Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1701 The Messenger Bringing Bad News

He felt like he'd slept through a restful, dreamless sleep and the bright sunshine of a late-summer-early-autumn Brooklyn afternoon. But the foul smell of blood lingering in his throat told him that this was all wishful thinking and that the danger was not far away. The coldness and tightness that hit his back made him immediately drive his body that had been deprived of all strength to try to get up. The bloody and sticky eyelids made his eyes sting and he could not open them. The back of his head and ribs were numb and tingling. Every breath he took was filled with the sour smell of dizziness and vomit.

He didn't know whether he was still in the burning cabin, or whether the stars he witnessed were just an illusion before his death. He began to struggle and then fell hard to the cold ground. He knew that he was lying on the flat mesh metal, and the cold metal smell was too familiar - this was pain, this was the feeling of being alive, and he felt happy again - but he still failed to open his eyes. , as if he had experienced a severe alcoholism, as if a hand reached into his body and grasped his stomach hard, squeezing out the bile, gastric juice, air and all the strength. He only felt that his limbs seemed to have just condensed. Curds are so soft. Then he started vomiting profusely.

A steely hand pulled him up, with a force he couldn't resist. "You are too weak." The woman said in a nice but cold tone, "I have prepared washing tools for you. When you finish cleaning, I will take you to see him."

Captain Miller rubbed his eyes vigorously to remove the crusted blood. He was so hard that it seemed as if he was going to crush his eyes. Dinah fully understands the current situation. The fear of another dimension has left permanent scars on his soul. Even if he cannot remember everything, the fear is still deeply imprinted on his subconscious. This is an irrecoverable damage—— He looked around with blurred vision - this was obviously a ship, and he was in the cabin of a ship. Whether it was the computer still running on the side or the metal camp bed he was lying on just now, they were all commonly used items. Standing in front of him was a beautiful, delicate, tall and unusually young woman with pearly white hair.

She was not wearing an evening gown that befitted her appearance, but a suit of armor that was pitch black and lavishly decorated with gold. Captain Miller gasped for breath, as if he had just woken up from a frightening nightmare. He felt that everything he saw was unreal as light floating in the clouds and fog.

"Where am I? What happened to my ship? My crew, did they survive?"

The woman did not answer, but handed him a set of military field toilet tools, self-heating field rations and a medical kit. These things were a bit heavy, and she didn't know how to handle them with care. Captain Miller felt as if she was about to pull his arms off his shoulders.

"Replenish your strength, my lord needs you to be awake enough."

"Who is your master?"

Captain Miller vaguely recalled that he seemed to have spoken to a man who looked like a priest. It seemed to be a memory in a dream, now almost forgotten. All he could remember was the sunshine in Brooklyn. He had a hunch that the owner of this woman seemed to be related to his dream. Although this was unreasonable, after experiencing such supernatural horror, Miller The captain will not completely deny what he has never imagined.

The pretty woman left the room without giving any response. It was not until an hour later that Captain Miller washed off the lingering smell of blood, put on a black and gray training uniform, cleaned up his own vomit, and made the bed that she reappeared in the room. He also told him the meeting place, which made people suspect that his every move was being monitored.

She made sure again and again that Captain Miller had filled his empty stomach.

It was not until he entered the rear part of the ship that Captain Miller discovered that the ship's engines seemed to have stopped working. As a former Air Force colonel who frequently flew space missions, he was certain that when a ship of this size's engines were operating, there would be a subtle hum throughout the ship. This situation now indicates that the ship has docked somewhere. He followed the armored woman into the cargo hold with suspicion. The slowly opened cargo hold door confirmed his judgment that the ship had indeed stopped somewhere.

He saw the sun and smelled the odor of water vapor and dust in the air. During the months of the mission, he had not been able to get such close contact with the sun. During the mission, only the pale light of distant stars penetrated the coldness of the hoarfrost condensed on the portholes. Now that the sun was warming his body again, he was a little relieved that at least he was on earth and not in the cold space.

Under the guidance of the woman, he met the golden-armored giant in his dream. Surprised, he was completely sure that everything that happened in the engine compartment was not a dream, but reality that had already happened.

