Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 225 Attending the Funeral (First Update!)

"Concerning those who have fallen asleep, we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, lest you grieve like those who have no hope. If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, God will also let those who have fallen asleep in Jesus Bring them with Jesus.” The pastor stood on the podium and preached the scriptures, and a few people dressed in black sat sporadically on the pews under the church, and cellist Audrey was sitting on one of the benches. On the chair, there are empty seats all around her. She didn't know anyone here, and if it wasn't for the teenager who had met once to inform her of the funeral, she probably wouldn't have known when Coulson was buried.

"Why did you call her here?" Natasha asked in a low voice to Salomon beside her with some reproach, "Don't you know that it's easy to expose the truth? What if she wants to see the remains? It's useless." coffin!"

"How do I know that your S.H.I.E.L.D. is reluctant to use even a wax figure!" Salomon knew he was wrong, but still turned his head and refused to give in. Not many people attended the funeral. Tony Stark and Steve Rogers were all there, and they sat on another bench. Stark prepared well-fitting suits for everyone, and Salomon was happy to change his tuxedo. "And didn't both Stark and Captain Rogers come?" He also asked Natasha softly, "Why don't you worry about them?"

"Stark and Rogers will not make such a request, but how can we refuse Coulson's girlfriend? This is not something that can be evaded by reasoning about the state of preservation of the body!" Agent Romanov glanced at him and sat down. The white-haired girl with an enviable figure beside the mystic is wearing a short black slit dress and black boots—that's not clothes for normal people at all! Natasha decided that because the costume would wear out if it moved a little more. But what is even more strange is that this girl is still wearing a blindfold. Natasha is very curious about how she can see the road ahead.

"Who is this one you brought? She's not in the S.H.I.E.L.D. files."

"This is my half body, my helper and Hormon Cruz. I brought her here to see if I can pass the Turing test. Don't tell me later."

"This is a funeral, and you actually developed artificial intelligence, and even brought artificial intelligence here, what are you thinking!?" She was a little surprised, because Salomon always did things beyond imagination.

"But this is a fake funeral, and it's an empty coffin! In addition, this is not artificial intelligence, but an alchemy artificial life form."

"No matter what it is, this is a church! Although I don't have any faith, I take my faith very seriously."

"Then I'm a person without faith, Natasha. If God appeared in front of me, I might give him the middle finger, and then ask him to tell me why I did it!" Salomon snorted lightly, shifting Changed the topic, "Your S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't even invite the choir, it's really shabby."

"This is a fake funeral, arranged by Agent Maria Hill, and Agent Coulson has no other relatives. That is Agent Melinda May, who is also a friend of Agent Coulson." Na Tasha signaled the mystic to look at the bench on the left with her chin, "I think you should have seen her on the Helicarrier. If it weren't for the trouble you caused Fury, he would come now, this funeral It will be more dignified."

"Then we can't whisper here." Salomon sat upright, because the only people in the know here were him, Natasha and Agent Maria Hill, and he had to show grief. After his spell that day, Agent Coulson's condition was much better, but because the death time was well beyond a minute, Salomon was unable to bring Agent Coulson's soul back - he could not even be sure that the man who used GH325 Does the resurrected Agent Coulson have a soul.

According to the interpretation of the soul in the books collected in the Karma Taj Library and the education Salomon himself received, there are many interpretations of the soul that he knows: the first is the concept of the soul in Plato’s thought, The word Psyche can be translated as the mind, and this dualism that separates the soul from the body is no longer accepted, because Karma Taj has proved by practice that the body affects the soul. In the past, this kind of extreme metaphysical dualism was extremely widespread, so the introductory textbook chosen by the Supreme Master was the "Hermes Secret Collection" that supports "pantheism" instead of others, just to protect the apprentices from the influence of dualistic classics ;

The second argument comes from the Greek Phaedo, where the soul is defined as a harmonious arrangement of parts of a body. After the rise of Orpheusism, the so-called death is the liberation of the soul from the body: the body is the prison of the soul, and the purpose of life is to purify the soul. After many reincarnations, it tends to perfection, and then it can return to the God Realm.

The more common saying is that memory and soul are inseparable, and when a person has memory, he also has a soul. After all, this statement is similar to the "intellect" concept of the Pythagorean school, and the concept of Kama Taj is also similar to this statement. In addition, some families of mystics have absorbed the views of almost all schools of magic on earth, and believe that the so-called soul is the echo of human intellect located in the etheric plane.

But even with so many statements, Salomon is still full of worries about Agent Coulson who has regained his vital signs and is close to regaining consciousness. The reason why the three-ring magic resurrection technique can bring back a person who has just died for a minute is entirely because in such a short period of time, the soul has not gone to the place where it should go. pull back. As for spells such as complete resurrection, it is to pull souls from the upper and lower planes.

Salomon was very sure that the drug GH325 would absolutely not be able to pull the soul back from the upper and lower planes to the human world, unless someone helped. Agent Coulson is really resurrected, so what exactly is he?

Mephisto! The mystic took a deep breath, and his face became ugly. Could it be that Mephisto sent the soul back (Salomon believed that Coulson would go to hell)? If so, what purpose does he have? With Kama Taj closely monitoring the passage to the lower planes, is this old devil going to send another incarnation to the world?

"Your complexion is very bad, are you uncomfortable?" Seeing the mystic mage kept tugging on the third button of his suit, Natasha asked softly with concern, "Are you going to attend the buffet later?"

"Of course, but I need to send a text message first." Salomon felt that he had to report this matter to the Supreme Master. He originally thought that Agent Coulson's resurrection in the timeline was doomed, and it was entirely due to the effect of GH325, but after thinking about it, he realized that he had actually ignored the effect of the outer dimension.

This is his mistake. After that, he will join Modu's work and use the Cosmic Cauldron to help monitor the situation in hell. He needs to send a text message first, and then continue with his own test. It's not like he can't transfer without Karma Taj.

The pastor's preaching is finally over, and then it's time for relatives and friends to speak. Since Agent Coulson does not have many relatives alive, Audrey can only tell the story of her acquaintance with Agent Coulson. Mind here and for those who don't know - this is her little revenge on S.H.I.E.L.D.

After the funeral, Stark and Captain Rogers went to comfort Audrey one after another. Although they had only heard of Coulson's girlfriend who played the cello, this did not prevent them from praising Coulson in front of Audrey. character and sacrifice. "Master!" After some embarrassing condolences, Salomon brought the girl over, and the girl spoke before the others. Her voice was very pleasant, but her tone was very flat, making it impossible to detect the emotion in her voice, "Aren't you going to introduce them to me?"

who is this Stark asked with his eyes, and Captain Rogers also had the same question, but Stark knew better. When he saw the dress, he guessed the identity of the girl, because the dress was made for Salomon by him. It's just that Salomon also used his eyes to signal him not to say it, and kept the surprise until the end.

"This is my assistant Dinah (Dinah, from the Hebrew word judgment, which means ruling)." Salomon introduced to them, "This is Stark, and this is Captain Rogers."

"Hello, ma'am." Captain Rogers greeted very politely, and then motioned for the mystic to walk aside with him. Salomon had already guessed what he was going to say, and as expected, Captain Rogers' overly serious character made him say what the mystic mage expected: "Why did you bring ordinary people here?"

"She's no ordinary person. She's my assistant. And I bet $100 that you can't beat her with an arm wrestle."

Machine Girl Appears! !

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