Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1676 Alien Arrangements

The pale lamp tubes have been covered with a thin layer of dust. A large number of paper files were moved out of the hand-cranked filing cabinets in boxes. The white tile floor was covered with gray-black dusty shoe prints, and old books rushed towards the face. The gray smell is unpleasant. It's part of a White House review of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s past records, where politicians try to find evidence and researchers at the Pentagon and defense contractors try to find technology. What they did only made Nick Fury want to laugh, because he knew that the others would get nothing here. He bet his chips on the fact that his previous work was rigorous enough and the person in charge of the base could not complete the work. It turned out that he was right. .

He had already thoroughly cleaned the archives, deleting the recruitment records and flight records of a certain female pilot, Howard Stark's preliminary research on the Cube, etc., leaving only some whimsical things here. Notes, dense account books, Tianma Project management manual and puzzling experimental data. He came here because he remembered that he might have left behind some information, some information that allowed him to understand the target's motives, some "conjectures" about hyperspace navigation that were regarded as fantasy at the time.

According to the agreement, there will be two soldiers guarding the door of the archives. Nick Fury must find some information from these yellowed papers that can satisfy the generals in the Pentagon who have never been on the battlefield and the greedy politicians in Congress. The reward is that he can take away some inspected documents from here.

"I suspect that the moment the documents are submitted, it's not surprising that they will turn their guns on me..." Nick Fury shook the handle of the filing cabinet expressionlessly and found the relics of Dr. Wendy Lawson. He walked into the deep and depressing passage of the filing cabinet, and while using his fingers to remove the marks on the tightly pressed folders, he speculated on what would happen next. "If I were not familiar with his treacherous nature, I would suspect him of being Hydra." He thought to himself, "Maybe it is better to maintain this suspicion. I hope Bruce Banner can play a role."

"I advise you not to think like that." The voice was like water poured on hot coals. The obstruction of memory and the heat in the brain were accompanied by water vapor and thick smoke rising into the sky. Names, memories, and a flood of emotions seemed to pour into a canyon of carbonate landscapes that had been eroded by water and then dried up, and Nick Fury almost had the name on the tip of his tongue. "Look up, in the third row from left to right, Dr. Wendy Lawson's diary, which was once thought to be some kind of password or graffiti notebook." The man stood at the exit of the filing cabinet, and the light came from above. The shadow loomed over him, "If you don't have the ability to read Kree text, then that notebook means nothing to you."

"Why are you here? Have you bribed the commander here?" Nick Fury subconsciously touched the holster of his gun, and then remembered that his weapon had been taken away, and he felt sad in his heart. He stared at the person on the other end with his one eye, his tall figure casting a long shadow. "You had no way of knowing I was here, you had no reason, no motive."

"You are right, so I am not here." The man pointed to his head, "I am here, in your mind, this is a psychic call. I want to leave the earth temporarily, so I must Arrange the next action plan.”

"So you're wearing a dinner suit and holding a glass of champagne?"

"That's right," he said, "that's who I am now and I'm speaking English, that's my secular identity."

"I don't like other people in my head, I'd rather talk in person, even in a family restaurant."

"No need, I don't remember the last time you invited me for coffee."

"Never, you don't like coffee." Nick Fury stood on tiptoes, raised his hands above his head and pulled out the filing cabinet with difficulty. He dug out a small brown notebook from the filing cabinet, and his only eye was still filled with tears from the falling dust. "I thought you would rather stay in your little kingdom. After all, this is one of the conditions for foreign aid." He opened the notebook and confirmed that it was filled with Cree writing. Nick Fury was not surprised that Salomon knew about this document. He could no longer sense surprise from the man. "Why did you want to come to see me, Salomon? Isn't it your wish to sit on the throne wearing golden armor and holding a sword?"

"There is no need to deliberately distort my intentions, Nick Fury. You know this cannot anger me, and you also know that my ambition is not the so-called world domination." Salomon stretched out his hand, "Do you need me to help you interpret it?"

