Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1610 Chapter 1606 Moon War (One Hundred and Twenty Two)

A large number of nerve tentacles emerged from under the shriveled eyelids. These nerves, which seemed to have gained self-awareness, were waving wildly in the air, grabbing Priestess Feryl's eye sockets and stretching outward as much as possible. Even though the eyeballs and optic nerves were out of control of the body, Priestess Philelle's body did not completely lose control. She seemed to have gained some kind of supernatural vision, and those optic nerves were transformed to a certain extent into things that human biology can't explain for the time being. , tentacles that can detect etheric energy, these tentacles collectively extend in the direction of the portal, eager to invest in it.

"She doesn't feel any pain at all." Tita looked at Priestess Ferrell seriously. The latter's expression was full of intoxication and happiness, and the physical changes did not bring about any changes in her emotions or thoughts. "Is this because the portal is right in front of her?" Tita asked. "Can she still hear us?"

"She has no eyes."

Regent Victor von Doom made a little joke, and among everyone present, only the knight and Catherine could sense his sense of humor. Tita stared at him as if he had said something unforgivable and disturbed the serious atmosphere. "I think she can still hear us, but I'm not sure whether she can understand the meaning of the words." The regent raised his finger, "She has experienced a rebirth, and I can see that her soul has gone through a resurrection ceremony. Her soul was completely immersed in the etheric energy. She saw the truth behind the curtain and understood the knowledge that she could understand as a mortal. She will eventually throw herself into the ether and let her soul return behind the curtain, so I will do this. Regardless of whether you believe in the concept of soul, or you regard soul as an exclusive term referring to the projection of consciousness in the etheric dimension, for the sake of communication efficiency, please allow me to make a small mistake for the time being."

"There is only truth in this world, and there are no gods." Aparisha blinked and said, "That's it. I really hope everyone can understand Him."

Regent Victor von Doom looked deeply at Aparisha.

The emperor told Apalixia part of the plan, but no one expected that Apalisha would have such a deep understanding of that part of the plan. If everyone could understand the emperor's plan, then many unnecessary means would be possible forever. Store it in the warehouse and never use it.

“The power of regency is given by Him, and that is what He decides.”

Konstantin added over the private communication channel, but only Tita could hear him.

The Commander of the Praetorian Guard and the Regent had the authority to know that this decision was the product of the game between the Emperor and the existence behind the curtain, but Constantine did not explain the decisive factors of this decision to the Knights and Battle Sisters, let alone the Battle of Attilan. The hidden thread is the secret war between the emperor and other forces. The regent did not intend to elaborate. Catherine looked at the battle sisters, and then swallowed back what she wanted to say. Before the emperor wanted to tell the truth, irrelevant people could only continue to remain ignorant. That was the best protection measure. .

Hearing the commander of the guards say the same thing, Tita reluctantly nodded. She stretched out her hand to comfort the battle sisters behind her, and told the android sisters on the communication channel that the plan to deal with the cult leader was the emperor's order and not entirely the regent's idea. After hearing this sentence, the artificial man who was originally filled with resentment immediately expressed his agreement without any objection. The Lord of the First Army and his Honor Guard also had no objection. Although they had obtained relevant knowledge through psychological indoctrination, facing the ether They still have too little experience when it comes to dimensional aliens and enemies that use etheric energy as weapons. The essence of etheric energy is chaos. No alien in the etheric dimension is exactly the same. Killing is one of the few effective methods for the knights.

"The water mirror divination showed that there is a portal on the moon. Is this why you went to the moon?"

In dualism, the attribute of witches is feminine. Images such as the moon, water, night, women, fertility, and curses are all closely related to witches. Over the long years, the witch clan has created many magics based on the image of the moon. The night of the full moon is also When the witch is at her most powerful. Therefore, witches are extremely sensitive to changes in the moon. They did not use the portal to reach Karma Taj directly - as the mystic who knew all the secrets of Karma Taj, the Emperor knew that this would be very dangerous. Karma Taj has engraved protective spells on every peak in the Himalayas. As part of the protective mechanism, any signs of teleportation will be detected and then attacked. Although he has the authority to pass the defensive spell, it is guaranteed that this authority will not It is revoked.

They could only travel to the Himalayas aboard a Pegasus-type assault transport.

As the emperor's vehicle, this assault transport craft is specially equipped with anti-psionic equipment and stealth equipment. Not only will it not be detected by any country's phased array radar, it will also not be detected by psychic detection witchcraft. This is the only way. This can ensure that no violent reaction will be triggered by the protective spell. As soon as she sat in the crew cabin, Bayonetta unceremoniously controlled the onboard audio, and asked Dinah to take out champagne from the small refrigerator of the assault transport boat to share with Joan of Arc. Over "Fly Me to the Moon" and the dense bubbles of Louis Roederer rosé champagne, the emperor heartily admitted the reasons for his departure from daily life. But when the emperor told the historical origins of the Inhumans, the witches slowed down their drinking of champagne to listen to his talk and reasoning about the relationship between the Kree and the so-called "Second Coming."

"Humans are not a naturally evolved species, but are the product of genetic engineering like the Kree?"

