Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1606 Chapter 1602 Moon War (118)

The long journey is the most test of will. The priestess Fei Lier and several other priests read loudly from the holy book about the story of the prophet leading the elects to the holy land and establishing the kingdom of God on earth, strengthening the mutant believers' firmness in their faith. If there is someone here who is relatively familiar with the history and politics of earth religions, it will be easy to tell that the evolutionary paths of alien religions and earth religions are surprisingly similar.

It is also the case that after the prophet receives the oracle, he guides the believers to leave their original place of residence and separate them from the original familiar environment, and then sets a goal that takes a long time to achieve. In this information cocoon that is separated from the familiar environment and other communication groups , the prophet has the absolute right to speak. During the long journey, the authority of the prophet will continue to strengthen. Until the first batch of believers die, the authority of the prophet and the so-called gods will become the only culture and history of this ethnic group that has lost its original culture. This story is told in detail in the "Torah" and again in the mouth of the priestess Philiel. No matter how the characters and deeds in the story change, the underlying logic of the story remains the same.

Priestess Fei Lier has absolutely no idea that the stories she tells, the doctrines she shouts, and even the team of believers she leads are all being watched by a pair of eyes. Several reconnaissance drones floated silently in the air, and high-precision cameras clearly saw the faces of each mutant and marked them. These marks were then forwarded by the base station and sent into the genetically modified warrior power armor. In the Identification Friend or Foe system, and use the labels in the information database for classification.

"The number of mutants exceeds five thousand and is still increasing. Arms classification: individual light weapons. Cold weapons A-1, unknown long-range weapons A-2. Similar models are now used to predict the threat levels of weapons A-1 and A-2 I guess..." Before Apalixia could wait for the holographic projection tactical panel of the power armor to display all the information, he blinked and ignored it, because he had already reached the conclusion of the temporary tactical command team. Aparisha protested to the regent, "The intelligence you gave me indicates that this group of mutants is going to the portal, and you intend for us to massacre this group of mutants first to reduce the tactical variables near the portal. I understand all of this, But what I don’t understand is, why do all of us need to come here with just over five thousand mutants? There are twelve warriors here. It doesn’t take much time to kill all these five thousand people. You can let the girls first Go back, Constantine may need help."

"Why are you so hostile to Constantine, Aparisha?"

"I just want a duel." The leader of the First Army grinned cruelly, and the bloodthirsty smile behind the mask was chilling. "Idle people all over the world want to know, if the First Army and the Praetorian Guard stand together in the arena, who will be the winner in the end is me or Constantine. That's all, Lord Regent."

Victor von Doom nodded in acquiescence to this statement, even though he knew it was not credible.

There was no need to read minds, or to break the mental barriers the Emperor had created for the knights, to know what the real answer was. Even though the genetically modified warriors have lost many of the emotions that humans should have and are perfect humanoid killing machines, they still possess a certain degree of humanity. If there were only genetically modified warriors like knights in the world, then Aparisha and the other knights would never have any anxiety about the existence of themselves and their colleagues. However, there are also knights with more gorgeous armor and burlier bodies in this world. Guards, it is difficult not to make Aparisha and others doubt the existence of the Guards. Is the Praetorian Guard an evolution of the Knights, or is it another completely different, genetically modified warrior that can almost be called a different creature?

The information of the knights is relatively open, but the information of the Guards is shrouded in mysterious doubts. Which one is better and worse between the two is within the Yugoslav Federation's government, the Yugoslav Federation's national defense and military fields, and the world has the ability to pay attention to external defense. It has sparked considerable debate among dynamic military entities and even among biologists around the world. Many countries have begun to put their own genetically modified super soldiers back on the schedule, especially the United States, which has super soldier serum and Hulk serum. It has also launched scientific research cooperation with NATO allies, and the Pentagon has also obtained a Sufficient funding was provided, and then Pioneer Technology Group (A.I.M.) was entrusted to carry out relevant research.

It is foreseeable that the secret underground human experimentation and human trafficking black market will usher in a peak period of transaction volume, and alien and alien materials will inevitably be the highlight of the underground trade. The two alien invasions in London and New York both brought a lot of untraceable experimental materials to the private black market. Even countries that have not obtained relevant materials will send agents to purchase them through the underground black market. However, the Pioneer Technology Group (A.I.M) itself is an industry of the radical Hydra, and was later acquired by the conservative Hydra. Most of the alien alien biological materials in the alien invasions in London and New York were obtained by the then-Aegis. After the Hydra rebellion, a large amount of data was destroyed and a large number of undercover agents surfaced, leading to chaos in the management of the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. file system. It is actually the conservative Hydra that truly controls the circulation of alien and alien biological materials in the underground black market.

Correspondingly, it is another exploration of the technology possessed by Tony Stark's armor. Although Tony Stark is not an expert in weapons design, many of the power armors he designed cannot be suitable for all. The battlefield environment and cost are too high, but this does not prevent some people from seeing the powerful strength shown on the battlefield after the emperor equipped the superhuman warriors with power armor. If possible, every country would want to have its own super soldier.

