Although there has never been any transaction with the Kree experimental site, after decades of infiltration and investigation, the situation of the Kree experimental site has been investigated by Eridu. The Kree regard the Inhumans as slaves, and the Inhumans also regard humans as slaves - just like the emperor's warning, even without the manipulation of that special Inhuman, other Inhumans will spontaneously maintain the deformed order established by the Kree. When the Badari people holding stone axes and stone spears blocked the expeditionary team, no one would feel surprised. The Inhumans would definitely enslave the locals in the occupied area to stop the expeditionary cavalry.

"Pick up the spear!" Hammurabi of the Guards gave an order behind him.

The expeditionary team skillfully inserted the rifle into the saddle belt, pulled out the spear from the saddle belt on the other side and put it on the horse. The well-trained soldiers quickly adjusted their posture, accelerated the horse's speed and urgently needed kinetic energy, so that the team became a cone to break through the line. Hammurabi gently turned the throttle with one hand, adjusting the speed of the spray-painted motorcycle to keep it in front of the expeditionary team's attack formation, and the other hand also held the Garrison Spear.

"Speed ​​up, charge!"

The Badari people, who were still in the pre-dynastic stage, could not resist the expeditionary cavalry at all. Perhaps some people had the courage to wave stone spears at the expeditionary army, but whether it was the guards riding jet motorcycles like giant beasts, or the expeditionary army with steel spears hanging on the limbs and flesh of those who blocked the way, they were far beyond the imagination of the Badari people.

Hammurabi took the lead in firing with the Garrison Spear, and the uniformed figures in the distance immediately hid behind the bunker, trying to avoid the expeditionary team's attack route. Only one unlucky guy was hit by the explosive arrow, and his lower body was blown into a piece of meat and blood mist. The Badari people who blocked the expeditionary army fell down in groups and then collapsed. The expeditionary team had no interest in chasing those locals. Their target was the aliens behind the locals.

After several conflicts, the Inhumans also collected intelligence about the Guards.

They deliberately chose to block the enemy in the village of Badari instead of fighting on the plains, in order to lure the expeditionary cavalry into a narrow area where the cavalry formation could not be deployed, and use their own abilities to fight against the expeditionary army. This method is very effective, especially when facing expeditionary squads that are not led by the Guards. This tactic often causes huge casualties to the expeditionary army. Every soldier in the expeditionary army is an ordinary person. Even tacit teamwork and long-term training of agility cannot make up for the gap between them and the Inhumans in terms of individual strength.

The Inhumans' irregular abilities caused great trouble to the expeditionary army.

When Hammurabi was about to turn around, several soldiers at the forefront of the expeditionary attack line suddenly exploded. There was no flame or loud noise, as if they were suddenly crushed by the air, turning into a piece of broken bones and blood mist, and the fragments of internal organs mixed with thick blood exploded in the air. This hellish scene did not scare the expeditionary army. They still maintained their charging posture and skillfully avoided the overturned corpses of war horses. They used the spears of the Guards as a pointer and continued to charge at the hiding place of the Inhumans. They also tacitly assigned some soldiers to shoot quickly on horseback to suppress the Inhumans hiding behind the bunkers.

The Guards compared the Inhumans who drove the locals to fight to armored vehicles accompanying infantry to attack the front line, but the Inhumans did not have the bulletproof ability of armored vehicles and could not resist the power of the Guards. According to the established tactics, the expeditionary team automatically divided into two teams to surround the village where the Inhumans were located, and the other team followed the Guards Hammurabi to rush to the bunker and strangle the Inhumans.

Such encounters have happened more than once, and all the expeditionary soldiers knew what would happen next. Hammurabi did not think that the Inhumans with different abilities could change the outcome of this encounter. Only a few Inhumans with similar teleportation abilities could survive the hands of the Guardian Order and send the Guardian Order's intelligence back to the Kree or other Inhumans.

The expeditionary team that broke into the village did not confront the Inhumans head-on. They rushed through the bunker like a hurricane, and threw explosives and smoke bombs into it according to Hammurabi's orders. Then they rushed out to join the other two expeditionary forces responsible for clearing the enemies around the village, and blocked the target location from another direction.

Hammurabi turned the car around and rushed in again. The high-speed jet motorcycle crashed straight into the bunker a hundred meters away. He felt the air around him was squeezing inward, like a pair of invisible huge hands slapping him violently. The Guards' power armor resisted the invisible explosion, and only the jet bike shook a few times after being hit - shaking at high speed was extremely deadly, but Hammurabi still controlled the vehicle - he could hear the Inhumans behind the bunker shouting nervously in the Kree language, as if they didn't understand why the Guards could survive such air pressure. Until Hammurabi smashed the earth wall and pierced his body with the Garrison Spear, the Inhuman still couldn't figure out why the Guards could survive even the Kree's commonly used all-environment combat suits could not resist such drastic changes in air pressure.

