Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 175 Fifteen-pound cat (first update!)

Salomon was extremely careful when constructing the spell model. He followed the instructions in the magic book floating beside him. Now he has not fully memorized the spell, so he needs to be very careful, otherwise the magic backlash will be enough He ate a pot.

This spell was invented by a conjurer in the world of Greyhawk. This conjurer's main occupation is an information dealer. Another spell named after him is called Ava All-Seeing Worm. The effect of the spell is very similar to that of an information dealer. Features - As for the Ava Black Tentacle, also known as the DM Crazy Art that the mystic is learning now, it is the best invention of this conjurer, bar none.

This tentacle made of shadows tremblingly rose from the ground, the shadows around it were like boiling mud, countless tiny black tentacles that looked like cilia stretched and sank continuously, and finally gathered into the second tentacle. However, this tentacle is obviously much weaker than the first one, and the shadow that was supposed to cover the 40-foot ground did not reach the expected size, let alone those tentacles that resemble short cat hairs-these tentacles are even bigger than an ant. He couldn't even catch it, at most he could scratch the soles of his feet.

Salomon had no idea what was wrong with him.

A piece of magic is like a diesel locomotive, the magic power is fuel, the spell structure is the engine and other messy transmission structures, and the spell is the car key and accelerator. Now the power of this spell is far worse than he imagined, maybe because the intonation of his spell is not correct, or the structure of the spell visible to the naked eye is not accurate, and the spell structure as the engine is flickering a few times After the second time, it went out without warning, and the combination of various reasons led to the current result. The spell was cast, but there were many faults. What Salomon had to do next was the same as repairing a car, checking everything, finding out the problems and then correcting them.

But repairing a spell is much more troublesome than repairing a car. Both the spark plug and the bearing have to be rubbed by the caster himself, but even so, he can only modify it patiently, otherwise this spell will be called "Sa Lomon's itch was tickled", he couldn't afford to lose this person.

Salomon sat down on the spot, took out a pen and began to write and draw in his magic book. He didn't have much time, and the class was about to start, and he didn't have time to disassemble the structure of the spell, so he could only modify the places where his predictions might be wrong--those mages in his memory did the same. Except for the descendants of magicians, ordinary mages have not received magic education for as long as Salomon. It is not so common to receive magic education since childhood. Salomon can find mistakes based on experience, but they can't.

What's more, most apprentices are automatic scroll copying machines under the hands of their mentors, unless they are lucky enough to meet a kind and responsible mentor, and they must be able to complete the contract (equivalent to a student loan, which will be required in the future) return), very few apprentices can stand out from it. Most of the tutors let the apprentices go to the bookshelf to find the textbooks. The tutors are not responsible for explaining. A mage is an intellectual profession. If you can’t even understand the basic theoretical textbooks, then don’t learn magic. It’s more rewarding to be a farmer. future.

Even the more responsible instructors just commented on their past textbooks and threw them to the apprentices. It is extremely difficult for apprentices to get in touch with advanced spells and understand the mysteries of spells. If you can't learn, the tutor will not care about you.

That's why Salomon felt extremely lucky. His teacher was the supreme mage, the strongest mystic mage in the universe. Those messy memories alone didn't have much basic knowledge to complete. Only under the guidance of the supreme mage, Salomon, who has learned a lot of basic knowledge and spellcasting experience, can go smoothly on the road of arcane - at least in terms of plane science, Kama Taj has a lot of experience.

When Salomon walked into the classroom patting a classmate on the bottom, anyone could tell he wasn't in the right shape. This is because he forcibly cast Ava's black tentacles again to verify whether he can touch the boundary of the fourth-ring spell—his progress has been astonishingly fast, but it is not enough. So far, he still needs to rely on his melee ability to fight—whatever he is, even Elminster can pick up a long sword and slash people, and it's not out of the ordinary for a small spellcaster to do so.

The mystics of Kama Taj get the magic power from Visandi and store it in the body. After casting the spell, the excess magic power stays in the body and is absorbed, which leads to the gradual increase of the magic power limit and physique of the mystics, which is why The Venerable would ask the mystics to learn martial arts. Of course, another reason is because the "Book of Emperor Weishan" is too hip, and the mystics can only slap people's faces with protective spells. Compared with other mystics, Salomon was infused with magic power from birth, and his starting point is much higher than other people who have been mystics for decades, otherwise he would not be able to rely on his magic power and The spirit again casts a shapeless four-ring spell.

