Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1715 The True God

Even Eridu students with only basic education can calculate the daily cost of this army. Even in the feudal era of Europe, this was still a figure that would make many "dukes" and even "kings" stunned. In this era of low productivity, no one except a centralized monarch like the emperor has the ability to pay this fee.

For transportation livestock alone, two thousand soldiers armed with lever-action rifles would need more than three thousand horses. The food transport team that set off before the army ensured that food and supplies could be delivered to stations along the way on time and on time - -The emperor set up a marching station every 300 to 400 kilometers to be responsible for supplying the army and transporting goods - he even brought in more than 4,000 horses and oxen, and built more than 2,000 aircraft to travel between Mesopotamia and Mesopotamia. Vehicles in the plains of Damia and Sinai.

The emperor mobilized more than ten thousand people for this war, many of whom had received basic education from Eridu. Some of these people were children purchased by the emperor from various villages more than twenty years ago and the descendants of those children. It is the pillar that supports the entire scope of power of Eridu. Removing these people will cause the entire administrative system and production system of Eridu to fall into the dilemma of manpower shortage. Not only that, the temple came and took out the profits gained from setting up traveling merchants and exploration teams for twenty years. Even the wine sealed with pottery pots and clay in the temple was only one-tenth left. This kind of ruby ​​color is more expensive than gold. The sweet liquid was sold to various landowners in Mesopotamia and as far away as Egypt in exchange for gold that could buy grain and copper mines.

Although he was not responsible for leading the troops in combat, Captain Miller still felt that the responsibility he shouldered was very heavy.

Eridu was unable to launch a second expedition.

"Master Miller, you are finally here. There are some new situations in Egypt that you need to know."

This is the closest site to Egypt and also the most dangerous site. Although it is nominally a trading post built of stone and fenced with wooden stakes, responsible for purchasing food produced in Egypt, which is now just a complex of Neolithic villages, no matter how well the cover is done, those who manipulate mutant slaves The aliens still noticed this place. Fortunately, perhaps because of arrogance and the belief that the human race cannot pose an obstacle to the creation of biochemical slaves, no real attacks have been suffered here.

The young man with messy black curly hair was holding the reins, his face full of excitement.

Captain Miller knew him, and this young man was also his student. He clearly remembered that this young man's shooting score was the highest among the students of that class, and he could use a revolver to destroy objects ten meters away in three seconds. of five clay pots, setting a school shooting record. Therefore, his name was engraved on the clay tablet and stored in the school's display room.

"Apagna, where is Moore?" Captain Miller jumped off his horse and handed the reins to the young man. Behind him, an army of two thousand people was already skillfully building camps, receiving the food and wood stored in the station, and preparing to make lunch and defense facilities. "Two months ago he wrote to me and told me he would be here waiting for me."

"Dead. When I was in contact with the informant almost a month ago, the alien hybrid's slaves attacked him and hung his charred remains from a tree - may his soul return to the throne - and now I'm in charge here Everyone with a higher level than me is dead," Apagone said loudly, "But I assure you that the warehouse has not suffered any losses, and the slaves' several attempts have been foiled by us. Our spies have observed the alien headhunter. In addition, we have also captured a slave belonging to the alien headhunter. He is currently in the dungeon and plans to send it to the temple during the next shipment. You are interested. Participate in the interrogation?"

"What did you ask? Was the informant exposed?"

"The informants are still safe. Not everyone is willing to surrender to those alien bastards. Hunters from many villages have cooperated with us. The alien bastards can't find the informants at all. Our bid is very high and the manpower is too few. We only rely on We can't monitor all the alien bastards' ships ourselves." Apagnai winked at Captain Miller, as if he was choking on something he couldn't say. "As for the slaves we captured, they are still there. As in the past, nothing can be asked, Master. I heard that the temple sent wizards, and the wizards must know something that we don’t know, Master. "

Captain Miller glanced at him, and then at the sacred copper ring on Apagna's hand, and finally knew the source of the latter's information. The confidentiality level of the intelligence system is extremely strict. Captain Miller cannot guarantee that he can know all the secrets at his location. Temporary site leaders like Apagone know very little about it. They don't even know the types of aliens. Knowing that only high-level members of the Shield Council like him can know the location of the Kree's home planet.

As for those traveling merchants who do not have access to intelligence systems, they only think that the so-called "Blue Angel" is a kind of devil. Captain Miller had to admit that the emperor's argument that "needing the truth does not mean accepting the truth" did have some truth. Human beings in this era cannot accept the fact that there are intelligent life on other planets. At least until humans gain the rationality and strength to fight against the cruel truth, spreading the truth widely will only cause trouble. It is not as good as the excuse of religious jihad to mobilize Eridu. that power.

