Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1700 Invitation from a dream

A silent explosion erupted from the bridge connecting the front cabin and the engine room, and circular flames and shattered steel spread into space in circles, like red ripples blooming in the dark void. The huge thrust of the directional blast separated the front cabin from the engine room and pushed the front cabin forward as originally designed. The violent tremor caused First Mate Stark and Lieutenant Cooper, who were waiting anxiously in the forward cabin, to fall to the deck. At this time, they finally realized what had happened.

First mate Stark endured the pain of broken ribs and gritted his teeth to get up. Lying in front of the porthole, she watched the engine room being wrapped in dazzling current and falling into the violent storm of Neptune. A few seconds later, the engine room disappeared into the fierce storm of hydrogen and helium. They saw a hole filled with lightning and dirty light formed in the center of the terrible storm. The huge amount of gas and bridge fragments were sucked by the powerful suction force. After being dragged in - they realized that Captain Miller would never come back - the survivors did not feel the joy of the rest of their lives. First mate Stark, who was covered in sticky blood, just looked at Neptune. A terrifying whirlpool in the atmosphere. That ship from hell returned to where it belonged, but it took the bravest among them with it.

"We should enter the hibernation capsule as soon as possible." Lieutenant Cooper squeezed out a sentence with a hoarse and dry throat. "He will hope that we survive. People on Earth need to know what happened here."

First Mate Stark stared into the space where most of them were buried. She couldn't imagine that if people on Earth knew what kind of horrors awaited humans in the deep space of the universe, would they still have the courage to step into this desolate land? Would they fall into the vortex of nihilism and completely deny courage and exploration? meaning?

"I'll be ready soon." She lowered her head. "We will survive."

Seventy-two hours later, a Pegasus-type assault transport boat was slowly approaching the low-speed cockpit. "Punishment, this is the search and rescue team. We have found the target. Prepare to board the ship." The sergeant opened the communication. He put on his helmet, turned his head and said to the soldiers behind him, "Get your weapons ready, we don't know what's inside."

"I will tell the Emperor and provide you with support." Tita stared worriedly at the dots of light on the screen representing two Pegasus-type assault transports. One of the light spots docked near the front cabin of the Event Horizon, which had been detected long ago, and the other light spot rushed straight towards the vortex in Neptune's upper atmosphere that continuously released electric current and light. When the first batch of soldiers wearing void combat uniforms walked into the cabin holding laser weapons and melt-melt weapons, and the light from the lighting equipment on the armor pierced the thick darkness, all they saw were the bodies soaked in light green decompression fluid. human body.

"We have entered the dormant cabin. There is no damage here due to the explosion." The lighting equipment on the back rotated and adjusted the angle according to the sergeant's sight. "Three survivors were found and were comparing the crew list. They are Lieutenant Cooper, Captain Deputy Stark and Lieutenant Justin. Lieutenant Justin appears to have been seriously injured and requires emergency medical assistance. The hibernation pod is unpowered and there is no way to determine if they survive."

"Prepare the transfer procedure. I need them alive, so they can tell me what happened there." Tita opened another call channel, "My Lord, the search and rescue team found three survivors..." She waited for a long time. , the voice that made her happy came from the communication channel. "I understand. Protect them and transfer them to the Eternal City for recuperation. To continue the mission, the Kree sentinel fortress must be cleared."

"Are you really not going to change your goal, my lord?" Dita replied eagerly, "Even you have not used the body of the material universe to step into the wounds of the space-time structure. We don't know what dangers there are." Communication Channel There was no sound anymore, but Tita seemed to have heard something, and her expression slowly relaxed. She let out a long breath, "I will complete your mission. You must come back, I don't think the witch can complete that mission." She watched the light spot on the screen plunge into Neptune's atmosphere, and then disappear completely. She reopened the search and rescue team's communication and called the soldier with the too cute name, "Sergeant Nicky, continue reporting."


Even though he was in the fire, he still felt cold.

Several seconds had passed since he pressed the button, and the monster in human skin did not move at all. It just looked at him and slowly moved closer. He tried to struggle, but he just rolled over. The injuries to his ribs and legs made him take a breath of smoke-filled air and cough uncontrollably. The more he coughed, the more pain he felt in his ribs. Miller wiped the blood-covered coolant from his face. "You lost, devil." He had no regrets or fear. He was just laughing, "Cooper, Stark and Justin are still alive, they will not be yours."

