Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1712 Chapter 1718 Hunting Plan

Chapter 1712 Chapter 1708 Hunting Plan

Cuneiform characters are complex and varied. This complex primitive writing system was developed shortly after the invention of pottery as a means of documenting transactions using a sharpened reed pen pressed onto small clay tablets and engraved in stone. This kind of hieroglyphics was gradually fixed and standardized in the 31st century BC, and was simplified and abstracted during the Assyrian period (1,000 BC). The writing taught by Eridu today is abstracted writing, which is easy to write on clay tablets and wax tablets, and is also easy to standardize and identify.

As the emperor's titular high priest, Miller issued standardized cuneiform, which was his main work now and in the future. In the name of the Temple of the God of Wisdom and the Emperor, this relatively advanced and convenient writing system was taught in the school established by the Emperor and accepted by the residents of the city. Any citizen or school student in Eridu of appropriate age could learn it. For students who wanted to become scribes and other professions, it was not enough just to learn to write. They not only had to learn how to sharpen reeds and pound clay to make clay tablets, but they also had to learn to calculate.

As an ideogram developed from transaction documents, cuneiform expressed numbers completely differently from the Arabic numeral system. However, because the mathematical expressions of the decimal and sexagesimal systems in cuneiform were too cumbersome and easy, and were not compatible with the binary equipment brought by the emperor, Miller, as the high priest, also had to teach the selected students the Arabic mathematical system and advanced mathematics. . The knowledge that the emperor allowed students to learn in this era would make anyone willing to pay any price to learn it, including every merchant in Eridu. Without sophisticated mathematics, merchants could not calculate profits and expected prices, and the temple could not provide merchants with information. They collect taxes.

"The plan will be executed by mortals, and the plans of the gods of the Sea of ​​Souls will also be executed by mortals. Neither I nor they can afford the price of direct confrontation. This is the Mexican standoff. There is no safe way for either side to exit. The standoff will last forever. "Go on." The emperor said, "For humans in this era, the best outcome is MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). This means that this may be the best that the Veil Gods can accept. The result, but not mine.”

"Do you know the original intention of the Knights of the Round Table, my child?" the Supreme Mage said, "It was to rid the two islands of England and Ireland of the remaining monsters from the Gods. Expelling the Germans was just a by-product of the Knights of the Round Table. Have you ever studied the true meaning of the Knights of the Round Table? history, you should know that the Second Coming represents the end of the time when the gods walked the earth, but not all gods have accepted their fate. This is a dangerous time, and the powers of the past still linger in the world. Some real gods are still powerful. Your school and the way you spread civilization have attracted the attention of some old gods. Human civilization is expelling the civilization of the Age of Gods. The knowledge you teach and every stroke you write represent the direction of the Age of Gods. The process of destruction will make all the old gods wary."

The Sorcerer Supreme spoke no more on the subject. Already in history classes, the emperor already knew all the facts there were to know. The Supreme Mage was somewhat gloating about his misfortune. The Emperor had no idea why his teacher was in such a mood. It seemed that after losing his body and heavy burden, the Supreme Mage became more cheerful. As a powerful soul wandering in the sea of ​​souls, it's hard not to be happy that you don't have to worry about any trivial matters in the material plane.

"But I believe that when that god comes to you, your maid won't have to train a female officer for you."

"Training those girls just gave Dinah something to do, otherwise she would express dissatisfaction with everything in this era."

"This is your idea, not hers. In this era, fourteen is the age for marriage. Your little maid has accepted this reality. She can't find a virgin over twenty years old in Eli... You You lose your sense of humor when you get into work, my son. You have accepted the status of an immortal, and if you don't find something interesting for yourself, the long life will bring you to the verge of collapse."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with that."

"This is because you have not experienced the first thousand years of your long life. How long did you stay in the era of Agamotto half a million years ago? Five hundred years?" The Supreme Mage tapped the tablet in the emperor's hand. "Why not keep your hopes up and not think about what role you might play in history. You need to adapt to your life, my son."

The emperor decided not to refute. The Supreme Mage is his teacher and relative. As a human being who has personally experienced a long life, the Supreme Mage is indeed qualified to teach him in this regard. He really doesn't know how to spend his long life, especially since his plan requires a split pilot, which means that he has to stay in this era until the feasibility of all the plans in the plan is verified. This was the result of discussions between him and the regent Victor von Doom. Only he had the time and ability to avoid the gaze behind the curtain to verify the feasibility of the plan.

