Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1698 A living ship

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Lieutenant Cooper cursed loudly as he lay tightly on the wreckage of the ship that was thrown into space by the explosion and was spinning wildly. Even though the spacesuit's temperature control system could provide the wearer with a suitable temperature for survival, Lieutenant Cooper still felt cold sweat running down his back. "Where am I going! Why the hell is this happening to me! Fuck! Calm down! Calm down! How are we going to get back to the ship? I have to let the air out of the tank! This better fucking work! Get ready! Set off……"

He took a deep breath and took off the interface between the space suit and the air tank at the same time. "One, two, three! Hurry up, hurry up!" When the air pressure reached the critical value, he closed the magnetic boots of the space suit, and the propulsion force behind the space suit The system pushed him up from the wreckage of the ship. "Yes! Yes!" He adjusted his posture and pointed his head towards the cross-shaped spacecraft in orbit that was illuminated by the giant thunderstorms that kept flickering in Neptune's atmosphere. Perhaps it was a delusion caused by nervousness and panic, or perhaps he was injured due to the impact of the explosion. Lieutenant Cooper always felt that he had done something similar.

He knew exactly how much air pressure the thruster had when he should take off, how much oxygen he had to keep for him to breathe until he returned to the spacecraft, and he also knew that something extremely bad had happened on the Event Horizon. The explosion seemed to push the Event Horizon towards Neptune's atmosphere recedes, and dense thunderstorms are about to tear the hull apart. He shook his head, getting rid of this absurd thought. He didn't see that behind him there was another person wearing the same spacesuit taking off from the wreckage of the spacecraft, and that person also had his back turned to him, completely unaware of his presence.

"Here I come! Son of a bitch!"

Lieutenant Cooper's space drift will take some time.

A casual glance at this time allowed him to see the thin brilliance of stars in space barely illuminating the huge outline. It was a ship, and two shining lights flew out of the ship, flying straight towards the Event Horizon. He thought about the contents of the crew meeting - Dr. Weir's warning to Captain Miller. The former claims that other countries in the world are trying to obtain the secrets of the hyperspace engine - the drift time is quite long, and Lieutenant Cooper still has time to let his mind wander. He only needs to adjust his posture and airflow. He had no problem with other countries taking the damn thing if they wanted to, and he definitely didn't want to touch it if he could help it.


Major D.J opened his eyes suddenly, and the sudden pain made him unable to move.

He remembered... Miller had said that Dr. Weir blew up the Lewis and Clark... and then cold air poured in. His uniform was pulled open, the dog tags around his neck were thrown aside casually, and a scalpel and a bone saw cut his chest open in the middle. The air poured into the chest caused acute pneumothorax, making it impossible for him to breathe. With blurry vision, he saw Dr. Will standing next to the medical bed. His scarred face had no expression, and his empty eyes seemed to have been dug out along with the emotions that humans should have.

Blood surged from the shattered lungs and overflowed from the nose and mouth.

Dr. Weir picked up a thick suture needle. Even without the naked eye to provide vision, he could still thread the needle and thread accurately. He seemed to have gained some kind of forbidden inspiration and memory, which was knowledge he had never possessed before - this was not his knowledge, but he was completely unable to realize it - just relying on intuition and without any medical knowledge, he It can use tough thin threads to pass through the flesh of the limbs and back, and treat the human body lying on the medical bed like an animal.

When humans on Earth were still using cold, sharp iron and wood to fight each other, the Vikings in Scandinavia invented a form of punishment that could be called art, and it added a lot of creativity to it. ——It likes fearful prey. It has always been what humans are good at inflicting fear on others with the horrors of its own kind. It has always had an unparalleled sense of art that can perfectly combine fear with art. It was very satisfied with its work. Whether it was Major D.J's current state or Dr. Will's heartfelt ecstasy, it showed its masterpiece - when Captain Miller rushed into the medical room in a hurry, he almost vomited. He saw a large number of iron hooks piercing the flesh of his limbs, and Major D.J's limbs were spread out and hung above the medical bed. His body was torn apart by scalpels and bone saws according to some laws that humans could not detect. Hot blood was still dripping from the scattered internal organs.

Miller didn't feel fear, he just felt anger burning like oil in his veins.

This is Dr. Will, no, it's something in human skin playing with its prey!

