Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 218 Shapeshifter (Second update!)

"How did you develop your muscles?" Steve Rogers pointed to his arm, then to Saul's arm. He took a sip from his glass and asked curiously, "How did you do it? You don't have super soldier serum."

"I don't know, I just did the exercises I should do. Of course, it may also be because I am a god." Sol raised the hammer, showing his bulging biceps, and Loki, who was sitting by the side, flipped over Rolling his eyes, he felt that his brother might have trained his brain into a muscle. So far, Rocky is still handcuffed, he can barely remove his mask except during meal times, and everyone is extremely wary of the words of the god of tricks. If it wasn't for Sol's assurance that he could take good care of Loki, the evil god should be staying in the cage now.

Since the top floor of the Stark Group has not yet been renovated, Tony Stark hosted the dinner in his own villa, and his girlfriend Pepper Potts also came here. As the hostess, she was in charge of the dinner. Preparations for a small private party. This was indeed a private party, except for the Avengers who participated in the Battle of New York and their relatives, almost no one else participated, but more than one person discovered that this party was missing one person.

"Where's the Magic Boy?" Tony Stark glanced at the time, then tapped the 1,000ml Coke cup he had prepared. He deliberately informed Salomon of the meeting. With the portal, Salomon would never be late. He prepared these Cokes for Salomon. Among the people present, apart from him, only Agent Romanov had the contact information of Salomon Damonette, but even Agent Romanov couldn't find Salomon's location. "Did you hear what he said?" Stark asked Agent Romanov quietly, "Did he say he was busy? I deliberately chose the party time for the weekend, and Eton College must be on holiday gone."

"He didn't say anything, Stark, you've spent the longest time with him, and you should know that he never tells others any unnecessary information." Natasha was also very puzzled about what Salomon was doing at the moment , can’t be baking cakes at home, right? If so, she doesn't mind the taste of often frosted sponge cake.

Just as he was speaking, a portal with sparks opened in a corner of the living room, and Salomon walked out of the portal. Without waiting for others to see the scene behind the portal, he closed the portal, and a whirling spark burst out with a soft "bang", and then disappeared.

"You're late, Salomon." Tony Stark greeted him with open arms, he suddenly stopped, "My God, what's the smell on you? What are you doing?"

"Kill some aliens." The mystic twisted his neck, looking extremely unhappy. He reached for the glass in Stark's hand and took a sip of the single malt whiskey before the adults stopped him, but the alcohol didn't seem to quench his anger completely. His palms were opening and closing on the hilt of the knife, and he was suppressing impatience and anger-what Nick Fury did made him far more angry than S.H.I.E.L.D. spying magic, which was expected, and Salomon had A series of beating plans to ensure that S.H.I.E.L.D. does not interfere with the wizarding world while carrying out its own mission. But for the former, he has no plans.

"The Chitauri invaded?" Steve Rogers jumped up from his chair. "Where?"

Others are also very nervous, because the earth has just experienced an invasion, and the world is on nerves.

"I can help." Sol also raised the hammer, "This is what I should solve."

"No, not the Chitauri." Salomon opened his palm, allowing Stark to snatch back the wine glass. Tony Stark absolutely does not allow minors to drink alcohol. It was just a surprise before, but now it must be replaced by Coke. The mystic gulped down the sweet sparkling water and burped, "It's a shapeshifter, that is, a Skrull."

"I have heard the notoriety of this race. They are extremely cunning and can change into anyone!" Thor said, "If the earth is invaded by the Skrulls, it will be a disaster. They used to have their own empire, On the home planet of Andromeda, in the past, Asgard fought and won against the Skrull gods. After that, the All-Father destroyed the Skrull home planet, and the remaining The Skrulls were also attacked by the Kree Empire, and now they are wanderers in the universe, looking for their homes everywhere."

Saul's news turned the faces of others into a bad look. "Now, this disaster has been stopped, and only one traitor has not been eliminated." Salomon threw out a green palm with disdain on his face, "The blood of the Skrulls really stinks."

