Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1680 Time Ripples

"What does the Malik family want?" Even after all these years of paperwork in the office, General Hale put on the straightforward character expected of a military career and skipped the negotiations laid out by Gideon Malik. trap. "I don't think I have anything that the Malik family needs. You should have someone with a higher rank than me in the Pentagon, right? Why do you want to give this benefit to me?"

"I know you used to follow the Young Boys, but now that Alexander Pierce is dead and Dr. Whitehall is dead, there is no difference between us. Business is business, General Hale, and just shouting slogans won't get us anywhere. So much power." Gideon Malik put in a nice official line, but that didn't convince General Hale. She believed that the descendants of these ancient families had no idea of ​​the hardships they young men suffered in the youth training camp, let alone the price she paid to climb up. "Perhaps in your eyes, we are all stubborn antiques, but the fact is that only young people value relationships, and we ancient families are more keen to absorb new blood. We don't mind accepting military prostheses and We entrust you with the role of super soldier because we believe in your abilities."

General Hale nodded without making any rebuttal.

"Of course, we need some help too."

The fox tail is finally revealed, I guess you must be very anxious. General Hale thought. She held up her glass to hide her smile. "I'd love to help," she said, "but I need to know the details."

Gideon Malik pretends to be embarrassed. He first looked at Stephanie, and after his daughter nodded, he put on a helpless expression. "What I say next will definitely be considered crazy if it gets out. But the fact is that humans had contact with aliens long before the Battle of New York."

General Hale was so surprised that he could hardly hold his glass.

She instantly thought of the device she had hidden.

She once used that device to contact an alien force called the "Alliance", a multi-racial plutocratic group with the Kree as the core. This force claimed that the earth was about to usher in a full-scale invasion, and that the Chitauri invasion was nothing more than The precursor is a test by the vanguard of Dark Overlord Thanos. They promised to block this invasion for the Earth, provided that she would offer the Earth's resources to the "Alliance", and she would become the ruler of the Earth with the support of the "Alliance". This is a good deal.

"Did he discover my secret? No, if they knew it, they would never be so gentle. These ancient families will definitely snatch this opportunity from me. These greedy old dogs. Calm down and listen to what they say ." She took a deep breath and tried to control her emotions, making it look like she was shocked by the secrets Gideon Malik told her.

"I know this is shocking, but this is definitely not some Area 51 nonsense." Gideon Malik, the old guy, had been silent for long enough, and General Hale gradually became impatient, but Before trying to control his emotions due to the disparity in status between the two sides, he finally told the history of the Kree's arrival on earth. It's just that what he told was a simplified version, and many contents were deleted. In addition, the story the emperor told him had also been deleted, so it was even more impossible for General Hale to know the full story.

"Yes, the lineage of the Malik family can be traced back to the close associates of Hydra, the king of the Inhumans in the Stone Age. The most recent blood sacrifice offered to Hydra was my younger brother." He looked distressed and did not mention it at all. And the Malik family's history of cheating in rituals, "Hydra is the king of the Inhumans created by the Kree. It is a controller used to control the Inhumans, a creature trapped on an alien planet that can release endless nanobugs. Terminal. As long as there are organic matter that can be swallowed on a planet, Hydra will not fail. The reason why I know this fact is because I have seen Hydra, and I have also seen alien civilizations that were swallowed up by Hydra, and The wasteland planet that is the remnant of that civilization.”

General Hale took a few sips of wine and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"The so-called Aesir are just aliens who came to the earth. It doesn't seem surprising that Hydra is an alien super soldier of the Kree." She followed Gideon Malik's meaning and asked, "You How did you meet Hydra? Did Hydra come to Earth? If so, why haven't we discovered its existence yet? From your description, Hydra is not an easy god to get along with."

"It's not like the Chitauri or the Asgardians. Hydra is indeed on Earth, but it was captured and lost its freedom." Gideon Malik said, "Maybe you are curious, why did Hydra It is for this reason that the Leek family will cooperate with the tyrants of the Balkans. He led the army to the alien planet to capture Hydra. A monster that can easily destroy the world is no match for him, and he also promised that the Malik family will always be beside the throne. Leave a place. There is no power in this world that can stop him, Hale, not even the Avengers."