"I need you to eliminate this team and don't let them get close to one kilometer of the portal." Victor von Doom said, "Now they are imprisoned in the strange face in the iconographic sense. If there is no external force to break that They will continue to do so. Although they are just a group of poor people, please show them mercy."

"Use explosive bombs and blades." Aparisha stretched out her hand and made a tactical movement. The escort immediately followed him, and Sisterhood Commander Tita did not hesitate and quickly formed a formation to keep up with the knights. "Maybe flamethrowers, plasma and melta." A member of the Guards added in a cold tone, "Bomb chick also has a chainsword."

"Casel, can you shut up? It will make you look smarter, at least smarter than you look." Apalixia responded in a dry tone, "I heard that you applied to have yourself projected into the psychological system. Part of an intimidation tactic?”

"At least the enemies know whose hands they're going to die at," Cashel said. "I'll solve the problem with a combat knife."

"After they see your ugly face, they will wish they died faster. At least until you arrive."

When Aura turned her doubtful eyes to Tita, even the chief commander of the sisterhood couldn't explain why. She didn't understand the meaningless sense of humor of the knights. This is not because she cannot understand this kind of cold, trash-talking humor, but because she does not understand why knights always like to have these meaningless and unhelpful conversations before battle-if there must be any The reason is that it has something to do with the knights’ military career before undergoing the reconstruction surgery, and the time in the training camp after the operation. However, the person who can know the answer is not here. Regent Victor von Doom is just like that. The image that was full of noise disappeared, and neither the knights nor the battle sisters saw any trace of the hovering drone.

The passionate poem seemed to rekindle hope, and the priestess Philelle recited it loudly with joy on her face, driving away the whispers and ridicules lingering in her ears. Under the leadership of the priests, the believers gradually changed from sporadic humming to a messy chorus, mixed with rough roars and screams from mutated and twisted throats, but this did not affect the increasingly fanatical mood of the team. , because of being away from the angel, the feeling of loss gradually recovered.

The singing made the priestess Fei Lier feel like she was soaking in clean warm water, and her whole body was filled with warmth. She was in high spirits and began to recite the next poem. Immediately afterwards, a bomb penetrated the body of a priest, and his upper body was blown into a mist of blood. Priestess Fei Lier subconsciously lay on the ground, and then several cannonballs dragging tail flames hit the queue of believers crowded on the stairs like lightning. Pieces of blood mist exploded above the stairs, and the charred bone fragments collapsed. It's all over the sky.

"Yes, I will," the emperor repeated, "I have other plans for you."

"What do you want to do?" Bayonetta asked, crossing her arms and tilting her head.

Although she pointed the gun downward, no one thought she couldn't aim and pull the trigger before anyone else could react. Amon's leg muscles were tense, ready to rush in front of the emperor to block the bullet at any time. Even Dinah was affected by the atmosphere full of gunpowder and was ready to hold the dagger tied to her thigh at any time. Although she is very reluctant, she will still attack the witches when necessary, and she can at least hold off one of them. She selected the target as Jeanne d'Arc - the white-haired witch clearly saw the maid's nervousness, she just rolled her eyes at this situation and did not hold the pistol - which made Dinah obviously relieved. But she didn't dare to relax too much, after all, she had witnessed the witch's fighting ability. As long as they are willing, the castle cannot be intact, and the diplomats who are staying in the castle to rest after being entertained by the regent for a night will also be affected.

Bayonetta didn't expect an answer because she was familiar with the Emperor's mysterious style and didn't think He would reveal his plans here. "I will go to Kama Taj." The emperor said calmly, "His Holiness had already foreseen this possibility, so His Holiness gave the weapon to me. I once asked His Holiness to be freed from the mission of the Supreme Mage. Where to go after coming out, His Holiness told me, nothingness is the only destination, eternity is the end of everything. Death is not the end, Bayonetta, death is just the beginning of another journey. My wish is to let Your Holiness Those who reach eternity are not trapped in the world. Can you understand what I say?"

"Do you know what the consequences will be if you fail?"

"I will not fail." The emperor said in his usual affirmative tone, "This is a calculated result."

"I'll go with you." Bayonetta let go of her arms and strode up the stairs until she stood in front of the Emperor. Amon tensed his muscles nervously, ready to intercept her at any time, but in the end he did not make a move. She is one of the few people who has the talent to look directly at the emperor. It is also possible that the emperor took the initiative to restrain his spiritual brilliance, weakening his sense of existence. "If you fail, I'll help you fix it."

The emperor stared into her gray eyes and was silent for a while. "If I fail, you should evacuate to the island immediately. I will meet you there and start the next plan in advance." He stretched out his hand to hold the witch's shoulder, "This is not a negotiable matter, Ceresa. Even if I fail, I will not die because of it, but the future we have to face will be more severe and terrifying, and I must use more extreme plans. A world war is inevitable, and the flames of war will burn throughout the galaxy. We have to be ready for this.”

"Don't look at me, I have no objection." Joan of Arc flipped up her forehead hair and said half indifferently and half seriously, "She ran over here like crazy and used the witch clan's inherited magic weapon to kick away the anti-teleportation There’s a blockade!”

"Joan of Arc!"

"I invite you to witness with me the end of this thread of destiny. Remember, no matter what happens, please remain calm and do nothing else."

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