Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1652 Kama Taj prepares for counterattack

Chapter 1652 Kama Taj·Counterattack Preparation

Not all mystic apprentices come from isolated mystic families. There are also many young mystics from the outside world. Those like Cassilios who did not enter Kama Taj until they were forty years old are considered a minority. The vast majority are Young people, and there are also some mystic apprentices, come from the family business that manages worldly assets for Kama Taj. These young people have no resistance to these tactical and standardized equipment, and the industrially produced psychic long sword is sharper than the scepter of the Tribunal of Life that has been used for hundreds of years, and the pistol that can fire psychic ashes slugs is also sharper than the psionic ashes that release psychic energy. The bow with long arrows is accurate.

Although some older mystics said that the emperor's reforms would cause Kamathaj's young apprentices and deacons to lose the opportunity to "grow in wisdom," the emperor valued the lives of the apprentices and deacons more than wisdom. The efficiency of task completion, after all, this is the department that performs killings, and it is also the touchstone for promoting all mystic apprentices. Sometimes under the guidance of effective tactical thinking, a melt bomb can cause far more damage than a person who has studied for more than ten years. The mystic mage.

Such structural changes are obviously aimed at the mystic family.

The militarization of the executive department means the establishment of a violent army, the scientific reorganization of the logistics department means that the resources and manufacturing of Kama Taj will begin to rely on the outside world, etc. All reforms mean that the Mystic Family can no longer mobilize as in the past. If resources are exhausted, Kamal Taj's violent institutions and logistics departments will be firmly controlled by the emperor, and even the education system will be separated from the Mystic Family, minimizing the influence of the Mystic Family. Compared with the previous Supreme Mage's use of violence and bloodshed to force the Mystic Mage family to make concessions, the Emperor's policies are not ungentle, but there is no less viciousness hidden under the simple words. After the meeting, representatives of the Mystic Mage family continued to approach Master Hamil and other temple guardians. Even Master Daniel, a well-known dim-witted guy, was no exception. Everyone was trying to get rid of those saints who still occupied key positions in the system. Find out more information about the future from the palace guardian.

“In the future, Kama Taj will not only have mystics.”

Master Hamil is also happy to reassure his colleagues here.

Others may not have seen it, but Master Hamil knew that the emperor's move had tied Kama Taj tightly to his chariot. The title "Lord of Kamal Taj" alone cannot control all affairs of Kamal Taj. Only the deep participation, penetration and interference in all the systems of Kamal Taj can make Kamal Taj become the pillar for him to conquer the future. , Kama Taj will truly belong to him. The engineering teams dispatched to Kama Taj are the best example. In future planning, this place will be built into a fortress that can not only resist attacks from other human secular countries, but also from alien aliens at the level of the material universe. attack, and can also resist attacks on the non-physical level. Similar projects had begun when the last Sorcerer Supreme came to power, but the opposition was so strong that the Emperor could only carry out some key projects and move the command center to the Astronomy Tower instead of the Karma Taj headquarters.

"We will be one giant department that controls the operations of all psychic matters on Earth."

Master Wu Guiyue took the lead. As the owner of the artifact Wand of All Laws, she has a high voice among the Temple Guardians and has almost no rivals among psykers of the same level. The current emperor is no longer the young man she knew in the past, but she still stands by the emperor's side, not only because of her loyalty to the previous Supreme Mage and her trust in the emperor's wisdom, but more importantly because of her appreciation of the emperor's wisdom. To the future described by the emperor and the complete solution proposed.

This is a vision that no previous Supreme Mage has. Even Agamotto does not have such rigorous thinking and wisdom to propose a system that can run into the eternal future to standardize and stabilize all psychic affairs. If described in the words of her daughter Alice, then all the emperor's policies are like a doomsday survival enthusiast who suffers from persecution paranoia. He only cares about the skills and equipment that can be used in the future. His biggest hobby is to huddle in a hole and eat. Canned food. But if someone interferes with him stuffing canned food into his stomach, he doesn't mind taking out the firearms stored in the hole and shooting the person who disturbed him. Master Wu Guiyue didn't want to see his colleagues being shot, even if he didn't usually deal with them, but after all, it was not a 9mm small-caliber ammunition, but a .50 or even .75-caliber bolter. It only took one A gun is enough.

The previous Supreme Mage had already killed a group of stubborn elders of the Mystic Mage family.

