Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1691 Hallucination

Captain Miller looked out dizzily through his shattered astronaut helmet.

Dr. Peters, who was also dizzy, was held tightly in his arms. The other crew members grabbed him and Dr. Peters with all their hands, trying to dig them out of the crushed dormant cabin of the Event Horizon. The violent impact made his consciousness quite chaotic, and he could not remember what happened after the impact. All actions, including protecting Dr. Peter, were based on his subconscious - until he realized that not only did the crew not wear helmets, , and also attempted to remove his helmet. The unpleasant stench in the air rushed into his nostrils, and he finally regained consciousness - "No!" he shouted, "No!"

"It's okay, Miller," said First Mate Stark, the beautiful young blonde girl with a ponytail. "The ship's power is restored and we have oxygen. I'm glad the ship is still airtight. It’s intact. I didn’t expect that a spacecraft that had been in space for several years without maintenance was not smashed by micrometeors.”

"Report the situation." Miller stood up, and others helped him take off his spacesuit.

"Seven minutes have passed since the impact, Miller." First Mate Stark shook his head, "The air tightness of the Lewis and Clark has been damaged, and the remaining oxygen can only last for twenty minutes. The communication between the two ships The facilities are severely damaged and we can't communicate with the outside world, not even... not even the ship."

"Repair our ship." Captain Miller immediately gave the order, "We cannot completely rely on the Event Horizon. Cooper..."

"I can do it. But you need to go see Justin, something's not right with him." Lieutenant Cooper's eyes showed panic, "Justin was pulled back by me, and now D.J (medic) is checking his condition. Dr. Peters is fine, she was well protected by you. As for Justin... I saw the hyperspace engine turned on and turned into a puddle of water in the middle. Justin was sucked in by that puddle of water, and now his condition is very bad. "

"What's the meaning?"

"He's not responding to anything," Lieutenant Cooper said worriedly. "It's like a vegetative state."

"That's impossible, that thing can't be opened at all." Dr. Will raised his head from the center console. A few minutes ago, he was still trying to repair the Event Horizon's logbook that Captain Miller had obtained. It wasn't until Lieutenant Cooper talked about the hyperspace engine that he seemed willing to speak. "That thing is a complete technological black box. The military tried many methods to open it, but all failed. No one could open the hyperspace engine made by Dr. Wendy Lawson."

"What do you mean?" Lieutenant Cooper frowned and said unceremoniously, "Now that Justin is like this, you still want to deny it? Tell me, Will, only you know what that thing is! If you still want to Continue to hide..."

"I'm just telling you that the casing of the hyperspace engine cannot be opened! That is a technology that we cannot understand for the time being, and even the materials cannot be reproduced." Dr. Will glanced at him and reiterated, "No matter what Justin encounters, It's all explainable. Maybe it's because of the abnormal gravity near the hyperspace engine that caused you to hallucinate..."

"Shut up! Both of you!"

Captain Miller took the drinking water from the first mate and leaned on the seat on the center console. The moment he regained consciousness, he started thinking - from entering the fog to the impact of the Event Horizon, everything they experienced was strange. Including the extremely irritable mood of all the crew members when trapped in the fog, and the intense emotions that must be suppressed by taking drugs - none of this is normal. He strives to maintain the first key to survival in space travel, which is calmness. "This is not the time for an argument," he said. "Dr. Will, I don't think Cooper is lying. Dr. Peters..."

"I'm fine, thank you." Dr. Peters nodded gratefully.

"I need you to check the voyage log." Captain Miller took out the hard drive from the spacesuit he took off. "By the way, help D.J. Justin needs to be taken care of. Dr. Will, let's go to the engine room and take a look now."