The only remaining Inhuman completely lost his composure.

She was frightened and madly released surging electricity towards the guards without reason, but she could do nothing except singe the edge of Hammurabi's crimson robe. Hammurabi didn't even turn his head to observe her, but simply turned the car sideways to extend the Guard Spear and pulled the trigger. Compared with the Inhumans in the Attila base on the moon, the Inhumans here are more awkward in how to use their abilities. Hammurabi didn't even want to call them enemies, because it was too insulting to the Guards to pay attention to such enemies.

The jet motorcycle turned the front again and finally stopped slowly in front of the Inhuman corpse.


Hammurabi recorded the result of the conflict by voice and sent it to the headquarters as a brief voice war report. What he had to do now was to determine whether the brains of these Inhumans were infested with Hydra parasites. He used the Garrison Spear to cut open the skulls of the Inhumans to ensure that there were no parasite follicles, and then called the soldiers in the expeditionary force responsible for dealing with biochemical infections to come over and pour fuel on the bodies of the Inhumans to prevent the reproduction and spread of a small number of Hydra parasites that could not be seen by the naked eye.

The locals used to stop the expeditionary force should be the middle-aged men forcibly conscripted from this village. Those people might come back here. Hammurabi did not want to hear the news of the outbreak of parasitic infection here after the war. That meant that they would have to come here again and destroy all the creatures that could still breathe on this land. Before the creation of the Guards, the emperor had faced Hydra. Even if Hydra was destroyed with a hydrogen bomb on another planet, it would still be necessary to conduct a full-scale attack when returning to Earth. Disinfection.

There are no such disinfection conditions now, and we can only use the fuel made in the temple.

"3 people were killed in the battle and 1 was injured. Did you hear that, Captain Miller?"

"I heard it, continue to plan the movement according to the established route, and make sure there are no survivors." Captain Miller's voice in the headset paused, "Did those locals hinder the mission?"

"A little insignificant obstacle."

"You know what I want to ask, Hammurabi." Captain Miller sighed, "How many locals died?"

"About a dozen, all young and strong. This village must be merged with other villages in this Nome, or wait until the war is over to form a larger administrative unit." The guards made a judgment without hesitation, "I think it was this war that led to the mutual integration of Badari culture and survived the pre-dynastic period."

"I mean, did you see women and children?"

"No, at least not alive." Hammurabi glanced at the bloody skull in the corner. It was the skull of a young human, and the missing teeth were not sure whether they were replaced with milk teeth or due to violence. "They are all dead. Some creatures have eaten their flesh and blood. There are no tooth marks, so they are not wild animals. The blood is fresh, there are no maggots, and they will not have been dead for too long."

"That is to say, the target has appeared here." Captain Miller tapped the tablet, "This is not good news."

The special Inhuman Hydra can release tiny parasites at the nano level. Those parasites are not only used to break through the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain of the organism, change neurotransmitters and electrical signals, but also eat flesh and blood. The description of Hydra in the archives mentioned that Hydra is extremely keen on eating people instead of human food to replenish energy. Every empty village encountered by the expeditionary force can find only bones with blood remaining.

A large number of enslaved Egyptians cried to the expeditionary force that they saw their families being eaten by terrible "demons" with their own eyes. Captain Miller felt sick just by listening to the survivors' stories. He really couldn't imagine how terrible it was for a person to be eaten from the inside in just a few seconds, and he couldn't imagine the despair of those survivors. He had witnessed the barbaric blood sacrifices of this era, but he believed that the people eaten by Hydra were far more desperate than the sacrifices of the blood sacrifices. He still believed that the emperor's use of hydrogen bombs to destroy Hydra was too light a sentence.

"The intelligence is correct. Hydra was here." Hammurabi roughly recalled the forensic courses he had taken. "The time of death will not exceed twelve hours."

Captain Miller marked Hammurabi's coordinates at this time on the map, made a mark on the list, and sent it to the staff. The archives showed that Hydra was a parasite controlled by cluster consciousness. It could parasitize different Inhuman bodies, which meant that it could appear in multiple places at the same time-another guard also reported the same situation, the same type of skeleton-the expeditionary force could not determine which Inhuman the main consciousness of Hydra was located in. Before Hydra aggregated into an individual, the decapitation strike had no meaning.

In order to ensure that all expeditionary commandos could provide support at the fastest speed when Hydra appeared, the staff used a very complex mathematical algorithm. Captain Miller had a headache when he thought of the numbers given by the staff. He had excellent math grades when he was a student, but that didn't mean he understood those advanced mathematical principles. He only remembered that the emperor who participated in the calculation mentioned something called "topological coloring map" and claimed that even the Inhumans could not escape the laws of mathematics.

