Anti-theft chapter


The Eternal City will not allow dangerous people who may be infected to meet Salomon without isolation. Salomon himself does not want to break the rules he has set, so the time after he returns to the Sky Carrier will be used for approval later. Report and wait for the engineering team to increase isolation measures. With him was an agent from SHIELD, Barbara's ex-husband Hunter, and Agent Coulson asked Salomon to take him for a ride.

Hunter was a little restless in the assault transport boat because he had another ulterior mission.

Everyone around him is carrying a large-caliber firearm. Judging from the ferocious behavior of these people, it is very likely that they will torture him to extract a confession. He believed that he would not be able to last two minutes in the face of interrogation, because he had never participated in anti-interrogation training since he joined SHIELD. However, Agent Coulson has already handed over Hunter's mission to Salomon, because this mission requires intelligence support from the Immortal City, and SHIELD is now unable to collect intelligence as before. Salomon agreed to this, because the Immortal City has been cutting off from Hydra. As long as the most restless young sect Hydra is dead, the Malik family can eliminate interference and slowly clean up those boarded assets and assets. The Hydra family at the pinnacle of power.

Salomon stared at Hunter, who became more and more nervous, and his vague London accent came out hard.

"Don't worry, I know your mission." If Hunter hadn't been restrained by a safety belt, he would have jumped in fright when Salomon spoke. The Mystic Master smiled and said, "Agent Coulson is an old friend of mine, and I am willing to help him. I just didn't expect Grant Ward to be able to escape again. You guys are really bad."

"Who says it's not, brother." Hunter immediately started complaining, completely forgetting that a few minutes ago he was worried that these people would torture him to extract confessions, so he poured out all the information. "Skye said Ward was shot in the kidney, and that man was supposed to be dead. Then he showed up again, and Barbara lost half of her lungs. It was difficult to save her." Hunter shrugged, "Dude , how much does the artificial organ you plan to transplant for Agent Coulson cost? I plan to install one for Barbara. Can I pay in installments, or do you have any loan programs? I promise to start saving money from now on... "

The arcanist laughed. He really admired Hunter's character and sense of humor. Such a person was not suitable to be an agent, but he could be a good drinking buddy. "As long as Ms. Morse agrees, we will install a biochemically enhanced lung for her." He nodded, "The biochemically enhanced organ, a semi-mechanized organ, has a service life of more than five hundred years, and we will guarantee it. "

Stephanie arranged a room for Hunter and limited his activities. Hunter didn't have much objection to this, not only because of the unlimited supply of beer, but also because his false identity and bank account were provided by the Immortal City. Salomon was not so lucky and could lie on the sofa drinking beer and watching the football game. He immediately started his work as soon as he boarded the sky aircraft carrier.

The latest document comes from the assassins commanded by Stephanie. The document also contains footage taken by the assassins using the electronic eye detection system in the helmet and the sniper scope. Although there are many types of assassins, no matter what kind of assassin is capable of independent intelligence detection work, when Melinda May and Daisy Johnson nervously broke into Joseph Haddad's residence and opened the safe, When they took out the cultural relics they wanted, the assassin lurking above them also saw the information Salomon needed.

It was a piece of parchment with a common Hebrew word on it.

Stephanie knew the word because the boulder originally belonged to the Malik family. The Malik family began to make sacrifices to the huge stone when the Germans were still tribes, and later moved to France, and finally moved to Gloucestershire in southwest England during the Napoleonic era, and began to operate a large number of mills and explore The Secret of the Stone - The overhead mills later became a milling business, and the Malik family's exploration of the outer world became a business producing propellers and landing gear (Gloucestershire Aircraft Company, That is now Gloster).

"Who can remember this?" she said to Salomon. "It was just a word."

"It makes sense, but it is in the history books of Karma Taj. Stephanie, there are many forces in this world that are hidden deeper than Hydra, and the worship of some secret societies is not groundless. Although many legends of Christianity are borrowed from Since other civilizations, but how do you think Old John could have seen so many things after eating magic mushrooms without someone’s instructions.”