General Hale turned his attention to Stephanie Malik, who smiled proudly at her.

"The Pentagon has made a comprehensive assessment of the tyrant's capabilities." General Hale took a deep breath. "Now it seems that Pentagon officials are still too optimistic."

"The emperor's ambitions will not be limited to the earth. Perhaps you also know about the movements of man-made celestial bodies observed on the moon by satellites from various countries not long ago. It was an attack by the emperor's army against the alien forces in the blue zone of the moon. After that, Shipyards, launch stations and colonies will be established there. However, there are still alien threats around us. There is reliable intelligence that there is a stealth spacecraft of the Kree planet in Earth orbit, and the spacecraft is carrying a special operations unit of the Kree. .Compared to the Lunar Blue Zone, the stealth spacecraft carries a smaller number of combat troops, and due to related traditions, that ship has a ritualized combat force, which is called the 'Headhunter' within the Kree Empire." Ji Dean Malick said pointedly, "The Pentagon's poor performance in the Battle of New York became a joke around the world. If it can prove itself in a small-scale alien invasion, then the Pentagon will definitely be grateful to that person." People who contribute.”

"Alien corpses have high strategic value." General Hale still pretended to be calm. "This is a precious gift for anyone." She didn't know the news about Gideon Malik. Where did it come from? Maybe it was provided by the tyrant, or maybe the origin and power of Hydra are not as simple as Gideon Malik said. Maybe the connection between Hydra and the Kree has never been broken. She had an even scarier idea. Perhaps the Emperor and Hydra have already been in contact with the "Alliance", or perhaps he has been involved in the political whirlpool of the Kree Empire, and there is a conflict between the "Alliance" and the forces of the Kree Empire that are connected to Hydra.

There were so many things happening at once, and General Hale suddenly panicked.

She thought she had climbed to a high position and could get a glimpse of the whole world's politics. Unexpectedly, the hunters hidden behind the scenes were far more than just Hydra, and their scope of influence also exceeded the realm of earth's politics. In comparison, the oil giants, military-industrial complex, and Wall Street plutocrats on earth are still allying with each other and fighting for their own interests. They seem so short-sighted and disgusting.

"The tyrant...the emperor is willing to let the Pentagon obtain alien corpses?"

"The Emperor knows how to share interests with his allies, and the Emperor also has a mature scientific research genetic team, and is also willing to invest in the establishment of a biochemical technology company and a military prosthetics company. All the technical reserves that Dr. Whitehall once had belong to him, and Whitehall Dr. Hall himself is nothing more than a brain floating in a jar. We all know what Dr. Whitehall did to you, don’t we?”

Gideon Malik winked mischievously, which confirmed General Hale's suspicion that the "alliance" she contacted might have conflicts with the Kree Empire forces related to the Malik family - she did not expect that, The reason why Gideon Malik is so relaxed is entirely because this old guy has habitually started to release his youthful charm since the rejuvenation surgery - General Hale accepted Whitehall just to climb to a high position. The doctor's eugenics plan led to the pregnancy of Ruby through in vitro fertilization, which has always been an unspeakable pain for the proud General Hale. She suspected that the Malik family already knew about her connection with the "Alliance", but she could not reveal it directly so that the Malik family could make solid guesses.

"The Emperor values ​​you very much, General Hale. You and your daughter will receive resources that were unimaginable in the past. Perhaps I should welcome the birth of a new family on behalf of the Emperor?"

After watching General Hale leave the manor in a special car with a detailed catalog of super soldiers and military prosthetics, Gideon Malik turned around. "Is this enough? What's the point of doing this?" he asked Stephanie. Even though Stephanie acted like a show-stopper during the conversation, she was actually the one leading the conversation. The conversation had two main purposes, and persuading General Hale to represent the Pentagon in persuading the White House to accept the super-soldier project was just one of them. "I really don't understand why the Emperor would ask for the Kree to be mentioned in the conversation."

"The Emperor suspects General Hale of colluding with the Kree," Stephanie said. "This is a warning."

"I don't think this is a warning." Gideon Malik frowned.

