Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1696 Fear from the Universe

He lowered his head drowsily, his heavy brain like a lead weight hanging precariously on his body. Dr. Will didn't know what he was thinking. He realized that he was thinking nothing, and the wisdom and rationality he once had were squeezed out of his cerebral cortex. Every step he took was cautious, as if there was a thick, wet, soft thing between the soles and the deck. Even though his eyes and brain were telling him that the thing didn't exist, he still couldn't help but be immersed in it. In this comfortable environment where you don’t need to think. He looked at his palms and turned a deaf ear to the noise in his ears. In the past, these palms, which had never been subjected to long-term physical labor, only had wrinkles that grew over time, and soft calluses on the knuckles from holding pens for a long time. Now they look like they have been soaked in liquid for too long and turned white. Bloated and smelling of shower gel and blood.

"Doctor." Captain Miller raised his voice. He glanced at Dr. Will's raised hand, which was only stained with blood when he helped transport Justin. Dr. Peters, Major D.J., and First Mate Stark all had Justin's blood on them. "You really don't know?"

"I don't know." Dr. Will raised his head as if he had just woken up from a dream, "Do you know Wendy Lawson? You never told me."

"Yes, I know Dr. Wendy Lawson. It was a tragedy." Captain Miller glanced at the Physics Doctor again, seemingly unwilling to mention the accident in the Pegasus Project again. He signed a confidentiality agreement and would never reveal the true cause of the accident. This was a requirement of SHIELD. "She is dead, but you are still alive, and now you are the only person in the world who knows about this ship. This ship did not go to Proxima Centauri b, where did it go."

"I told you, I don't know." Dr. Will suddenly became a little irritable. He tried to walk faster, as if he could get rid of Captain Miller. "If I knew, I wouldn't have to be here, would I?"

Captain Miller stormed off because he knew he would get no answers from Dr. Weir. A few minutes later, as he was walking through the deserted corridors trying to return to the bridge, a sound caught his attention, coming from behind the thick bulkheads and weaving in and out of pipes and cables. He narrowed his eyes warily and looked at the direction of the sound.

"Captain! Don't leave me here!"

The voice was right in front of him, but the next moment it came behind him, as if coming from the corner at the end of another passage. Along with the terrible thunder of the fierce storm below the track, he could faintly hear the pained voice crying out. Miller turned around sharply and stared in the direction of the other voice.

"For God's sake, help me!"

"This is just an illusion in the mind, this is just an illusion." He leaned on the bulkhead, hoping that the cold steel would cool his mind again. Then he heard the sound of the hull deforming and twisting due to the instantaneous loss of pressure, and a scream that was difficult for humans to utter. The terrifying sound was like a cold, slippery snake gliding inside the hull - he could hear the sound with The panicked tone described to him how the flames slowly licked his eyes, the liquid fire entering his mouth and filling his lungs. The last voice squirmed through the pipe with a chuckle and cold fear - he left the clinging bulkhead in horror, his eyes tracking the source of the voice closely until it disappeared. When he arrived at the bridge, he found that others were already here.

He decided to tell what he heard, openly and honestly, with nothing to hide.

"Someone is calling me. It's a young crew member named Eddie Crick, who once served with me on the Titan. It was a confidential project of the Pegasus Project, and only SHIELD, NASA and the Pentagon knew about it. .Then we encountered..." Captain Miller sat in his seat with a depressed expression. He didn't want to think about that tragedy over and over again. "Then we encountered an accident... At that time, an alien ship came near the earth, and the Giant set off in an emergency... Later, the aliens were repelled, but this was not a good thing. The wreckage of the Giant alien ship It penetrated, the oxygen tank burst, and a fire broke out inside the ship. Three others and I escaped to the rescue capsule, but Corik was too late. Have you ever seen flames in a zero-gravity state?"

Captain Miller never forgot the figure flying across space like a rainbow and piercing the alien fleet.

Major D.J. shrugged.

"The flames were beautiful, like mercury. The flames flowed everywhere, beating against the hull like waves, never stopping." Captain Miller said to himself, "He screamed for me, and I did the only thing I could. What I did. I closed the hatch of the rescue capsule and left him behind. From then on, I vowed never to give up on anyone again."