"That god has been wandering near Eridu for a long time. She has been observing you and your imperial army. Your protection of this city is too strong. After seeing your power, she will definitely not take the initiative to take a hostile attitude. , and you are called Enki by the humans in this city, maybe she sees that you are the same kind, do you want to talk to her? "

"I have no time to care about such trivial matters, and I have no interest in talking to the old god who is destined to die. This is not in my plan." The emperor frowned, "As long as the old god does not actively interfere, she will not be my enemy. "

"When you come to this era, you should adapt to the way this era operates, instead of just focusing on your own tasks. Humanity will not be destroyed because of your relaxation for a day, at least not now." The Supreme Mage shook his head, "The old gods will not They will all die, such as Athena and Bastet. Although humans in this era can only worship those illusory reflections from the collective memory before the birth of civilization, as long as you remember Athena, she will not disappear; as long as Wakanda. If it still exists, Bastet will not die, so you might as well set out conditions to talk to potential allies. Maybe you will get unexpected gains. I believe that there are still many remnants of the curtain in this era, and those things are not pleasing to people. Isn't it?"

"You don't need to use this tone to trick me into swallowing the potion, teacher, my age is in three digits."

"At that time, when your age was only in single digits, you always seemed crazy during non-working hours, and you made Modo look stupid. Otherwise, why would I lie to you about taking medicine?"

The Sorcerer Supreme and the Emperor discussed many things, including the arrangements the Emperor had made before the time jump.

Although he has completed great magic and traveled in the vast sea in the form of a soul, the Supreme Mage is not omniscient and omnipotent. Many of the preparations before the emperor's departure were carried out in a top-secret environment to isolate the eyes behind the curtain as much as possible. No one except the person involved can know the whole story. . Nowadays, the Supreme Mage can successfully find this era only through the connection between the Holy Sword and the Emperor - the Holy Sword is a weapon forged by the planet for self-defense, and it is a true star-destroying weapon. As the two former Holy Sword Users, the relationship between the Supreme Mage and the Emperor is not limited to teaching and teaching. Without this metaphysical connection and without the precise coordinates of time and space, it is absolutely impossible to see the Emperor. This is why the Emperor is not being watched by the eyes behind the curtain. If you want to find Him, you must dismantle every Planck time to find it. , one second more or less will cause the observer and the emperor to be in two different parallel time and spaces.

"I have to thank the Father of the Gods for this gift." The emperor stroked the golden armband on his right arm. Every day this armband would provide him with a steady stream of gold, which he used to recruit craftsmen, purchase land, and build centralized handicraft workshops. He stood up and pressed his finger against the tablet screen. His fingers still bear slight burns from blowing glass. In this era, He had to make all the experimental equipment himself. The Sorcerer Supreme asked the question not out of concern for responsibility, but out of boredom. The duties of the Supreme Mage have ended. As a spiritual body far away from the material plane, the relationship between the Supreme Mage and the material plane is only the emperor.

"But I have decided the relationship between humans and the Asa Protoss. When Baoer decided to lead the group of highly evolved humans away from the earth, Agamotto and Baoer made their choice. Agamotto's choice was also my choice Choice. The Asa are not the masters of humans or the earth. Since they choose to leave the earth and enjoy a long life, there is no reason to pollute the human gene pool. "

"You killed Professor Randolph, the berserker who came to Earth and fell in love with humans?"

"A melta cannon to ensure that no biological information is left behind." The emperor said, "There are more important questions now, teacher. Not all enemies come from behind the veil. The spirits wandering among the stars told me that Kree The people are coming, and their war with the Skrulls is fierce. They are coming to find slaves and soldiers. My Custodes have found witnesses about the Kree headhunters, and their research team is approaching the Earth."

"What are you going to do? You should know that if you had stopped this, Hydra would not have been born."

An eagle stood on the window edge, and a huge flapping and crashing sound came from the window. It flapped its wings, and its eyes were wrapped in the dazzling light of lightning. The emperor had the same light in his eyes. The eagle took one last look at the palace, then swooped down to accept the moist hot wind rising from the humid plain and soared into the sky.

"The Crees will abandon this biochemical project. The expected benefits of this project will be far from exceeding the initial investment." The emperor said, "I am interested in conducting a hunt, just recently. The prey is not the Crees, but experimental equipment. I believe that the Kree will be generous in providing prey. I would also like to know what progress the Kree have in studying the genetic experiments of the human species and the Celestials."

Dinah turned her head.

She watched with satisfaction as the huge thin dyed linen hanging in front of the window slowly floated in the breeze, and the sunlight shone on the intricately washed and processed white wool tiered fringed robes embroidered with gold and the emperor's robe. On the gold armbands, gold and gemstones presented by merchants were forged in the furnaces of the Praetorian Order, becoming earrings and pendants that highlighted the emperor's status. As long as the emperor is here, she can feel pride and attachment from the bottom of her heart. There will be no one in the world who can be closer to the emperor than her. She saw that the crystal wine glass originally filled with ruby ​​red wine was now empty, with only a thin layer of wine hanging on the wall. This discovery made her alert. The girl holding the wine glass also noticed this situation, and she immediately showed a scared look.

"It's okay, there's no need to blame her." The emperor glanced at the girls on both sides of the throne steps with complicated eyes, "I just don't want people to know."

