Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1657 Kama Taj Countryside Residence

Chapter 1657 Kama Taj Countryside Residence

The drone passed through the narrow corridor and floated silently in the air. The precise micro lens and sound wave collector under the black body were guided by the program to accurately point to the target being monitored in the distance. The images and sounds returned by the drone were sent to the on-board receiving system and several data boards thousands of miles away. This kind of micro drone made by the Immortal City is famous for its concealment and long endurance. There are no excessive heat sources in thermal imaging detection, and there are no bright light spots in infrared detection. Everything is related to darkness. The environment is perfectly combined with the woods. Even the defense system that Tony Stark built for his country residence cannot find traces of the drones released by the Adeptus Order, let alone remind the owner of this residence that he is being attacked. Monitor.

The agents of the intelligence system couldn't help but look away and secretly glanced at the golden-armored demigod at the far end.

This modified DAF heavy truck drives very smoothly. It not only carries motorcycles and other weapons and equipment of a ten-man action team, but also a golden anti-gravity suspension motorcycle. The genetic code lock of this assault motorcycle, which is only used by the Guards, can only be unlocked first by the Guards Derrick. A few hours ago, Derrick was assigned to lead this action team wearing light bulletproof armor to perform this mission. Except for the heavy trucks used in the operation, which were deployed from the former S.H.I.E.L.D. base, all equipment and personnel were Use a supersonic transport plane to secretly deliver it to the east coast of the United States.

This operation must be completed as quickly as possible, before the Pentagon, Homeland Security and the FBI react, and before Tony Stark takes a helicopter to Houston. This is the most covert plan discussed by the Praetorian Order. Constantine, the commander of the Praetorian Guards, is eager to talk to Tony Stark. It would be better if he could get relevant information about the Rogue spaceship. The Praetorian Guards The purpose of Derrick and the action team was to allow Tony Stark to sit down and share information.

No one believed that Tony Stark would not set up a defense system in this retreat, so the first target of this action team was Tony Stark's armor hidden in the wooden warehouse. The plasma weapons they carried were It is to destroy those Stark equipment that may affect the mission, including the Aegis Sentry machine gun and other Stark equipment.

There is a very curved road on the road. At the inner corner of the road is a forest. Behind the forest is the residence of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. When Derrick set off first, Pepper Potts had already returned to New York by plane. Therefore, Tony Stark was the only one in the typical American rural house shrouded in deep night, which was extremely suitable for launching an attack.

The drone passed through the corridor and stayed a hundred meters outside the window of Tony Stark's room, continuing to provide information support to the action team. As the heavy truck drove through this curve, the cargo bay door slowly lowered under the action of the hydraulic mechanism. Derrick immediately got up and got on the Morning Eagle anti-gravity motorcycle and rushed out from the open cargo bay ramp. The first secret The regiment's ten-man action team followed closely behind, and the quiet country road suddenly rang with deafening engine noise.

Tony Stark in the drone surveillance screen raised his head from the computer and listened carefully.

He became nervous because the sudden engine noise was heading straight towards him. No matter how bad his military literacy was, he could still tell that the sound might represent danger. He wanted to judge again for a while, but the rapidly approaching noise gave him no chance. The outermost alarm was triggered one after another, and the blurry images captured by the outermost surveillance system immediately popped up on the computer screen. Although the clear picture is only a few frames, it is enough for the artificial intelligence to identify the intruder Friday. After all, there is only one (only one to the outside world) stable in the world, wearing power armor and as powerful as the Hulk. Genetically modified warriors, it happens that the masters of these genetically modified warriors (Tony Stark hates this word extremely) have motives against him, whether it is a personal standpoint or a national standpoint, that person has a reason to kill him.

He just didn't expect it to be today.


"Target identified. Enemy type: genetically modified warrior." A soft female voice came from the computer speaker, "Sir, do you want to activate the armor?"

"Activate, get ready immediately. There is no need to activate the Hulkbuster armor, we want to escape rather than fight." Tony Stark immediately stood up from his chair. He has not forgotten the result of the battle between him wearing Hulkbuster armor and a genetically modified warrior wearing gold armor in front of the United Nations Headquarters in New York. If he hadn't been lucky enough, a bomb would have penetrated his head. He tried to improve the metallurgical process, but based on the simple structural model of the explosive warhead shown in the information released by the Yugoslav Federation, he did not think that the instantaneous high temperature generated by the micro-nuclear fusion warhead could destroy the titanium alloy, nor did he think that he was suffering from Survival after one explosive blast. "Can you tell how much time I have?"