Stephanie thought for a few seconds, sifting through all the people named John she knew. Finally she thought, "Old John, you mean the Apostle John of Patmos?"

"Yeah, don't you wonder why nothing grows in the cave except psychedelic mushrooms?" When Salomon recalled this incident, his expression looked like he had eaten something strange. "At that time, Kama Taj It has not been officially established yet, so there are no regulations in the wizarding world. Many wizards have established their own religions, or plan to use other religions for their own benefit."

"Do you want to tell me that Christianity is actually caused by a wizard named Jesus?" Stephanie asked with a smile.

"No, I don't know what that thing is about. I can only tell you what happened on Patmos Island." The mystic mage's expression was as if his butt was itchy but he couldn't scratch it. "A good wizard put the whole thing together." Everything was recorded, and his experimental records allowed us to see the truth of the past clearly. This incident was just a coincidence at first. The unlucky guy never thought that old John would be wandering for too long and hungry for too long. One day Time ate up all the psychedelic mushrooms he prepared to experiment with. In fact, the most fundamental reason why "Apocalypse" was created was simply because the psychedelic mushrooms and magic amplified Old John's thoughts of revenge."

"This is interesting historical knowledge, although the church doesn't want to know it at all." Stephanie raised her eyebrows, "I have arranged for the assassin to follow SHIELD's Quinjet back to the base, and wait until the assault transport boat picks up the assassin. An assassin is about to be dropped. I want to ask you one last time, are you really going to do this?"

"Diseases that break out early are easier to deal with. I definitely don't want to cause big trouble because someone poured Terrigen gas into the ventilation duct." Salomon replied, "The source of the Inhumans' abilities comes from Kree genes, and The Kree genes come from the Celestials and the creations of the Celestials. Both humans and Kree come from the genetic engineering of the Celestials. The reason why humans are the most perfect creation is because humans are not easily polluted by the stars. As you see The superpowers they encountered were actually astral pollution hidden in their genes, not the abilities given to them by the Celestials. Originally, these pollutions were hidden until Terrigen was isolated as a catalyst."

"Sounds bad."

"Yes, there are worse things! If you listen to it, you will be surprised that the human race can survive until now!" The mystic did not dare to reveal to Stephanie what the so-called "first coming of the gods" was. Although the corrupted gods have given all life in the ecosystem extremely powerful evolutionary potential (including humans), they have also hidden very terrible hidden dangers deep in their genes. Humanity will eventually embark on the path of evolution, and at that time, this hidden danger will inevitably be exposed.

Salomon's body went cold at the thought of this terrible possibility.

Alex, a famous Cree pirate, feels that he will never forget that robbery in his life. It was also that robbery that made Alex fall in love with gang-hopping tactics. It was a move at the beginning of his career, nothing special. Just like now, there are dilapidated ships, stinking crew members with various types of weapons, smugglers, and mechanically modified robbers who want everything. But the difference from now is that Alex, who was still the first mate at that time, had a special captain. "I was still a smuggler at that time." A drunken Alex patted the mechanical prostitute beside him and said to his crew, "That's a legend, we all call him captain! Haven't you heard of that story?"

The weird-looking crew members all shook their heads, and the big guy with two heads was even more hopelessly stupid. Alex took a sip of wine angrily and began to tell the story.

"Move your lazy butts, you gutter rats! You've been asleep for hours! First officer, give them medicine!"

"Captain, what is a rat?"

"Shut up! Don't ask questions when I'm talking!" Salomon slapped Alex, the Cree first mate, on the face, then kicked a villain who was trying to grab more addictive drugs, and at the same time took the man's The villain's potion was thrown into his arms. He wiped his hands, "One for each person, no more! You damn wastes! How are the preparations for the weapons team?"

