Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1578 Moon War (90)

Maximus's current location remains a mystery.

But now the emperor's battle headquarters received a message from Tita. Legion Commander Malcolm subconsciously judged that the message was related to those extradimensional creatures that suddenly appeared. Combined with the intelligence given by the emperor, the appearance of those extradimensional creatures Also related to Maximus, a psychic mind reader from the Inhumans.

When a large number of spiritual entities appear in the material universe, they cannot be summoned by a wizard through spells or magical rituals. They can only be opened by a portal after weakening the curtain of reality and outer dimensions, allowing the desire for life in the material universe. Monsters with souls came to this world through the rift in the physical universe.

Since this battle will use a large amount of heavy ordnance, and in order to prevent the Inhumans from gathering forces in advance and making logistical preparations, the Emperor's initial strategy is to attack the upper levels from the lower levels of Attilan Star Fortress, while occupying equipment such as freight elevators to prepare for the attack. The force provides a sufficiently secure rear and sufficient carrying capacity. The emperor's strategy has indeed worked. Most of the logistics troops, including the medical department, engineering department, etc., are placed on the several decks below the upper living area. The Star Castle freight elevator controlled by the technicians of the Immortal City can also smoothly transport various types of equipment. Supplies are transported to the upper battlefield. At the same time, the occupied power facilities, production facilities, etc., to a certain extent, cause chaos in the Inhuman settlements, undermine the organization of the Inhumans, and facilitate the attack.

As one of the Emperor's most trusted units, the Sisters are responsible for guarding logistics bases in addition to participating in frontline operations. Now Tita reports to the command department, claiming that the logistics base has encountered sporadic attacks by extradimensional monsters. Although those monsters failed to cause much damage under the attack of the logistics base security measures (including but not limited to barbed wire, mines and machine gun positions), Commander Malcolm keenly discovered that the types of monsters encountered in the logistics position were of the upper level. A type not seen before in deck living quarters.

"Your judgment is important, Commander Malcolm Corps."

Tita's beautiful face was once full of displeasure because she was unable to participate in the frontline attack. Now the sword forged by the emperor himself can finally drink blood, which makes her extremely proud. She discovered more than once that creatures from extra dimensions would always avoid the long sword unconsciously, proving that the weapon with some power from the emperor could bring greater pain to spiritual entities from extra dimensions.

"Now I need more manpower to protect the logistics base. If the portal is really here, then the enemy will definitely start to seize the production facilities occupied by us. Regardless of whether these demons are summoned by the Inhumans, their nature is to be helpless. Endless killing. The logistics base and defense front will be obstacles that they cannot bypass, and they will definitely attack here with all their strength."

Tita waved her fingers excitedly as the other androids looked on. As a commander, she must maintain a dignified and calm image in front of outsiders. She cannot jump up randomly or jump around crazily like Catherine, otherwise she will jump up immediately at this moment. She had begun to look forward to the scene when the emperor himself returned to the logistics base to take charge, but Commander Malcolm did not fulfill her "little wish."

"The Second Battle Group still has a small number of mechanized troops available. I will transfer them to the logistics base to deploy defenses. I will also send relevant engineering requirements to the engineer supervisor of the Immortal City. Mortal soldiers need to bear some responsibilities. I ask the sisters It will become the insurance for the logistics base. Mortal soldiers may not be able to withstand the madness brought by those spiritual entities."

It's not that Tita didn't notice this situation.

Although the second-line troops stationed in the rear are also elite soldiers in the mortal army, after the adrenaline faded, these soldiers without exception showed varying degrees of nervousness, and many reported to the political commissar and the medical department, claiming that they had heard the news. The eerie screams of those incarnations of madness can still be heard. Although the mental condition of many soldiers improved after a short rest and taking medicine, this was still a real hidden danger, especially since this place was located on the lower deck rather than on the frontline battlefield, and the emperor was unable to provide mental asylum for these soldiers.

Tita's tone was obviously lost, but this was the authority granted by the emperor to the commander of Malcolm's army.

"I believe that the political commissar department will protect the mental health of the soldiers."

"Your Majesty has been informed of the situation at the logistics base."

The Legion Commander's next words inspired Tita a lot.

"If necessary, He will personally protect the security of the logistics base."

Black Bolt, Black Bolt, was walking gloomily in the city that was gradually turning into ruins. Gunshots rang out just a street away. Explosions and smoke billowed out from the street entrance. The entire upper deck was lightly shaken. shock. He didn't want to see anyone, talk to anyone, or give orders to anyone. The defeat of the Inhumans is doomed. He has obtained the best conditions from the human king, which is to preserve the civilian clan and let more innocent people survive, but the price is other clans with highly mutated genes and the crown of Attilan. Even though no one knows about his deal with the human king now, he has already thrown the crown at his feet in exchange for the survival of the civilian clan.

He didn't know if his decision was right, but emotions such as shame, anger, and regret kept haunting him.

He has been thinking about what choices his father would make when faced with a situation like today if he were still on the throne. Even though he knew it was impossible to happen, he still couldn't help but think about it, and all kinds of complicated emotions led him to draw a conclusion. He believed that it was absolutely impossible for his father to make such a deal, and he might even lead an army to fight to the death with the human army, using the blood of the entire Inhuman race to make history.

The thought made him extremely miserable.

Blackcard Burt just wanted to excuse himself, but he couldn't because he knew that this decision was the best solution to the current situation. The terrifying witchcraft entities summoned by Maximus are existences that the Attilan Inhumans cannot fight against. The human army must be left here to fight against these extradimensional spiritual entities. He thought rationally and found that his father in his impression had an extremely serious and decisive determination. Perhaps his father could detect and take action when something just happened - such as Ge Ge in the alien settlement on Earth. Climb to Attilan and report the news of the destruction of the afterlife, etc.; such as breaking the military treaty signed between clans to ensure that civil war will not occur again, training the army; such as teaching all the Inhumans the truth about their origins, etc. - maybe The human army will not attack Attilan at all, but will fight with Attilan against the Dark Order. But now it's too late for him to do anything. The outcome has been determined. As the king of Attilan, he must make the decision that is most beneficial to the Inhumans.

It wasn't until he encountered a group of scattered extradimensional spiritual entities that his violent emotions were able to be vented through violent means. He saw those monsters that seemed to have come out of hell, using the serrated knives in their hands to kill the civilians who were barely alive. He seemed to be infected by the atmosphere in the air, and the anger in his heart and the dignity of being the king of Attilan made him He rushed forward and spoke a word to the monsters.

"Maximus, come see me."

He used his authority to publish his voice in the Attilan Royal Broadcasting Center, which had not yet been destroyed. This can only be done with the help of the emperor. Without the emperor, he can only speak safely back to the isolation room where he has been for a hundred years. There are not many people in this world who can survive after hearing his voice. Most of them are separated by hundreds of offset devices and thick armored glass in the isolation room. Maximus is definitely one of them.

"If you are not a coward who can only stay in the protection of those monsters, then come to me now, you know where I am."

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