Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1674 Chapter 1670 The Agent’s Trick

Chapter 1674 Chapter 1670 The Agent’s Tricks

Not surprisingly, when this broken car, whose owner probably didn't even bother to insure it, slowly approached the 100-meter checkpoint in front of the iron gate, several soldiers in desert camouflage surrounded both sides of the car with rifles in a pincer shape. When he pointed at the driver's seat and the back seat intentionally or unintentionally, Dr. Banner knew that he didn't need to take out the fake ID.

They were recognized, they knew what kind of monsters they would become, and there was no way he could forget the destruction and casualties he and his Abomination had caused in New York. Dr. Banner smiled flatteringly at the soldier, and the disgusting inferiority surged on the back of his tongue again. Six PHD degrees could not make him ignore his own shortcomings. He was so nervous that he almost vomited. His whole body shrank and almost disappeared. All the personality in him shrank into the cab, and he gripped the steering wheel tightly. Like holding the rudder of a runaway sailboat, desperately fighting the storm with human power.

If not Hulk, he's a gentle guy throughout. He was so gentle that he couldn't refuse to suddenly come to him and ask him to carry out this fatal agent mission that was completely unsuitable for him, and then form an alliance solely to fight against someone-Dr. Banner found that he couldn't think of it. I picked up that person’s name and appearance. This feeling was terrible. Whenever he tried to remember that person's name and appearance, all he could feel was pain, as if a red-hot steel nail had been inserted into his brain, and the memory related to it was only blurry. , dazzling pure light. He once tried to write his name down, or record a video of his name being spoken, but the name written on the paper completely disappeared after a few seconds, without even the indentation of the pen, and the recorded video would be directly damaged, as if everything None of them existed - the only thing Dr. Banner can remember is what that person did, as if all the figures in the memory have been replaced by a certain pronoun, without a name.

We were recognized.

Dr. Banner thought pessimistically, another innocent person is about to die, and I should have left this planet long ago.

This is the disadvantage of being famous. The soldiers are very nervous. They know that their guns may be the only thing that can protect them. Even if this thing is not so reliable in front of the Hulk, it is also the only weapon that can save their lives - Avengers When it was first formed, Tony Stark always asked Steve Rogers and him to go on TV and do interviews, even though they both hated dealing with troublesome media people.

Tony Stark believes that it is necessary to let the public know what the Avengers are doing, and it is necessary to clarify the facts before politicians and the media distort and discredit what they are doing, even if the Avengers must have an excellent public relations department, revenge The reporters still need to come forward and explain themselves - in order to create topics, TV stations always invite those who are feminists, racial egalitarians, LGBTQ+ people, environmental enthusiasts, vegetarians, religious conservatives, conspiracy theorists, etc. Participate in interviews - Typically, the interviews they undergo are not too intense, especially in the presence of Dr. Banner. Not only because of Dr. Banner's gentle personality, but also because many people know that Hulk will appear because of anger and cannot control himself. Therefore, when he is present, talk show directors will always delete overly sensitive questions to avoid those general It is the extreme leftists who are keen to pin all kinds of discrimination on other people's heads, and the extreme rightists who can't say anything except God, who cause trouble and lose their lives on the show.

"Bring out your ID."

The sound coming from the back seat made Dr. Banner's scalp tingle and his spine sweat.

Dr. Banner could see that the soldiers were nervous, and no one could tell whether they would shoot if they saw him reaching out where they couldn't see. If they harm themselves, the enraged Hulk will tear open the fragile car doors and door jambs and tear the innocent soldiers to pieces.

"Take out your ID, Dr. Banner, and calm down, they won't shoot." Even though there was a loaded rifle outside the car window, Nick Fury remained calm and composed, "Let them enter the false identity into the system. It's a hard and fast rule. As for whether we need to upload this false identity, whether they will hand us over to the FBI or Homeland Security completely depends on the outcome of my negotiations."

Nick Fury rolled down his car window.

"Don't worry, there is no ambush, no backup, just me and him." He pointed to his one eye and said to the soldiers, "You know who I am, be careful, Dr. Banner's temper is not very good. Tell your commander, Tell him I'm coming."

The two soldiers looked at each other, and one of them turned around and left. Before leaving, he motioned to Dr. Banner to take his hands off the steering wheel, and at the same time asked the other soldier to point his gun at Nick Fury - the king of agents appeared in front of him, but The man, an ordinary soldier, was a little nervous. No one knew whether Nick Fury, the famous internationally wanted criminal, would come up with any high-tech props. This is the impression that S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers leave on ordinary people - the soldier said something to another soldier on duty at the checkpoint, while pointing at the broken car. The soldier then walked into the checkpoint, and he could be vaguely seen picking up the phone. Dr. Banner guessed that he should contact the commander of the base.