"There is an information gap between General Hale and the Kree. Even the smartest people cannot give full play to their wisdom if they cannot obtain intelligence." Stephanie said, "The emperor does not mind that General Hale has his own He believed that General Hale might be cooperating with the Kree based on a miscalculation. We succeeded in driving a wedge between her and the Kree. As long as the Kree tried to attack her, we could eliminate the Kree arrangement in orbit. The stealth spacecraft and special forces on board can also find out the means of communication between General Hale and the Kree."

"Ruby." Gideon Malik thought of General Hale's 16-year-old daughter with shiny blond hair. It must be admitted that Dr. Whitehall's eugenics program was excellent, at least in terms of human aesthetics. "I thought the emperor paid attention to that girl purely because he liked her."

"He is not a Jewish plutocrat or a white politician." Stephanie rolled her eyes dissatisfied. No one could tell why she was dissatisfied. "Originally, this conversation should have been conducted by the emperor. Now I just hope that he will agree with the terms we negotiated."

"He is a qualified politician. Now that the Advanced Threat Control Agency (ATCU) of the United States will be under his control, what else can he be dissatisfied with? Listen, Stephanie, the Malik family was the strongest in Hydra when you were born. It is a big family, but the status of the Malik family has not always been so lofty. The power of the family has waxed and waned. My grandfather once committed suicide by jumping off a building to eliminate debts in order to force other families to make concessions. My father Wilfred once fell into poverty because of poverty. On the streets, working in underground taverns during Prohibition." Gideon Malik narrowed his eyes, viciousness flowing in his words, "I know very well what will happen to an ancient family that loses its power. He has already made the Lister family He has become our opponent. If we want to ensure that the Malik family can always enjoy everything they have today, we must give the supreme power enough benefits."

"You rarely talk about your grandfather," Stephanie said. "I remember he was involved in the formation of S.H.I.E.L.D."

In order to fight against the rapidly rising young faction Hydra, the ancient family chose Gideon Malick's father, Wilfred Malick, to carry out a mission in 1931 to transport an early version of the super soldier serum to Germany—— The early version of Dr. Erkins' super soldier serum was not developed in Germany, but in the United States, and the technology used in it did not entirely come from Dr. Erkins himself - after the beginning of World War II, Wilfred Malick as The representative persuaded the U.S. government to aid Europe and cover up intelligence about the Pearl Harbor attack. He took this opportunity to gather the connections and resources that Malik had before he committed suicide by jumping off a building. After the war, Wilfred Malick took advantage of the opportunity to attack the Young Boys in Europe and led other families to participate in SHIELD established by Howard Stark. He implemented Project Paperclip, recovered the Young Boys' assets, joined the Marshall Plan, and used Wall Street to and the military-industrial complex re-expanded the power of the Malik family into Europe.

"His story is bizarre, kid. Even he wouldn't tell me all the information."

Gideon Malik began to suspect that the stories his father told him and Nathaniel (Gideon's brother) were not just some fantasy bedtime stories. After all, what he was experiencing now must be greater than what his father had seen and heard in his life. It’s all bizarre. Maybe the future humans and robots in that story are real. But he felt that this idea was a bit ridiculous. Who would take bedtime stories seriously... Wait. Gideon Malik's expression changed drastically, and he felt that there was something wrong with his memory.

"My father, Wilfred Malik, was his funeral held in 1970?"

"Yes." Stephanie said, "That's what is written in the history books. He held a state funeral as a top executive of SHIELD."

"I remember the year after my father died, I attended the dedication ceremony with Nathaniel - your uncle - who also died in 1970. But why... I have him and me after 1970 The memory that my father is still alive?" Gideon Malik took a breath, "Maybe because I'm old, I actually started to imagine what Nathaniel looked like with a beard."

He never told Stephanie that young, innocent Nathaniel and he had decided not to cheat at the ceremony after being told the family secret by Dr. Whitehall (or rather, Dr. Reinhardt) at the funeral, and that he had Fearful, I put the chipped white pebble into the bag. That was a nightmare that he could never face in his life. When he learned that Hydra could obtain the memory of the devoured person, he would try every means to plead with the emperor, interrogate Hydra, and obtain the last memory of his brother from the monster's mouth.

Stephanie stepped forward and patted him gently on the back.

"We can perform another rejuvenation surgery. You will become younger, Father."

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