"But you belong to me. I have tasted many souls, and you will be the next sacrifice, Miller." The monster who was once Dr. Will slowly grabbed his collar, and blood flowed from the scarred fingers. Extrude. Its face was still full of pride. "Time has no meaning, and we will eventually return to the material universe. We existed in the eternal dark night before the birth of the first intelligent creatures in the universe, and we still exist until the universe turns into hot entropy. Your sacrifice means nothing. Meaning, your victory is just self-satisfying entertainment, and we will dance and feast in front of the ruins of civilization established by all self-respecting species, tasting the dust turned from human bones until the universe falls into eternal night."

The sound of melting metal attracted its attention, and even Miller couldn't help but cast his gaze towards the entrance to the engine room. There, the thick airtight door melted at an extremely fast speed, and the red molten metal slid down like a waterfall. He noticed that for the first time a human emotion appeared on the scratched face of the monster in human skin - it was fear, as if something that could frighten the incarnation of fear was just outside the door. ——When the airtight door melted to create a hole large enough for people to walk through, golden light pierced the hell, and the demon occupying Dr. Will's body flinched as if struck by thunder. It loosened its grip on him and cursed in the language of hell.

In the first second, the golden figure smashed into the engine compartment like lightning falling from the friction of clouds. He couldn't see the figure clearly, he only felt that the demigod-like giant rushed in front of the demon with the hurricane sweeping through the cabin, and stabbed the human body occupied by the demon with the flashing thunder weapon; 1.2 In seconds, flames erupted from the front of the weapon, as if thunder finally came in front of him, shocking his heart and brain; in the first fifteen seconds, dazzling flames erupted from all over the demon's body, and venomous blasphemous words filled it. into the engine compartment, but the golden light that filled the entire space melted all the frost from hell. Captain Miller blinked drowsily, feeling that the coolant soaking half of his body became warm; at 1:8 seconds, more golden-armored demigods rushed into the engine room, but they did not attack Dr. Will. , did not rescue him, but stood on both sides of the entrance to the engine room. The next second, when the pain that swept through his body disappeared, Captain Miller finally closed his eyes tiredly. All the coldness, all the pain was gone.

The last thing he saw was the star crashing into the engine room.


Stark fell to the wet deck. She vomited out the decompression fluid in her trachea, her body was shaking uncontrollably, the bruises between her ribs had turned yellow, and every breath she took was stinging. The search and rescue team lifted her up and covered her with a thermal blanket. The soldier in void combat armor said, "Relax, you're saved."

"Justin, Cooper..." she said tremblingly. The hibernation cabin was dark. She didn't know whether it was because the independent power supply had lost its function or the lighting equipment was short-circuited. Regardless, she only cares about her companions now.

"It's okay, they are all here." When the soldier took off his helmet, what Stark saw was Dr. Will's scarred face.

She opened her eyes and started screaming.

"Calm down, it's me!" Lieutenant Cooper held down First Mate Stark's waving arm. At this time, the search and rescue team had turned on all the lights of the dormant cabin. "calm!"

"Relax, you've been saved!" The soldier turned to Hand, the medical team behind him, "Tranquilizer! We need a sedative here!"

"Relax, we're saved, Stark." Lieutenant Cooper kept comforting her. He raised his head and looked at the soldiers in front of him - these people were wearing black spacesuits that he had never seen before. The words on the spacesuits were not in English, French, Russian or Chinese. The only thing he could distinguish was the one on the chest of the spacesuit. Golden eagle pattern. Compared with spacesuits manufactured by countries with aerospace capabilities, these spacesuits are not only thinner, but also equipped with a lot of outer armor that looks like composite ceramics. Coupled with the weapons held in the hands of these search and rescue teams, he felt that these people had evil intentions - he held down Stark who was struggling like a fish on land, "Who are you?"

"We are following the Emperor's orders to perform a rescue mission." Assault Sergeant Nicky squinted his eyes and looked carefully into the eyes of Lieutenant Cooper and Stark. These people are all victims of extradimensional pollution, and their spirits have been harmed in an unimaginable way. He needs to make judgments on the spot and take temporary measures. If a human being is contaminated, it is necessary for him to take isolation measures before being imprisoned in the secret prison of the Eternal City.

