if their bodies were just used to carry evil souls. After seeing the appearance of Black Bolt, they became even more excited and fought desperately. As he charged forward against the defense line formed by the royal guards, he would even forget about the unarmed civilians at his feet. At this moment, the captain of the royal guard had led a small group of civilians who had evacuated from other lines of defense into the thick iron gate of the Gene Parliament. Black Bolt caught a glimpse of this scene and without hesitation emptied the magazine of the electromagnetic rifle in his hand and rushed into these outside. A swarm of dimensional creatures.

Accompanied by a deafening scream, a sound wave like an explosion shock wave struck with Black Bolt as the center. Black Bolt opened his mouth and looked around. The terrifying high-frequency vibration transformed his roar into a high-pitched scream that was beyond the hearing range of most humans, freezing the movements of the monsters in place. He took a brief breath and forcefully spoke the next word, blood pouring from his mouth. But this did not hinder the destruction caused by this power. The powerful ultrasonic waves shattered all objects within twenty meters around him, including the monsters. Even the force between molecules was shattered by this force. The surrounding temperature dropped instantly, and the nano-sized particles were like dust suspended in the air, forming a dark storm surrounding him with the collapsing airflow.

Covered in frost and black dust, he took a few steps forward.

As soon as Blackcard Burt opened his arms, the contracted bat wings on both sides of his body spread out and lengthened, like a pair of black bat wings. He lowered his head, opened his mouth and whispered a bloody word, and then Blackcade Burt was propelled into the air by the reaction force. This was the only time he soared under the steel dome since the death of his parents. .

He looked down upon his beloved city, and around him the direct fire of the human army roared past. The Inhuman city with power outage is like a huge tomb. Only the fires ignited by the collapsed buildings and the supernatural flames ignited by monsters from another dimension can continue to illuminate a corner of the ruins. The flames of atomic heat flow, straight lasers, and bomb explosions were fleeting, and Blackcard Burt had just seen the human army slowly push the vicious flames towards the ruins of the building like a wave.

He saw dots of lights beneath the dozens of meters high war engines. Each armor plate of that huge war engine has gorgeous giant reliefs and emblems, like a mechanical god walking in the world, but an extremely dazzling existence is standing there and takes away the power of this war engine. All the brilliance, together with Black Card Burt Gang, overlooked the war-torn city. Even though the war was ignited by the human king, Blackcard Burt had just seen too much. He was too tired. He felt that he could not bear such painful truth.

The Inhumans will inevitably perish.

Humanity does not need the Inhumans because the Inhumans see themselves as the evolution of the human species. The Kree do not need the Inhumans because the Kree only regard the Inhumans as slaves. Now they are just a responsibility that can be discarded and no one can take over. assets. The Inhumans have been wandering in the Milky Way from beginning to end. Even if they return to the solar system where their home star is, the Inhumans are still outsiders. The human king just added a handful of firewood to the inevitable demise of the Inhumans, because the racial niche in this galaxy needs to be changed. The weakened Inhumans cannot stop the progress of mankind - they can survive by surrendering and dedicating everything. The knowledge and culture of the alien race will be integrated into the human race. This is the condition offered by the human king for the Inhumans - this means that except for the civilian clan, other clans will suffer bloody massacres. Compared with civilian clans, these Inhumans, who were also born as humans, have extremely severe genetic mutations and can no longer be regarded as human beings.

"They will never identify with humans, either culturally or physically. They must die because they will not surrender to the psychic instability that was given to them by the Kree's directed genetic mutation. It is in fact a malignant spirit. Being able to mutate is like a cell becoming cancerous. I want you to understand that this is not a hypocritical statement. The reason why other clans face war with the human race is simply because we are too close."

"Then let your soldiers show real respect. The Inhumans will never ask for mercy. I will give you what you want. All I want is your respect. We once shared the same blood, and fate made us Parting, now the swords are facing each other, it's time to decide the winner. You have to promise, even if I can't see the war."

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