"Think about the power you can control in the future. If you are smart enough, you should stop complaining now." Master Wu Guiyue waved his hand, trying to use a firm tone to appease the people who were panicking because of the death of the previous supreme mage, "Everyone Anyone who can become the Supreme Mage can see further and be more powerful than us, so there is no need to speculate on things that you cannot understand."

"But you also saw it, Guardian." A mystic with a short gray-white beard said worriedly. In fact, this mystic has the same worries as other mystics. Because the previous supreme mage's term was extremely long, the uncertainty about the future has never appeared in the consciousness of these mystics. Moreover, the way the previous Supreme Mage left office was too shocking. The situation of being possessed by an extradimensional demon should not have happened to the Supreme Mage. This further exacerbated the insecurity of the Mystics. "You see His attitude toward mortals."

"That's what Karma Taj is for, idiot. If I can't protect mortals, then there's no need for Karma Taj to exist."

Master Wu Guiyue held the Wand of All Laws tightly and looked sternly.

Master Hamil happily took a step back and handed over the verbal dispute to Master Wu Guiyue. He himself is not proficient in debating, and there is still a lot of work for him to deal with - a day and a night have passed since he returned from the Attilan base on the moon. Even if others have fallen asleep, he is also talking with the officials sent by the emperor and the regent. Victor von Doom handles official business so that the meeting can be reorganized as quickly as possible - he is already an old man, fatigue has crept up on his nerves, and now he just wants to find a place to meditate and recover. spirit to face the more severe challenges ahead.

"In the future, your tasks, words and deeds will be supervised, and there will never be any use of spiritual energy to gain profits in secular society. Don't think that I don't know the little tricks some of you are playing. Your Holiness will not do this because of this. You will be punished for petty profits, but the Emperor will never allow any behavior that goes against His will, and your ability is not an excuse to take away resources from Kamal Taj’s worldly enterprise.”

The mystics wisely skipped the topic.

"He is the Supreme Mage. He should stay at Karma Taj. However, we did not see Him after the coronation ceremony. Even the giants in golden armor were nowhere to be seen." The secret mage asked loudly, "Why did He take away those comrades in the gap between dimensions? Where is He now? Is there anything more important than Kama Taj now?"

Master Wu Guiyue thought for a while.

"Many, there are many more. Keeping this world running is more complicated than those of you who have spent your whole life studying at Kamal Taj imagine." She said, "If you don't mind, we'd better get in place as soon as possible according to the list. If If you've read the rest of the to-do list, you'll know that I have to return to the Hong Kong Temple for official duties, and you will be used as a reserve. Get some rest, there's a war to come, unless you're stupid enough to think that the Sorcerer Supreme There is no one behind his death, and your new master is too mild-tempered. Even if you have not had much contact with him in the past, we have all seen the news, and we all know how he dealt with the religious militia in Yugoslavia, so you should know What kind of person he is."

The people of the Royal City of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia have felt that feeling for a long time.

What told them that the Emperor had returned to the castle was not the overwhelming presence of fighter planes, transports, and gunships, but an indescribable presence that saved foreign spies a lot of work, because anyone in the city could Point out where the emperor is. However, the emperor did not care about the clumsy assassination plans of foreign spies and intelligence agencies. He returned to the castle just to improve work efficiency. As the messages sent from the royal city arrived at the three major temples, vehicles were filled with weapons and armed personnel, disguised Truckloads of transport vehicles were sent into the three major temples. At the same time, the mystics from the interdimensional space who were transferred from the front line also arrived at the three major temples through the portal, and began to replace those mystics serving in the temples.

The Emperor demands that the planetary defense system be operated at full power, and at the heart of this system will be himself, who controls the Eye of Agamotto. Wanda Maximoff once briefly turned on all the functions of the planetary defense system, but after all, she did not have the subsystem support of the three temples. The planetary defense system she turned on at that time could only protect the Kama Taj headquarters itself. The planetary defense system the Emperor wants will protect the entire Earth. Even he has only seen the planetary defense system covering the world activated once, and the description of that activation in the file was not satisfactory. Problems such as slack in personnel and poor skills frequently appeared. After that, it failed to activate again. To solve the problem through frequent exercises, the emperor could only let the mystics in the interdimensional space who had actual combat experience and were now part of the operations department temporarily take over the job.

The Emperor declares war on those responsible for the Sorcerer Supreme's death.

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