Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 22 Components of the Mage Priory (seeking investment!)

Salomon's study period is much longer than other mages - not only because of his disciple of the Supreme Mage, but more importantly because of his age.

Kama Taj would never allow a minor to take up a position in the temple, no matter how powerful Salomon's magic was, in the eyes of everyone, he still needed to learn.

Therefore, he naturally did not have the idea of ​​quick success, but followed the courses arranged by the supreme mage and Athena day after day. This is very important. The accumulation of basic knowledge will be of great help to Salomon in the future. If Salomon, like Strange, uses translation software to read those Grimoires that have been cracked, if he is in a similar If he encounters a grimoire that needs to be interpreted in the ruins without the Internet, he will be helpless.

【Language literacy cannot decode secret messages hidden in words or symbols, such as magic runes. These codes are not part of the written language, and reading grimoires needs to be deciphered. The same is true for wizards' magic books and scrolls, and there is a failure rate in copying. 】

Therefore, His Holiness attaches great importance to Salomon's linguistics education, and in order to let Salomon understand modern society (in His Holiness' knowledge, Salomon only understands magic but not science), the ancient one The mage also specially arranged for the London Temple to find a school for Salomon, and Salomon would take the exam when he was old enough.

He had already taken the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 exams when he was seven years old. With the results of this SATs exam, Salomon can also successfully take the entrance exams that he must take at the age of thirteen—— Although he didn't go to school once, the London Temple settled the issue with the money. This is the first time for Karma Taj to do this kind of thing, because the school-age children in Karma Taj at most practice martial arts, and then go to secular schools, such as Alice Gulliver, the guardian of the Hong Kong Temple Wu Guiyue Daughter, at most, she came to the headquarters of Karma Taj to learn the art of body protection.

There has never been any minor who has devoted himself to the study of magic like Salomon. Although Salomon didn't seem to feel uncomfortable with this almost isolated life, but enjoyed it, Master Gu Yi still worried that this kind of life detached from the secular society would make Salomon develop a withdrawn character. Sometimes the Venerable even suspected that he had passed on his indifferent personality to Salomon.

This is not possible, this kind of personality cannot deter those extradimensional creatures who try to invade the earth.

The happiness of a dead house is unimaginable to others. Salomon is still changing the posters in his bedroom every three months. Thanks to his proficiency in language, he can watch the new episodes on the air at the fastest speed. translate. It is difficult for others to understand Salomon's happiness. As long as he has internet and food, he can stay in the house forever. Except for Mount Athena, he doesn't need to go out at all.

His wife this month was Holo, a maiden with a wolf's tail and ears, no objection. (New program in January 2008)

This kind of life is extremely abnormal in the eyes of outsiders. There have been countless times that Master Xiao Wang tried to pull Salomon out of the room so that he could take him to the street for a stroll. However, Salomon refused. The rainy weather in London made him a little uncomfortable. If he wanted to eat fish and chips, or if he wanted to go to the British Museum, he would go by himself; New York, it's better not to show up there, who knows when a big green fat guy will suddenly appear there and beat and smash, maybe there may be two; he goes to Hong Kong a lot, he is outside the temple A frequent visitor to that snack street, now Salomon can speak fluent Cantonese to communicate with those stall owners.

As for entertainment? What entertainment is better than magic? Isn't the most amazing thing in the world interesting enough, my friend? The only thing that makes Salomon a little uncomfortable is the need to face the dark dimension from time to time.

"I've known my wife Adria since I was your age." Casilios was very friendly to Salomon. When it comes to Lomon, he tends to guide without tires.

He said to Salomon who was staying in the room, "You should go out and walk more, instead of soaking in books all the time. Karma Taj's work is not so heavy that you need to share it. You should go to school to know a few Girl, staying in Karma Taj all the time will make you look like an old man.

If my child was still alive, he would be as old as you, and maybe I would risk being sued to let him taste the beer... Anyway, it is not a good thing to stay in the room all the time, if you If you want to exercise, you can come to me. "

Casilios kept his head down when he said this, Salomon couldn't see his expression clearly, was it grief? Still miss? But looking back a few years later, Salomon can only recall the cold smell of the cold wind blowing from the Himalayas mixed with the decaying dust in the room, and the gray-haired man standing in front of him who lost everything. man.

It is said that Casilios was introduced by Baron Mordo, because Kama Taj's purpose has always been to lend a helping hand to those in need. Of course, these people must have magical talents.

Except for those recruited by His Holiness himself, such as Salomon and Strange, almost all other mages got started in this way. The original Karma Taj was established by the ancient one through this method.

His Holiness's idea is similar to "escape into the empty door", because only those who have almost lost everything are attracted by Karma Taj's direction lock that protects the earth, so that they can not be tempted by worldly wealth and honor, and wholeheartedly take on the responsibility of the outer dimension. The responsibility of combat is why Karma Taj pays attention to clean practice, the purpose is to calm down the tortured soul of the practitioner.

It cannot be said that such an idea is not good. The selection criteria of the Ancient One Mage has lasted for more than a thousand years. This system has withstood the test of time, but there are still many apprentices similar to Casilios, not all of them. Are willing to immerse themselves in the world of magic like Salomon.

Some people are attracted by the idea of ​​Kama Taj, such as Modu, who was attracted by the idea of ​​the Mage Monastery to protect the earth, and volunteered to become a mage who resisted the outer dimension. The ancient one mage who fights against the outer dimension is extremely revered.

There are also some people, those mage families, these people are all combined by mages who first practiced in Karma Taj, and they are all descendants of the first batch of disciples of His Holiness, such as Wang and Wu Guiyue. This part of people is also an important part of Karma Taj. These people have spent their whole lives in Karma Taj. They have accepted the teachings of the Venerable for generations. There are still a few people in these families who have been infinitely close to the position of the Supreme Master. , but batch after batch were boiled to death by His Holiness.

Despite this, they are important supporters of the Ancient One.

And those practitioners recruited from the world are often not pure enough, they still have regrets in the world, such as Casilios, his purpose is to see his wife again; or learning magic is just to find a way out, to achieve The purpose is that no one in Karma Taj has entered the secular world to dominate the world after learning magic, or do evil and enjoy things that ordinary people can't match.

Although His Holiness has no prejudice against material enjoyment, for those who use magic to misbehave, Master Ancient One has also done some bloody cleanups.

In modern times, Master Gu Yi seldom does this kind of thing, and the reason is very simple - with the progress of the times, the amount of information that modern people gain in a day far exceeds that in the past. There is a good chance that Karma Taj will be gone. His Holiness is well aware of the fact that there will be no fish when the water is clear, so His Holiness has also relaxed the selection criteria for new members of Karma Taj - it doesn't matter if you come to Karma Taj for a purpose, as long as you don't use magic to do evil , As long as you take the responsibility of protecting the earth, you can do anything, only the belief in Domamu is absolutely intolerable to the ancient one.

Now it seems that Salomon's soul seems to be too calm.

So Master Gu Yi planned to ask Salomon to do something.

ps: It can be regarded as throwing away the settings, combining comics and movie settings. The next chapter is about new events.

Rewards add more updates, and investments also add more updates! It's really annoying that Longkong can't recommend himself.

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