Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1661 Sailing Preparations

"Even if the sky carrier's engines are modified, the voyage will still take a week."

In the conference room, the commander of the imperial guards, Constantine, truthfully informed the senior crew of the sky aircraft carrier of the situation.

The Operation Sisters did not participate this time. They are still responsible for assisting the First Secret Regiment in cleaning the Attilan Star Fortress. With the help of the Mars Foundry, the progress will be much faster. Even so, they still cannot catch up this time. During the operation to Neptune, only a handful of important personnel, such as Chief Tita of the Sisterhood, boarded the newly overhauled sky carrier, and due to the extremely high pollution coefficient of this mission, the number of crew members was also maintained at the minimum operating standards. Tita looked around and found that she could see no trace of the emperor. Even if she closed her eyes, she could not feel his presence. This was highly unusual for a Praetorian Order scene.

"I didn't see the monarch here, nor did I see Dinah. Could it be said that the Praetorian Order left the monarch on earth?"

"Our mission is to prevent pollution from returning to the earth. The goal is to destroy and intercept, not to save." Constantine, the commander of the guards, said, "The monarch will appear when necessary, and the specific reasons are kept confidential. Mission details and a list of supplies have been sent to In the hands of the captains of each department. The most important task is to destroy the New Territory and check the degree of contamination of the crew of the Rogue." He looked at a woman wearing a red robe next to the command round table and with a lot of traces of mechanical prosthetics on her body. , “The Mars Foundry was unable to provide any direct help for this mission, but the Mars Foundry still provided a large amount of maintenance resources and technical guidance, and planned the fastest route to Neptune. We will conduct a mission in Mars orbit that includes a large number of Material supplies including technical personnel. But this is far from enough. We don’t know what is waiting for us on Neptune. If there are survivors on the Rogue, then those survivors are likely to have suffered extremely serious pollution. "

"How bad can it be?" Tita asked.

"It's worse than Attilan Star Castle." Constantine, the commander of the guards, said, "We may encounter a living portal."

"Is this the monarch's conclusion?"

The commander of the guards retrieved the information about the New Domain spacecraft, "This spacecraft, which is part of the Pegasus Project, is equipped with an extremely primitive hyperspace engine and made a hyperspace jump without any protection. According to the data returned by the detector, Judging from the information, a large number of supernatural phenomena have occurred inside this spacecraft, and the body is likely to be contaminated. We may have to face a contaminated spacecraft and supernatural phenomena on this spacecraft. This boarding operation will be carried out by the Royal Guards We will take full responsibility, and this sky carrier and carrier-based aircraft will be prepared as a means of strike. No matter what, we cannot let the New Domain spacecraft enter hyperspace again."

"If I read correctly, the New Domain spacecraft is not entirely designed to accommodate superhuman beings. There are many passages that you cannot enter." A representative of the technical department from Mars and a woman with a large number of prosthetic modifications exuded fluorescent blue. The electronic eyes looked at the commander of the guards, "If there are enemies on the New Domain spacecraft, you can't go to any possible place to conduct an interception mission. Unless you have technology that Mars doesn't know about?"

Mechanical synthesized sounds produce interesting rising tones.

The Guards Commander was noncommittal. He had no interest in dealing with the excessive curiosity of the heads of the maintenance and damage control departments. This technical director from the Mars Foundry signed an agreement and could not reveal the unique technology from the Immortal City used on this sky aircraft carrier. It may be due to the curiosity instilled in the Mars biochemical cultivation chamber. This semi-mechanized Women are never satisfied. Not only did she want to spy on the engine manufacturing technology of the sky aircraft carrier, the genetic modification technology and power armor technical details of the Praetorian Guards themselves, but she also wanted to know how the Praetorian Order planned to conduct this operation. In fact, she already had a guess based on some fragments of information.

The Praetorian Guard Commander will never reveal the technical details of Pym Particles to any unauthorized foundry craftsman on Mars, because this is a bargaining chip in the political game with the Martian Foundry, even if the latter wants to obtain this technology after all. , but before that, the Emperor still has to use this technology to squeeze enough resources from Mars to strengthen the regime established on Earth to deal with the next crisis and save humanity. Even if this technical director played a big enough role, the commander of the guards would not trust this half-mechanical and semi-organic fanatical creature. Even if it were another person, the commander of the guards would not trust anyone.