"Will! Will!" Captain Miller spoke in a low voice, holding the maintenance nail gun tightly in his hand, scanning the medical room with a hawk-like gaze. In the end, his eyes fell on Major D.J. "I'm sorry, my friend," he whispered, "wait until I kill him before I put you down. It won't be long, I promise! I'll make him pay!"

Miller had a hunch that Will would go to the bridge control room.

He couldn't explain this intuition, let alone Will's behavior pattern, just like the physicists he knew would never and were not capable of doing such a cruel thing. Pressing the switch, the air-tight door of the bridge slowly opened. At this time, the entire ship's power was extracted by the hyperspace engine, and all lighting facilities in the bridge lost their function. The only source of light in the darkness of the bridge was the pale star light scattered from the portholes, but the thin fire of civilization could not illuminate the solid and heavy fear entrenched here. Not only that, the explosion seemed to cause the ship to sink.

The most violent storm in the solar system born in the planet below produced continental shelf-sized thunderstorms. Violent thunder was conducted into the interior of the ship through extremely thin gas, but the violent flash of light did not require a medium and broke in through the portholes. Captain Miller walked in carefully holding the nail gun, pointing the gun at any corner where humans might be hidden. He is always ready to pull the trigger and let the sharp rivets pierce the human body. Before he could reach Dr. Will, he kicked something soft. It was a human body. The originally tightly tied golden ponytail was now spread on the ground like scattered golden tassels. Captain Miller immediately put down the nail gun and squatted down to check on the first mate.

Fortunately, there is still breathing and a heartbeat.

Miller looked around cautiously, then he tore off the arm pocket of his uniform and took out a small plastic bottle from inside. He broke the seal off the plastic vial and placed it under Stark's nose, who immediately sobered up. The moment the first mate regained consciousness, he immediately began to struggle. "It's okay, I'm here. I'll get you out of here." His voice quieted the first mate, who opened his eyes and breathed heavily. He helped the first mate stand up reluctantly, and at the same time reached out to touch the nail gun in the dark, but found nothing. Not wanting to waste time, he immediately pulled the dizzy first mate over and helped her towards the central control room. Exit - Before they could walk out, the captain's seat started to make a noise. The seat turned toward them, and a bloody, hunched human body sat on the seat. With the dim light of the emergency lights, he could see the man's face and the uniform he was wearing.

Miller immediately put the first officer down and hid her behind the center console. The thunderstorm illuminated Dr. Weir's face, as well as the empty eye sockets. The wounds deep into the bone had dried up and began to swell due to the inflammatory reaction. Miller had seen many corpses, but he had never seen such damage on a living person. "Oh my god." Captain Miller couldn't help but speak softly, "What's wrong with your eyes?"

"We don't need eyes where we're going, Miller."

"what are you saying?"

"The purpose of this ship was to explore the planet, but it far exceeded expectations. It tore a big hole in the universe and opened the door to another space." Dr. Weir opened his bloody eyes and spoke in a hollow tone Said, "A completely chaotic space, a completely evil space. It was just a spaceship before, but after it came back, it became alive. It distorted the fragile space-time structure of the physical universe and showed me the ultimate place." Captain Miller, can you feel its heartbeat? Look how beautiful it is..."

"Your beautiful ship killed the entire crew!"

" has a new crew. Now it has us." Dr. Will licked his broken lips with his scarred tongue. Captain Miller only felt creepy. He felt that the crazy physicist in front of him looked more and more like a snake. To be precise, a snake got into his body and replaced his spine, leaving him hunched over in the captain's seat. Captain Miller saw Dr. Weir pressing a few buttons, and he asked warily, "What on earth are you doing?"

"You want to know where this ship has been? You'll find out soon."

First mate Stark suddenly rushed out and hit Wilbo with the oxygen tank he held in his hand. The latter suddenly burst out with reflexes and strength that were not belonging to normal humans - he sat in the captain's seat, grabbed First Mate Stark's neck, lifted her up, and then threw her out - First Mate Stark Tucker hit the center console and fainted. But before Captain Miller could rush to the captain's seat, Dr. Weir raised the nail gun and pulled the trigger. Captain Miller had to stop. He had no doubt that Dr. Will, who had no vision, could hit him.

He raised his hands and bent down, ready to go.

"If you can't hit me, you'll shoot through the cabin."