In this era, regardless of men or women, most people living in cities wear a wrap-around skirt called Kaunake. Women's Kaunake is worn cross-body on the shoulders, but the basic styles are not much different. The layers of this kind of clothing are the earliest tasseled clothing in the world. Some Kaunake made of linen are so thin and thin, and the precision textile technology is far beyond that of later generations. It is difficult to imagine that it is a human handicraft. Their skin, smeared with spices and ointments, was soft, fair, sweet and fragrant, and they also had exquisite gold tiaras, necklaces and rings in the shape of leaves and flowers. This was a fashion that only appeared in the Babylonian period, and craftsmen throughout Eridu Precious metal jewelry is still being made for the temple, as is lapis blue eyeliner in shells, which costs far more than its weight in gold.

There's no doubt that everything these girls need requires a lot of labor.

In this era of lack of productivity, they are undoubtedly aristocrats. Those families who were willing to sell beautiful girls to Dinah meant that they would get rid of their original social status and become aristocrats. Lack of productivity did not mean complete backwardness. In this era, the prototype of glass and a relatively accurate astronomical calendar had already appeared. There are concepts of medicine and prevention of infectious diseases that are even more advanced than those in the Middle Ages. That said, the streets of Eridu are much cleaner than those of fourteenth-century London - and they're obviously not all girls who can pick up chainswords and put on power armor and go into battle. According to the original idea, some of them should become the city's obstetricians and gynecologists, veterinarians and herbalists, and the rest are the servants who maintain the operation of the temple. The empty rooms on both sides of the temple are prepared for them, but In Dinah's imagination, these girls obviously have different purposes.

This makes perfect sense since these girls performed priestly duties.

The female priests of this era had a sacred connection with the gods, and it was their duty to unite with the gods, which was called holy marriage. Even leaving aside religion, the word "love" in this era meant "marking the land," and marriage was legally related to the distribution of property. Dinah has paid a sum of money to the families of those girls on behalf of the emperor, so regardless of whether the emperor is a human or a god, these girls have a marriage relationship with him that is protected by both religion and law. They are obliged to reproduce children for the emperor and will never Possible "return". This fact made the emperor despair, and he could only hope that this was another family business game for Dinah. She loved family business games, whether it was an Oxfordshire manor or a tropical island in the Caribbean.

Is this how Dinah views Bayonetta and Jeanne, the way she views these girls? This thought made his hair stand on end. No other person must know about this. Maybe Constantine knew, but he wouldn't care too much. The Praetorian Order only paid attention to the emperor himself.

"If you don't want people to know, then she definitely won't know." Dinah narrowed her eyes quietly and glanced at the girl. The emperor and Dinah used Latin, which these girls could not understand at all, but Dinah's attitude still made the girls relieved. "Is there anything else you may require of my service, my lord?"

"I need you to prepare a supply of fresh dates and melons, washed wool, fresh meat, and a lion skin from the storehouse, the lion I hunt."

"The next person requesting an audience is the grain merchant. Would such a gift be too generous for a merchant? If you want to kill that grain merchant, I think a glass of poisonous wine can complete the task."

Dinah was very professional and did not show her dislike for those merchants in front of the emperor.

In fact, anyone who knew what those businessmen were really doing would not like them. In this era, under the emperor were the breeders, scribes, officials and priests responsible for raising livestock. The merchants who monopolized offshore trade did not have such a high social status. Before the arrival of the emperor, the city's merchants were trying their best to share power with the priests. Many of the orders after the emperor's arrival were aimed at wresting from the hands of merchants those powers that should not be shared. Dinah disliked anyone who shared power with the emperor, not to mention the businessman who looked like a "pit bull who had failed a facial Botox injection."

This evaluation comes from the emperor himself and is very objective.

"No, this gift is for another guest." The emperor motioned to the girl to fill another cup with wine, and then invited Dinah to drink it - this bottle of wine he invited Dinah to make one afternoon . He was responsible for sterilizing the barrel, and Dinah was responsible for lifting up her skirt and crushing the grapes in the barrel. Obviously, the low productivity and rough daily necessities of this era had annoyed her more than once, and a little wine could calm her down. Come down. "This gift must be worthy of the guest's status. I also need an expense registered in the budget, just for religious activities. I want to hire all the children around ten years old in the city after they finish their studies for the day. , escorted by the Eridu militia to pick wild flowers outside the city, the reward is calculated by weight. Only the flowers, not the leaves, are required. I will clean and block the main road the day before the guests come to Eridu, and then lay a road from the city gate to the city. The Flower Path of the Temple.”

The emperor paused. It may be too late to train a qualified orchestra, and he has to abandon some plans.

Dinah stopped the pen in her hand in confusion. On the data pad was the memo she had just written.

"You can try this path first, Dinah. You can think it's for you and no one else."

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