"I've known you a long time, Miller," Major D.J. said. "You never told me."

"That's the weird thing, I never mentioned it to anyone. But this ship knew, it knew my fears, my secrets, it got into my brain and showed me. It was showing off, like it was eating Cat before prey." Captain Miller glanced at Dr. Peters who was working. Dr. Peters saw his child, but Dr. Weir refused to admit that he saw a hallucination. "This ship knows the secrets we hide in our brains, D.J." Captain Miller pressed the call button on the center console to accept the call request. "Whatever it is, Cooper, I hope it's good news."

"Yes, sir, the Lewis and Clark is ready for pressurization."

"I'll be there right away." Captain Miller immediately abandoned the sensibility of revealing secrets before and resumed the decisiveness that a captain should have. He nodded to Major D.J., "Get your spacesuits ready. If all goes well, we will launch this ship and let it take us back to Earth. As long as the pressurization experiment can be completed, all of us will stay at Lewis and On the Clark, including Justin Peters and Stark, we need the ship’s logbook.”

"I'm going to the infirmary to get some things." Major D.J. said.

"We're still making repairs." First Mate Stark handed Dr. Peters a small cup filled with ice-cold coffee. This was the best thing they had now, and it was brought from the Lewis and Clark. Without coffee, they couldn't have done so much. "Almost done, Miller."

Although Lieutenant Cooper was excited, the pressurization test of the Lewis and Clark did not go smoothly. Lieutenant Cooper, wearing a spacesuit, helplessly saw cold white air coming out next to the repaired skin. Hours of sleepless work did not completely repair the torn parts of the Lewis and Clark. Even so, the optimistic Lieutenant Cooper blinked and planned to continue working.

"Twenty minutes, sir." Lieutenant Cooper said over the communication channel. "This place can be repaired in twenty minutes."

"very good."

Captain Miller nodded and climbed back onto the connecting arm between the Lewis and Clark and the Event Horizon. At this time, the exclamations of First Mate Stark and Doctor Peters came from the communication channel. They asked Captain Miller to return to the bridge in a panic. "We restored a thirty-minute video." First Mate Stark said a little incoherently, "You must see it."


"I can't calm down, Miller." Dr. Peters' voice was hoarse, as if some acid had eroded his throat. She couldn't control herself. Anyone would vomit after watching that video. The fear and nausea that spread to the depths of her soul made her tremble. Until now, she still felt a vague headache and dizziness, and the condition of First Mate Stark was not much better, as if the stench caused by rotting flesh and blood was still lingering in their nostrils. "You have to see it."


The crazy crowd danced wantonly, carousing wildly, roaring madly, venting ecstasy and violence irrationally. Like animals, they abandoned all human morality. They mated like crazy and scratched and cut themselves and others with their bloody fingernails. They put their hands into the torn abdominal cavity, chest cavity, the mouth of someone who is still alive, or even any torn cavity that can accommodate limbs, and they will grab anything and incomplete fragments along with dirty blood and body fluids Splash into the air. The sanity of the living men and women has undergone incredible degradation. They use the limbs and organs of the dead to beat, mate and bite each other. They use their teeth and nails to tear any skin and organs that have not been destroyed, and then howl in madness. Stuffed into the stomach - regardless of whether the person still has an organ like a stomach at this moment - the crazy man whose internal organs were eviscerated is still not dead. His body seems to be driven by some extreme desire and is in contact with the roaring people underneath him. One half of the corpse mates, then bites the face of the person who mates with the other half like a mad animal, and then swallows it without chewing.

They were cheering for blood and pain, cheering for death.

The star here is just a cold, pale ball of light. The sunlight that awakens civilization cannot illuminate this dark place. The brilliance of reason and civilization recedes in this place where humans have never set foot. There has never been a bonfire here, and the malice that was once expelled in the dark night has returned. All the wisdom and rationality that unprepared humans have established over thousands of years are washed away by the malicious invisible things in the deep space of the universe. Maybe they had resisted before, but human beings' weak reason was completely unable to fight against the things that were completely incomprehensible in the depths of space. They were like dead branches floating on the water. The horror from eternity instantly overwhelmed their reason and urged them to join. It shows the torrent of violence and indulgence that limited human reason can display.

