Stephanie Malik didn't know where her master went after dinner time. He just disappeared without any flash, smoke, smell, or even the heat that had existed, as if it was a dream. phantom. After tossing and turning all night long, she could only get up early, put on makeup and makeup to cover up her bad complexion, and use her best appearance to deal with conversations in the morning and lunch time. Her father, Gideon Malik, was at odds with the details she knew about General Hale's plans. Documents given to her by the Emperor indicated that General Hale had mastered an alien device capable of emitting psychic signals. Technology products, and a machine built based on plans provided by alien aliens.

She speculated that the reason why the document was so detailed was that it was most likely written by General Hale's daughter Ruby or other researchers involved in the project. What General Hale did was a great harm to the human race, but the emperor believed that General Hale's behavior has not yet caused serious consequences, and she was most likely deceived by aliens, so the result should be based on the interrogation. The outcome of the decision - more like an interrogation than a conversation - Stephanie did not think that this matter would go out of control. After all, General Hale was one of the thorns planted by the conservative Hydra in the Pentagon. The great value of the queen allowed the emperor to tolerate some of her mistakes.

"He wants to determine whether we can continue to control Hydra."

Before going to bed last night, after reading the documents in detail, Gideon Malik proposed a guess to his daughter. He took the brandy from his daughter and slowly ran his fingers across the words on the paper under the warm light of the desk lamp. "That king will not trust anyone, including us, including you. He will stir up competition within Hydra. The girl from the Lister family has entered the castle to serve as the regent's secretary, even if North America and Europe have more important work needs You handle it. As the chief of the Government Council, you can't go to work in that castle." He licked his lips and looked at Stephanie who was listening carefully. The Malik family has continued from ancient Egypt and ancient Rome to this day. The only direct heir is Stephanie. Gideon Malik always believes that she is the pride and future of the family, and he must teach her all his knowledge and experience. "If we get this right, you'll be back working in the castle for a while, even if you're wearing a holographic mask. I heard that after the Battle of the Moon, the Emperor captured the Inhuman royal family... If you come back Castle, be sure to make contact with the Inhuman royal prisoner."

"I will not betray him." Stephanie said decisively.

"I'm not asking you to betray him, my little sweetheart." Gideon Malik said with a smile, "For three thousand years, our families have been serving the gods of the Inhumans. In the past, we sent brave men to explore by feeling for stones. The place of exile for gods. In modern times, we use the Far Star Project to send astronauts to explore alien planets. But after meeting him, we learned that the warriors sent there have become the blood food of the gods of the Inhumans. Three thousand years of persistence are nothing but superstition and Greed, our god is just a product of genetic experiments by alien aliens, a weak slave, and a useless pet. Now that we have a new god, we should find ways to squeeze more value from the old god as sacrifice Sacrifice.”

"I made breakfast." Wanda Maximoff began to complain, "Why don't you come back for dinner after get off work?"

"I just took the shuttle back to Earth yesterday afternoon. And I already have my own house, so I don't want to come back." Pietro Maximov stuffed the scrambled eggs into his mouth and looked at the other person at the table. Then he looked at his blood relative with disbelief. "He brought me back yesterday, why didn't you talk about him?"

"He has work to be busy with, unlike you, who only wants to go to the bar after get off work." Wanda said, "You don't have a girlfriend yet, so there is no need to spend money on those Bitcher...those women. There are no good people!”

"Dear sister, isn't it because he stayed here for the night that you can say good things to him?"

Wanda's face was red with embarrassment, and she swung a huge spoon and hit Pietro on the head, seemingly showing no mercy at all. But it was of no use. No matter how fast she moved, Pietro could always dodge easily. He even proudly ate all the sausage, bread, peas, cherry tomatoes and scrambled eggs on the plate.

Salomon on the other side of the table quickly stuffed something into his mouth, stretched out a finger to break the spell Wanda was drawing, and stopped the civil war in the Maximov family. If he doesn't take action, Wanda will definitely use magic to lock Pietro in place. No matter how fast he is, he will not be able to escape, but will be beaten to a bloody head by the shameful and angry Wanda. He doesn't need a stupid Pietro. After all, the latter's efficiency in repairing the space station is unparalleled. This is one of the current effective ways to save money.

"We still have work, Wanda." His voice calmed the witch down. "Change your clothes and get the staff. You have to go to Kama Taj with me. The work there needs your help to complete. .”

"I thought that was over. Is anyone still planning a rebellion?"

As an eyewitness, she knew exactly what happened to Kamal Taj. After the death of the Supreme Master, Salomon never set foot on Kamal Taj again. He was full of complicated feelings about that place. However, the renovation project of Kamal Taj was still going on. Sooner or later, he would have to take over the organization and make it work. The efficiency far exceeds the efficiency during the reign of the Supreme Master. Wanda let go of Pietro's collar. Her expression began to change, and she remembered the traps that the mystics of Karma Taj had set to stop Salomon. She looked like a witch and sounded like a witch.

"Does anyone need to be killed?"

"No, there is no need to kill. What Kama Taj needs is a trial, not a killing, at least not today." Salomon turned the ring. These three rings inlaid with brilliant gems have always been important props for him to absorb the power of the outer dimension. They are also the true crown of the Lord of Karma Taj prepared by the Supreme Mage for him, so he will show them to the mystics of Karma Taj. These three rings. The magic weapon entrusted to Athena was the crown of the King of Midgard. There was no conflict between the two. He did not bother to explain the difference to others. After all, the latter looked more gorgeous and more awe-inspiring. And human awe can save him a lot of time.

