Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1646 Kama Taj Promotional Offensive

Chapter 1646 Kama Taj Propaganda Offensive

Placed behind a thick glass door in the hall, the portal whose scientific name is "Permanent Material Realm Curvature Folding Subspace Jump Controllable Singularity" locks several specific psychic frequencies through knob adjustment. Immediately afterwards, the scenery behind the glass door switched from natural scenery such as deserts, rainforests, and oceans to gray-white deserts with transportation vehicles, bizarre cities that deviated from the physical laws of the material world, religious sites full of armed personnel, and other places. After some adjustments, Master Daniel was so tired that he was sweating, but he still had to adjust the frequency according to Amphitryon's instructions. The latter was the coordinate data obtained through the network of the Praetorian Order to ensure that all transmission facilities All can be connected accurately.

"There is also a military band from the Eternal City?" Master Daniel, who received the order, very much wanted to give up work at this moment. However, before the coronation ceremony, guests must be present, and preparations including honor guards and music must be completed. "It's necessary to invite. I hope Master Hamil won't be surprised when he sees this symphony orchestra. Under normal circumstances, shouldn't the military band take a transport plane and set off with the honor guard?"

"The Guards are the guard of honor. They set out separately to avoid the coordinates of Kama Taj being exposed."

"It's a very good reason. I think that annoying guy Hamil will not be angry."

"Please stop your ridicule, Master Daniel, I have had enough of your prejudice against my Lord. The Supreme Mage is my Lord's teacher, and the death of the Supreme Master will not make my Lord happy, even if it means that He will Holding huge power, the death of the Supreme Mage is still a tragedy." Amphitryon stood in front of Master Daniel angrily, "If he could, he would rather not want this power. Without power, the ideals of the Supreme Mage and our Lord Neither can be practiced. You know this, Master Daniel. You have never been in a large-scale war in your life, and you do not understand how important it is to have power in war. So please stop your mocking behavior and give my Lord some respect. Focus on Mission, otherwise I can only put you in prison and wait for Master Hamil to deal with it when he returns to Kama Taj."

"Haha." Master Daniel laughed dryly, "You have a gun, you are right."

"He hopes you can be better, Master Daniel." Amphitryon frowned. He could never understand why Master Daniel had such a negative attitude. Although Master Daniel is a temple guardian, he is significantly different from all the Kama Taj mystics. The old wrinkled face of a mixed Indian and white man has no passion. Even when he heard the news of the death of the Supreme Master, it was just He nodded and sighed. It didn't seem to be sadness, but a sigh of relief. Amphitryon did not have the talent to dig into other people's hearts, but he still noticed something strange. "Don't live up to His expectations, Master Daniel. The ideals of the Supreme Master and the ideals of our Lord require everyone's efforts."

"I'm tired, Praetorian." Master Daniel said lazily, "I'm tired of everything, whether it's the debate with you or everything in the future, I'm tired of it. Let me finish the work, and then leave me alone, Okay? I should have died a long time ago. The family curse should have killed me a long time ago. I paid a big price for living until now. Now I don’t want to pay the bill anymore. So don’t talk to me about the future. I have no future. I also don’t want to think about other people’s futures.”

Amphitryon couldn't understand. He could only shake his head and continue the call with the medical officer.

He didn't understand why the differences between mortals were so great.

Some people (specifically Master Daniel) are unwilling to acknowledge the road plan that is obviously beneficial to the future of all groups. Instead, they choose to respond negatively (referring to reducing work efficiency) or even deny and attack others who have contributed to this road. He can only guess that this is because he is afraid of giving away what he has little (whether it is life or wealth), or because he is short-sighted and addicted to the sense of superiority brought by wealth and social status, or is simply influenced by a certain ideology. Coerced, we cannot see clearly that the future development direction of the human race is a world where everyone can be filled with rationality, where the material world and technological civilization are extremely developed, where there will be no more injustice, hunger and disease, and where everyone can spend their time Improve your own spiritual civilization.

Some people, after witnessing the horror that befell them, believed wholeheartedly in the future described by the Emperor and were willing to give everything, such as Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximov, Tatiana, or those in the Eternal City. The emperor and the Praetorian Order recruited elite soldiers from all over the world, or they had a cooperative relationship with the Immortal City and were willing to accept the jurisdiction, leadership and support of the Immortal City. (It is said that there is a group named Diamond Dog. The organization received an offshore oil station donated by the Immortal City, and exchanged a blueprint for a prototype of a bipedal war machine from the Immortal City in exchange for a treatment plan for a psychic virus spread through sound).