"I assure you, Apagnay. I know nothing of it either."

Captain Miller doesn't know much about the biochemical slaves made by the Kree, because the appearance of those slaves is as strange as their abilities. Generally speaking, the more serious the deformity, the more powerful the abilities, but this is just a purpose. It is a sign that allows frontline soldiers and spies to easily judge the enemy's abilities. Some slaves still retain their human appearance, but their abilities are equally powerful. Therefore, informants who are responsible for posing as traveling merchants and conducting espionage work are often in danger. The cost of completely capturing a slave is huge. A small number of captured slaves are sent to the temple for research after interrogation. No more than fifty slaves can be sent to the temple alive in twenty years.

"No matter what, I must fill my stomach first. There are also orders from the temple. Since Moore is dead, you are the person in charge. The report has been sent to the temple."

After a brief handover, Captain Miller followed Apagna into the stone brick house, then moved the boxes into the basement. The stone-brick house with only a narrow window and a rough wooden table could barely let in the sunlight and wind, and the basement below had to rely on an animal fat candle to light it. Cabinets here are neatly lined with dry clay tablets and rolled papyri, which serve as administrative records and intelligence compilations for the site. Captain Miller took out a roll of parchment from his backpack. Seeing the parchment, Apagone immediately threw away his cynical expression. Only the administrative system of the temple can use parchment, which means that the order may come from the hand of the Emperor, the Praetorian Order, or the Council of the Shield.

"With the witness of the Holy Shield Council, this order is handed over to the top person in charge of the Egyptian site. Since Moore has been sacrificed, you are the top person in charge, Apagone." Captain Miller said, " Take out your roller seal, I need to write a receipt report, you know, even I can't violate the temple's procedures."

Apagna took out two roller seals from the cabinet, one representing the site and one representing himself. The report also needed Captain Miller's roller seal to be legal.

"When does His Majesty plan to launch an attack? The scouts didn't say anything, and we don't know if we should do anything. I know I don't have the authority, but I just want to ask. The atmosphere here is getting worse the sooner the attack gets worse. The more frequent they are, the less information our traveling merchants can collect. Maybe those alien hybrids will plan to attack here at any time, and our trenches and wooden stakes cannot stop them. "

As a sharpshooter, Apagnai had participated in several raids. He knew clearly that it was difficult to pose a threat to the blue-skinned aliens with only the revolver in his hand.

"All I can tell you is we won't be here long. You just have to do your job."

"It is said that the emperor will come." Apagnai lowered his voice, "Is this true?"

The news about the emperor's arrival at the front was deliberately leaked in order to calm people's hearts.

People like Apagone who are placed on the front lines of the intelligence war are well aware of the abilities of those alien slaves. The firearms issued to the army by the temple can be very effective against humans, but they are not so effective when facing alien slaves and aliens with special abilities. Even with basic education, and the temple allowing students to disenchant the Emperor himself, everyone knew how powerful the Emperor himself was.

As long as the emperor comes here, then victory will belong to them.

This unshakable trust is the belief that supports frontline intelligence personnel to continue their work.

Captain Miller used to wonder why the Eridu people had such unshakable loyalty to the emperor, but after working away from Eridu for so many years, he finally understood the source of the Eridu people's loyalty - when other civilizations were still While drinking blood and cutting animal hides with rough smelted copper ore, the Eridu people were already wearing well-tailored clothes, sitting at the table and enjoying cooked food with tableware - all the Eridu people knew that if Without an emperor, there is no difference between you and those who still live in reed and mud brick houses and use stone tools. At least twenty years ago, there was no difference between the Eridu and other civilizations. Only the richest residents could eat to foods made from animal fats.

This pride from civilization is the source of loyalty.

But the Emperor's purpose was always utilitarian, and Eridu may have existed only as a tool to fight the Kree. Captain Miller didn't know what attitude the Emperor would take towards Eridu after the end of this war against alien civilization. After all, in all future archaeological work, there will be very little information about Eridu. Does this mean that Which city will the emperor abandon? But it's useless to say anything now. Captain Miller is sure that as long as he raises questions here, Apagna will point a gun at his head, completely regardless of his former professor status and current council. Membership.

"It's true, the emperor will come here."

Apagnai was all smiles when he got the answer. He opened the sealing wax of the parchment scroll and quickly read the words written on the paper. "Order from the Order of the Praetorian Guard. The emperor will arrive in one month, and we are asked to prepare in advance." Apagone looked at the content on the parchment and said, "This is really good news. It's just that the emperor wants to How did you get here, Master? It’s half a year away from Elidu. Is he going to ride on the legendary flame carriage?”