"Stop thinking of yourself as human, Salomon. I know what happened in Peru and the Kuiper Belt. Don't think you shot down all the S.H.I.E.L.D. satellites. I'm not blind. I know what you stopped." Disaster." The King of Agents showed disdain and put his notebook into the inner pocket of his windbreaker. "But I don't thank you, and the world won't thank you either. The more noble your purpose, the heavier the disaster you bring."

"New insights."

Salomon walked over.

Although he was wearing leather shoes, there was no sound of footsteps, and the dust floating in the air passed through the phantom-like body along with the air he breathed. "This is a ghost." Nick Fury thought to himself. "Is he really in my head?"

"I want to hear it," Salomon said.

"You are an alien. Now your empathy for humans is just a subconscious disguise for your so-called human identity. You socialize with other people just to make yourself less alien. But sooner or later you lose your empathy for humans. Ability, because others will not have your power, your prophecy, your lifespan, or your values. But if you still regard yourself as a human being, then you can be the same Who else do you regard as a human being?" Nick Fury sneered a few times, "Shepherds only love wool and mutton, so who would you regard as a lamb? I have already seen people you regard as lambs. The national conflicts in the Balkans are not the Gordium Knot, and you are not Alexander the Great. You suppressed all rebellions and discord with your blood, but you cannot change the minds of those fanatical populists, who will make more people I will fight against your rule with my life."

Nick Fury thought of what the man in front of him had done, starting from tracking Agent Coulson to the small town of Colin, to brazenly launching an attack on the United Nations Headquarters and threatening the world with orbital missiles and nuclear warheads. What he had done was... More than one piece is out of the ordinary, almost every piece challenges the existing order and values ​​of the world. Vampires, magic, demons from another dimension, etc., the cold-bloodedness he displays every time he solves these incidents is amazing. Even a well-trained agent will not be more calm than him. SHIELD's criminal psychology experts and profiling experts have proposed a theory that the only reason for this kind of antisocial personality is that the perpetrator only sees a small number of people (including himself) as human beings. This is a kind of superhuman psychology. disease.

"You hate humans. To be precise, you hate humans in a broad sense, so you try to transform them. Only in this way can you explain the three-meter-tall super soldiers around you." Nick Fury said, "You are not human. , while rejecting clear self-knowledge. That’s the conclusion.”

"If you paid a psychologist just to scold me, you did it." Salomon shook his head. "I suggest you fire those guys and save some money. Agent Coulson and his The team doesn’t have the good life they used to have, and they almost run out of fuel for the plane.”

"You don't care about Agent Coulson at all." Nick Fury looked at him, "You don't care about anyone, otherwise you wouldn't imprison them in the Lighthouse Base."

"Don't always use your guesses to predict my behavior patterns. I care about Agent Coulson and his team. Don't always make me angry. For the sake of our past friendship, you can't die." Salomon said in a light tone, "I don't mind helping you leave this base, and even telling you the answers you came here to find."

"You are not so kind. What are the conditions?"

"Talos, I want Talos, leader of the Skrull Wanderers."

Salomon held out a hand. The hand seemed to stretch out from the deep water. The fingertips pierced the plane tension of the material universe and reached towards Nick Fury. The almost incandescent ripples formed circles in the air and spread to the wrist. This is a real wrist, not a figment of the brain. "I have completely wiped out the Skrull settlements in North America and Southern Europe, but I know there are still many Skrulls hiding on the earth." The hand held a loaded pistol and a magazine. "M1911A1, a military silencer produced in the Eternal City, extended magazine version, special subsonic ammunition, a total of 16 rounds, enough for you to leave this base. I want Talos, Nick Fury. I don't care what you have in the past What an idea, but no Skrull can survive. Are you going to tell me Talos' disguised identity, or are you going to have my regent reveal the existence of the Skrulls to the world?"