This kind of substance that can achieve witchcraft-like phenomena by purely using technical means is undoubtedly a technological miracle in the universe. It is a technology that has nothing to do with psychic technology and transfers mass to another dimension through material means. It is also an immortal city. One of the underlying principles of the shield technology produced and mainly used on many large war engines. Therefore, the technical details of the Pym Particles are fully protected by the Adeptus Order, and even Dr. Hank Pym himself is also protected. , even if he is not happy about it.

"I will set off for Neptune. In a week, I will have a long journey there."

The strong arms wearing simple rings and armbands pointed to the sky, the sun shone on the sweat-covered skin, and even the scars left by the war were as bright as medals at this moment. Then the arm lowered itself and took the soft plastic can from the other hand, which was white and slender. He squeezed the cool cream from the soft can and spread it in his palms, forming a paste. "I don't think Neptune needs sunscreen. It's very cold there, almost the coldest place in the solar system. Sunscreen has no isolation effect on cosmic rays." He turned around and spread the sunscreen with his palms smoothly along his graceful back. Sliding down, the black-haired witch lying under the shadow of the giant umbrella wore dark sunglasses and felt the coldness on her spine. The straps of her black swimsuit were untied, and she lazily lamented her tragic fate of barely being able to function on this small island. "You're next, Miss Crawford. I'm glad you've adapted to the rhythms of life on this island, but don't worry, the island is shielded and the UV rays are regulated so you won't get skin cancer. risk."

"Does that mean you have a week on Earth?"

He raised his chin slightly and drank the cold tropical drink brought by the white-haired witch.

The automated bartending robot did a great job, the drink suited his taste perfectly and contained enough sugar to send an average person's insulin spike allowing him to quickly regain energy. Such a beautiful life made him linger. He did not kill the sweetness the moment it rose from his heart and was discovered like an ascetic, because he knew that he was determined enough to destroy such a life, just as he was determined. Embark on a journey of destiny. Divination has revealed that he will travel alone to the past to engage in a long war that will continue into the present and the future, and he will be alone to deal with an eternal problem.

"Yes, seven times twenty-four hours." He half-knelt and patted the fine gravel on his arm. He had already arranged everything. Bayonetta and Joan of Arc had already guessed part of the truth, but they were not worried because they had already witnessed his planning ability. He has told the Witch and the Praetorian Guards where to find him, but this information remains secret for now. Only when the time is right will memories sealed using psychic powers be unlocked. "I suggest enjoying barbecue and beer on this beach this evening. If you don't mind, we also have some offshore motor boats and shallow sea diving equipment available... I think you are used to it, they are here The island has become accustomed to not wearing clothes, including bikinis."

"Why Neptune?" Lara Croft finally asked the question she wanted to ask. On this hot South American island, she has become accustomed to the dressing style of witches, and began to accept the soft sunlight as much as the witches who are keen on sunbathing, except that her swimsuit has been changed to today's MicroBikini style, showing off your beautiful and healthy body unscrupulously. "Is there any secret there? Is it aliens or prehistoric human remains? This is just a joke. I can accept many possibilities now, but not to the extent of believing in conspiracy theories."

"There is a star fortress built by an alien criminal consortium."

"I said, I'm not to the point of believing in conspiracy theories."

"What I'm telling you is the truth. It is an alien species that originated from the back of the Large Magellanic Cloud. It was not born naturally but through genetic engineering. The genome has some similarities with humans and has a similar double helix structure."

"Does this mean..."

"There is no god in this world, Miss Crawford. This situation does not explain anything. As long as the sample is large enough, the final results will converge towards the center. Although life is an accident of this universe, when the sample is large enough, It has become inevitable, and it is not impossible that the genome of life has a double helix structure similar to that of humans, or even the same base pairs."

Salomon, who regained his human identity, was smiling and looked very friendly.

Every word he said made people believe it, as if his voice had supernatural charm. This made Lara Croft, who was not studying biochemistry and had never come into contact with alien bacterial samples research papers, simply There is no store of knowledge upon which to question. She could only nod doubtfully while sipping the cold tropical fruit drink. It wasn't until the cold sunscreen lotion on her skin was getting hot from the sun that she realized that the Witch and Salomon had walked to the ice bucket on the other side of the beach. Inside, get fruit and beer from it.

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