He suddenly began to doubt whether Nick Fury's statement was correct, and that he was losing patience entirely because he failed to see other humans as human beings - and then he decided to end the matter and replace the alchemy doll who went to college in Oxford, Delve into psychology and finally beat the shit out of Nick Fury. Maybe Nick Fury is right, and the reason why he covets the good times when people stop and chat softly over beers is entirely because of his subconscious envy of what humans have. This was something he couldn't have - as the Sorcerer Supreme said, he had to throw away many things to protect the world, and normal human life was one of them. He doesn't know how long he can draw normal emotions from the Witch, but only by accepting this fate can he free others from their fate, carry out the grand plan he and the Sorcerer Supreme have planned, and seize the hand of the God of Destiny to move towards eternity. Opportunity.

"After the death of the Supreme Mage, many matters require my judgment. I am the new Lord of Kama Taj. All those who have chosen to resist me have been controlled, and I intend to release them. They are only following the orders of the Supreme Mage. , and they have paid the price for this, and Kamal Taj cannot continue to weaken."

Pietro's eyes widened and he shrugged.

He couldn't understand what Salomon and his blood relatives were talking about at all, but his advantage was that he didn't like to think about things that were too troublesome, causing his brain to consume the heat that should be supplied to other organs. You know, his ability requires a lot of calories. If Salomon hadn't forced him to learn mathematics and physics, he wouldn't have had the patience to read books full of numbers and symbols. Even the most basic special service physical training, combat training and shooting training, Pietro passed them casually, not wanting to waste any energy.

He believes that Wanda and Salomon can solve this problem.

If they need help, they ask directly, and there is a trust between them that no one else has.

At least that's what Pietro thinks, and so does Wanda.

"Some people have been exposed to the dark energy released by the Supreme Mage after his death." Salomon rubbed the gem with his fingers, and some psychic static electricity overflowed from the surface of the gem, emitting a fleeting smell of ozone into the air. "So I can't let them interpret the life of the Supreme Master according to their own understanding. I have to explain it to everyone. Not everyone can understand that the Supreme Mage made sacrifices to maintain this world. This is not for the betrayers. A trial, but a trial for me. If I cannot convince them, it will only prove that the ideas of the betrayers and separatists are correct. Kama Taj will not allow division, and the reputation of the Supreme Master will not be tarnished."

General Hale took the glass and looked around the living room.

Her driver was stopped outside the living room by the bodyguards from the Malik family, which she had no objection to. There is a strict hierarchy within Hydra, and even the most capable people must abide by this hierarchy that lasts for thousands of years. Because of this, young factions such as the Red Skull during the Third Reich were able to win over most people and became a rapidly rising force within Hydra and competed with the conservatives. This was a provocation to the conservative family. If the conservatives had not defeated the young camp later by supporting U.S. arms sales to Europe through a series of aid bills and absorbed a large amount of the young camp's resources through the Paperclip Project, the person sitting opposite her now should be Alexander Pierce or Dr. Whitehall. . General Hale suspected that the so-called Captain America Steve Rogers was actually an agent of Hydra. After all, super soldier serum, a compound that cannot be restored by modern technology, was definitely not something that Dr. Hall, an exiled scientist without an experimental environment, could create. Something that comes out.

General Hale's eyes were full of doubt, "I was happy to accept the invitation, but I didn't know I was the only one attending the party."

"A quiet environment will help us talk, General Hale." After Gideon Malik underwent life extension surgery, his skin that became loose and wrinkled due to aging is gradually regaining its elasticity. This old guy once fascinated millions of girls. The handsome face seemed to slowly emerge from under the skin. "At least there's no one walking around saying, 'Just make a local call,' 'Use the bathroom,' and then 'My mom needs to lie down for a while.'"

Stephanie Malik forced out a standardized smile, her eyes full of exhaustion. Gideon Malik privately moved the meeting an hour forward, and General Hale, who was originally working in the Pentagon, had to rush over. She was worried that this would offend her master, but her father believed that the emperor would reward him for his loyalty.

"Our 'New God' is extremely controlling, my daughter, and he's only used to hearing 'yes' and not 'no' from people. I don't know what kind of super soldier product you plan to impress Congress with." , but before you discussed with me, let General Hale serve as a lecture to persuade the Pentagon to accept a private company that performs the functions of S.H.I.E.L.D., I can guess that you are confident enough to get Congress and the White House to accept this decision. So I also made some efforts - the Advanced Threat Control Agency, or ATCU for short - this is a semi-official and semi-private organization, mainly responsible for connecting with the defense company you plan to establish. This organization can build the world that once was Security Council, providing that company with asylum within the legal framework of the United Nations member states.”

Gideon Malik winked slyly.

"Our president is unlikely to be re-elected, but he is happy to create a problem and then throw it to the incoming Republican president. Although I don't know what little secret General Hale has, and I don't know why the 'New God' is so I value General Hale, but I believe she will not refuse to be a representative of the Pentagon to inspect that company's products. This will not hurt her - almost all officers who inspect new weapons will eventually become generals and rich people, even if the products and Bra There's nothing wrong with the Deli being just as bad, and Congress is happy to fund the project, and it's a business that everyone benefits from - I know you're breaking some confidentiality rules, but so what does it matter? As long as the results meet expectations, I believe our 'New God' won't mind overlooking some minor mistakes. After all, we can provide him with what he currently lacks most. This is a sign of our loyalty, Stephanie, and our enemies are not just From the outside as well as from the inside. For example, Dr. Lister.”

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