If the five permanent members of the United Nations learn about the existence of a shape-shifting race like the Skrulls, their first reaction will definitely be to check whether any officials in the system have been replaced by a shape-shifting race. If the people know about the existence of the Skrulls, panic and violence will begin to spread. , the recent trust between humans has also completely disappeared due to the Skrulls' ability to shape-shift, and anyone will doubt whether the person they see is an alien in disguise. Even if reliable and rapid testing methods are widely used, even if the testing method is as simple as checking body temperature, this suspicion will not disappear completely, so Nick Fury knows what the chips are in front of him.

There is no need to consider whether the Skrulls are more important than the stability of human society, and he has no intention of fully abiding by the verbal contract. "Where is Agent Coulson?" The King of Agents skillfully inspected the firearm, which was his only bargaining chip for leaving alive, "What do you want them to do?"

"You have no idea what you have collected at the lighthouse base, right?" Salomon said with a smile, "I have a task for them to complete. They have to conduct an unprecedented observation in human history. Even I It is also part of the project. Only they can complete this task, because it is destiny."

"What are you talking about, dear? Isn't my father going to introduce you to the conservative Supreme Court after dinner?"

Stephanie Malik took his arm with a smile on her face and touched his waist. In this dinner party, most of the lights were given to the dinner host on the stage, and her movements were not conspicuous. If you turn your eyes slightly, you can see that Pepper Potts of Stark Industries is talking to a man in military uniform. The person sitting on the other side of Pepper Potts is a successor to the Morgan family. The next heir.

"Your gun is missing. Who took it?"

"I gave the gun to another person, and that person was not in D.C."

Salomon handed the champagne in his hand to Stephanie Malik, and then took away the woman's hand that was reluctant to move away from his abdomen and was always caressing her wantonly. His clothes and accessories were all prepared by Stephanie. This is his usual practice when he is active in the United States in his secular identity, and the Malik family seems quite satisfied with this. After all, this secular identity is a rich man who graduated from Oxford and founded a famous biochemical technology (famous for anti-aging technology). His life history is so mysterious that it only contains a blank page, making it easy for people to speculate on his origins.

"Come on, we need to talk to the Supreme Court and the Democratic Party leader who is about to be 90 years old. If we want to fill the power gap left by SHIELD, we must have the help of these people, even if the scope of power shrinks to the United States and within NATO, which is also extremely beneficial to our future development."

"Although the World Security Council has been disbanded, the members have a lot of energy at home and can help us expand the company. The whole world is eager for your technology, and they are happy to help you." Stephanie Malik narrowed her eyes , "My father resigned because he paid for the committee's inflated ambitions. Those people owe my father a big favor." Expanding SHIELD's power through a small nuclear bombing while increasing the World Security Council's Power, this is a big gamble. The result was that the nuclear bomb fell into the hands of Salomon, Gideon Malik resigned, Stephanie Malik became his deputy, Hydra was tightly grasped by his neck, and thousands of years of faith were pushed aside The fog reveals the truth. "We can form a new SHIELD, my lord. Those radical families can also become our tools, especially people like 'Countess' and 'Banker'. My father believes that we need to continue to integrate our forces."

"There is no need to become SHIELD. I know how eager the US government is for super soldiers, so I hope that the Malik family will be responsible for arranging our product meeting." Salomon picked up his wine glass, "This company is yours Yes, you know that I am always generous to loyalists. But don’t forget, we only provide security services and do not directly provide biological and chemical product services. We have nothing to do with politics, we are just businessmen, just super soldier mercenaries.”

"If the U.S. government knew your identity, I doubt they would still continue the business." Stephanie smiled and approached Salomon in an extremely intimate manner. This attracted a lot of attention to him. After all, the Malik family has a very strong political influence in American politics. Others suspected that this was another typical political-business marriage. "My Lord, do you want to leave tonight?"

"No. I still have things to do." He said, "Let's end this boring dinner quickly and order all of Mr. Beast's burgers. There's not enough food here. If the regent calls, just Say I'm not here."

"I will arrange dinner at the manor, my lord." Stephanie smiled very happily, as if the previous suspicion of being sent to the United States to handle affairs was forgotten. "Can my father also participate?"

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