"The slaves have prepared the laser cannon on the bow of the ship!" Alex replied in a panic. This was an armed merchant ship, but the previous owner seemed not to have thought that he would be robbed during this short smuggling journey, so he also saved money to buy naval guns. In addition to the laser cannon on the bow, there are only some small cannons available on this ship. As a live-fire weapon, its performance outside the atmosphere is not excellent, but it is barely usable.

"Very good!" Salomon sat back on the paint-peeled captain's throne. Through the reinforced glass in front of him, he could see the faint light emanating from the deep starry sky. "Helmsman, left! Let's give that son of a bitch a good look!" he said. "Quartermaster, issue the weapons!"

"As you command, Captain!"

"Okay, Captain!"

Salomon watched as the numbers on the radar map shrunk between the ship's coordinate system and the target ship's coordinate system. He looked at his watch and estimated that the first attack would take fifteen minutes. During this time, he had to constantly restrain the crew's actions. If he didn't keep an eye on these guys, they might start fighting in the next second. So he drew the sword, and everyone fell silent, for they had all seen how many men the captain had killed with that sword. It was a kind of terror that was like putting ice cubes into the brain. It was killing without emotion. Even the crew members who had taken addictive drugs shut their mouths and stood obediently behind the captain.

There was a sudden light of fire around the captain. Along with the melodious melody, a big golden-red bird emerged from the firelight.

"He is a wizard." Alex said slowly to the crew. Even the most vicious pirates gasped when they heard this word, like a lingering nightmare. "It was a weird journey, but we didn't know it at the time." Alex sighed, looking at the horrified expressions of the crew, "We thought he would bring us wealth. He did. , but it was accompanied by death. Whether it was his enemy or his friend. But that is a story later, let us talk about that naval battle. It is undeniable that I learned a lot from that captain. "

First mate Alex endured the high temperature emanating from the golden-red bird and quietly poked his head out to take a look at the contents of Salomon's notebook. This period of time is a good vacation opportunity for Salomon. He has time to think about the organization, weapons and equipment, communication methods and tactical procedures of the future army, including how to maintain efficiency when scheduling between various departments. He turned his head and glanced at the first mate who stuck his head out. Suddenly, the first mate felt that he could understand the words written by the captain. He can read all texts, including Xandar script. First Mate Alex knew that this was the captain's handiwork. He was very careful not to offend the captain. He suppressed his inner curiosity and studied the contents of the notebook as quietly as possible.

"Keep it safe." Salomon stood up from the captain's seat, handed the notebook to the first mate, and also left the big golden-red bird. The crew has slowly felt the pull of gravity from another planet. This is the battle area reserved for Salomon. He doesn't just want a ship, he wants a fleet - going around in circles for so long just to let the gravity of this planet become a trap for him. He drew his sword, drove the crew to the bow, and locked them in with a large door. First officer Alex watched helplessly as Salomon, who was glowing with light, passed through the airlock and floated into space without using any equipment.

"Alex!" The captain's order went directly into the first mate's mind, pulling him back from the shock, "Speed ​​up, you bastard!"

"Yes! Captain!"

"He stood on the top of the spacecraft, brandishing his sword, and ordered the spacecraft under his feet to hit the enemy hard!" Whenever new crew members boarded the ship, Captain Alex would tell them this story. Whenever he recalled this experience, he felt his blood vessels beating war drums in his ears. The enemy ship's fire passed by the reinforced glass, but did not fall on the broken spacecraft at all. The first mate suddenly understood. He cheered, turned the thruster power to the highest level, and rushed towards the enemy ship at an unparalleled speed. The laser cannon on the bow of the ship opened fire first, breaking the thin armor shell of the enemy ship. The smaller and faster smuggling ship plunged hard into the enemy ship. The pirates who had just taken the drug shouted and pushed. Shouting and coughing loudly, they ran out of the smoking hatch. They saw the captain who had not been with them before, now charging with a sword.

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