After a while, the soldiers at the checkpoint came back, looking a little gloating, as if they had heard some good news on the phone. He handed the fake ID to Dr. Banner in the driver's seat, then leaned against the rear window and looked at the passengers inside. The soldiers were also a little curious, why could fake documents pass the review, or was this a truly authentic document?

"The chief said he could hold off on telling the Pentagon you were here for the time being."

"It's 3:40 p.m. and you have an hour to escape before the Pentagon knows your location. Here are the chief's words: 'Tell that son of a bitch Nick Fury that in an hour The base will send an Apache helicopter to hunt him, and I'm excited to see him die by my hands.'"

"Does he know Hulk is here?" Nick Fury remained expressionless. He had no time to care about Banner's emotions. Today he had to enter the archives in the base. Only there could he find information related to the Lewis and Clark and Event Horizon spacecraft. He knew that the prototype design of the two extraordinary ships was Dr. Wendy Lawson, and he also knew that Dr. Wendy Lawson was a Kree. The current situation was not bad enough to call for final foreign aid. "If he knows, then he should know that I will definitely go in today, but I will definitely not be the one to pay the price."

The one-eyed soldier stared closely at the soldier. The smile on the latter's face disappeared. He couldn't help but straighten his back and take a few steps back. He glanced at the middle-aged man in the driver's seat with some gray hair and an awkward smile on his face with a complicated expression. Nick Fury's threat made the soldiers sweat in the hot desert. Originally, Dr. Banner's flattery almost made people forget that he was an uncontrollable beast, but the King of Agents reminded people of this. The soldier had no intention of observing the complicated expression on Dr. Banner's face. He could only nod, He walked back to the guard post with a solemn expression.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Banner, but I have to bear your name."

"It doesn't matter." Dr. Banner shrugged, "I'm used to it."

After a while, more soldiers poured out of the checkpoint, and Dr. Banner keenly discovered that these serious-looking soldiers who were running towards the car in a hurry all had their gun safety on. The soldiers surrounded the car in the blink of an eye. Dr. Banner raised his hand nervously and opened his mouth wide but could not say a word. However, Nick Fury calmly opened the car door and walked out, walking straight to the front of the car not far away. An officer in combat training uniform didn't care at all about the guns pointed at him.

"Now we can go in." Nick Fury's face was expressionless, as if the hot sunlight shining on the dusty ground had been absorbed by his skin, and his black jacket seemed to be very cool, which made him stand The sweaty officer in front of him was very angry. He said to the officer, "These soldiers have seen me, what are you going to do with them?"

"Save your saliva, Nick Fury, don't sow discord here, you viper. Hand over everything you have on you, and then you can enter the base, but not him." The officer pointed to the squad in the cab. Dr. Na, "I will not let such an uncontrollable monster enter the base. This is now the property of the Pentagon. Such losses cannot occur under my hands. You are causing trouble for me, Nick Fury, the most powerful person in the world." Dangerous wanted criminal."

The King of Agents smiled disdainfully, as if the officer's hand on the weapon at his waist had no deterrent effect. "This base has no secrets for me. Project Pegasus has always been the property of SHIELD. Just because the Pentagon is stationed here does not mean that you control this base. I think you still have many secret rooms that you cannot open, right?"

"You promised me, Nick Fury. I will give you some information and you will open the secret room." The officer pulled out his pistol. "I will watch you open the secret room. This is part of our deal. Be careful, for our sake." In terms of cooperation, I don’t mind taking back the body of the King of Agents, at least it will save you some torture.”

Dr. Banner watched Nick Fury and the officer arguing loudly in front of the car, and smiled again at the soldier beside him. But his smile made the soldier a little nervous.

"I don't know what's going on, soldier, and I don't want to be here at all," Dr. Banner said softly. He didn't know if Nick Fury and the officer could reach an agreement. If the worst happened, he and Nick Fury might die here - he could trust Nick Fury, the venomous snake, 100% Only with 100% certainty will he come to the Pentagon's territory. However, the king of agents' behavior makes it impossible for even a highly intelligent person with six P.H.D. degrees to predict. Perhaps Nick Fury is not sure of successful negotiations - he is not afraid. Guns, what Dr. Banner is afraid of is the Hulk who appears after he is shot, that monster that feeds on anger. "Promise me not to shoot me or I won't be able to control that thing."