Amphitryon knew that he was not a human being. To be precise, he could be called a human subspecies. He was a sample of the future evolution of humanity promoted by artificial means, but he believed that the will of mortals should be as firm as his own. It would be too ironic for a mortal who refused to recognize the future created by the emperor to embrace all the rights given by that future. Therefore, he planned to submit a plan for a propaganda offensive to the Praetorian Order after this mission. . He didn't know whether this proposal could be passed at the group meeting, or whether the emperor would agree to the relevant plan, but the emperor encouraged the Imperial Guard Order to form a study group under the leadership of the Imperial Guard Commander to make suggestions to him. In any case, Anfei Truondu hoped that the emperor would notice a situation like that of Master Daniel and pay attention to the importance of claims.

The first glass door connecting to the gray-white desert opened, revealing several guards wearing golden armor and several wearing copper-colored power armor. The praetorian commander Constantine, the tribunes Hannibal, Hammurabi, Derrick Xian and other praetorian guards passed through the portal and came to Kamathaj, accompanied by the massacre mission that had just completed the Battle of Attilan. Malcolm, the commander of the First Army, and other important officers, all exuded the lingering smell of blood, and there were still blood stains in the gaps in the armor.

"Lord Commander." Amphitryon saluted to Constantine, "Tribune Amon has accompanied the emperor to the Catacombs of Kama-Taj, and the gunship is cruising independently near the catacombs."

"Then let's go to the catacombs." Constantine nodded, "Wherever He is, we will be there. It is already a dereliction of our duty to have only one praetorian guard to protect us."

"I don't know why the ceremony here is so important that I wasted some time and cut off a few mutant heads." Aparisha lowered his voice and said to Lieutenant Nelson, but everyone present could hear him clearly. What to say, "If the Emperor so wishes, I will certainly not attend the dinner after the ceremony."

Constantine pretended not to hear Apalisia's complaint, and Malcolm just sneered at Apalisia twice.

"Is there anything else to report?"

"Athena waits at the door of the catacombs."

"Then let's speed up and order the transport plane to prepare for takeoff immediately." Tribune Hannibal said, "That so-called god must have her own purpose, and we can't let her get too close to the emperor."

Hammurabi and Derrick Xian and other praetorian guards expressed their approval.

"Then why can this psyker stay here?" Malcolm looked at the robed Master Daniel. "Is he the one responsible for opening the portal? Is he reliable? Does he need to transfer another person from the Eternal City? A trustworthy psyker?"

"As long as I am present, Master Daniel is very reliable." Amphitryon said, "This is the emperor's arrangement and no one else needs to question it."

"You are finally here." Athena turned her head and no longer looked at the guards standing behind her wearing golden armor and holding halberds. When she came to Kama Taj, she had already lost her mortal disguise and was much taller than a mortal. Even so, she was still much shorter than the Imperial Guards. She had already lost her temper at the Praetorian Guards, but Constantine, the commander of the Praetorian Guards, completely ignored all her demands with impeccable indifference and refused to move away from the golden gunboat cruising overhead. It wasn't until the emperor and Amon finally walked out of the catacombs a few hours later that she couldn't help but start complaining, "Your little followers almost killed me with their eyes. If it weren't for the fact that they are your soldiers, I wouldn't let them." They looked at me with such hostility. It was not polite at all."

"They are not just followers, they are the future benchmarks for human evolution."

"Don't be so serious. I am not communicating with you as a mentor now, but as a friend and adoptive mother." Athena took out the laurel crown, and then asked Constantine, the commander of the guards, who stood next to the emperor, to Under disapproving looks, he tried to put it on the emperor's head. "I should be the one to crown you, right? I don't think there is a more suitable candidate than me in the world. The coronation ceremony needs to be sped up. You still have a crisis to face. The existence behind the curtain will not wait. Too long."

The emperor refused without mercy.

"I will crown myself, Athena. Dormammu must wait, and I will give that coward the opportunity to attack me."

"Then at least invite a painter, or put on a robe with bees painted on it." Athena followed the footsteps and walked towards the transport plane. "You need to announce to the entire galaxy that you have taken over the position of the Sorcerer Supreme, otherwise those psychic alien races will regain their ambitions and launch an attack on humanity and Earth."

"I need a crisis, Athena. I need a crisis that will unite the human race, a crisis that will make humanity realize our niche among the stars,"

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