"Hey." The classmate sitting behind Salomon poked him on the back quietly, "You don't look very good, brother."

"Don't worry, I've already taken the medicine." Salomon leaned back slightly. He has the best relationship with these classmates in advanced mathematics classes. He will assign Alevel courses next semester. If you choose science, you must at least have advanced mathematics. Salomon lowered his voice and replied, "I need a perfect nap."

"I'm worried that you won't be able to survive the morning class." The classmate shrugged, glanced at the teacher who was writing on the blackboard, then leaned forward and whispered to Salomon, "Anyway, Would you be interested in coming to my house? It's an informal meeting next weekend. Rumor has it that Princess Louise Windsor will be there too - my father is going to talk to the Earl of Essex about TV. You should come , I often talk about you, if you don't mind, you can come and try my cranberry jelly."

"That's going to kill you, Brown (Bradshaw), I remember your father was the culture secretary, right?"

"I'm glad you remember this, you look like a Conservative Party." Bradshaw's tone seemed a little gloating, and he blinked, "I'm whispering to you that the Labor Party has lost the local council. Half of the votes, my dad won't be here for long. I hope he gets down from that position. He doesn't know anything about film and television. In his opinion, making a TV series is exactly the same as hammering a nail in. Hell, this position used to be It's also called the "Minister of National Heritage". If he is allowed to continue to mess around, the British film and television industry will really become a legacy. See how "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" is filmed. I think the Minister of Culture You have to take some responsibility, you know, I've always believed in magic."

"Me too, Brown, there must be magic."

Naturally, Salomon didn't go to the party of the Minister of Culture's house, and he didn't bother to pay attention to the royal family of the Windsor dynasty. If counted according to the claim, he also has a strong claim of Great Britain (excluding Ireland). In case the Supreme Master wanted to restore the royal family to play someday, he would have to take down Buckingham Palace, so it's better not to have any relationship now, lest it would be difficult to start with acquaintances. And according to the usual practice, his fief is now London. It would be fine if His Holiness didn't make trouble, but if he did, the situation would become very embarrassing.

At that time, his title will become Earl of Londinium.

Of course, he still ate the cranberry jelly from Bradshaw's house. This guy brought the jelly over in a crisper on Monday. He was still thinking about it while enjoying the jelly in Salomon. Seemed to regret that the mystic didn't make it to his house - Bradshaw didn't give up on the crap until he knew Salomon had to take care of an orphanage and had his family's driver bring more jellies before the weekend rolled around .

Salomon felt that little Lorna might be interested in these jellies. Since the little girl punched him last time, she didn't even send him text messages. This time she can apologize.

Little girls who have just entered puberty are so sensitive.

In the next two weeks, he will be overcoming the problem of Ava's black tentacles. His goal is to complete the construction of the spell structure before the spell is finished. Building a spell structure is very similar to programming, but Salomon now only has a framework for the four-ring spells of the conjuration system, and there are no various packages to call. These are copied from the magic book and he needs to fill in himself.

And his final result was only to summon a shadow quagmire, with countless tiny black tentacles squirming all over it, like little black snakes reflecting a little light. Salomon thought he hadn't figured out all the mistakes, until one night, while he was practicing his spells at Karma Taj, the stupid Cheshire cat tried to jump over the shadows, and those black tentacles quickly grabbed the cat. Stupid cat, only then did Salomon know that he had succeeded—the effect of the spell was exactly as described in the book.

He withdrew the spell in time, and picked up the Cheshire cat, who was whining and whining aggrievedly, and rubbed it on his face.

"Four-ring spell!" Salomon kissed the cat's round forehead again, "I will reward you with a can of beef tonight, cutie."

"Meow~ (not enough!)"

"OK, two cans, no more, you're at least 15 pounds now."

The Cheshire cat blew up.

"Meow! (This is slander!)"

ps: It’s a new week, please recommend tickets!

/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ticket ticket~~~

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