"Dear Aunt Salina:

As the words mean, may your lumbar spine be as strong as the old wicker chair in the garden.

I am still a child looking forward to hearing from you like a birthday. Whether it is sister Nayali's complaints about her new green woolen coat or your distaste for noisy neighbors, I am so nervous that I can't breathe. A place to find a little breath of life.

Although I once swore to the statue of the king to dedicate my life to mankind, this academy still made me regret it more than once. I know it's inappropriate, but I can't tell you too much about the Academy, after all, every letter will be reviewed to ensure that no state secrets are revealed.

I can only complain to you about some unremarkable trifles, which may be unremarkable to me and my classmates, but interesting enough to outsiders, and enough to be your tea time talk.

After graduating from university, I signed up to join the review court with honors, so as to show my allegiance to the king and, by the way, to seek a good life for us. But you also know that there are always some strange things happening in our lives, and here I have to admit to you that magic does exist, and what I study in the academy is magic.

I mentioned to you Mr. Barres, the etiquette teacher, that he would teach us how to be a high society person, and it is true, but the main subject taught by Mr. Barres is the magic of illusion. Forgive me for deceiving you at the time. The reason why I can tell you this is because the king agreed to let relevant members outside the academy know about it next Wednesday. After all, there have been frequent cases recently, and the academy wants to make our family members more vigilant.

What I want to tell you is an incident which recently happened to Mr. Barres, which you may have heard a little about in town. I may have described to you Mr. Barres' appearance, with his blue eyes, fair, well-kept skin, and black whiskers, neatly trimmed, and clean fingers, and sometimes he Will wear a pair of gold-rimmed glasses with chains. Mr. Barres was undoubtedly a decent gentleman, both in appearance and manner.

However, after this incident, we learned that Mr. Barres was the lover of Countess Anyalita—this kind of thing is very common in the upper class, and marriages between nobles do not use affection as a bond. Many nobles marry After that, I haven't seen each other again, and it is common for both husband and wife to have one or even several lovers. As Mr. Barres is a decent gentleman and a teacher with an annual salary of 2,000 pounds, he is a member of the upper class. The fact that he became the lover of Countess Anyalita did not surprise me or my classmates.

What really surprised us was what happened when Countess Anyalita took Mr. Barres to the bank to withdraw money. I don't know why the money was withdrawn. I only know that Mr. Barres spent a lot more during that time.

I have already informed you of the existence of magic before this letter (if you haven’t seen it, you can ask Sister Nayali to bring you reading glasses), magic is not a big secret in the upper class. Banks generally have anti-magic fields, where magic items and persistent spells will be temporarily suppressed. But the maintenance cost of the anti-magic field is extremely high, so the anti-magic field is usually closed, and this maintenance cost will be used as a subsidy for the president, which is already a practice in the bank.

But on that day, the higher authorities of the bank asked for an inspection, so the anti-magic field was turned on again, but no one was notified. So now we also know that Mr. Barres has been using clever illusions to cover up his true face, and Countess Anyalita was stunned when she saw his face.

Amid the screams of the countess, Mr. Barres dexterously avoided the arresting staff and ran out of the anti-magic field. And Countess Anyalita once studied in this academy, and she graduated as an outstanding graduate of the Evocation Department, which is the kind of flame and lightning, bang bang you imagined.

So Countess Anyalita chased after him, chasing Mr. Barres with flames, lightning, and ice until he was out of the city. This is something you probably know too, eyewitnesses are said to have been brainwashed by law enforcement, the Daily King Louis claimed it was a gas pipe explosion, and the truth is what I said. So far, no one has heard from Mr. Barres or seen him.

If Mr. Barres has been using illusion to cover his face, who is our illusion professor all this time? I soon stopped worrying about it, though, because Mr. Barres was replaced by a new professor of illusion.

The new professor has beautiful and elegant long golden hair, Aunt Salina, I don't deny that I was fascinated when I first met the new professor. Because this is beyond the reach of human beings, whether it is the delicate white face or the long skirt with golden piping, the white lace gloves, and even the black and white butterfly hairpins around the ears are all so fascinating . But I shudder at the thought of Mr. Barres, because no one can be sure that Professor Aurora Noctis has not concealed her face with illusion.

Professor Aurora Noctis has never shown any expression, she hides any emotion deeper than anything else, and she doesn't follow the classroom order very much, we can often see her after quickly finishing the content of the lesson plan, Just sit on the podium and drink black tea, the kind without sugar.

But we also discovered that Professor Aurora has a wealth of alchemy knowledge. When my deskmate Juan Britta was secretly doing alchemy homework in the illusion class, Professor Aurora discovered it. She casually pointed out a few errors in Juan's alchemy thesis, and doubled his Illusion thesis (it was a full twenty inches long) by the way. But after that, the students will ask Professor Aurora for any questions about the alchemy course. After all, Professor Aurora will only give answers, not scolding like the alchemy professor Lietta .

Almost everyone likes Professor Aurora Noctis, and so do I.

Kiss your cheek again, and sister Nayari.

Your nephew, Andorio. "

"Is this the last letter written by Andorio?" asked the blonde beauty sitting behind the heavy solid wood desk. There were thick woolen curtains in the office, which completely blocked the sunlight outside. The law enforcement officer sitting far away on the soft chair in the living room nodded. He felt that the stiff collar on his neck was a bit uncomfortable, but what made him even more uncomfortable was the atmosphere in the office.

"Yes, Professor Aurora Noctis."

"There is no problem with this letter, what about Andorio's family?"