Although he didn't understand that kind of mathematical algorithm, Captain Miller knew the process of elimination.

What the expeditionary force can do is to continuously compress the scope of the Inhumans' activities until Hydra is forced to actively shrink its power and gather all the nano-parasites. The more Inhumans are killed, the smaller the range of activity of Hydra's main consciousness becomes. The emperor is very sure that Hydra will not take the initiative to fight an opponent whose strength it cannot judge. As the only Inhuman with free will, Hydra cherishes its life very much.

Under the force of the Kree, Hydra will definitely shrink its scattered parasites to accumulate strength and collect intelligence. But for the Kree, Hydra and other Inhumans are nothing more than the product of the slave soldier project and cannon fodder used to deal with the Skrull war. It is perfect to use the Inhumans to fight against the humans who resist the Kree.

"According to the established tactics, when the staff gives the location, the closest team within 120 kilometers will launch a decapitation strike. Before that, all teams must minimize non-combat attrition and ensure that there are enough troops to wait for support from other teams. Captain Miller reminded.

He has the battle reports of all seven expeditionary force commandos led by the Praetorian Order. While clearing strongholds around the Kree Research Center, he is also clearing out Inhumans with combat capabilities on a large scale. He was very worried that these expeditionary forces would suffer too many casualties in this operation, so that they would not have enough soldiers, weapons and ammunition to encircle Hydra.

"I don't need to be reminded." Hammurabi hung up the communication and waved towards the expeditionary force, "Continue to move forward according to the route on the map."

Three hours later, in the march 30 kilometers away from Hammurabi, Captain Miller jumped off the caravan that served as the staff and rode on a war horse that belonged to him. He urged the horse to trot all the way until he reached the command post in the middle of the march. Anyone who sees the white Pegasus with wings will know that this is the headquarters of the expeditionary force, because where the white Pegasus is, the emperor is there.

"I brought the latest progress. The location of Hydra's appearance is locked in these four villages. The Adeptus Guards will conduct fire reconnaissance on those four villages. One of the commandos will definitely encounter Hydra, and the other three will A team will arrive in thirty-seven minutes." Captain Miller held a piece of parchment filled with numbers and symbols. "Probability, the staff's trick. I have to admit that the staff's method is very effective. At least we don't have to search every village."

"The marching speed is too slow. It will take us thirty-five minutes to reach the scheduled support position. If Hydra is in the village farthest from us, it will take another thirty-five minutes for this thousand-man combat team to be effective. "The emperor said unceremoniously, "Either we let four expeditionary force commandos totaling 400 people and four Praetorian Guards fight against all the Inhumans created by the Kree without our support, or postpone it. After the reconnaissance time, we gave up and allowed the expeditionary force to set up camp and engage in a decisive battle with the Inhumans at dusk.”

"It's time redundancy on the schedule."

"It now proves that this time redundancy is not enough." The emperor said, "There are only two options now, Captain Miller. Let the expeditionary force commando support for seventy minutes, and then we will lead a thousand men to march for more than six hours. Tired soldiers attack, or risk a night battle with the Inhumans."

"Night battle." Captain Miller thought for a few seconds, "Our soldiers do not have night blindness, and we also have sufficient flares. We can create combat conditions that are favorable to us. More importantly, we can have time to recover our strength."

"You decide." The emperor nodded, "The Praetorian Order can deal with Hydra. I need to attack the Kree research base with other Praetorian Guards."

When Hammurabi received the news, he was already two kilometers away from the possible village of Hydra. It was in a valley adjacent to the river bank, and the village was right on the river bank. The villages in the occupied areas are almost the same. There will be no locals wandering outside the villages, and all the farmland is almost deserted. The only thing that is certain is that wild animals dare not approach this place, which means that there are several Inhumans stationed in this village.

He waved back, signaling the soldiers to lay down their horses and be quiet.

"We have to wait for seventy minutes. During this time, let the horses recover their strength. Check the ammunition reserves, eat and drink. Patrol the range of 500 meters and take turns to be on duty to ensure that no enemies are approaching."

As a series of instructions were issued, except for the sound of the horses breathing and the soldiers drinking and eating, the entire team fell into complete silence. These high-quality soldiers completely carried out every order issued by Hammurabi. Even feeding the horses water, they were careful and did not make much noise. Even if the enemies in the village heard it, they would only think it was the sound of hungry animals wandering outside the village. It wasn't until the afterglow of the setting sun sank into the other side of the valley that Hammurabi opened the data pad and mentally calculated the time for the arrival of the supporting troops. He then made a gesture to indicate that the rest time was over.