The sticky flesh on the bridge walls told those who came after them their fate.

First Mate Stark was still vomiting, and she accompanied Captain Miller to watch the video again. The enthusiastic crew members in the forward video showed incredible cruelty that far surpassed that of beasts. Captain Miller did not vomit, and his face looked quite ugly because the video once again proved his point. This ship carries endless malice, digging into people's minds and filling them with fears and hopes.

"Change the mission. Everyone evacuate the ship as soon as possible. We can't rely on the ship's automatic navigation to bring us back." Captain Miller swallowed and looked at the flesh and blood on the bridge bulkhead. It could be something that one crew member chewed, digested, and was taken out by other crew members and pasted on the wall. After watching the footage, every member of the crew of the Lewis and Clark automatically moved away from anything that had not yet been completely cleaned. "Lieutenant Cooper, I need you to speed up. Doctor Peters, I need you and Lieutenant Smith to carry as many carbon dioxide converters as possible. The Lewis and Clark needs enough oxygen. Stark..."

"I'll get the Lewis and Clark ready for sailing." The first mate nodded.

"Bring this hard drive with you, Earth needs to know what's going on here." Captain Miller glanced at the terrifying bridge one last time. From the copper-colored spikes in the hyperspace engine room to the bulkheads on both sides of the corridor that looked like the coffins of ancient Egyptian pharaohs, this ship made him feel even more disgusting. He turned and left the bridge, "Everyone, get off this ship. I don't want anyone to be here."

"Captain, Captain." It seemed that because the other crew members were not nearby, Dr. Will caught up with Captain Miller. He said in a gentle tone, "Don't do it."

"It's all over." He strode towards the connecting bridge and said angrily.

"Where is this ship? Are you going to abandon the ship?"

"I don't want to leave it alone, doctor. Once the Lewis and Clark reaches a safe distance, I will launch missiles to destroy this damn ship."

Dr. Weir grabbed Captain Miller by the collar, and the next moment the latter swung his fist at him. Before the conflict could continue, most of the lighting facilities inside the covered bridge were extinguished one by one.

"Captain Miller, there is a problem with the biometric reading scan." First Officer Stark sent a communication, "It seems that the hyperspace engine is absorbing all the power of the ship." After repeatedly confirming that the hyperspace engine cannot be stopped, Mi Captain Le gave the order, "Download the file and evacuate immediately. I want to leave this hellish place."

"You can't leave." Dr. Will in the shadow seemed to be smiling, "She won't let you leave."

"You must return to the Lewis and Clark immediately or you will have to walk home, Dr. Will."

"I'm already home." Dr. Will stepped back into the darkness.

On the other side, pilot Smith and Doctor Peters have arrived at the cabin where the hyperspace engine is located. The carbon dioxide converter is located in the corridor leading to the hyperspace engine, and they need to find enough converter elements that have not been completely consumed to replenish the Lewis and Clark.

"Bad, bad, still bad." Smith frowned and threw the empty filter element into the cooling pool of the hyperspace engine. He looked like he was frightened, especially the existence of the hyperspace engine, which made his hair stand on end. Justin became what he is now because of that thing. If it wasn't necessary for the mission, he would never want to get close to it. "Peters, can we go? This place is scary!"

"You need to breathe oxygen on the way home, right?" Doctor Peters lowered his head and pulled out more converter filters and threw them to Lieutenant Smith, "Twenty-five, we need at least twenty-five filters."

"I don't need oxygen! Let's go!"

"We need twenty-five!"

"Let's go!"

Under Lieutenant Smith's constant urging, Dr. Peters carried the filter element that was still usable.

She took one last look at the hyperspace engine. The copper-colored behemoth was spinning slowly without any abnormalities, but when she reached the anti-interference bridge like a meat grinder, she involuntarily stopped. Fear, or perhaps intuition, urged Lieutenant Smith to run without looking back. When she came back to her senses, she could no longer see the back of Lieutenant Smith. Instead, she could see the slowly rotating hyperspace engine. The power from deep inside her heart urged her to stop and look back, as if she was speaking behind her. Everything you hope for. She did so, and then she saw a small figure running past the hyperdrive, just as she had always expected.

At that moment, the irresistible triumphed.

Dinner time.

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