"You know that's not some flame carriage."

"Of course we know, but others don't, not even the Egyptians, who need help even to smelt copper ore. Besides, a chariot of fire sounds better than a transport plane, doesn't it?" Apagane stamped his seal and the station's seal on the parchment with satisfaction, "There is also a jar of wine on the station's next supply list. I am willing to share this fine wine with you, Master."

"As far as I know, most of the wine in the temple is now sold to nearby landowners." Captain Miller smiled and put away the parchment, "When you receive the pottery jar, it's best to check if there is a temple seal on the seal. I believe you know what wine made from wild grapes tastes like."

Apagnet stuck out his tongue.

"That was just a ridiculous thing in school. There is no need to remember it for so long, Master Miller. I just stole a bottle of wine from your cabinet."


"It's almost time, Inanna."

"Wait a little longer!"

Salomon stood at the door of the room and rolled his eyes unhappily.

The commander of the guards, Constantine, looked at his master in surprise. The emperor rarely showed emotional behavior, but now when facing Inanna, he had an expression as if he was with the witch. The commander of the guards didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. However, this was the emperor's private matter. Although the guards had the right to make suggestions, every guard thought it was unnecessary to express any opinions on this.

"We're going to be late," the emperor reminded, "No one can be late when facing Agamotto."

"We're going through the portal instead of the carriage, aren't we?" Inanna walked out of the room, "Agamot is a man who needs to be taken seriously. He is much more powerful than those gods in the wilderness."

"I believe Agamotto won't care about this kind of thing. This is his last time to roam the universe in his physical body. I need to discuss the next work with him. This is very important. If you are interested, you will know a lot of secrets."

"That's why I need exquisite eye makeup. Take a look, is there anything different?"

Inanna wore an exquisite dress that the emperor ordered professional weavers to sew for her, and wore all the jewelry that could be used as ritual objects. She looked like a statue wrapped in gold and gems. The clothing style of this era would continue into the Roman period. The para skirt Inanna wore was the most standard lady's dress. The emperor had no doubt that she would become a ball of light shining with fire and reflecting many light beams when she walked into the sun. If it weren't for the lion skin cloak, she would hurt the retinas of many innocent residents of Eridu.

"Your eye makeup is a little different from last time. Do you want me to measure it with a laser ruler?"

"How thoughtful, dear." Inanna put her hands on her hips unhappily, "Why are you still wearing this robe? I'm not saying your robe is not good enough, but you should wear your armor and bring your weapons to show your war power. We are facing a real ancient god, who knows if he will kill us!"

"I believe Agamotto will not care about my dress." Seeing Inanna still showing off her jewelry and weapons in front of him, the emperor could only sigh, "I am the only one in the world who can talk to him about the problems that the world will face. I believe he will not want our lives. In fact, I can be sure of this."

The emperor rubbed the sky blue gem ring on his finger.

This Tianyuan head ring represents Agamotto.

It was not easy to ask Inanna to put on clothes. The emperor spent at least nearly twenty years on it. Before this, because of the hot and humid climate and the undeveloped moral concepts, the clothing of Eridu women was quite loose, and many of the poorer villages chose to expose their upper bodies. Inanna, who was incarnated in the Mesopotamian plain, accepted the same concept. If it were not for the emperor's special request more than 20 years ago, she would only choose to wear a linen skirt and a lion skin cloak when she received Eridu women and female priests every week.

With the improvement of productivity and the expansion of trade routes, Inanna now has more styles of clothing to choose from, but in her concept, exposing the body is still an extremely sacred thing. When she was about to face the oldest shaman of the human species, she thought it was as sacred as a holy marriage. Every night, when she asked the emperor to hold a holy marriage to bless the prosperity of the earth, she would ensure that she had nothing on her body except gold jewelry. For humans in the early days of civilization, reproduction was not for satisfying lust but for increasing population, and the moral concepts of later humans were not applicable at this time.

She represents fertility and reproduction, and indulgence is her nature and a virtue that can be praised.

At least four thousand years later, with the combined effects of the development of human civilization, the decline of the gods of the wilderness, and the evolution of human needs for religion, the royal power that requires a flawless human system that overlooks all human weaknesses and has no moral flaws can reject the original theocracy represented by Inanna. The emperor never told Inanna about these future changes because it had nothing to do with the creatures they were about to face.