Before that, Salomon pulled out the fallen leaf long knife just to scare Nick Fury, but he didn't expect Nick Fury's reaction to be too intense, he even drew the gun before Salomon finished speaking shooting. It was only after the mystic cut off one of Nick Fury's palms that he realized that this Nick Fury was actually a Skrull in disguise—the real Nick Fury was missing. There is no doubt that the real Nick Fury cooperated with the Skrulls. He let the Skrulls pretend to be him to preside over the overall situation, while he hid himself for secret activities.

"Don't kill me." The Skrull lay on the ground, holding up the severed limb, and the sticky green blood flowed out slowly. The Skrull explained the ins and outs of the matter in an extremely painful situation. What he confessed touched Salomon's bottom line-the Asgardians are the overlord country, even if Thor enters the earth through the rainbow bridge, he needs to make up for it. documents, while Nick Fury secretly smuggles extremely dangerous Skrulls to Earth. Salomon didn't dare to imagine what kind of disaster would happen if these shapeshifters who lost their homes took a fancy to the earth and wanted to use the earth as their new home.

"Nick Fury is working with the Skrulls." Salomon announced to the Avengers, "According to the Skrull pretending to be Nick Fury, Nick Fury discovered the S.H.I.E.L.D. An unusual force in China, so let the aliens pretend to be him, and go to conduct secret investigations."

"But we don't know whether what he said is true or not." Captain Rogers looked serious. "If you say it, then we can't trust this alien. Has Fury been killed?"

"No, he's telling the truth. I've done it through divination." The mystic found a seat and sat down. "I will gradually clean up the Skrulls on the earth. Agent Romanov, I need your help." I found the real Nick Fury and he has to pay for what he did."

"What are you going to do?" Agent Romanov glanced at Hawkeye Clint who was sitting aside, "I think Fury has his own plan, and you also mentioned the internal problems of S.H.I.E.L.D. His purpose is to To solve this problem."

Clint nodded, he cared more about S.H.I.E.L.D.'s internal issues than Nick Fury's cooperation with aliens. You know, his little home was hidden by Nick Fury for him, and no one in S.H.I.E.L.D. knew about him except Agent Romanov.

"I know what he thinks, but it is absolutely impossible to let the Skrulls enter the earth." Salomon snorted softly, expressing dissatisfaction, "Kama Taj defended the outer dimension attack, not to share the earth with non-humans Species, especially that disgusting shapeshifter, a real cosmic parasite. I don't care what reason Nick Fury has, but he must pay for his mistakes-next time you see Nick Fury It might be true."

Agent Romanov pulled out her phone, and she received a code. After translation, the content is roughly "Sanquyi's headquarters has been attacked, and the whereabouts of the director are unknown." She showed Salomon the translated text message. "What did you do with that Skrull?" she asked. "Does anyone else know that this Nick Fury is an alien in disguise?"

"No, no one in the world can find that Skrull's body, and I didn't leave any biological material at the scene." Salomon said, "The internal problems of S.H.I.E.L.D. let Nick Fury solve it himself, I just want him to be responsible for his actions. Thank you, Thor, but this matter does not need your help. Putting the Rubik's Cube into Odin's treasure chest earlier will make me feel more at ease."

Loki seemed to have something to say, but Thor glared at him, so Loki gave up his intention to speak, and he just looked at the earthlings present jokingly.

"So, the next thing we have to do is to find Nick Fury and help him solve the problem of SHIELD?" Stark shrugged, "I really didn't expect that one day I would be able to join SHIELD. thing."

"There's also the matter of the Skrulls." Salomon reminded, "It's not without a price to betray humans."

"I think you have your own plans, don't you?" Stark raised his chin. "What does the old guy say? Can you still walk?"

Captain Rogers ignored Stark's ridicule. He planned to visit a person through whom he could truly understand S.H.I.E.L.D.

Ask for a ticket! ! ! ! ! ! !

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