Marvel Book of Magical Events

Tickets for a single chapter and a preview of this month's content

The location of the outline modification is where the Scarlet Witch appeared, and there is not much change at this stage. The content of this month will be Avengers 1 and the first season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in 2012. Iron Man 3 will not be involved much, at most it will be some communication with Iron Man.

In addition, there are Thor 2 plots, and Tomb Raider (about Nine Stars, the main plot involved later is the trilogy after the restart, the key is the source of the sacred in "Tomb Raider: Rise", but this It’s not the main thread, so it won’t take up too much space.)

It is mainly the content of Avengers 1 and the Asgardians in the first season of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Finally, ask for a ticket! Tickets are required on Monday and the 1st!

Delete tomorrow.

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