First Mate Stark gradually calmed down and looked at the search and rescue team in horror.

The nightmare was gone, and she realized she was saved.

"We will be responsible for transferring Lieutenant Justin." The assault sergeant stood up. "If you still have the ability to move, you'd better put on the extravehicular spacesuit we brought and transfer with us."

First Mate Stark stood up with the help of Lieutenant Cooper, "What are you going to do with this ship?"

"Blow it up," said the assault sergeant. "It has no place in this world."

Lieutenant Cooper rarely agreed.


He opened his eyes, the afternoon sun shining through the leaves on his eyelids.

Miller stretched out comfortably on the bench. He felt like he had a good night's sleep and enjoyed a long, dreamless sleep. In the daze of waking up from sleep, he couldn't remember why he was here, and then he recognized where it was, Prospect Park in Brooklyn. He was sitting next to the boat dock in the park. He had just finished a trip to the zoo with his girlfriend, and earlier they had gone to the Brooklyn Museum. Those community children's art exhibitions must have made him drowsy. He remembers buying an outrageously expensive, ugly $715 mug that looked like pink marshmallows poured into a cup of hot cocoa. At this time, this ugly mug was placed in a gift box next to him, ready to be given to his girlfriend who was going to buy food later, because she liked the work of the artist named Christian Moses [Note] very much.

Even if she had seen him purchase this ugly thing.

He couldn't help laughing and planned to continue to enjoy this rare vacation with his eyes narrowed.

This is the life he has dreamed of for a long time, where he can stay away from the cold space and endless dangers, as well as the terrifying unknown, and Will... Miller suddenly remembered something. He opened his eyes suddenly, but he couldn't remember what he had forgotten. It was just that some intuition was reminding him that he had forgotten something important. A man dressed like a parish priest sat on the bench, and Miller saw that this man had three bright gemstone rings of different colors on his right hand.

"It's a wonderful life, right?"

"Yes." Miller looked up at the man, and his inner vigilance could not help but relax, "Do you come here often?"

"Only once. The only time I came here, many years ago, was with the children in the orphanage."

"I'm sorry," Miller said

"You may have misunderstood, I am taking care of them." The man said with a smile, "I have lived in New York for many years, and I often visit those children. Even though I was only a teenager at that time, I already had a lot of assets. , so I always provide them with the best food and education. They receive the education provided by my adoptive mother and work for me as adults. My adoptive mother is very picky, even a little cold, she only chooses talented children, stupid The child will be abandoned by her. I always disagree with this choice, because wisdom does not mean everything."

"Are you a priest?"

"If you use my collar to judge my identity, I don't mind chatting with you."

"It's a little offensive, but I have no religious questions to answer." Miller shrugged. He paused for a while and looked at the people passing by in the distance, "Now, who did you come with?"

The man turned to look at him, and Miller thought he knew the answer.

"What's the meaning?"

"This is your best dream, Miller, this is the source of your courage. The devil once forced you to surrender, but it failed. Although it had endless life, infinite power and boundless knowledge, it still failed. It failed. You defeated it, Miller, and it failed because of its contempt for human courage and sacrifice."

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Miller stood up angrily. He masks his fear with anger. He felt that if he continued to listen, he would definitely understand what this person was talking about. But he didn't want it to end like this. "If you don't mind, I'm waiting for the others..."

"It will always haunt you because it is obsessed with failure. It is not dead. To be precise, it has never had life and will not die. It escapes quickly, leaving only an empty place. The body, a poor man who was confused." The man also stood up, "It and what it belongs to have always been the nightmare of all advanced intelligent creatures in the universe, and humans cannot escape their harm. Captain Miller, They will continue to harm the human race. They killed the entire crew of the Event Horizon, killed Dr. Peters, Dr. Weir, Lieutenant Smith and Major D.J. They will continue to slaughter. So I made a choice, revenge , this plan will take quite a long time to complete.”

Captain Miller stared at him without responding.

"Enjoy the dream, Miller." The man disappeared. "Consider my invitation carefully."

Note: You can actually buy this thing, an ugly cup, at the Brooklyn Museum.

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