This name has evolved into a title that makes even the most arrogant of souls cautious and cautious when pronouncing these few syllables. To the gods of the wilderness, Agamotto's power and immortal soul made him more like a god than a human. Although Agamotto repeatedly claimed to be human, many of the wilderness gods regarded Agamotto as their own. similar. Just as Inanna viewed the Emperor as one of the Wild Gods, so did Agamotto. In a sense, Inanna is right - Agamotto is still the spirit body created by the first ancient gods Oshtu and Hogs from another planet who are also ancient gods. , this spirit body took on a human body on earth millions of years ago, and took on the flesh under the name of Agamotto - having a human body does not mean becoming a human, this is the idea that Inanna kept repeating to the emperor, Although the Emperor believes that inner choices define human identity more than the physical body, he believes Agamotto feels the same way.

Now Agamotto is dying.

His soul is immortal, but his body cannot carry this immortal power.

"This is the second time we've been face-to-face in a physical sense."

In front of the emperor, this old shaman, who was shriveled and thin, wearing a tattered crimson robe, was sitting cross-legged on the ground. The dust on his body almost merged him with this cave in the cold mountains. There are not many traces of life in this cave. The white snow that poured in from the entrance of the cave unceremoniously buried what looked like earthenware pots on the ground. The temperature here is very low, far lower than when the future emperor lived here. Except for tardigrades, no natural creatures can survive here. Having been living in the humid and warm plains of Mesopotamia, Inanna obviously didn't know how to maintain her body temperature in such an environment. She could only wrap herself tightly in the lion skin cloak and let the cold wind pour into the cave to take her away. The gold lapis lazuli necklace around her neck jingled.

"When that idiot Odin planned to leave this planet with humans driven by psychic evolution, I knew who you were, kid. I'm glad to see that my plan can succeed, at least better than that idiot Baoer My son is much better. Tell me how they turned out."

"It is facing destruction. There is no doubt that Baur and Odin's attempt to fight against the outer dimension failed. Asgard cannot escape its established destiny. Ragnarok is just a feast for harvesting souls from the outer dimension."

The emperor did not answer. The one who really spoke was a thin ghost in a cave.

"Teacher." The emperor lowered his head and said with a smile, "I didn't expect to see you here."

"You are about to solve the biggest question here." The Supreme Mage stood next to Agamotto. "Agamotto will tell you the secrets that this planet does not want to tell you."

"If I remember correctly, I am the Supreme Mage of this era."

"In front of you is my student. I raised him, watched him learn to walk and read, watched him put on armor, pick up weapons, and use sword and wisdom to fight our eternal enemy. So in front of him, I am the Supreme Mage." Gu said with a smile, "As far as I know, he was not your original plan. The original plan of you, Oshu Tu and Hogs failed. Emperor Weishan. You have no ability to prevent the outer dimension from occupying the material plane. Your only choice is to abandon your body and support him with all your strength. He already knows his mission. You must explain to him how this planet gave birth to him. Only in this way can you ensure that your plan is on track.”

Agamotto was not angry because of Gu Yi's rudeness. After all, becoming the Weishan Emperor was a destined outcome.

"Are you sure you want to share this secret with your spouse?" He looked at the emperor, "This secret is only known by the future Emperor Weishan, the successive supreme mages and the consciousness of this planet. This is the greatest gamble in the universe, and the chips are It’s all the souls in this universe and every microscopic particle in this material plane. If the plan fails, there will be nothing left in this universe.”

"I brought her here." The emperor stretched out his hand and pulled Inanna to him. The queen of heaven, the goddess of sex and war, was trembling with excitement, "Her souls and mine will be tied together by the rope of fate, and my plans cannot be separated from her."

"I can guess what your wish to save the world is, child." Agamotto stood up from the ground with difficulty. The small cold stone clenched in his palm gave him numerous scratches and rough scars that later healed. , "I want to correct some of your concepts and the misunderstandings that your teacher has always had. This planet is not your mother in the true sense - nurturing, this word is not quite accurate, this planet is just providing you with nutrition. . An atom of this stone in my hand will become a part of flesh and blood in tens of millions of years - the things you once thought constituted your soul, the knowledge you were born with, are not part of you. Soul nourishment is a sacrifice, knowledge is just a by-product.”

"Sacrifice?" The emperor had a premonition that he would not like the next answer.

"Sacrifices are only offered to gods. The real gods are not the ancient gods born from this planet, nor the gods of the wilderness derived from the corpses of nature spirits. I believe that the evil spirit from the abyss repeated a word to you, the Seventh Throne. That is your throne, so how did you get pulled off the throne, Salomon?" Agamotto said with a smile, "I am about to die. How do you think I can eliminate one of the enemies that this universe will face forever before I abandon my body?"

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