The impact released when the hyperdrive was activated was not limited to the orbit of Neptune. The psychic fog also collapsed due to this impact, and the Retribution was able to escape the final trajectory of the nearly endless maze of time extending outward. With the help of this impact, the research on psychic fog also has solid evidence to support it. Master Xiao Wang believes that the psychic fog has weakened the reality barrier to a certain extent, causing a non-physical error in the time of the Punishment and the Lewis and Clark - the so-called physical error refers to the two transportation speeds described in the theory of relativity. The time difference between different objects - the non-physical time error caused by this psychic fog does not follow mathematical laws.

The radio communication they sent may have never reached the Lewis and Clark, or it may have reached the Lewis and Clark before it was sent, and the psychic blast that freed the Punishment was an extradimensional thought storm that happened to crash and get it. An elaborate trap. He believed that the Lewis and Clark might be able to detect the location of the Punishment, but the location they detected was not the coordinates of the Punishment at the moment. Both the Retribution and the Lewis and Clark passed through the psychic fog. Due to the chaotic time difference in the psychic fog, the positions of the two parties in the timeline of this universe are different, and because of the weakened reality here, the physics of the physical universe The law cannot proactively repair this discrepancy.

In other words, when the Retribution's detector detected the Lewis and Clark and sent a signal, the latter had already experienced many Earth standard cycles. This is why the Retribution could never catch up with the Lewis and Clark. They just Chasing the phantom of time. The Lewis and Clark they see today is not necessarily what the Lewis and Clark looks like now. Despite this, they can still get a lot of information.

The technical sages of the Retribution analyzed and processed the scanning information in Neptune's orbit and transmitted it to the holographic projection strategic commander. The strategic commander processor stores the basic data of the Lewis and Clark. This equipment understands every bracket, every piece of skin, every cable and pipe. When the Lewis and Clark in the holographic projection shows When looking at a dilapidated image, the processor has already assessed its damage.

"This ship has suffered unimaginable violent damage, and the outer armor has traces of simple repairs. Air tightness safety evaluation index: 78. The hull pipelines are exposed and are not suitable for atmospheric re-entry flight, nor are they suitable for resisting micrometeors. Flight Security assessment: 62." The technical sage stretched out his slender steel fingers that housed the data interface and receiver and pointed at the holographic projection. He pointed at the red dot marked on the holographic projection with a steel finger and said, "Analysis result No. 32 shows that the source of the impact should be the engine compartment at the tail of the Event Horizon. It is possible for the Lewis and Clark to be completely repaired, and the repair cycle is about 16 Earth standard hours."

"Life signal?"

"No life signal has been detected, and there is no guarantee that there are survivors on the Lewis and Clark." The technical sage said, "We have once again detected the rising psychic signal and life signal of the Event Horizon. In addition, the abnormal gravitational wave signal is also worth mentioning. Attention, there is reason to judge that the hyperspace engine of the Event Horizon has started again. From a mathematical point of view, the comprehensive accuracy of the intelligence is 86.6%. It cannot be ruled out that this is an anomaly caused by the correction of time in the real universe. Our understanding of this universe It’s still too little.”

The commander of the imperial guards looked at the emperor, and then the emperor nodded.

"I understand, continue to prepare for boarding." Constantine ignored Tita's angry gaze and said to the technical sage, "We will board the Event Horizon. Even if Dr. Will is dead, we must find out The condition of that ship.”


"I stand by my conclusion," Dr. Weill said, crossing his arms.

As gravity and temperature return, the condensed cooling pool becomes liquid again. The hyperspace engine standing above the cooling pool and the copper-colored sphere engraved with strange symbols appeared extremely calm, with no sign of opening at all. The black pool in Cooper's mouth was more like describing the cooling pool.

"The working principle of this engine is to generate a miniature black hole. Abnormal gravity will have an impact on the human brain. Perhaps this is the reason why Justin fell into a coma." Dr. Weir pointed to his ear, "Just like motion sickness and seasickness, abnormal gravity will cause There is an impact on the semicircular canals and blood flow to the brain. Justin may have suffered an impact combined with congestion in certain areas of the brain, and Lieutenant Cooper may have been affected as well.”

