Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 227 Questions about Android (Part 1)

Salomon's admiration for the Supreme Mage is beyond words. I am afraid that the Venerable only proposed to let the old devil return Agent Coulson's soul after knowing the fact that the incarnation of Mephisto left an heir in the world, and because the Venerable Handing over the soul in person, it is almost impossible for Mephisto to tamper with the soul. According to His Holiness, Agent Coulson's soul returned to his body shortly after Salomon cast a spell that restored Coulson's vital signs, and Salomon didn't have to worry about resurrecting a soulless monster.

Compared with Agent Coulson and Mephisto, the Supreme Mage suggested that Salomon should focus on the witch—since the completion of the alchemy artificial life body, Salomon had not returned to Bay for one night. In Unita's apartment. His Holiness thinks that escaping is not the way to go. Salomon must bear the consequences of enjoying his hobbies who let him design the artificial human body so sexually.

It was a man-made man, an alchemy assistant, and an eternal guardian. Salomon believed that the witch would not accept this explanation, and Bayonetta and Joan of Arc would only think that the mystic created a doll for himself to vent his desires, because he had gone too far. Not only the highly revealing costumes and overly perfect figure, but also because of Salomon's achievements in necromancy, some of his re-engraved organs are extremely realistic, and the participation of bionic flesh and blood enhances the authenticity. Salomon felt that if the Witch found out about this, he would not be able to clean it up no matter what—the man-made man must be kept secret!

The Supreme Master, who loves family comedy, enthusiastically offers a piece of advice to his disciples.

"My Lady!"

Salomon knelt down on one knee, holding up his beautiful feet wrapped in black stockings in front of him. Warm yellow sunlight streamed into the living room from the window, and the objects in the hands of the mystic reflected colorful light in the dim light—this was a high-heeled shoe, a crystal high-heeled shoe. The mystic gently put the crystal slipper on this foot, and then kissed the faintly flesh-colored surface of the foot.

"My Queen!"

Salomon also put a crystal high heel on the other foot, "I don't know how to describe your appearance, your brilliance is far better than this pair of dazzling crystal shoes, better than all carefully carved gems, better than The intoxicating wind blowing across the lake in summer and the warm fruity aroma of sunset in autumn..."

"Who taught you to say these nasty words, great poet." The witch covered her mouth with her fingertips, but the upturned corners of her mouth could not be covered. The Supreme Master is right, no woman is immune to words that praise her charm, even a goddess, and it will be even better if she adds a perfect gift. Salomon complied, but his behavior could not be understood by the android standing next to the sofa with the Cheshire cat in his arms. She tilted her head, as if thinking about her master's intentions in doing so.

The Cheshire Cat yawned big and stuck out its long cat tongue. Hmph, it's an old trick, it's not new, this family has troubles several times a day, and it's no longer a surprise. It sniffed the woman holding her. Nothing, no smell, the Cheshire cat can't hear the blood rushing under her skin, or feel the heat of her breath - a weirdo, but due to the same soul connection with the same owner Well, the Cheshire Cat didn't resent her holding her.

"That doesn't mean I forgive you, my dear." Bayonetta raised her leg, and the toe of her shoe slid across the mystic's chest to her throat. She licked her lips, "You actually created a female artificial human for yourself, isn't it enough for you to be with us?"

Come, come, send a proposition! The mystic took a deep breath and said in a cloyingly sweet tone, "Dinah is my assistant, her life comes from me, I need someone who can protect me when I cast spells, and who can control me to create All members of the Construct Army. You can regard her as my half body, Beunita." Salomon stood up slowly holding this foot. He approached the sofa, and Bayonetta also retracted her legs, half guiding and half pulling, allowing the mystic to approach her until Salomon held her thigh, until the mystic's nasal cavity was already filled with the smell of her perfume. Full. "She still needs to learn. She is my most perfect work so far. My dear, this is my step towards the great truth. When she was created by me, the world has engraved her name. She is my hero." Montculus, she will always be with my soul. Just like you, Bayonetta."

"Your mouth is so sweet." The witch giggled, and the small leather whip in her hand rested on Salomon's chin. She glanced at the artificial man standing aside, and then decided to continue to make things difficult for the mystic. "But that doesn't mean I can forgive you for stealing my lipstick for your cyborg."

"Uh...listen to my explanation, I just want to determine a perfect lip color..." Salomon's smooth answer suddenly froze, because this question has exceeded the 100 possible questions he had expected from "the witch." Problems" series, it was clear that he hadn't prepared enough, not enough by any means. Brain, brain, come on, you will be able to find a perfect answer!

Salomon figured out the answer, and he whispered it in the Witch's ear. Bayonetta is very satisfied with this answer, and the mystic successfully passed the level!

After the witch let go of the mystic, Salomon set out to teach the android how to make dinner. While chopping vegetables, the studious artificial man asked questions about what he had seen before. "Master," she asked, "why do you do those actions? Do those actions have special significance in human society? Do female primates like minerals that can refract light? Why is the Master interested in the witch's lower limbs?" ? The witch's weapon can't pose a threat to you, why do you feel nervous?"

"Why do you have these questions?" Salomon shifted his gaze from the chopping board, and the artificial man was still expressionless when receiving the gaze, so that Salomon wondered if he had made a mistake while making the face pulling system. wrong. Despite some doubts, Salomon explained the ignorant artificial human's problem-"It's a certain kind of taste, a certain way of staying romantic. You have feelings, I was sure when I made you This, because I gave my life force, it is because you have feelings that you cannot understand what just happened, because this is something that cannot be learned from any book. That is love, Dinah, all It’s all about love, and that’s something you need to learn slowly. One day, your emotions will also be enriched.”

"I can feel my connection with the Master." The artificial man lowered his eyes and covered his chest with his hands. "Before this, I always thought it was the vibration of the alchemy engine. Is this also love, Master?"

"This is loyalty." Salomon shook his head and denied, "This is because you are a part of my life, and our souls are connected. Even if you die unfortunately, the next artificial human I created will be you, so you have my The alchemical soul created."

"Just as humans love their Creator, I also love my Creator, Master. I think I am far more devout than humans, and I also know you because of my soul." The artificial man said, "If you desire love, I am willing to Write the scriptures for you, so that the world will love you as God. At that time, you will have the love of many people, and you will no longer have to perform those acts of begging for love."

Salomon rolled his eyes. This kind of problem occurs in the artificial man created by its own vitality. Although the artificial man is absolutely loyal, when the alchemist's soul is connected with the vitality of the alchemist, various problems will appear in the artificial man's thinking—it is completely different from the creator. Different values, full of jealousy for any creature close to the creator, and even build temples belonging to the creator to show glory. The mystic now wonders if the vitality he has output is a bit too much, and the fanaticism of the artificial man seems to be too much.

This is an irreparable error, Alchemy Soul cannot be changed or reset.

"No, Dinah, no." Salomon shook his head and continued to chop vegetables. He created the artificial man not only to protect his safety in battle, but also to solve trivial matters in life and research. The artificial man must learn to cook.

"I noticed that I wear the same high-heeled shoes as the witch, and I can tell that the high-heeled shoes are in line with the Master's aesthetics. If the Master likes that kind of behavior, I can't help. Is this what the Internet says about shaking M?"

"Where did you learn these things? I didn't let you learn these things. Your network interface has been dismantled!" Salomon's eyes widened in surprise. He kept asking the artificial man to learn, but forgot to tell the artificial man what he couldn't learn.

"I learned it from the network of Senior Jarvis, Master."

"F*uck! That machine is gay!"

Ask for a ticket! !

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