Diana Lister feels that Regent Victor von Doom has aged rapidly recently. The fate of the entire country, and even the entire world, is decided on this heavy desk. Even if it only occupies an insignificant corner on this desk, it is enough for Diana List, who has been educated in Hydra concepts since childhood, to be very satisfied.

Victor von Doom quickly browsed the documents submitted by the intelligence department, stamped the electronic seal, signed and handed it to Diana Lister. The news that Nick Fury entered the Pegasus Project base could be hidden from the Pentagon, which is full of factions, but it could not be hidden from the regent who planted a spy in the Pentagon, even if it was only provided by a spy who was not very loyal and communicated with the Kree in private. According to the news, the emperor instigated a rebellion against General Hale's daughter Ruby. Another hidden spy was able to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the news.

Compared with the whereabouts of agents such as Nick Fury and Natasha Romanoff, the news that deserves more attention from the regent is not only the genetically modified soldiers sent to the Middle East to participate in the war, oil trade negotiations, offshore natural resource exploitation, etc., but also There is an emperor who has not appeared in public for a long time. The power displayed by the emperor at the United Nations Headquarters in New York proved to the world that the emperor of this country has the ability to directly behead all officials with the authority to launch nuclear bombs before all nuclear-armed countries launch nuclear strikes. -This threat even exceeds the possession of orbital missiles and nuclear weapons by the Yugoslav Federation itself, because it represents the emperor's ability to take many nuclear weapons around the world out of the control of their owners.

Therefore, many negotiations, including oil trade, food trade negotiations, Mediterranean maritime security regulations, etc., are all based on the premise of controlling the number of nuclear weapons in the Yugoslav Federation and the emperor himself. Regent Victor von Doom used the news of "exchanging" the USS George W. H. Bush nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the U.S. Navy's Sixth Fleet, and even "releasing the captured aircraft carrier" as a bargaining chip to win the negotiations. made more concessions.

The U.S. Navy cannot afford to lose an active nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and lose control of its strategic position in the Middle East and North Africa. Wall Street cannot afford the loss of maritime hegemony and the loss of security that leads to capital outflows. Energy giants cannot afford to lose oil production in the Middle East. the price of state control. If this aircraft carrier is lost, NATO, which still has counterattack capabilities, may directly start a thermonuclear war.

After losing its financial hegemony, oil production and military hegemony, the inevitable comprehensive decline will inevitably come. Rather than waiting for the body to rot, it is better to fight back while it still has the strength to regain the confidence of the financial market. The representatives from Washington at the negotiating table were so threatening. As for the president's life, there was no need to be discussed at the negotiating table.

At this point, although the emperor rarely appears in front of the media, the US Navy's Sixth Fleet is no longer performing missions in the Mediterranean. Even the Sigonella Naval Air Base in Sicily, Italy, a NATO military airport and large logistics base, has also evacuated part of its emergency operations. senior military officers, and secretly evacuated the medium-range anti-missile systems and UAV squadrons deployed there to avoid irritating the nervous nerves of the Yugoslav federal government. The regent ordered satellite reconnaissance and stealth fighter reconnaissance to ensure that all anti-missile systems were withdrawn to prevent NATO from breaking the treaty.

But the emperor was not forced to retire. The secular government of this world alone was not enough to make him feel the pressure. He had more important things to do. He did not mind temporarily giving up the stage to governments composed of mortals, because Power was never something he valued. As for Greece, it has been completely abandoned. The International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank have planned to completely abandon the debt problem of Greece. After all, it is better for the Yugoslav Federation, which has annexed Romania, to expand southward than to expand northward, at least in the world of physics. Before experts figured out the teleportation technology, Greece was the piece of meat that fell into the lion's mouth.

"I want to talk to the Chief of the Government Council." Victor von Doom took his hands off the keyboard and rubbed his eyes tiredly, "Call the Malik family's phone number, and I want Gideon Malik to join the conference call. I want you to make a summary of the meeting. The disposition of General Hale must be put on the negotiating table. I cannot let her little secret threaten the emperor's safety."

"Your Majesty has already set off?" Diana Lister's eyes widened.

"Not so fast. There are some things on Earth that he needs to solve. If he wants to go to the Kuiper Belt or Neptune, he doesn't need to take a human spacecraft at all." Regent Victor von Doom shook his head, "Arrange it as soon as possible Conference call, follow my schedule, not the Malik family’s. Also, tell Stephanie that the Emperor appreciates her good offices in Washington.”

After finishing my busy work, I started to regain my habit and started writing big chapters.

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