"Stark?" Captain Miller asked.

"This thing is very dangerous." The first mate looked at the spherical engine compartment cautiously. The weird feeling here made her very uncomfortable. This blonde girl is undoubtedly the calmest person besides Captain Miller. She is also one of Captain Miller's most trusted deputies. The other person is Cooper, who has served together with Captain Miller. "In any case, the energy of this ship needs to be provided by the engine room. The conventional thrusters need to be maintained, otherwise the ship will not start at all, and the battery in the cockpit also needs to be charged. We cannot fully expect Cooper to repair Lewis and Clark, having the Event Horizon take us and the Lewis and Clark back to Earth is highly unrealistic. I have my reservations, Miller, it would be good for all of us."

"I understand. Close this place. No one can enter this place without my permission." Captain Miller nodded, "Before we figure out what made Justin like this, we need to stay away from this thing. .Dr. Will, do you understand?"

Dr. Weir nodded.

He stared at the slowly rotating hyperdrive, the circular illumination reflecting in his gray eyes, belying his fascination with the device.

"Hurry up." Miller's voice brought him back to reality, "If we want to take this ship back."

After a short rest, all crew members returned to work. Fortunately, almost no one was seriously injured in that impact. The tasks of medical doctors D.J and Dr. Peters were not too heavy, and the existing equipment could hardly examine Justin who was in a vegetative state. They could only wait. Justin wakes up on his own. Medical doctor D.J told Dr. Peter that there were quite a lot of dissection tools in the ship's medical room, which was very unusual.

"We don't know why they prepared so many dissection tools." D.J shrugged, "But it's good for us. I've collected the body parts, and now I just need to scrape the meat off the wall to know what they are." Are they all here? I guess some of the flesh and blood must be from animals, after all, animal experiments are conducted on the spacecraft."

Major D.J was referring to the crew of the Event Horizon, which made Dr. Peters feel sick to his stomach.

"I can take care of Justin," he said. "Just look at those logs, okay?"

"I'm a doctor too."

"You are a medical technician and I am a medical officer. To be precise, you are my subordinate, and you are responsible for mental health." Major D.J said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, I'm just doing meaningless things anyway. So what if we piece those bodies together here? Even if it turns out someone is missing, there's nothing we can do. We can only hope that this ship or the Lewis and Clark can be repaired. I've never been so eager to get back. Earth."

Dr. Peters had to accept this suggestion, which didn't sound like advice, and sat in the clean medical room to check part of the logbook on the computer, which almost all crew members who had no work on their hands needed to do. She didn't know how much time had passed when she heard a strange sound - she felt that every second on this ship was difficult, and even the pleasant smell of disinfectant became a bit pungent. No, she wasn't sure if it was because the corpses of crew members were piled up not far away - that figure woke her up from her mechanical work. Dr. Peters raised his head alertly and picked up the bone saw on the workbench beside him. She found that the weird sound sounded like someone was rubbing cloth, and the pile of cloth was covering the medical bed not far away.

She walked over slowly and suddenly opened the blue-green surgical cloth.

She saw her son, a thin, pale child confined to a wheelchair. She saw the boy turn to look at her, his skinny legs exposed to the air, his skin covered with sores. She heard her son say something to her, and then a huge wave of guilt overwhelmed her, taking away the last bit of air she needed for sanity. She recalled the feeling of being accidentally submerged in the sea while playing at the beach when she was a girl twenty years ago. The suffocating feeling of spirit and body swallowed her up.

She curled up into a ball and screamed from her throat.

"Peters!" Major D.J patted her shoulder sharply to free her from this suffocating feeling. When Dr. Peters looked at the medical bed again with tears in his eyes, he discovered that it was just the body parts of the crew collected by Major D.J. "What happened, Peters?"

"I...I don't know." Dr. Peters quickly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. Until now, her hands and feet still feel cold. "I saw... nothing, maybe it was an illusion. I was too tired... it must be like this, yes."

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