When the golden-armored giant looked at him, Miller couldn't help but take a step back. The fear deep in his bones kept reminding him of the power and speed contained in the golden figure in front of him. The other part, the irrational part, reminded him The supernatural brilliance possessed by the golden-armored giant. The golden-armored giant didn't make any movement, but he felt an eagle-like gaze under the ruby ​​lenses. The beautiful woman in armor stood in front of the tree-lined path. After showing the passage procedures, she waved to Captain Miller, gesturing for him to follow.

Miller did as he was told, and he glanced back at the golden-armored giant from time to time. The latter looked like armor made of pure gold that was dazzling in the sun, but at the same time it was full of scars. He was certain that Dr. Weir could not possibly cause harm to such a strong metal and a warrior with extraordinary strength. He couldn't help but look back at the boat that rescued him. It seemed to be larger than the Lewis and Clark, and one of its engines seemed to be damaged. He followed the woman's footsteps and came to a huge tent. There were three other fully armed giants in golden armor, one of whom was not wearing a helmet.

"It seems you are recovering well, Captain Miller." The giant without a helmet lowered his head and looked at him. Captain Miller paused, seemingly surprised to see a human face beneath his helmet. Only now did he realize that he subconsciously regarded these giants as some kind of emotionless machines.

"Who are you? Where is this?"

"We are the emperor's praetorian guard, and I am the commander of the praetorian guard. This may be the Mesopotamian plain. The specific location has yet to be determined. This is a detailed astronomical study."

Constantine lowered his head and looked at the mortal in front of him.

Captain Miller acted calmly, straightening his back, unwilling to show any weakness in front of the Praetorian Guards. Not every mortal can remain calm after a close encounter with the Praetorian Guards, especially after such an extremely painful and terrifying encounter for a mortal. This pair can only acquire relevant traits through education. It's not easy for ordinary people.

"I can answer some of your questions so that you won't waste too much of my Lord's time." Constantine said, "But only partially, because we also know nothing about some issues."

"What does it mean?"

"If time and space lose their meaning, then the causal relationship used by humans to understand the development laws of things will no longer exist. This is the physical characteristic of the singularity, and it is also the physical phenomenon caused by the hyperspace engine in the atmosphere of Neptune."

Captain Miller took a deep breath, and he roughly understood what the commander of the guards meant.

The function of the hyperspace engine is to create an instant singularity on the physical level, tearing apart three-dimensional space and time. After entering the singularity, time and space naturally lose their meaning. According to today's scientific theory, the time they fall into the singularity will be eternity until the singularity annihilates naturally. Now they are definitely not in the singularity, so how can they determine the time they are in? Previously, they seemed to have determined their absolute coordinates on the earth, but they had not yet determined their relative coordinates in the galaxy, that is, they could not determine the time. He looked around and was glad that he didn't see dinosaurs or scary-large insects here. Maybe these things existed, but they had been killed by the group of demigods in front of him. He had no doubt that they had such abilities.

"That can you escape the singularity? That ship also has a hyperdrive?"

"Because of my Lord's command, we were able to escape the Singularity."

Captain Miller discovered that when the commander of the guards was speaking, the beautiful woman had already entered the huge tent in advance. He asked several questions one after another, but the answers he received were not enough to resolve his doubts. He didn't even know where he was or what the group in front of him wanted to do. However, the guard commander told him that they did not go to Neptune for the hyperspace engine. What they were looking for was Dr. Will.

"When we found him, he was already dead, and what was left was just the malice filling the skin." Constantine said, "I believe you must have a deep memory of that madness."

"I remember." Captain Miller said angrily with a cold face, "That bastard died too easily."

"Dr. Will is dead, but the murderer who caused all that is not. That thing mutilated the minds of him and his wife, corroding cracks in his soul. As early as when he was on earth, Dr. Will was being targeted on board, so Claire died of murder, and the murderer was a predator from another dimension, and all that thing did was attract my Lord to Neptune. The reason we can be sure of this is because we got the threat The autopsy report of Dr. Miller's wife Claire was used to deduce what happened to him." Before Captain Miller could slowly digest this information, Constantine suddenly took a step back, as if he heard something from his earphones, " I know enough now. My Lord wants to talk to you, and he wants me to assure you that all your questions will be answered."

