Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1585 Moon War (ninety-seven)

[This punch seems to be hitting smoke. 】Black Card Burt just thought to himself. The body wrapped in black smoke suddenly shattered, and then condensed around him, as if Maximus' material universe body had been shattered. Blackcard Burt just felt an unbearable sting on the skin of his chest and neck, and blood flowed from the burnt terminal nerves and skin. [Where is he? 】 He punched and thought, "How can I kill him?" 】

"I can hear you, brother." The silver giant sword suddenly appeared and cut a bloody wound on Black Bolt's abdomen. The cold malice almost turned into reality and penetrated into his body, jumping up along his spine. Blackcard Burt couldn't help but shudder. The black fog dissipated slightly, and Black Bolt caught a glimpse of Maximus's face becoming even stiffer, and a layer of white teeth sprouted from the burnt black skin on his face. Before Blackcard Burt could do anything, the silver giant sword cut through the air again and stabbed over.

"Get away!"

It was enough to shatter Steel Sonic and push Black Bolt himself away, barely allowing him to escape the fatal attack. This attack did not achieve the expected results. The silver giant sword that was attacked by the sound wave was still intact, and Maximus, wrapped in black mist, still stood there. Through the black mist that had been blown away, Blackcard Burt had just seen that Maximus's skin, muscles and bones burned by the plasma were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Those eyes full of malice were still filled with hatred. Staring at him, a large hole was blasted out of the collapsed building complex behind Maximus. The solid steel and concrete were instantly shattered by sound waves, and then lifted high into the steel dome in the strong wind caused by the falling air. .

Blackcard Burt had just taken the opportunity to inject himself with a dose of adrenaline and combat medicine.

This was a battle material given to him by the emperor. The so-called combat potion is not a good thing. If you don't have superhuman physique and tolerance, a dose of combat potion is enough to break the heart of ordinary people. But the emperor told him that the Inhumans, especially his body, had been spiritually enhanced for generations and could no longer be regarded as ordinary humans. They could fully use the combat potions distributed by genetically modified warriors.

[How did you become like this? 】

"Because of your stupidity, my brother. You allowed careerists to control you, and you plunged the Inhumans into war." Maximus staggered back a few steps due to the impact of the sound waves, and then he strode forward again. The tall body swung the giant sword with unstoppable power. [Your thoughts are all under my control, brother, you see your weakness. ] The black flame of the curse ignited on the silver sword, and Blackcard Burt just felt that the cold malice on his abdominal wound was boiling, almost burning the skin at the wound to separate, [You were the one who accepted this. You were the one who gave me the gift, but now the gods have abandoned you and chosen me. It seems that the gods are far more discerning than our parents. 】

【Gods? what are you saying? 】Black Bolt Blackcat Burt just thought to himself, 【What is it that whispers in your ear and makes a promise to you? 】

[I'm telling the truth, brother. The truth that our race once saw, and then gave up on. 】

A silent fight broke out among the ruins shattered by artillery fire. The reconnaissance drone aimed the ultra-high-speed camera lens downwards, but only through slow playback could the figures of Blackcard Burt and Maximus be clearly seen. . Their movements were far faster than the average human eye could discern, but even someone who knew nothing about close combat could tell that Black Bolt, Blackjack Burt, was at a disadvantage.

The silver giant sword stabbed into the ruins of the building. The black flames on the sword immediately ignited the inorganic concrete and metal that could not burn, burning them until they softened and turned red. In the blink of an eye, they collapsed into red-hot mud. Blackcard Burt had just rolled and crawled into the crater exploded by the human army. Maximus immediately chased him. Then sound waves erupted from the bottom of the pit, and the figure with bat wings spread out quickly flew out from the bottom of the pit. Swooping down, he released another sound wave that pinned Maximus to the ground.

The black mist on the latter's body was blown away, revealing a body enhanced by etheric energy.

Just like a replay of the last battle, Maximus's skin, muscles and bones were crushed by sound waves. The blood squeezed out of his body clung to the ground like a thin sheet, and then shattered into a blood-colored mist, even his body. The deck below was also shattered into small, uniform particles by high-frequency vibrations. Unexpectedly, the city's energy pipeline system leaked. Electric sparks flew up to Maximus's body. In the blink of an eye, Maximus fell from the hole in the deck that turned into powder. ,

Black Bolt retracted his black wings woven from composite materials and plunged in. Immediately, more powerful sound waves and huge amounts of smoke rushed out from the holes in the deck, like a volcanic eruption. The entire Attilan Star Castle trembled in the sound waves, as if someone had detonated a powerful bomb here. All the supporting structures were challenged by the bombs. Many of the layered buildings built by the Inhumans in the past thousand years collapsed in this powerful shock, even causing far more bombs than the cannonballs dropped by the human army. casualties.

But neither Black Bolt, Blackjack, Burtgun nor Maximus cared about this kind of thing.

They couldn't think about anything else at all, because at this moment their lives were as precarious as water droplets hanging on spider silk. Blood brothers projected their hatred and grief onto each other. They used all means to bite each other, like two wild beasts biting each other. Wolf. Maximus penetrated his brother's body with a giant sword. Blackcard Burt just grabbed the blood relative's head, which was gradually growing out with curved horns. He looked into the other's blood-red eyes, opened his mouth ferociously and roared. Maximus's eardrums were shattered, but he still heard the muffled sound of his skull gradually deforming and breaking. His vision was gradually submerged in blood. He subconsciously twisted the giant sword. Blackcard Burt just felt the wind blowing. Entering his chest, what came out of his throat was no longer sound waves but blood and internal organ fragments.

They kept falling, falling.

Blackcard Burt had just tasted lightning and salt, thunder and roar chasing them, steel shattering around them. They fell into the darkness and eternal night beneath the Star Fortress. They fell forever as if they were cursed, and everything around them seemed like a dream, with every second being stretched into eternity. "We are cursed, brother." Maximus looked at Blackcard Bertegang with eyes covered in blood. He was blind, and his skull had been crushed and deformed by his blood brothers, but he was still alive. He yelled crazily, "The Inhumans are eternally cursed, and we cannot escape our fate."

Blackcade Burt just didn't answer.

He couldn't answer, blood gushed out from his nose and mouth, Maximus pierced his body, crushed his internal organs, and the roar of thunder rang in his ears and poured into his brain. He couldn't think, he didn't know where he was, only the blood that was constantly choking into his damaged lungs rolled in his breath like an aging blower.

[Yes, we are cursed. 】

Blackcard Burt just hugged Maximus tightly, vomited a mouthful of blood, and fell downward forever.

【We will all die. 】

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