The expeditionary force commando spent another five minutes encircling the village and setting up firepower and security groups at each exit. Only then did the Imperial Guards issue an attack order. At the same time, several bright, smoky dazzling lights rose in the sky not far away, illuminating the exit on the other side of the valley. These were the fire support troops sent by the emperor's expeditionary force to specialize in Provides deflection fire and lighting for expeditionary force commandos.

"Start fire reconnaissance." Hammurabi gave instructions to his commandos and fire support troops at the same time, and simple mortars immediately launched shells towards the village. This kind of mortar is a bit cumbersome due to the manufacturing process, but this simple mortar is equipped with shells made by the temple with fuses and high explosives. After a round of bombing, it is only built of mud bricks and wood. The house was completely blown to pieces. The expeditionary force commandos began to compress the encirclement inward, and Hammurabi led another team to rush in as before.

The fire support troops saw red flares rising over the village. Together with the expeditionary force commandos responsible for surrounding the village, they placed fuel-soaked fires at every exit of the village as shelling indicators. "No one is allowed in until other commandos arrive." That's part of what the red flare means. The other part means, "Encounter with target Hydra."

The other three commandos, fire support troops and part of the main force of the expedition have received the message from Hammurabi and are marching rapidly in this direction. The expeditionary force assault team responsible for surrounding the village could only hear the continuous gunshots erupting in the village. The dilapidated village walls seemed to have been smashed by an invisible crazy beast. The expeditionary force soldiers and horses were thrown up by strange forces. sky, and then hit the ground hard. Within a few seconds, the soldiers and war horses who were still wailing in pain were eaten away by billions of teeth that were so small that they were invisible. There is an average of 5 liters of blood in the human body. It was later discovered that they were eaten by Hydra. There was less than 300 milliliters of blood left on the devoured corpse - the soldiers abandoned their horses and tried to avoid the sight of the invisible beast. At the same time, they found the opportunity to throw small pottery filled with fuel and fire at any insect swarm that gathered. bottle.

At this time, the Imperial Guards in golden armor were also hunting down the parasitized aliens.

Hammurabi knew that the expeditionary force commandos could not stop Hydra for long, so he had to find Hydra's parasite as soon as possible. The flames, electric currents and air controlled by these Inhumans cannot penetrate the protection of the Forbidden Army's armor, nor can telepathy penetrate the consciousness barrier that has been adjusted by biochemical psychology. The weird physical mutations cannot resist the sharp edge of the garrison spear full of decomposition force fields. Blade, even the physical strength that the Inhumans are most proud of cannot compare with the Guards.

In the fifth minute of the battle, there were still 65 people in the battle sequence of the expeditionary force's assault team.

The Winged Man with wings (also appearing in Attila) was the first to be killed. Hammurabi immediately locked onto the Inhuman hovering at low altitude and emptied the magazine towards it - if Hydra Trying to escape, then the Inhumans with the ability to fly are the best hosts - followed by a weird mutant with no eyes in the sockets and other parts of the head filled with eyeballs. This is probably an Inhuman with the ability to control the mind. brought huge losses to the expeditionary force. Then there was a beast that was close to the height of the Praetorian Guards and wearing special armor. It tried to knock down Hammurabi, but the Praetorian Guards, who were familiar with various combat techniques, easily distanced themselves from it and stabbed Hammurabi with their garrison spears. pierced its neck.

Hammurabi stretched out his hand into the air, then suddenly tightened it.

A slender Inhuman suddenly appeared from the air, the dagger in his hand scratching randomly on the armor of the Forbidden Army. Hammurabi's palms grasped its neck tightly like pliers, and then without hesitation, he swung it to the side and broke the inhuman's neck. This extremely fast Inhuman always tries to steal the magazines in the armor belts worn by the Praetorian Guards, but it overestimates its own speed and underestimates the Praetorian Guards' reaction capabilities.

Seventeen minutes into the battle, there were still 42 people in the battle sequence of the expeditionary force's assault team.

A stranger with a clay body, even if part of his body is burned and evaporated by the disintegration force field of the Guard Spear, he can still put the separated body back together. It wasn't until the Inhuman was lured away from the water that other commando soldiers picked up a dozen Molotov cocktails left behind by their sacrificial comrades and ignited them at the same time, burning the strange creature, which appeared to have nothing to do with organic creatures, to death.

The expeditionary force began to occupy everything in the village that could be used as a bunker, and opened fire on the Inhumans who gathered under the offensive of the Praetorian Guards. They knew that their mission was to delay the "demons" of the Inhumans until other expeditionary forces arrived. Even if they were destined to die, they had to rush in with the Guards.

Twenty-five minutes into the battle, there were still 27 people in the battle sequence of the expeditionary force's assault team.

It’s too long again, so I’ll post it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

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