"No, the human race and even the entire life on earth are the result of natural evolution. The reason why I believe that most intelligent races in this universe, only the human race can have a greater sense of freedom, rather than moving towards a predetermined The ending is because I know the truth." There are very few people in this world who can talk about the Celestial Clan carelessly. As a terrifying race that uses the entire galaxy as a testing ground, many of those intelligent races that recognize these existences will fall into the trap of nihilism. The intelligent races that are aware of the existence of the Celestial Race must be extremely ancient and possess powerful enough science and technology.

The emperor took his time and sorted out the three comings of the gods that the earth had experienced.

"The first advent is an accidental factor, the second advent is the result of the first advent, and its purpose is to observe rather than interfere. Even the purpose of the third advent is to eliminate interference factors and ensure that the observation experiments on precious samples are not Disturbed."

If you close your eyes and listen to this voice, it is easy to imagine a cup of hot tea placed under the soft yellowish light, and fingers gently turning the pages of an old book, like a gentle bedside chat. This is one of the two sides that witches love. The brilliance he displayed made those who faced him feel as if they were facing the scorching sun at noon, making people overwhelmed. On the other hand, he was as gentle as the calm sea and as calm as the towering mountains. There are countless swimming fish hidden under the sea, and there are endless rocks on the mountains, just like his countless wisdom like stars.

"Once upon a time, the human race awakened to psychic powers prematurely. The knowledge you and I have learned now comes from the system established before the third coming. Athena personally experienced the third coming, but even in the most recent one, there are many Secrets are hidden in history and never see the light of day.”

Then there was silence, as silent as an eternal mountain standing in the afterglow of trillions of times. It seemed that he had finished all the words he could say, and the mountain was brewing with hot magma waiting for the next eruption. Although the witch did not have farsightedness, she still saw a future, as if the ocean-like sea of ​​souls pushed a shell in front of her who was walking on the beach, attracting her attention with its white and smooth appearance - she saw Under the butcher's knife, temples were burned down, societies were cut off, millions of worlds were left in ruins, trillions of humans could never see the truth, and the entire sea of ​​stars was burning with flames - Bayonetta picked up the shell. Throwing it back into the sea, there was no sharp cut on the finger hidden by the edge of the shell. She felt a pair of hands embrace her waist, the broad chest and the familiar smell of sweat were fascinating.

Amon noticed that the witch was smiling.

Hold your breath at this moment.

When the regent Victor von Doom revoked the spell, countless claws, horns, tentacles and other limbs that exceeded the boundaries of genetic mutation rushed towards Catherine, who was holding an eyeball in front of the portal. If you look forward from behind the portal in a two-dimensional plane - if this is possible - you will see that the exoskeleton and flesh are completely formed out of thin air, as if they are the topology of N+1 high-dimensional geometric figures in N dimensions. Muscles and bones pierce the paper's three-dimensional world bit by bit, from high dimensions to low dimensions, filling all the gaps in the blink of an eye.

Praetorian guards and knights rushed out from both sides of Catherine, chain swords, battle axes and garrison spears immediately cutting off these strange limbs that exuded a vicious smell. The Battle Sisters stood side by side with Catherine, pouring all their ammunition into the supernatural flesh. Regent Victor von Doom stood behind everyone. The burning fire on the eagle staff and the brilliance released by Catherine's aura instantly evaporated those supernatural organisms into ashes and water vapor.

[I do not share his kindness. I have expectations for his plan, but not for the human race. 】

The Regent and Catherine's psychic powers are in secret communication.

[A noble lie can save all mankind. It is difficult for the human race to accept the cruel truth. They will bow their heads because of the horrific truth, refuse to admit it, and use gentle lies to heal their minds. Otherwise, their nihilistic confusion will drive them crazy and make incomprehensible self-destructive actions. This is to protect them, Catherine, cruel but necessary. 】

[Why are you telling me this, Lord Regent? ] Catherine was a little puzzled, [You know, I completely believe in His plan and the necessity of those means. 】

[Maybe it’s because I will be the last Supreme Mage, so I feel a little emotional. 】

Regent Victor von Doom raised the Eagle Staff, and the pure white fire that was burning quietly expanded instantly. Countless flames floated towards the portal, and then exploded into a sea of ​​fire. The guards and knights took a few steps back, and the phosphorus-like white flames instantly poured into the portal, swallowing up the supernatural organic matter. In an instant, those spaces were filled again, and the malicious entities behind the portal were endless, but this time they tasted unprecedented fear since their birth, because their bodies were burned, their concepts were erased, and they could no longer exist in their souls. Resurrected in the sea.

[His sacrifice has gone beyond what a mortal can accept, and I don’t expect him to retain human empathy. In your words, he has transcended mortals and may have lost his emotions, but in fact he has not. His ability to retain empathy means that his pain will be incomprehensible to us, and he can feel the painful consequences of the decisions he made. No one can understand him, and not everyone can believe in him unconditionally like you, including me. 】

said the regent in a touching tone.

[He faces his own tests, and so do I. I will completely put aside all self-esteem, go down to the dust to support his vision, and believe in him without reservation. Only in this way can every link of this plan be flawless. 】

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