"Thirty seconds, sir." Friday said calmly, but Tony Stark had already rushed out of the room and ran towards the newly replaced wooden stairs. The artificial intelligence said in an unbiased tone in the headset, "Based on your recent aerobic exercise results, thirty seconds is not enough time for you to reach the warehouse."

"Activate the armor's self-defense system." Tony Stark jumped down the overly polished wooden stairs, and his sneakers made a crisp sound on the old wooden floor. He took a breath, opened the thin wooden door, and stepped onto the grass leading to the warehouse. "Activate the sentry machine gun tower."


The rushing noise caused Tony Stark to slip on the slippery grass and almost fall.

He had to grab the earphones and throw them out. Later, he even found the skin of the auricle scratched by his fingernails. However, at this moment, the adrenaline was soaring that he felt nothing. Tony Stark knew what was going on without taking out his phone. A red triangle wrapped with a black exclamation mark and a lot of error prompt codes kept popping up on his glasses. This meant that the firewall of this house had been breached. Even the artificial intelligence was forced offline on Friday due to a virus attack. Genetically modified warrior, coupled with the ability to break through the firewall he set up, these two characteristics are too obvious. Tony Stark cursed in his mind the man who couldn't remember the name or the appearance but could remember it. Everyone who has experienced it is thinking about why they were attacked.

When he was less than ten meters away from the warehouse door, he gave up thinking on his own initiative. Thinking couldn't help him get out of danger. He didn't know why the man attacked him, nor why he had a sudden idea to set the time to water the lawn late at night, so that grass clippings and muddy water were filled into his leather shoes.

"Friday!" he shouted.

Half a second later, a red-gold armor component crashed through the warehouse glass window and rushed towards him.

The armor is also equipped with an artificial intelligence called Friday. In fact, both the Friday in this house and the Friday in the armor are subroutines of the main body of Friday in Stark Tower. When Friday in the house is breached, , Friday in the armor automatically disconnected and ran independently. At this moment, the artificial intelligence Friday in the armor was not affected by the virus and could continue to run, but the sentry machine gun tower that should have been activated still remained silent.

At this time, the dazzling light of the motorcycle headlights was already dazzling in his eyes, the hot exhaust gas from the engine almost filled his nasal cavity, and the muddy water and grass clippings rolled up by the motorcycle tires splashed all over his body. But he didn't have time to complain, because the armor was so close that he could even feel the signal transmitter implanted under the skin of his arm getting hot - the signal transmitter he actively implanted last time was outdated, and today's signal transmitter It has stronger power and requires more complete surgery instead of directly driving into the skin with a nail gun - the golden-armored demigod riding an anti-gravity motorcycle crashed in front of him, and the three-meter-long battle The halberd flew through the air and split the modular armor into pieces. The chopped metal pieces flew towards Tony Stark, burning a small piece of skin on his outstretched arm. Just as he closed his eyes, several motorcycles surrounded him, as well as several black gun muzzles and a plasma weapon emitting gleaming blue light.

Tony Stark watched as a soldier wearing bulletproof armor fired a shot at the warehouse door lock. Another soldier standing behind the soldier holding a plasma weapon fired a shot at the warehouse without any light. Gun, with the help of the blast of plasma, Tony Stark saw the hot plasma accurately hitting other armor modules in the armor display cabinet. The molten metal liquid dripped to the ground, and the bright miniature The reactor flickered for a few seconds before going out completely.

He raised his hands.

"What does your master want to take from me?" Tony Stark looked at the Golden Guards who got off the motorcycle, "Homeland Security and the FBI will respond soon, no matter you It’s too late to do anything you want to do.”

"We know, Stark." Derrick turned off the power of the garrison spear first, and the flashing dark blue light immediately went out. It was hard to imagine that someone could use cold weapons to cut off the armor shell made of titanium alloy, but this happened before his eyes more than once, and Tony Stark couldn't help but not believe it. "My master wants to talk to you about the New Territories, and Project Pegasus. You've seen information about Project Pegasus, Tony Stark, but that's not all. The Adeptus Adeptus advises you to stay away from the Spaceship. Rescue mission, if you care about Colonel Lord, you should also discourage him from participating in the rescue mission.”

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