"I received a report yesterday evening, and it was confirmed that all of them were killed. It is preliminarily speculated that it was done by believers of the Andean pantheon. We found scratches on the tongue of the corpse, and the heart disappeared. The dissection technique was clean and neat." The inspector wiped it with his hand. With cold sweat on his forehead, even though he was wearing a thick windbreaker, he still felt that the office was very cold, as if it was not a place for living people to stay, and the environment was too dark for him to see Aurora's expression clearly. "A lot of novices vomited out, but luckily they didn't spoil the scene."

"Okay, you can take this letter away, and I will arrange for teachers from the Department of Prophecy to investigate the scene."

"Thank you very much for your help." The inspector took the envelope from the desk, put his top hat back on his head, and obediently left the room, and gently closed the door.

On Aurora Noctis's desk is a cut diamond that shines brilliantly even in dimly lit environments. If someone has sharper eyes, they can see a line of words vaguely carved on the diamond, Eheieh. The blond beauty didn't move at all, the diamond began to deform, extending out the wings of a butterfly, and then dyed the diamond black like ink dripping into clear water, turning into a hairpin with Aurora Noctis Similar butterflies. The butterfly flew around the office for a week and got in through the gap in the ventilation pipe.

Aurora Noctis stood up from the chair. She untied the tie at the back of her long skirt and took off her gloves, revealing her fair and graceful body. The only thing that was regrettable was her elbows and knuckles The gaps that do not belong to the human body can be clearly seen in the parts. Then a piece of skin popped out from all parts of Aurora's body, and the charming breasts and flat abdomen were opened to both sides along the midline, revealing the internal structure of the body—the internal organs that do not belong to humans, which are made of copper gears and silver. The body is composed of gears, with Adona Tzabaoth engraved on the copper gear, Shaddai El Chai engraved on the silver gear, a metal pot in the stomach, and a stone that emits a crimson light in the heart.

Aurora Noctis was never human.

Inspector Safno Mattia jumped up from the soft chair as if he had been greatly insulted, "It's not baldness!" He said, waving his arms, "It's just heredity."

"Of course, of course, you can say whatever you want, anyway, it can't change the fact that you have thin hair on top of your head." Verlon said with a smile.

Then Inspector Safno Mattia leaned over again with a flattering smile, "But I have a friend, it's my friend, not me, who is troubled by this, can you?"

"Only ten pounds, my friend." Verlon tapped his pipe on the cork cushion of the ashtray, "My alchemy can solve this problem, and I will solve it for your friend."

"That would be great." Inspector Saforno Mattia sat down with a smile, "Why don't we drink some Genting whiskey and have a good cigar, and then you tell me about magic, We can have a nice afternoon."

"I'm very happy." Veron nodded. He watched Inspector Safno Mattia get up and pour the wine. After taking the glass, Verlon took a small sip and continued: "I mentioned it before. , magic originated from King Solomon."

"But it's not just the Anglican Church, the Roman Church also has witch hunting activities?" Detective Saforno Mattia raised a question, and Verlon sneered a few times.

"My good sir, the church itself is using magic, how can they accuse others of being wizards?" Verlon said with disdain on his face, "Of course, they claim to use magic, a gift from God. And witch hunting The operation is actually an operation to arrest the cultists. However, the problem is that many wizards were indeed threatened with their lives during the process. Of course, I can’t say that those wizards are all innocent and good people, but look at the church’s witch hunt The tragedy caused by the action shows how vicious they are. Then the church itself split, whether it was three fingers or two fingers during the mass, whether it was knocking the big head or the small head first when eating eggs, the church was split , because of their own lust for power."

"That's a bunch of bastards." Verlon took a sip of his wine and grinned, "Sir, do you think that Henry VIII established the Anglican Church just to change a queen?"

"My God!" Inspector Safono Mattia put down his glass and covered his ears, "Slandering the royal family is a serious crime!"

"It's all about the Tudor dynasty, my good Inspector, I feel sorry for your history teacher." Verlon smiled and cut the cigar, "Helping Uther Pendragon give birth to Arthur in Merlin After Pendragon, he began to try to interfere in court politics, but the result was that the Celts were defeated by the Anglo-Saxons, and the druid belief disappeared. The next royal family believed in the church rather than wizards, of course , The royal family still has the practice of hiring wizards, and those positions such as medical officers may be wizards."

"God." Detective Inspector Safono Mattia made a cross on his chest and drank the spirits in the glass, "There is such a thing, maybe it was the last time I went to Buckingham Palace There's a wizard staring at me."

"Don't worry, good detective." Veron smiled and poured another glass of wine for Safno, "You are not worth a wizard's shot, both incense and potions are very expensive."

"Your words hurt people." Although he said so, Inspector Safno Mattia still showed a smile on his face. After all, not everyone wants to be spied on by wizards. As for why the Inspector is not afraid of Will Long, it is entirely because Veron is not an expert in the prophecy department, otherwise he would not have to ask Professor Aurora Noctis for help.

"And learning magic is very difficult, good detective." Verlon exhaled the delicious cigar smoke, the mellow fragrance made the living room more warm, "Ten particles, three pillars, twenty-two paths, and astrology And alchemy. It can be said that everyone learns in a different direction. Every wizard starts from [Kingdom (Malkuth, Kingdom)], and then everyone chooses different particles and learns different paths. For example The path from the tenth particle to the ninth particle, the path 32 (Tau), is to learn the knowledge about Saturn in astrology, and then the ninth particle is [Yesod, Foundation], which is the aura in the soul and body , which symbolizes the moon, because we also need to learn about the moon in astrology."

"Then what have you learned?" Inspector Safno Mattia asked hesitantly.

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