Dr. Weir laughed. He faced Captain Miller, his bloody eyes seemed to be able to see something, "How could I not shoot you?"

Then something caught Dr. Will's attention. Captain Miller found two faint lights shining out of the portholes. The two lights were floating in the cold void, and then gradually came closer until they were attached to the frozen cross portholes of the bridge. On the dim bridge, these two lights from the outside were extremely conspicuous.

"I'm back! Look, I'm not dead! Open the door quickly!"

Lieutenant Cooper's voice came from the center console. He lay on the porthole and looked in, and saw a man facing him from the side, and the muzzle of a nail gun was facing the porthole. He didn't have time to think about how this happened, but he knew that what happened next was not optimistic at all.

"damn it……"

He only had time to curse, and the rivet driven by gunpowder and air was nailed to the porthole in front of him. The frozen air rushing out from the hull was like a heavy fist hitting his helmet, killing this unlucky man. The egg was pushed out again. Captain Miller immediately rushed toward Dr. Weir, who fired again. The high-speed flying rivets pierced the cables, bursting out a large cluster of electric sparks - the next moment, the rivets nailed to the portholes were smashed into the cabin. The difference in air pressure between the inside and outside pushed him out, and the huge pressure caused the porthole to instantly shatter into millions of pieces. Dr. Weir did not hesitate to shoot at Captain Miller who was hurriedly avoiding in the bridge, not caring at all that he was hit. What. Everything that was not fixed or unstable in the bridge and passageways was sucked in. Whether it was coffee cups or cables, they were all thrown into space by the force.

Captain Miller tumbled and grabbed whatever he could.

Dr. Will screamed and let go of the nail gun that he couldn't hold at all. Even the captain's seat was grabbed by a strong force and thrown towards the broken porthole. The roar of the air and the sound of everything colliding with each other filled his eardrums. There were the whistling of wind and the groan of metal deforming everywhere. Dr. Weir clasped his nails on the grid deck of the bridge, the ship giving him superhuman strength that made his muscles and bones stronger than steel. Even so, the remnants of reason shattered by the invincible thing were telling him that he could not win, but neither he nor it paid attention to it. They only saw that the metal grid on which their fingers were clasped began to bend and emit a sound. With an ear-piercing roar, the finger bones, metacarpal bones and shoulders were forcefully pulled apart and shattered.

An oxygen tank in the passage was pulled out and hit the open airlock door and the center console, crushing half of Dr. Will's body. Captain Miller saw Dr. Weir's twisted body screaming and being thrown into space, but he was also firmly grasped by this force. If a cable from the channel hadn't entangled him, he would have been like Dr. Weir. Falling into the endless cold deep space.

"Miller! Miller!"

First Mate Stark in the passage grabbed the cable and shouted at the captain.

The rapidly surging air stirred up strong winds in the cabin. Stark shouted at the top of her lungs, but she was worried that Captain Miller couldn't hear her. Fortunately, Captain Miller is still on the lookout for her, even as he struggles to survive.

Miller quickly grabbed the cable and used all his strength to hold on to the airlock door. Due to the automated damage control program still running and the lack of power, the air-tight gate that was supposed to close quickly closed slowly at an extremely slow speed. Captain Miller climbed out first, grabbed a bracket used to store debris and blocked the airlock door. "Grab my hand, Stark!" He grabbed the first mate who was holding the pillar with one hand. collar, holding the cable tightly with the other hand. He stared at the airlock door with both legs and dragged her backwards with all his strength, forcefully pulling her out of the shrinking airlock door. Before the two people present could say anything to relieve the tension, the alarm sounded again. There was a sound - Captain Miller quickly judged that it was the sound of the front airlock opening, which was the airlock Justin walked out of. Since the overridden airlock lock has not been repaired, the only thing that can invade the hull from the outside at this time is that airlock. He pulled up First Mate Stark and ran to the front airlock, taking out two nail guns from the maintenance tool cabinet.

"Is it still Will?"

"I don't want to take risks!" Miller lowered his head and loaded the ammunition. "If you feel something is wrong, shoot!"

The airlock slowly opened, and the cold frozen air rushed in like a mist. Miller and Stark stood on both sides of the airlock, pointing their nail guns at the figure staggering out of the airlock. "Don't hit me!" Lieutenant Cooper fell to the ground. He no longer had the strength to walk. "Take this away, take this away! I can't breathe!"

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