Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1621 Kama Taj Fire Land

Chapter 1621 Kama Taj·Fire Land

The cold wind carried light black smoke into the courtyard, and the marble floor tiles cracked and shattered under the tracks. The courtyard, which had maintained tranquility for thousands of years, was now enveloped by the sound of continuous explosions and engines. Even though the First Secret Regiment tried to exercise restraint, they still encountered unprecedented resistance when advancing to the third courtyard.

The distribution of personnel at Kamal Taj does not follow military theory, but class status. Low-level teachers and mystic apprentices live in the first, second and third courtyards. If you want to enter the courtyard at the back, you must either have extremely good talents or pass the test to upgrade. Therefore, most of the mystics behind the third courtyard It was the mainstay of Kamal Taj - the emperor's army encountered a counterattack by the organized Kamal Taj mystics before they even had time to shoot. As soon as they stepped into the courtyard, red flames covered the front yard like water. The soldiers of the First Secret Regiment wearing all-environment combat uniforms were immediately scorched by the fire, and nothing could be seen except the boiling flames outside their masks. They felt like they were being held by something invisible, as if they were crawling in a swamp. The more they struggled, some kind of sticky semi-solid rope-like material would cling to the combat uniforms.

Corporal Burton tripped over a sticky substance on the ground.

When he lay on the ground, he saw clearly that the things stuck to his armored mask were actually some ordinary-looking spider silk. These spider silks were sticky all over his body, and it took a lot of effort for him to pull his hands up from the ground. However, the flames followed the semi-sticky spider silks and rushed to his tactical gloves, burning his hands. The mask burned black and burned through his breathing filter. The high-temperature air rushed into his lungs along the pipes. At this moment, he tasted the taste of caustic oil on the back of his tongue, and then his lungs were burned to pieces.

One point and five seconds later, with the sound of several gunshots, the flames eerily disappeared from the combustibles.

The precision shooter followed the rope hook gun to climb to a high point and fired a deadly bullet, killing the mystic behind the crowd who was responsible for releasing the flames. Although they responded as quickly as possible, they still could not avoid casualties. At the same time, the crisis of the First Secret Corps has not been resolved. The mystics shouted slogans, holding psychic shields and contracted psychic blades, and rushed towards the First Secret Corps and the Sisterhood who broke into the courtyard.

At this moment, all rules of engagement to reduce casualties were abandoned.

As battle-hardened veterans, the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment immediately pulled the trigger. Dense high-power lasers and rocket-propelled warheads exploded into orange-red sparks on the soul shield. The shield composed of geometric formulas and secret runes dissociated and reconstructed, and the air flickered with static electricity spreading from the etheric current. The arcane master behind him raised his hand, and storms and thunder gathered in the air. The supersonic metal warhead vaporized in mid-air, and the fusion material in the warhead turned into supersonic hot gas. It was like the steam evaporating from the hot metal set off a strong wind, but it was unable to cause any harm to the mystics.

Burning psychic spears hovered above the mystic's head, then fired at the precise marksman in the distance.

The all-environment combat uniforms were easily penetrated, and the soldiers' muzzles were forced to lift up by invisible forces. The soldiers and sisterhood of the First Secret Regiment had to draw out their melee weapons and secondary weapons to face the secret weapons rushing towards them. mage. The distance between them and the mystics was quickly closing, so close that Tatyana could see the veins popping out on the necks of these young mystics, so close that she could smell the nervous sweat emanating from their bodies, and so close that she could see the swords The blade-shaped psychic flames burned the oil oozing from the user's skin, so close that she could feel the terrifying heat of the psychic weapon on her throat.

Then she turned around, pulled out the chainsword from bottom to top, and roughly opened the mystic's ribs.

The smelly, slippery internal organs and blood hit her boots.

"How dare you use the knowledge He has given you to attack His warriors."

The sound of armored vehicles rolling over the marble stairs came from behind, but she had no patience to wait for large-scale fire suppression. The mystic mage, wrapped in the shining etheric wind, rushed towards her, shouting the name of the mystic mage she killed. This time, Tatiana didn't hold anything back. The powerful force given by the power armor made her punch smash the skull. She violently tore off the mystic's arm, revealing white skin under the skin of the chest and abdomen. ribs, and the beating heart in them.

She savagely threw the bloody limbs back into the formation of mystics, causing a wave of panic.

These young mystics have very little actual combat experience. Most of them are still learning how to deal with dark wizards and participate in actual combat with extremely low risk. The so-called extremely low-risk actual combat actually refers to following the mystic deacon to clean up the laboratories of the magic schools that have surrendered, and responsible for solving some not-so-dangerous but quite annoying curses, magical creatures, etc. They have not really taken the lives of others. , in contrast, cleaning and repairing are their main jobs.

When they first get into a chaotic conflict, panic and tension are inevitable.

The battle lasted only thirteen seconds.

