Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 178 Street Hero (Second Update!)

Salomon went to the meditation room of the Supreme Master, but he was kicked out after a short time.

His Holiness thinks that Salomon should know that Modu is stubborn and doesn't know how to adapt, so there is no need to take those words to heart, not to mention that Modu is also thinking about the stability of Kama Taj, there is really nothing to blame. And what Salomon did was indeed within His Holiness' expectation. Capturing Mephisto's incarnation in the world is a long-term task, and these incarnations are no different from ordinary people. It takes a lot of chance to find them coincide.

Obviously, Salomon is the predestined person, and his connection with the lower planes allows him to always find the devil.

So the Venerable didn't mean to blame Salomon for using the magic weapon without authorization. On the contrary, the Supreme Master also wanted to praise the disciple's creativity in magic. What His Holiness was referring to was the note that took the portal from the New York Temple back to Karma Taj headquarters. A spell from the creation sub-school of conjuration, plus a spell from the transformation system, the combination of spells was full of creativity.

Salomon looked at the twisting note in his hand, shrugged, and threw it into the fireplace without regret. This is just a small experiment of his. Next time he wants to attach the "Magic Mouth Technique" to the envelope, and try to make an envelope that can read the contents of the letter, which is the real version of the "Roaring Letter". It's just that he doesn't have any letters he wants to send now. The Ghost Rider business has been taken over by Mordo. He has nothing to do now, and there is only one day left for the holiday-now he just wants to stay in Beyoni Moldy lounging on the couch in Tower's apartment.

There is nothing in the world more enjoyable than doing nothing.

In line with the principle of "make yourself appear busy before fishing", Salomon pretended to walk around the empty hall of Karma Taj headquarters a few times, ready to cast a spell and slip away at any time. But what he didn't expect was that a sudden phone call interrupted Salomon's casting preparation.

It was Athena's call, and Salomon had to answer it.

"Lorna likes the jelly you brought very much." Athena seemed to suppress a smile, and when she spoke, Salomon could still hear Lorna's complaining voice coming from a distance. "Little Lorna wants to apologize, but I'm just too embarrassed to say it." She said cheerfully, "When do you think you can take her for a walk? I think ice cream can make this little guy less nervous. She should also enter puberty Woolen cloth."

Lorna complained louder.

"Next time, Athena, next time." Salomon raised his eyebrows, he did not notice the sensitive attitude of the adolescent girl, "I will take a bath later, you definitely don't want to see a slimy It stinks me."

When Salomon hung up, looked around, and was about to slip away again, his cell phone rang again.

This is Joan calling. After Salomon picked up the phone, he heard Joan tell Ming Ming what to buy tonight, what Beunita wanted to eat, and what seasonings were missing at home, without any consideration Does Salomon hear you clearly? The mystic could only take out a piece of paper and write down Joan's request - the dishes made by the invisible servant were really unpalatable, either they were easy to burn, or the ratio of seasoning and ingredients was wrong. Joan asked Salomon repeatedly, and she was relieved after confirming that it was not an invisible servant cooking today.

"Beyonetta wants to try dessert tonight, the kind with alcohol." Joan of Arc said, "I don't mind eating some."

"Then let's make some red wine jelly." Salomon put the note in his pocket, "Or do you want some Asian flavor today? How about plum wine chiffon cake? To be honest, don't you really want to eat it yourself?" ?”

"Shut up!"

After Joan hung up the phone in anger, Salomon decided to switch the phone to vibrate mode, so as not to cause the sudden call to attract the attention of others and interrupt his fishing plan. His prudence always worked, Salomon took a look at the vibrating cell phone in his pocket.

Well, Tony Stark, this is a nuisance, not S.H.I.E.L.D., hang up.

When the mystic came to New York through the portal, his phone finally fell silent. He will go to the supermarket next time to buy the ingredients needed for today's dinner. Not only the supermarket in New York, he also needs to go to Japan to make plum wine chiffon cake. This is not a problem for Salomon, who wears a hanging ring.

The United States is a country that values ​​freedom. Salomon, who is wearing a black mystic robe, is not eye-catching on the street. Pedestrians have classified him with those punk youths. It is also because the United States is a country that values ​​freedom, and taking a gun to the streets is also a personal freedom, so when Salomon took a shortcut and arrived at the supermarket, there were already four or five gangsters lying in the alley behind him—— When they saw the ring on Salomon's hand and the necklace around his neck, they wanted to make a fortune, so Salomon had more than a dozen dollar bills, an unregistered pistol, and a small bag of big guns.

It seems that this is what the punks are planning to have fun tonight.

Salomon looked at it and put it into the dimensional bag. These things are necessary for making some potions. He is underage now, and no one will sell him these things.

"You shouldn't touch these things." Salomon turned around and saw a man in a suit standing behind him, but he didn't notice it at all. The mystic looked up and down at the guy with sunglasses and the staff in his hand—is this a blind man?

"Yes, I'm blind." He seemed to see what Salomon was thinking, "Now, boy, put down the pistol and drugs, that's not something you should touch. You don't even fit in this neighborhood, why are you here?" this?"

"I'm just here to buy some spices." Salomon threw the pistol and the big guy out of the dimension bag very simply. He didn't feel sorry for it, it was just a windfall. "I'm too lazy to go to Japan for a bottle of plum wine, so I came here first," he said. "Any questions?"

The blind man was silent for a while. "You're not lying." He nodded, "but defeating a few punks is nothing to be proud of. You'd better go home now, act like nothing happened, and get out of here before those guys go back to find someone. Your clothes show you're rich, but this isn't some rich man's playground, Brit."

"Are you blind?"

"It's true that I can't see, but I have other abilities."

Salomon carefully looked at the blind man in front of him. This guy does have some skills. Salomon doesn't know when he touched his back. Of course, it may also be because Salomon didn't wear the holy robe today and was too lazy to open the stigmata.

"Who are you?" the mystic asked. There are many capable blind people in this world, but there should be only one in New York, and he already guessed the answer.

"Matt Murdoch," said the blind man, "a trainee at Langley LLP, where I live."

"Okay, trainee lawyer." Salomon shook his head, turned around and left, "I hope you have your own law firm."

"Aren't you going to leave here?"

"I haven't bought anything yet." The mystic is unwilling to have too many intersections with these street heroes. This is not because of arrogance, but because the two parties have different fields and ideas, and it is difficult to be friends. Of course, he couldn't tell if he would slap himself in the face in the future, because he didn't know what the so-called "black space" was. If that thing was an extradimensional creature, Kama Taj still had to take care of it.

"You should..." Matt Murdoch stopped in the middle of his words, and he listened attentively in disbelief, because he encountered the strangest thing in his life. The person standing in front of him suddenly disappeared, like a breath of air, the sound of heartbeat and footsteps disappeared, and even the slight smell of sweat disappeared.

"It's really weird." After a while, he shrugged and said helplessly, "There are so many weirdos in New York."


Thank you Luoyue Wenxiang for your 100 point reward.

Thanks to xiaotang246 for the 200 point reward.

There are really too few tickets for these two days! ! !

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