"Why didn't he say it himself?"

"You'll understand when you see him, Captain Miller."


"What does this mean, he's missing?"

The man in the iron mask nodded and confirmed the news. "He has been prepared for this for a long time. For him, this is the only way to go. As far as I know, this is the plan he planned together with the former Supreme Master." Victor von Doom did not because of the emperor. The news of the disappearance and the witch's anger produce any emotional changes. This news was repeatedly confirmed by Tita, the captain of the Retribution and the chief of the sisterhood in the orbit of Neptune, and then relayed to the two witches through holographic projection. The regent said, "Before this, he couldn't be sure that the incident on Neptune was that opportunity, but now he can be sure. I can't tell which time and space he is in now. If the ancient master is still there, maybe he can do it."

"He knows what he is doing, Jeanne." Bayonetta stopped Jeanne's next questioning. She knew that no matter how much anger the latter threw at Victor von Doom, he would not be able to escape from it. He gets any information out of his mouth that they shouldn't know. People born in Karma Taj always have an annoying ability to keep secrets, even from the guys who live with them for a long time. "What does he want us to do?" She asked the question, and Victor von Doom visibly relaxed. "I guess he must have written a vacation plan before traveling."

"Norway, Hela." The regent nodded, "The life of the King of the North is about to end, and the goddess of death will escape from the prison. He believes that the entrance and exit of the prison will be in Norway, where the King of the North is."

"I've heard about that woman, a stinking mad woman who hasn't had a bath in thousands of years."

"She is very important." Victor von Doom said, "In the future he planned, there is no place for Asgard in the universe. If the goddess of death escapes from prison and returns to Asgard, she will be restored to her former glory. Imprisoning the previous power. If Hela takes control of Asgard, the earth today will be completely unable to organize an effective defense."

"You mean, kill her?"

"If possible, repelling her is an acceptable result. Ragnarok is a collective name for many large-scale disasters. What is certain is that Hela is not the most critical link, but the Dark Titan. In any case, in In his plan, Asgard must perish."

"Is he planning to let us go to Asgard?" Joan stood up from the sofa angrily. The Cheshire Cat jumped on the carpet dissatisfied. The white-haired witch meowed several times dissatisfiedly, and then slapped Miss Peanutbutter, a golden retriever puppy who was also sleeping, several times. It was not until the other party woke up that she left the living room with her tail raised in a swaggering manner. "We don't have the strength to deal with a Death Goddess with Asgardian power, or all the Asgardian armies!"

Victor von Doom refused to reveal more information, as if he was worried about someone being able to eavesdrop, even though he knew that the Oxfordshire house was physically and immaterially insulated from the possibility of information theft.

"He has already arranged the final outcome of Asgard."

"Can I doubt that he will personally confirm that Asgard has been completely destroyed?"

"No comment, ma'am. All I can say is that your mission is limited to Earth."

"This is not a mission, we are just providing help." Bayonetta narrowed her eyes dissatisfied. Since Milia was still running around in the manor, there were no weapons on the table in the living room, but desserts and tea sets. Still, she pulled a gun out of nowhere and pointed it at the holographic projector. "No one can command the witch."

"I'm glad you're taking this news well."

“In ancient Greece, messengers who brought bad news were punished with death.”

Victor von Doom gave up the argument and decided to leave this troublesome matter to the emperor, who was now unknown. He just bowed slightly and said nothing. Bayonetta laughed and pulled the trigger on the holographic projector. The acrid smell of gunpowder smoke could be smelled in the living room, and Joan of Arc still looked angry. After all, some arrogant guy claimed that he just went to work, but ended up getting into trouble and couldn't extricate himself - only Bayou, who also experienced time travel, Nita needs to be calmer, and she knows that the guy will never be unprepared, and he will definitely have a way to come back. There's no reason why he can't do what the Eye of the World can do.

"We will solve this trouble for him." Bayonetta said shortly after the gunfire sounded. "When he comes back, the debt will be settled slowly. Dear Joan of Arc, you'd better think about how to punish him first. "

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