As a large number of battle sisters and huge armored vehicles entered the battlefield aggressively, with chainswords raised high, the young mystics who had been incited to excitement immediately lost their courage - the thunder bombardment of ether energy decorated the golden lily pattern The armor plate detonated the explosives installed in the explosive reactive armor on the outside of the ceramic-metal composite armor. The gunner in the armored vehicle immediately turned the side turret and fired a laser beam at the mystic. Even these mystics who had mastered psychic witchcraft could not guarantee that they would be able to face large-caliber machine guns and high-power lasers. The arcane master who was hit by the laser cannon was able to survive the attack intact, but his body was not even left intact. Other survivors hit by lasers and explosive bombs were still bleeding on the ground, while the chainswords in the battle sisters' hands were still whirring and spinning rapidly, and the cut pieces of skin and flesh were instantly charred.

The armored vehicle was firing a round of suppressive fire, and the mystic who was trying to evaporate the bullets was unable to connect with the spell, nor could he prevent the Sisterhood's armored vehicle from killing the mystic who was fighting with psychic energy weapons. The remaining young mystics were immediately controlled by soldiers of the First Secret Regiment.

The soldiers of the First Secret Regiment, who had traces of smoke and fire all over their bodies, looked aggrieved and their movements became much rougher. When they encountered some prisoners of war whose self-esteem suddenly exploded, they would not use the same language as before. Instead of persuading, just put on a gun butt or adjust the power of the electric shock weapon to the maximum.

Corporal Burton's body is still lying there. No soldier wants to avenge his comrades. However, the young mystics really don't know who killed Corporal Burton, even in the face of the whistling and rapidly rotating single molecule. Blades and steaming laser rifle muzzles, even if the furious team leader threatened to break their joints, slit their throats, and tear out their tongues, these mystics couldn't explain why.

"Ignore the wounded. Place restraints on the psykers and press on."

Tatiana's voice came from the communication channel.

This order made all the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment look askance, but Tatyana immediately explained the reason for doing so.

"Before He arrives, we must advance to the fifth tactical target point Animaqing (Note: the mountain god in Tibetan mythology, and also the holy land of Bon religion). The image intelligence fed back by the reconnaissance drone shows that the dangerous target Modu has already Lead a group of mystics to assemble in Animaqing's courtyard." Tatyana waved the chain sword, and the blood on the blade had evaporated, and many of them had even turned into soot. "The terrain there is suitable for concealment. We must cooperate with the armored units to carry out a strong attack. We must capture Mordu. He wants to persuade Mordu to make other mystics give up resistance, but if Mordu senses his arrival, he will inevitably retreat. We will also miss the opportunity to end the mission quickly."

Tatyana's order was confirmed by the praetorian guard Amphitryon.

"This is a wise decision, Ms. Tatiana."

The praetorian Amphitryon entered the third courtyard together with the armored car. Although some people would question why the Praetorian Amphitryon moved so slowly after the war, he could point to the several mystics following him and claim that he had a special mission to perform. Kama Taj is an organization that has lasted for thousands of years, and has existed for tens of thousands of years before it even received an official name. Its internal forces are crisscrossed and layered. It is not surprising that even the emperor develops his own power within it—— The Emperor believed that before he and Wanda Maximoff arrived, the First Order and the Sisters would inevitably be at a disadvantage when faced with the psychic arcana, and this was indeed the case - Praetorian Amphitryon After noticing this situation, he immediately read code words into the ears of several specific targets in the prisoner of war area, activating the agents arranged by the emperor.

"Next, I will be the spearhead of the attack." He said, "The next actions will also be under my command. Ms. Tatyana, you are not experienced enough in facing psychic witchcraft. I and the several secretaries behind me The mages are willing to help more than enough for this...don't worry, their loyalty belongs to the Emperor and not to Karma Taj. It was the Emperor himself who recruited and trained them, and while their psychic prowess is no match for Mordor's, they There’s still something special that deserves attention.”

The armored personnel carrier of the Praetorian Order was speeding along the road repaired by the Eternal City, carrying Amon, Wanda Maximov and the Emperor to the occupied front yard of Kama Taj. "Modo will not give up. He trusts the Supreme Mage too much and is too stubborn. Unless he tells the truth, he will not raise questions even if he notices an abnormality." The emperor paused, "But I don't want to do that. I don't Knowing what Modo will do after knowing the truth, whether to completely degenerate or to stick to his mission. Even though these seem to be only two possibilities, the line of fate extends to countless possibilities, each of which may have a huge impact . Senior arcane deacons like Mordo are all powerful psykers involved in dangerous knowledge. If he falls, the harm he can cause will be quite astonishing."

"I suggest killing Mordo." Wanda Maximov's impression of Mordo was still based on Kama Taj's serious and rigid head coach, and the two sides did not have much interaction. But Amon's suggestion sounded horrifying even to her ears. "Lord, I suggest completely eradicating the possibility of Mordo's existence." Amon said, "If Mordo may cause harm, even early elimination will be beneficial to your calculation model. After all, we cannot judge whether Mordo will be present or in the future. Fallen."

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